
Superbabes in SPAAAAACE!: Log 5

I don't own DC or other things



Let's review. Pirates, Superbabes, Shenanigans, a textbook cinematic escape, and finally a dramatic reveal. One that Lori had to share with the rest of the Superbabes once they were deep in warp and after they all washed up and changed clothes…


"Somebody burn this." Dee declared tossing aside the slave garb she had been forced to wear on the Octopoda. She had returned quickly to her 'normal' Gotham clothing. Not her usual breezy toga…


"I'll take that." Arwa replied surprisingly chipper and still wearing her slave clothes, "I find them quite comfortable actually. You'll never know when they'll come in handy."


"What could you possibly-" Demona began but sighed, raising her hands, "Never mind. I don't care. I'll let that harpy back home sort it out."


"You really shouldn't refer to her like that." Arwa noted, more as a casual handwave than having any emotional weight behind it. 'Don't poke the Lioness', like Space Pirate rules, is really more of a guideline for behavior than anything.


"You're not going to tell her are you?"


"Of course not." Arwa replied, "Though Darcy might be an issue… I think she's always doing that 'recording' thing." She then turned her attention to Darcy who was still cleaning herself, "Darcy are you recording everything negative Dee says?"


"Mother finds it 'creepy' when I record everything everyone says." Darcy replied, without actually answering yes or no and focusing solely on cleaning her chassis. Dee and Arwa both stared at her bathing in various states of undress before Dee notedly replied.


"…So you're recording everything we say?"


Darcy stared at them silently for a moment, they had witnessed such 'processing' before… usually it was met with a repetition of what she just said-


"Mother finds it 'creepy'-" Dee groaned waving her hand dismissively to adjourn to her bunk and to try and get a modicum of rest on the final jump to Sluutava.


"Yes, we heard you the first time you Acrid automata." Dee mumbled. "Are you recording us right now?" Darcy stared at her and didn't answer. "DARCY."


"…Not at this exact moment." Darcy replied as Dee scowled at her and rolled her eyes exasperatedly.


"You better not tell your mother about this!" Dee suddenly snapped.


"Mother does not listen to every recording I make." Darcy replied conversationally, "…She's usually very aware of what I've recorded regardless."


"Bloody clairvoyancy." Snapped Demona.


"It does feel rather overpowered, and that's coming from me." Arwa replied casually. "Speaking of overpowered, how did they manage to get little Herman away from the particularly sexy captain?"


"Herman overpowered Captain Gira." Darcy replied conversationally, the two magically inclined Superbabes stared at the sci-fi one as if she said something completely unintelligible.


"…How?" Demona asked, sounding legitimately surprised. "He's as thin as a twig and the captain lifted Lori and Ukyo like they were ragdolls."


"In the usual way, I imagine." Arwa replied with a chuckle, Darcy soon rising out of the bathwater and going to get dressed in her bunk.


"Would you also like my borrowed clothes Arwa?" she asked, changing the subject and holding up the mesh costume she had been given.


"No, I think these are fine. If I want to walk around in netting, I'd roll around in a fishing net." Arwa replied, watching Demona adjourning to her cot. "Well It's nice to know that Herman is getting out there and meeting new people."


"And fucking them." Demona grunted abruptly, "Which is why I imagine we have him strapped down in the medbay again."


"Since we are approximately hours away from Sluutava, I imagine Officer Ukyo would like to mitigate Herman's sexual activities as much as possible until he is able to receive treatment at an appropriate Sluutavan medical facility."


"As opposed to throwing our sexy bodies at him you mean?" Arwa chuckled, but finally stripped down and slid into the bath to soak in swamp waters. "Haah… I mean it's worked well before."


"Technically you've only managed to soothe his symptoms." Darcy replied logically, "Not remove them completely. We have been merely applying topical ointment to an abrasion."


"Yes but WHAT an ointment if I do say so myself." Arwa replied, lounging away. "Regardless Officer Ukyo seems stressed maybe she should take Herman for a ride?" It was then however that a slightly furious Lori returned, stripping down on her way to the bath and getting in. Snapping angrily.


"She can't for the same reason I can't. Hermano is our brother." Lori declared, Arwa blinked at her in moderate surprise.


"…I didn't expect that." She replied honestly only for Lori to snap.


"Really?! I think it should be expected that my father fucked his way across the galaxy! Padre idiota de mierda." Switching into rapid and irritated Spanish making Arwa sigh.


"Well… it's not like you had passionate sex with her." Arwa noted, which wasn't helping Lori's rapid Spanish mood.


"Debería habérmelo dicho! Dinos! En cambio, lo mantuvo deliberadamente oculto, ¡y no puedo evitar pensar que es por razones egoístas!" Lori rapidly complained, Arwa could only sigh, she COULD immediately learn Spanish if she wanted to… but she didn't.


Luckily there was Darcy, who came equipped with Goggle Translate, and somehow managed to get an internet connection in warp space.


"I don't believe it was relevant for you to know." Darcy noted as Lori's fiery gaze leveled on her, and luckily for Darcy she was a Gynoid and significantly physically stronger than Lori or she might be concerned about it.


"UUURGH!!" Lori, her anger and stress building rapidly, suddenly submerged herself into the swamp waters of an alien planet in an attempt to cool her rage. It wasn't working so she broached the surface and stood in the tub, her thick blue booty wobbling distractingly in front of Arwa's surprised face before turning on Darcy. "What do you MEAN it's not relevant!?"


"Considering your disdain for your parent-"


"Doner." Lori snapped angrily, feeling her stress build.


