
Chapter 024:

Chapter 24: Inspection, Planning, Training

34 BBY (Before Battle of Yavin) - 2 Years before Canon

Sector/System: Bandomeer

Location: Bandomeer Space - Asteroid belt - onboard the 'Valitas''

Jack's POV:

"Sera, take care of Rin, I have five potential recruits to inspect." I called Sera after dressing again and leaving a comatose and twitching Rin in the 'Play Room'

I left my ship quickly and went to the area of the onboard medical bay on the 'Valitas'.

After a quick walk, of maybe ten minutes or so I arrived at the location and went straight in.

When I walked inside I could see five people laying on the tables with Butch and Korar or lazy bones there.

"Give me a sitrep on the new guys." I ordered my modulator adjusted to make my voice sound way older

I had adjusted it during my walk here to make sure the new guys wouldn't be too disrespectful and would listen at least enough for now.

"Sir!" I saw both and a few others saluting me

"All five are clean and can be tested to see how badly their skills have degraded." Butch told me looking non to happy

"Before that, what clans are they from, are they awake?" I asked when I saw Butch not willing to continue

"They are sir." Korar answered

"Good all five of you, rise and shine." I ordered the five I now knew were awake.

I saw them do just that and stand at attention, three men and two women

Looking at the three men I suspected they were around Butch's age but the women looked rather young.

" Name, Clan, and Status." I said, standing in front of the five of them who stood next to their beds

While I stood there I saw one of the men turn his head slightly to one of the women, making me smile.

I was not a good man, sure I was what some would say evil in the old world even getting a shoot-on-sight order, but I never went too far… well maybe, guess I did in other people's eyes.

I decided since they did not speak to make them speak by walking to the woman in question the man had been looking at.

"Name, Clan, and Status." I asked the young woman whose eyes wanted to turn me on fire

"Fuck You!" was all the answers I got, making me smile.

"Well, that can be arranged." I said, hitting her with a fist in the stomach

I watched her crumble holding the spot with both hands allowing me to grab her by the hair, pull her head backwards, and push her face forward across the bed, backside my way with legs spread.

I stood between her legs and kept her hands below her body.

"Get away from my daughter!" I heard the man growl at me, wishing to rush at me and likely kill me if not for everyone in the room pointing some sort of weapon his way.

"Oh! Daughter you say?" I spoke in a belittling tone, pulling the girl's head back with some strength and making her gasp.

"Answer the dam question, when you are asked! Name, Clan, and Status." I growled

"Still nothing? Fine, Your name is now, Pet, your Clan is none, and Status is taken." I said watching the men and singular remaining women widen their eyes and her supposed father stand there red-faced about to blow up.

"I'm not a toy! I am Atii! Of Clan Wren! And my fucking status is I will beat your ass up!" the girl I held in such a position growled at me when the other lady spoke up.

"Forgive my sister, I am Reda, that man is indeed our father the dirtbag that got us captured, and if not for the Warden and guards having been women, the two of us would have not even been here at all." I heard the woman named Reda say.

"So one is called Dance, and the other being Tenacious… Ha! Fitting." I said almost bursting out in laughter.

The calm sister is Dance and the one locked in place is Tenacious, can't say I'm too surprised.

"Are all five of you of Clan Wren?" I asked Reda since she seemed willing to speak and even stayed calm.

"Yes… and our father messed up big time when he choice for us to die in a hostage situation instead of our brothers… even though they were killed and they called him a sick pathetic fuck for letting children die… we were only twelve at that time." I heard her say.

I only looked, at lazy bones who quickly put a hand on Butch's shoulder, Butch or as I liked to call him in the past the Butcher… he has no patience with those who harm children in any shape or form.

And for how much of a hard ass he is, he is a good father even if his children don't show it. I mean the man got a fourth kid being born soon.

"Jango killed our brothers to teach him a lesson, and we were arrested soon after. Say what you will about the man but he made sure we got to a prison with a woman in command and female guards." she continued, and that got a reaction out of me.

"...Jango? as in Jango Fett? What the fuck did you do to get him on your ass." I growled at the man who was supposed to be their father.

I pulled the girl up and pushed her to her sister who in turn held her tightly while both watched me move to their father.

"What the Fuck did you do. WHAT DID YOU DO!" I asked him and repeated it by yelling

"JANGO FUCKING FETT! Won't do shit if you don't cross his red line! or do stupid shit against those he works for!" I stood in front of the man who had gone deathly pale, jabbing my finger into his chest

"I will ask one more time, if not I will make you talk." I growled at the pale-faced man.