"Officer Ukyo concealing her own heritage from you was perhaps an attempt to respect your own opinions." Lori opened her mouth to berate Darcy but the gynoid continued. "Your apparent disdain for anything involving your father was long made known. Perhaps she wished to know you better without any animosity hanging overhead. Not to mention she came all the way to earth to bring you to Sluutava… and regardless of your earthborn heritage, this was probably a once in a lifetime opportunity. Why spoil it by revealing that you were in fact related? One of many relations you may never meet again."


Darcy hesitated, studying Lori's face before adding. "Or, perhaps she had every intention of telling you. There was a very high likelihood you would find out eventually, but once Herman had been revealed and his unique medical attention made apparent, she felt it was merely better to believe that you two would have each other in the end. And there was no need to inform you of your relation as it would have been eventually revealed regardless once you attended the trial… therefore: Not Relevant."


If she was holding a mic she would have dropped it. But Darcy was incapable of intentional verbal burns… maybe, it was hard to tell sometimes how human she wished to be at any given moment, but luckily there was Arwa.


"Oooooh. She got you." Arwa said sweetly and Lori turned her rage onto Arwa, but oddly looked to be repressing it greatly, dropping back into the swamp waters with a splash… the surface of the water rippling like her massive ass, saying nothing and inwardly fuming… it seems Herman wasn't the only Sluutavan on the ship that was rapidly needing some relief…


…Well he didn't need it now he was unconscious.


Herman had a decency towel draped across his crotch, strapped down to the medbay table once again but at least this time he got to lay on the inflatable cushions. He blissfully dozed; Ukyo had given him another blast of calming gas… a double dose. Theoretically, he should be out until the ship finally arrives at Sluutava.




Snargle Frag


His eyes flickered open and he mumbled out a sheepish, "Uh… hello?" bound to the table he wiggled nervously. "Anyone?"


"Oh! You're awake." Jane loomed over him, "How are you feeling?"


After a second, he replied, "…Strapped to a table." He said, a little sleepy as Jane sheepishly smiled. "Sleepy."


"Oh… yeah, uh… that might be the calming gas. I'll go get Ukyo." Jane said, gently patting his shoulder and rushing out. Herman sighed as he relaxed, his erection still twitching now that he was awake… evidently even a double dose of calming gas had no effect on human physiology.


…Or maybe the urge to fuck a beautiful woman was just too damn strong. Orders made a damn business around it.


Herman barely had to wait for Ukyo to enter the medbay. "Herman, you're already awake." She said, sounding tired… considering everything that's happened she probably needed sleep, and dealing with a teenaged Half-Sluutavan male probably wasn't helping her stress levels either.


"What did I miss?" he mumbled groggily as Ukyo flinched and smiled hesitantly.


"Well… we escaped thanks mostly to Jane." She said, "…And you distracted Captain Gira." Herman blinked at Ukyo, and it all sort of came flooding back… and affected his erection again upon remembering the voluptuous captain Gira… reacted. "Oh for Great Jizzo's SAKE." She spat, eyeing his erection. "How?! I gave you a double dose! Is it expired?!" his erection twitched again and he tried to distract himself by looking away from Ukyo's wobbling breasts. She wasn't in uniform anymore wearing a simple and loose undershirt, but that didn't matter because Ukyo's breasts were so big it was tight on her body and showed off plenty of cleavage.


And now Herman was getting a taste for exotic alien girls, luckily Lori was here to kill his boner… Well not yet. Give her a second…


Lori soon burst into the room, mercifully dressed… but in just as loose clothes that did nothing but compliment her blue body, her booty shorts hugging tightly to her thick blueberry booty. Not to mention it looked like she just came out of a bath. Only Herman constantly repeating to himself that she is his sister was the only thing keeping him from popping a raging hard on and throwing aside the modesty sheet draped across his lower body.


"Did you tell him yet?" she said surprisingly harshly as Ukyo sighed and rolled her emerald-colored alien eyes.


"He just woke up."


"Tell him now." Lori said, arms crossed and stern. "While I'm watching." Herman blinked between them, suddenly feeling hit with déjà vu, and not a particularly good one… he suddenly felt like he was back home…


"Herman." Ukyo began cautiously, "I am your sister." He blinked at her, "…Specifically I am your oldest sister. The first one." She stared at Herman's silently staring face before adding absently. "…Then again, 'that we know of' seems appropriate to add here." She mumbled sarcastically.


"You're my SISTER?" Herman asked, as his erection slowly diminished… good to know it helps to know that the hot alien female is actually related to him.


"You have quite a few to be fair." Ukyo noted but Lori pointed at her.


"But they didn't come all the way to Earth to get us." Lori noted, "Or HIDE it from us!"


"You would've found out anyway." Ukyo replied, sounding patient but looking HIGHLY irritated.


"Oh, yeah, eventually at the trial right? When we weren't your problem anymore?"


"Not my prob-" she began but then snapped angrily, "I came across the galaxy to give you the opportunity to watch our father receive justice!"


"Like that was your choice." Lori replied stubbornly but Ukyo sneered at her.


"Wasn't my- Don't just assume this wasn't my decision! I chose to come and get you!" Ukyo snapped, "I CHOSE you take you, just like I CHOSE to arrest him in the first place! It was the right thing to do!"


"Hang on, what?!" Lori snapped, "I know for a fact that the Lanterns came for him when I was a kid. I was there!"


"Who do you think found him?!" Ukyo snapped, "I tracked him down, but I had to ask the Lanterns to grab him." Ukyo noted, "Trust me it wasn't fun for anyone!"


"…Hang on how old are you?" Lori asked hesitantly as Ukyo scowled.


"69." Ukyo replied indignantly, and blushing a little. "I don't see how that's relevant…"


"Wait, how old?!" Lori snapped, looking amazed. "How old do Sluutavan's live for?!"


"On average? 550 years." Ukyo noted, "But there's been excellent advances in science recently. Some have managed to get over 690."


"That's-" Lori scowled, "Wait so… how long have you been a cop!?"


"…about 10 years."


"QUE?!" Lori snapped.


"I tracked down our father when I was still a rookie, but I didn't have clearance to retrieve him from Earth. So I had to ask the Lanterns." Ukyo replied with a scowl. "The red tape was a nightmare.


"…So… Hold on. You've only been a cop for 10 years?... You're 69 years old!?"


"I told you I was your oldest sister. Our father had been busy."


"Um, hey? Can we talk about this without me strapped to a table?" Herman interrupted nervously, he wasn't even trying to make a joke. He was just wondering if he could get off the med table.


"…Well you seem to have calmed down." Ukyo replied, "We're almost to Sluutava." She said, approaching the table and releasing Herman and his now soft erection. "We should have an entire day before the trial. That will give us plenty of time to get your hormones under control at a care facility."


"So… what's going to happen there?" Herman asked nervously, moving past the reveal that Ukyo was his sister quite quickly.


"They'll examine you, give you medications… or more than likely offer you an expedited treatment of a caregiver or two." She noted casually as Herman looked even more confused."


"Expedited treatment of a caregiver?"


"You're going to medically have sex." They turned to find Dee leaning on the doorframe, looking amused but a little cranky.


"…Wait, how is that much different from what I do now?" Herman asked concernedly as Lori and Dee turned to Ukyo who seemed taken aback.


"It… Well… It'll be different with a certified Sluutavan caregiver." She replied, collecting herself. "They'll be able to get you back under control-"


"Maybe Lori should participate then?" Dee added casually, "After all she also suffers such bouts of lust…" Lori glared at her, before snapping back to Ukyo.


"Can we get back to Ukyo not telling us she's our sister?!" she demanded as Herman hopped off the table. "Hermano, doesn't it bother you?"


"…I mean all it really means is I have one more sister." He said, nervously as Lori seemed to register his words. "…Up until last week, I only had one, now I have a lot."


"Lots and lots…" Arwa said, sticking her pretty head in the doorway and was only slightly disappointed that there wasn't an orgy happening, on the contrary Herman was surprisingly flaccid… oh well. "Honestly Lori, as I was saying before you so rudely ran off, what's one more?"


"…Fine. I guess I'm just loco for thinking Ukyo lied to me!" she snapped, elbowing the two magically beautiful babes aside and walking away, cursing under her breath in rapid Spanish.


"…Lori it seems needs to de-stress on Sluutava as much as Herman does." Dee noted casually as Arwa chuckled.


"Don't they all?" she teased before waving to Herman and walking back to their quarters, leaving Herman to put on a fresh change of clothes… his last suit was torn apart by Captain Gira the Bloody and they didn't exactly wait around to pack him any other clothes.


"Just… get some rest, we should be there in just a few hours." Ukyo noted as Herman was finally decent. Then without another word she brushed past Dee and Arwa and went back to her room, Lori stomping behind her also saying nothing. Probably saving all her stressed-out yelling energy for a more private conversation.


"Excuse me." Herman said politely, joining Jane in the hallway as they both went back to the starboard quarters leaving Arwa and Dee alone.


"Almost done." The tall exotic genie cooed as Dee rolled her eyes.


"Longest three days of our lives… and we're semi-immortal." She hissed irately as Arwa cooed back.


"Just keep telling yourself 'One Year'." She whispered as Dee sighed, looking somewhat relaxed. "I for one am looking forward to a nice relaxing vacation to a party planet."


"Well we won't be there for long." Dee noted, "We're attending that trial, fixing the blue boy, then it's right back on this ship and back to Earth." Arwa stared at Demona like she just slapped her in the face.




Lori had followed Ukyo into their quarters, and while she started to pick a fight again, she found she didn't have the stomach for it, both of them adjourned to their bunks and shut their bed doors like two arguing sibling stuck in the same house. She crossed her arms on her chest and stared at the top of her bunk, moderately frustrated, and unfortunately to some lesser extent, aroused…


She hadn't banged anyone in several days… normally that wouldn't bother her with a steady supply of horny Superbabes fans to satiate her body and fill her wallet… She tried to focus on not getting off, whatever they were going to do on Sluutava to fix Herman would also obviously fix her…


…It's probably going to involve sex.


A couple of Hours later.




"Lori. We have arrived." Declared Darcy, jarring Lori awake as she glanced at her bed shield, and opened it. "Would you like to see Sluutava from space?"


"…Fine." She said, Ukyo was already dressed in her uniform. And she said nothing as they left the portside cabins and joined the others, adjourning to the bridge. With the others.


"Wow." Herman breathed as they viewed the purple jewel before them. It had purple clouds, and dark purple oceans, and on this side of the planet there seemed to be 3 visible landmasses… but there was something MASSIVE that separated Earth from Sluutava and it appeared to be a massive orbital rings surrounding the planet, multiple ships docked to it. "Is that a space station!?" he said excitedly, looking at the massive orbital ring.


Ukyo smiled at the childlike wonder Herman displayed before pointing at the ring. "It is. It's a waystation, a tourist spot, shopping center, dockyard…" she began tapping on the console, "But we aren't stopping there."