"He tried to take Jango's ship." one of the others said.

"The what!" My surprised reaction was mirrored by the others even his supposed two daughters looked at their father as if he was an idiot.

"... Yea that would do it, well done getting his attention idiot, it cost you your sons… fucking hell dude, that ship is everything to Jango, you getting out alive at all with what you have here was already a miracle." I told them my anger dissipating as it turned into exasperation of disbelief

"Well it does not matter now, sent word to Clan Wren with the highest priority also make sure to inform the Chief, that we found some MIA clansman of Clan Wren, so the Chief can figure out what to do with these five." I said towards a trooper who rushed out to do so

"Technically my sister and I are not warriors… we were twelve and never did the…" I heard Reda say making me look up at her

"I don't care. You will join us in battle after a crash course. If you survive the fight against the Pirate Fortress, you and your sister will both be warriors… the rest will have redeemed themselves." I said, watching the sisters and the other two men look at me with sparkling eyes.

"I will comply, but not when this fool is around." I heard one of the other remaining men say when the last one nodded.

"I did what I had to! Traitors the both of you!" the father whose name I refuse to learn said

And that was where this little inspection would go wrong, when I turned around to walk away the man tried to grab my pistol only to grunt and clutch the hand with a knife stuck in it.

"I see… you likely attacked Jango or someone from behind, and then tried to get his ship." I said suddenly turning around finally using the padding on my gloves to sucker punch the man in the face.

When I finally turned around and let them have a good look, I saw the last two men pale, and both saluted me.

"Warriors of Clan Wren, greet you Heir Gryphen." I heard both men say in sync while watching the supposed father crumble to the ground holding his nose with a pale face.

"Butch, Korar, get this ass hat into the ship's brig, and right after start training the remaining four, I give you the next twenty-four hours of time. Test them and see where they stand, that way I can plan where to put them to best use." I told the two commanders who had commandeered the Pelta class ship

After that I walked away to continue planning in the command room, luckily I have Butch and Korar with me and they were not sitting on their laurels and had some great intel gathered.

When I reached the command room the trooper in charge of sensors sent everything possible to the table, I nodded his way as a confirmation that he had done well.

I quickly went over the new data and found that the data we had gotten was not fully accurate.

Those two small bases Alpha and Bravo were supposed to go after were not so small after all they were much bigger, basically twice their size, and no construction was happening.

"Send this data back home now! seems we got a leak, also inform the Deathwatch group." I growled and watched the troopers do just that.

'Good thing we find out now, and not when we started the assault.' I thought, watching how the two bases were now the same size as my own target. And even that was not the same.

'Base A, Command Center in the middle with a wall and turrets, two hangars stuck to either side, just outside with the large communication dish is the communications hub, also with a wall and turrets. Large Warehouses, a slave mining camp, and a spot to keep them at.' I thought not too happy about the situation

'And base B is the same and both also likely have some tunnels underneath, but my target is even worse now… besides the capital ship guns on the outer walls, much the same just twice the number, and not one but two slave camps. Pirate numbers will be close to the numbers we had to deal with on the shipyard, but then the same per base and maybe even more.' I thought tapping the side of the table with a finger

"Sir! Reporting! The Deathwatch group has accepted and is moving back to discuss attack factors, they noticed the data was inconsistent with what was there." the communication trooper stated.

"Thought as much, report to me when they arrive." I said looking at the new pictures and other data we got.

"Let's see, we have Alpha, Bravo, and my group, which is three full assault teams, alongside the six full groups of Deathwatch." I started to count the number of available troops

"We would need to keep a few squats on the captured ships to keep them running, meaning of the full teams each group would lose at least one full team, no two teams… shit that leaves hardly any troops left, and rather not have Deathwatch on the ships." I mumbled not too happy about the situation

"Even with the two Jedi… no it would not work." If I was not wearing my helmet and if I had any hair I might have pulled it out by now

Any plan I managed to think of needed way more manpower for my side in case Deathwatch turned on us.

While I did all that and tried to figure out the best ways to get things done and to minimize losses as best I could, elders in the ship a beat down happened.

— — — — — 

Lark's POV:

I was doing some light exercises after the beatdown commander 'lazy bones' had given me on the Kom'rk when I saw him and four people without armor and surrounded by guards walk towards the center of the room.