"Why not?" Arwa cooed, pressing her face to the window. "It sounds like a good time!"


"WE aren't stopping there as we're in a hurry." Declared Ukyo, "We have to take Herman to the caregiver before the trial." She said sending messages for passage to the station… and its guns. Darcy had noticed them first but once they got closer the rest of the SUperbabes, and Herman, noticed the subtly placed guns set on the station. They sunk back into the station like they were never there, and the ship glided by, heading straight to Sluutava.


"But SHOPPING." Arwa moaned dejectedly as Ukyo sighed.


"The good shops are planetside." Noted Ukyo before tapping the console, then frowning, turning to look at her. "…You don't have any money regardless right?" Arwa stared blankly at her for a long silent moment.


"…Well there are WAYS I could get money-"


"Prostitution while Legal, is highly regulated and if you don't have a license you could be detained." Ukyo noted officially as Arwa frowned, She wasn't necessarily saying she WOULD, but she WAS going to blame her sudden influx of cash on it.


"…Orders would love this place." Declared Jane under her breath but Darcy actually scoffed, which got everyone's attention.


"Mother would not approve. She likes her monopoly."


"You see, that oddly makes sense." Dee replied exasperatedly before turning to Ukyo. "So then what's the plan for us?" Ukyo was quiet and Demona frowned. "…Ukyo?"


"Well… I'm making this up as I go along." She said, eyeing her and the other girls. "…I was only expecting Lori, I didn't expect a ship full of people and a nearly feral little brother!" she replied before looking at them all. "…Just, try to stay near the ship."


"We come all this way and we're not even going shopping?!" Arwa replied indignantly only for Demona to grab her by the arm and drag her away. "Why did we come at all?!"


"You know perfectly well WHY." Snapped Dee, leading Arwa off the bridge, her indignant whines echoing across the ship. "Come on, I'll treat you to some Sharbat." And she almost got away with doing something nice before adding harshly. "Suck it up."


Jane and Darcy seemed more accepting of this news, however Ukyo wasn't necessarily banning them from leaving the ship. Simply that they were 'mostly' uninvited for this trip and it was barely being funded as it was. "Alright, we're landing in just a few minutes near Gilded, our second biggest city." Ukyo noted stiffly, "We're cutting it close. The trial is a few hours away but Gilded has the most caregivers per resident than any other city."


"So?" Lori replied dismissively but Ukyo, without looking at her replied crisply.


"That means we're definitely going to be able to see someone in such short notice." She said, as the ship landed in dark purple water and like a seafaring ship it slid up to a long dock, parking neatly by a large city with towering spires, it looked like a futuristic version of Gotham, except with large domed tops on their skyscrapers like mushrooms… or more likely…


…Well you can't say the Sluutavans weren't playing to a theme.


The ship came to a stop, and Ukyo seemed to breathe a sigh of relief. After all it felt like she was finally coming home after months of effort. "Alright." She said, eyeing Ukyo and Herman, "Let's go." She said as Lori and Herman followed her off the bridge, however before she left she handed Jane a small piece of metal that looked like a credit card. "There's a small market not to far from here, as long as you keep it within reason you can have a look around Sluutava. Just make sure you're back by sundown."


"…Why? Is it dangerous at night?"


"No." Ukyo noted, "…Well I mean maybe in New Dolarfi, but nobody goes to New Dolarfi." She shook her head. "It's just, I want to get you all back to earth as soon as possible-" she said, heading to the airlock as Lori scoffed.


"I bet you are…" Lori scowled and Ukyo opened the airlock, shooting Lori a look. It was amazing that once Lori found out they were sisters… she immediately on instinct started acting like a petulant young sibling… why couldn't she be more like Herman? And Herman was a step away from Feral! Luckily they're going to fix that post haste…


"Well… see you later then," Jane said as a sheepish Herman waved at her, they stepped out of the ship and immediately they were hit with a blast of the Sluutavan atmosphere... it smelled fruity and sugary. But INSTANTLY a feeling of relief rushed through the trio of Sluutavan blooded people…


Lori and Herman had no explanation for it but Ukyo was used to the atmospheric air of Sluutava and it's nourishing and relieving effect it had on the Sluutavans. It was as if the air of Sluutava itself was euphoric and happily greeting them… "What is that smell?" Lori moaned before eying the attractive Sluutavan's passing by, blue and feline looking just like Ukyo only their hair color was all the colors of a bright rainbow, and a majority of them had varying shades of blue skin.


"THAT is Sluutavan air." Ukyo replied with a smile, "Isn't it something? It's just like-" However whatever she was about to say died in her throat, she looked up to the city skyline… something was coming right toward them…


It's a bird! It's a spaceship! No! It's Superman!


Oh… no wait. It was just a flying Sluutavan cop. "Hold up can we FLY?" Lori hissed only for the VERY manly Sluutavan officer, wearing a slightly more decorated version of Ukyo's Uniform, dove down towards them. A blast of air rushed past them as he came to a sudden stop, hovering an inch over the polished stone dock, before landing softly. He was tall and muscular, with broad shoulders and strapping muscles, he reached up and removed his helmet…


He was, amazingly, a bright orange color. His dark green hair was styled in a military crew cut, and he had a VERY impressive handlebar mustache… also green. His hair matched his eyes. Ukyo IMMEDIATELY shot to attention, pressing her hand over her heart in some sort of salute.


"Sir!" she said suddenly, staring at him in surprise as he looked over a concerned Lori and amazed Herman, before settling on Ukyo.


"Officer Carant." He spoke in a deep voice, his gaze soon turned to the airlock, as it was still open. Revealing Darcy and Jane… and soon Arwa and Demona. The former trying to make a break for it out of the ship only restrained by Dee.


"Stop trying to-Oh." She then stopped and Arwa, no longer being literally held back by Dee fell forward onto her glorious face, ass in the air. "…You're new." She noted, briefly awed at the hulkingly handsome and orange Sluutavan before her.


"…A thanagarian?" he said in his suave and deep voice."


"Why does everyone keep saying that?" Dee mumbled only for him to mostly ignore her and continued his train of thought. "


"Terrans?" he then turned his attention back to Ukyo, "You were only supposed to find the ONE." He said sternly.


"I am a Gynoid." Declared Darcy unhelpfully as he eyed her suspiciously before turning back to a chastened Ukyo, before looking at Lori and Herman and lifting his wrist device, tapping on it.


"…Lori'corada Carant?" he said after a moment as Lori frowned and replied.


"Lori Moreno." She said stiffly, "I don't use that name, I use my mothers." The Officer eyed her and then nodded.


"So you ARE Lori'corada. Who are you?" he asked, looking at Herman who gulped nervously… he was oddly no longer exceptionally horny, just regularly horny, the massive superman-sized officer who FLEW down from the sky was asking his name.


"Herman. Herman Schwartz." The officer turned to Ukyo.


"…He is an undocumented relation from the same planet." She replied sadly, and he rubbed his green eyes exasperatedly.


"Of course he is."


"Yes sir, and he is dangerously close to going feral." Added Ukyo, "Which is why I brought him, he needs a professional caregiver and Sluutavan air… sir." She added sheepishly as he groaned.


 "I'm glad the sentencing is soon, this has been a nightmare." He declared as Lori and Herman blinked,


"Wait we missed the trial?" Lori snapped surprised as he stared at them.


"…I don't think you understand the overwhelming evidence we have. Whatever defense for your father you intended to-" but a look of disgust crossed Lori's pretty face.


"Defense?! I wanted to see him squirm!" Lori snapped as he actually seemed taken aback, almost laughing at her response. "That guy's a cabrón! Herman's never even met him!" The officer seemed to be taken aback that he didn't understand the word.


"Well… yes, the trial is over but you can still watch the sentence. Pelt any amount of rotten fruit you want to at him."


"It's a Sluutavan thing." Ukyo replied quickly.


"I assure you it's not just a Sluutavan thing." Dee laughed with an eye roll.


"But Sir I need to take Herman to-" he held up a hand.


"Ukyo, that can wait. We need to talk." Ukyo seemed surprised and concerned.


"Do we? We're in a hurry apparently." Lori sarcastically snapped as Ukyo sneered at her.


"Lori! Not HIM!" she snapped, desperate to get Lori's rising temper under control. "This is Chief Officer Caleb'r Oran, he's my superior officer!"


"Also Orange. Why is he orange?" Arwa asked before eating the Orange Sluutavan eye candy. "Not that I mind Officer." She purred.


"Caleb'r doesn't sound like a Sluutavan name." Demona suddenly noted suspiciously as he eyed her with equal suspicion.


"My father is Sluutavan, but my mother is a Tamaranean." He replied with odd politeness, "She gave me a Tamaranean name."


"Ah. That explains the flying then." Demona noted. They knew who the real Starfire was, it made sense.


"It does?" asked Arwa, but Demona lightly slapped her backside. "Ah!"


"Anyway. Officer Carant this can't wait. I will be quick." He said, as he and Ukyo returned to the ship and locked themselves in the lounge leaving the others very confused.


After a moment of quiet staring someone spoke "…What do you think they're talking about?" Herman asked unsurely.


"Well the fact that she brought a collection of tourists back with her didn't seem to have anything to do with it." Demona replied dismissively. "Something must have happened on our way here." She yawned and stretched, her wings fluttering and accidentally hitting Herman in the face. It's a good thing she had soft feathers so it didn't hurt… but it had an effect.


"…Perhaps he's a scorned lover?" Arwa cooed playfully, shuffling to the open Airlock, hoping Demona wouldn't notice but the Demon was having none of it. She did her job and she wasn't going to let Arwa accidentally, or on purpose, spoil her potential reward.


"Darcy stop Arwa from leaving please." She declared as Arwa jumped, only to find the gorgeous Gynoid suddenly blocking her escape. Looking at her blankly yet somehow giving off an ominous warning that it would be harder to get by her than Demona. Not to mention Arwa couldn't engage Darcy in an open magical battle… that would be hard to explain.


"You are NO. FUN." Arwa grumbled at Dee who could only shrug, and wave a dismissive hand. But after a moment of sexy glaring, a look crossed her face. "…Though perhaps now that the handsome guardsman Oran is here…"


"After the time we've had, can't we just relax?" Demona groaned, "You know that harpy isn't going to let us rest when we get back."


"Mother usually gives a week break after an excursion such as this." Darcy added helpfully.


"Uh huh." Dee replied skeptically.


"She's not wrong, after she sent me across the country to pick up her houseboat I got a week off." She frowned then approached the lounge, "HEY!" she knocked, "Let's go already!" she scowled at the babes and her brother. "…Look if I can't watch that pendejo squirm the least we can do is get a week's vacation out of this!"


"I mean you got a brother out of this." Arwa replied resting a hand on Herman's head.


"An unexpected positive!" Lori snapped back only to bang on the door again. "Ukyo! Let's go!" Feeling like she needed a 'caregiver' more than Herman at this point and her Sluutavan stress levels were peaking.