I could clearly see two men and two women, and oh boy, I liked the lady's looks.

While I saw that man explain things I had a great plan to get back at him.

'This will be good.' I felt a smile appear underneath my helmet.

I walked with a training staff a bit further behind him as if I was "Training the staff" and when he was fully engrossed in explaining things I made my move.

Just when I did I saw Commander Butch's facepalm, and soon heard a crack as I felt the hard floor.

"W-what?" was all I could say, looking at the broken staff, cleanly split in two.

"Dam kiddo, seems I have not trained your ass enough! Butch deal with them while I put this brat in place!" I heard the man growl and walk my way, cracking his knuckles.

"How? You did not even see me!" I yelled at him

"Fucking hell brat, I saw you grow up in the clan… you never trained with a staff before so I expected you to do something stupid when I saw you grab one, but this?" I heard from him when he was on me

All I could do was keep my arms in a guard up and my face behind it, knowing rather well he would not hold his punches and I rather liked my face it was my good point I needed to get Rin to open her eyes, or any other woman for that fact as a bonus.

I finally learned what the heir had to deal with when he trained with the Chief or with Commander butch for that matter.

I got no chance at all, again a one-sided beatdown.

'Fuck this old man, how is he still so strong, he's old enough to be my gramps.' I thought gnashing my teeth in frustration.

And the worst part was the peanut gallery with commentary of Commander Butch.

"As you can see, Lark, the one being shown the ground is wide open all the time, he has a rivalry going with the Heir you already met in the Med-bay."

"You girls had a bit of a hands-on introduction with him." I heard him say and I gnashed my teeth in frustration again

I could see his blasted smile from a side eye, and when I saw it I knew he baited me, when I felt a fist connect with my face making my head snap to the side and making me see stars.

Everything was turning wherever I looked as if I was drunk.

"Fucking bastard getting two more…" I said, making me pale when I saw Lazy Bones's face

"You darn brat! you have no right to critique the heir or how many women he gets!" I heard the man yell at me

"Even if he got all of them, he's good enough that others won't bat an eye. Hell I trained the boy in the basics of my art, sadly he never liked it and was more the shoot and knife kinda guy." I heard him say

"Fuck that! no way he knows how to perform Teräskäsi!" I snapped my mouth shut and turned pale when I saw the man's face turn murderous.

"The chief said she did not mind if you died… she did not specify how." I heard him say when I knelt on the ground grabbing between my legs.

My mouth was wide open in a silent scream and everything went black when a knife hand hit the side of my face.

"If I say he knows the basics then he knows." were the last words I heard before I lost consciousness.

— — — — — 

Lazy Bones Korar's POV:

Fuck, fuck, FUCK!, I kept screaming and cursing in my own head.

Oh how I wished to kill the brat, he never learns and badmouthing me in about my own words.

I kicked Lark in between his legs and did a knife hand against the ass wipes temple knocking him out when his hands were between his legs.

"Stupid brat! YOU TWO! Get his ass to the med bay, stat before I kill his sorry ass!" I yelled at two of my troopers from Bravo

"Hurry it up already!" I yelled at them, watching them slowly walk and grab Lark to carry him away.

"Sir, why should we rush? If his balls are crushed so what? The elders still got the Heir and he is rather active, we just need to wait for the news of the next heir." I heard one of them say

"Hahahaha! You're darn right on that. Now get his ass out of my sight." I said laughing at that point before telling them to move it.

I watched them leave the room when I turned around to Butch and the " Trainees".

"Back to business, we will forest find out how good you physically are." I told them pointing to many of the machines

"You will all be running in those training armor suits, on the treadmill, I will control their speed and slowly turn them higher and higher, if you can't continue you hit the red button on the device you are on." I told them.

It is a basic condition test, just that they have no control over things besides the red button.

Let's see how good their conditions are.

When I saw them move on the machine I grinned, after that annoyance of Lark's stupidity, time to enjoy myself.

"After this will be the pull-ups, push-ups, and everything else you had to do back in basic back at your clan." I told them showing my gleeful smile and watching them pale slightly

I might be old, but I'll be dammed if I won't push these fools into the ground.

'twenty-four hours… more than enough time to blow off some steam putting them into a crash course of Hell.' I thought pressing the button on the pad in my hands making the machines start at a jogging speed

The real fun stuff will soon begin after the stuff in the backgrounds are done and dusted.

So stay tuned for the Good Stuff ^_^

EnablingBarleycreators' thoughts