The doors snapped open, startling Lori as Ukyo looking irate almost bowled her over. She inhaled deeply through her nose, nostrils flaring before glaring at Lori. "STOP!" Lori flinched, as Ukyo then grabbed her wrist and EASILY dragged her along, then snatched at Herman's wrist with the other hand and dragged them without another word off the ship, passing the rest of the Superbabes, curiously watching her.


A rather dejectedly looking Caleb'r Oran walked out of the lounge and eyed the four present. "Well… that went about as well as I expected it." he stared at the other babes and gave them a brief salute. "Well, it was nice meeting you-" he tried to dismiss himself politely but it was immediately halted by Arwa rushing towards him. Startling him.


"Officer Oran!" cooed Arwa, "While we have you, might we trouble you for a private escort?"


"What?" he replied, looking stern, "Madam I suggest you remain on the vessel until-"


"Well we COULD do that, but don't you think you should keep an eye on us?" Arwa purred.


"What the hell are you doing?" Demona snapped angrily as Arwa pouted at her.


"Well I COULD stay on the ship… or I could do something accidentally that causes some sort of malfunction that delays our departure."


"…You wouldn't." Demona scowled as Arwa smiled innocently, before finally rolling her eyes. "Bloody Daughter of a-UGH." She then turned her attention to Officer Oran. "Sir, it might be in everyone's best interest if you escort us while Arwa tours the area…" Oran cocked an orange eyebrow. "…The alternative is much worse for everyone." She grumbled, before perking up. "Thinking about it, this is your fault for showing up. Worst case scenario you help us drag her back to the ship."


Oran stared at her, then audibly sighed, "…I suppose I can spare a few hours. Just to make sure you don't do anything untoward…"


"SHOPPING!" Arwa cheered happily leaving Oran taken aback.




Ukyo wordlessly dragged Lori and Herman to the closest caregiver center to the ship… considering there was one on every block it wasn't hard. In Gilded on Sluutava Caregiver centers are pretty much coffee shops, one on every street corner… where you could also usual find more 'caregivers'. Ukyo led them up the steps to the front door of a facility that at first glance looked like a mix between a Strip club and a Free Clinic. In Amsterdam. An attractive holographic silhouette of a beautiful Sluutavan woman danced provocatively above a collection of alien letters.


"Alright. What's wrong?" Lori asked finally as Ukyo released their arms and went for the front door.


"I'll tell you when we're done." She said coolly, opening the doors and entering the clinic, Half-dragging Herman along with Lori irately following. But she was immediately soothed for some unknown reason, following after Ukyo into what was clearly a waiting room.


There was a Sluutavan woman behind the counter, dressed in a surprisingly elegant dress. Like she was about to go out to have a fancy dinner with a rich playboy. Her hair was a shocking pink, long, and wavy… she was undoubtedly very sexy, but whereas your standard gorgeous and beautiful Superbabe was elaborately sexy, she was more… glamorous.


"Hello!" she said cheerily upon seeing the three of them, her hot pink eyes flicked to each of them in turn. "…Is this a group session or…?"


"We're siblings." Ukyo said, that didn't seem to answer the woman's question. "…No. Separate sessions. But this one…" she pushed Herman forward, "Has a serious vitamin S-deficiency. He needs special attention." She said as the woman's smiling face fell with into one of intense concern.


"Great Jizzo!" she gasped, gazing at Herman, "Are you alright?!"


"I'm…" he blushed as she stood up, and quickly walked around the desk and began to check him over, running her hands over his face, looking into his eyes and, incredibly oddly SNIFFED him. "Fine?" he said unsurely.


"SNIFF!" she gasped again, "Oh my-Right We'll tend to him RIGHT away." She said, before walking back around the counter, a little more serious now. "Now then do you two have preferences?" she asked, "I am obligated to inform you that we may not have the appropriate staff on hand." She said professionally but Ukyo frowned.


"It's fine. Give us a scan."


"Wait. Scan? What are-" Lori asked, but then the woman held up an odd device, it looked like a remote control crossed with a meat thermometer… Lori was briefly concerned but she just flicked it at Ukyo… as if blessing her.


"…Room 201 Officer Ukyo." She said with a smile, sliding a blue keycard toward her. "To your right. Now then…" she turned to Lori. But Ukyo didn't move right away.


"It's her first time at a professional care facility."


"REALLY?" she replied before staring at Lori confused, "…I find that hard to believe." It felt like a compliment but sounded condescending... is if one couldn't look at Lori OR her ass an even imagine that she's never had sex before.


"Trust me Chica I'm a professional, just not from around here." Lori noted confidently but the woman just smiled. It was one that said 'Uh huh, sure you are.' Before then picking up another device that looked like a miniature reader.


"Hand here please." She said, plugging in the device as Lori pressed her hand on it. She then looked at the device and frowned. "That's… um… are you sure it's your first time?" she asked.


"I told you I'm a-Look whatever just give me a damn key." The woman checked the device again and hesitantly shrugged. Then put a red keycard on the counter.


"Room 101. Just slip the card in and wait for the door to open." She pointed down the hall to the left, Lori stomping away, her thick blue booty wobbling in her short-shorts. "…Well that was surprising."


"What about me?" Herman asked, the woman smiling him.


"You can follow me Sliggy." She cooed fondly as he looked to Ukyo in confusion but she nodded. "We have to take special care of you." She purred, taking him by the hand as she pressed a button by the counter. A sign appeared in front of the desk in Sluutavan letters, but for those who could actually read them, it said.


'In the Middle of Caring'


Herman was led into the back, the doors hissing shut as Ukyo groaned, feeling UTTERLY exhausted and turning right, heading towards her room. She passed by a collection of doors on the first floor. All of them were marked 'Out on Call In', she walked right past them and onto a flat surface, pressing a button to the second floor. The floor beneath her rose up, and she was directed toward another collection of doors…


Only one was marked 'Out on Call In', the rest were "Caregiver is In' or 'In service.' She went to one that said 'Caregiver is In'. Then slipped the keycard into the slot of the door… and waited. It had been a long, LONG journey, and she might have needed a visit earlier… but now she DEFINITELY needed one. Her stress was building, her emotions were in flux, and it was only going to get worse…


She needed a Caregiver as much as Herman did. Normally she had regular caregivers she would go to back in her home city, but this was an emergency and a Match Scan would just have to do: matched with what she needed to who was best available to serve her needs… It wasn't perfect, but it would still help.


The door finally opened, revealing a healthy young Caregiver… he couldn't have been older than Herman. His hair pink was neatly cut short, had sea… well 'earth sea' blue skin, and he was about her height and surprisingly fit like an athlete… he smelled like fresh flowers. He smiled at her, "Hello! I'm Giro'gant pleased to meet you officer." He said as she put her hands on his shoulders and pushed him inside. "WHOA!" he laughed as she shoved him back onto the provided bed. The room was much like a small apartment with a bath, kitchen, and even a living room. Caregivers spend a LOT of time in these facilities after all.


Giro'gant was wearing a velvet blue bathrobe… and suddenly he wasn't. Laughing cheerfully as his throbbing Sluutavan cock swung upright twitching excitedly as Ukyo grabbed it firmly in her grip and started sliding her fingers up and down. Giro'gant moaned happily as she made sure he was rigid and ready. "Haa.." Ukyo moaned softly and unleashed her inhibitions after over a week of doing so.


She unzipped and her big blue breasts practically exploded out of her uniform and into Giro'gant's face. "MMGh!" he moaned happily, squeezing at her bulging breasts as she fiddled with her pants and pushed them quickly to the floor. She pressed her hands on his shoulders and pushed him out of her cleavage, her big blue breasts wobbled as she tossed her pink hair and straddled him quickly. "Haah…" panting erotically as she grinded on top of him, pressing down on his chest as she fell forward, raising her hips up and sliding his twitching member into her folds before SLAMMING down onto him. "Haah…" she shuddered, pushing her big breasts out as he reached up and grabbed at her breasts. "Ah. Ha. Aah…" panting as her hips landed down onto his, before shuddering excitedly as his hips began to buck heavily into her body. "HA! Ah!"


Faster and faster, riding him hard as he supported her bulging breasts with his hands, and squeezed them appropriately as he enjoyed it as much as she did… "Ngh! Ngh! Aaah!" Ukyo pinned him down by the shoulders, furiously rolling her hips and feeling his bulging cock against her inner walls as she rapidly approached her own release. "Haah!! Uuugh!!" her entire body shuddered in the climax, her mouth opening in a silent gasp… her quivering insides squeezed his throbbing girth inside her. He grinned up at her, still playing with her big blue breasts.


"Nice! Mind if I lead now?"


"Haah!" Ukyo Gasped as his hands grabbed her waist and rolled her over onto her back. "Ha? AAAH!!" gasping as he drove HARD into her body, squeezing her big blue breasts together and letting his thumbs flick at her hardening nipples.


"Let me at these!" he gasped happily, before pressing his face into them. "Mmgh!" sucking loudly and happily on her sensitive nipples as he nailed into her body.


"Ugh! AH! Ah!" gasping for breath as she bucked her hips up to meet his thrusts but still being pinned to the as he drove on. "Haa! Aaah!" her arms reaching up to the sheets, gripping them tightly as her toes curled, clawing the floor. "Haah! Aaah!!" rapidly pumping into her body, driving her towards an orgasm with every stroke, her insides clung to his shaft as she took in a deep breath, and released an orgasmic scream.


He drove his cock into her, going still as she shivered in another climax under him, his hands still on her breasts, bouncing them together giddily as he played with her body. WHAP-WHAP. Clapping her breasts together as he slowly extracted out of her quivering folds. "Mmgh…" she shivered contentedly, feeling relieved as he slapped his moistened girth on her chest, glistening with SLuutavan juices and throbbing eagerly.


"You don't mind do you?" She didn't, it was common Sluutavan courtesy. If a caregiver helped you, it was only right for you to help them… and his slipper phallus slid between her big, soft, blue breasts… he sighed happily as her heavy bosoms squeezed and engulfed around him completely, his tip throbbing toward her face. He sighed happily, sliding back and forth as she pushed her full breasts together for him allowing him to focus solely on his tit-job. His hips slapped beneath her chest, the tip of his cock tapping against her chin as he rapidly sped up his thrust… until finally he moaned and pressed his hips to her chest.


"UGHH!" Thick heavy ropes of light purple semen exploded from his urethra to splatter onto her skin, she sighed contentedly at the stench and fruity smell of pure Sluutavan semen… letting it paint her skin as he toppled over off her body, splayed out and grinning proudly. "WOO! You really needed that." He declared as Ukyo sighed on the bed slowly sitting up. "So… want another round?" he asked eagerly as Ukyo, his cum still on her face, casually replied.


"No. I think I got it out of my system." She said, "…Might I use the washroom?"


"Please." He said, gesturing to it before finding his robe. "So… what's got you all stressed out?"


"Family matters." She mumbled, "My job." She added, before groaning. "My SISTER…"


"Woo boy… sounds like you need an ear." He said, pulling his robe on. "I can listen if you want." He waited patiently for her reply as she stared at him for a minute.


"…No, I don't want to burden you further, this was only a match scan." But he shrugged, chuckling good-naturedly.


"I'm a caregiver it's my job. And it can't be all bad. At least you didn't get a red keycard." He followed her and her jiggling breasts into the washroom, "I'll just sit here if you want to talk." He added as she slipped under the waters and let it soothe her…


…wait didn't Lori get a red keycard?


Earlier, on the left side of the facility


She glanced at the red keycard in her hand and found the door she had been directed to. It didn't have a doorknob, only a hand reader screen, and a slot above that to put the key into. So she did, sliding it in and waiting, unsure what she was supposed to do… before shrugging and knocking.



…Oh! Shit didn't see you there, been a while, uh… let's see. Okay

Time: 13:45. Place: Caregiver facility (Red Room 101)


"Hey uh-" Livewire turned to look up the hall back to where she came, unaware that the woman at the front desk was no longer there and with Herman. "What do I do?"


However, then the door hissed open. "Hey! Look at that we got one!" she turned back and gaped at the glistening dark blue-skinned adonis wearing only short shorts. His hair was shoulder-length and neon green with a matching goatee and soft red eyes. "Hey there Sliggy." He grinned at her with pearly white teeth. "I'm Taad'noir Come on in." he said, standing aside and letting her enter the room… "Oh damn-" he said looking at her from behind.


But she was distracted by ANOTHER handsome man who looked nearly identical to the first, only he didn't have a goatee and his green hair was tied back in a ponytail… he was sitting at a table with a collection of cards on it, clearly they had been playing. "Clurk me, look at the BOMBAX on this one!" Taad'noir, hereby referred to as "Taad"


Lori rolled her eyes and smirked, "Really? Never seen one as big as mine?"


"Not on one of us." Declared the other one, he had a slightly higher-pitched voice, giving him a more youthful air. "And not at the facility certainly." He then stood up and they surrounded her. "I'm Jak'nier." He said as she was overwhelmed with masculine Sluutavan male. Jak and Taad eagerly rested their hands on her left and right shoulders respectively.


"…You two related?" she asked hesitantly, biting her bottom lip as their hands began to instantly explore her body… focusing obviously on her THICK blue bombax barely restrained by her booty-shorts. They seemed confused by this question, looking at each other surprised before back at Livewire.


"No." they said confused, but then Taad grinned lecherously.


"Why? Got a thing for 'Family Fun'?" he said it in a way like it was some sort of secret fetish being shared at a convention. "So do you want me to be your daddy?"


"MIERDA no." she snapped angrily, "Fóllame fuerte ya!" and Jak confusedly blinked at Taad whose hands slid into the front of her shorts and let his strong finger spread her tight blue pussy and his other hand furiously squeeze her ass.


"…did that translate properly for you?" he asked but Taad just shrugged his broad shoulders.


"No. But I got the gist, watch and learn kid." He squeezed Livewire's thick blue ass through her shorts before he stretched them away and pulled them down, getting on his knees. Grinning smugly he then slipped in front of her, reaching around with both hands he started squeezing her thick bombax with both hands, pulling her forward and burying his surprisingly LONG tongue into her.


"AY! MIERDA!" the thing was like a snake and it squirmed into her pussy, "AHAAh! MIERDA!" she howled as he held her FIRMLY in place, continuing to let his lengthy organ thrash violently inside her, her hands clinging to his long hair, teeth clenching and ass flexing in his fingers as he squeezed her thick smackable blue bombax. Suddenly pulling his hands away and-




He brought them down HARD on her blue booty, squeezing again as he played with her booty and ate out her slippery pussy. Snarling like an animal as his tongue thrashed angrily inside her, driving her wild, rapidly and quickly sending shivers through her body. Sluutavan pros were no joke. Her glorious blue bombax wobbled and jiggled even if about 50% of it was currently being squeezed by huge manly SLuutavan male hands. Jak watched it wobbling as she trembled in pleasure on Taad's tongue.


"You should see that thing move, it's impressive." He said as Taad seemed to agree, pulling his hands away only to clap her ass HARD again.


"AAAH…!" Livewire gasped as Taad relentlessly rearranged her slippery pussy. "Haah! Ahh! Ah-NGNH!" clapping her ass again to make it wobble as he continued savoring her half-sluutavan pussy juice. Tossing her fauxhawk white-haired head back and grinding on his face… he stopped squeezing her ass cheeks, merely holding them up in his hands so that she had the freedom to shake her booty as much as she'd like to try and mitigate the tongue-fucking orgasm she was getting… until Jak decided he was done waiting.


"You're here to be freaky, let's get freaky." He said eagerly, kneeling behind her and resting his hands on her ass, pushing Taad's away and spreading her thick blue bombax before burying his face between her cheeks. Jak's tongue, not nearly as long as Taad's apparently, lunged up her ass like a spear.


"NNGH-Ah… MIERDA!!" she hissed shaking her ass like a horny bitch on Jak's smooth face as Taad's tongue felt like it was coiling up inside her before exploding straight inside her and repeating, "Ay! AH! AY-MIERDA!! Aah!!" she squealed in pleasure, bucking her sexy hips forward and back trying to shake them off but it was as if their lips were glued to her holes. Their tongues worked inside her like nothing she's ever had before…


But to be fair she's usually not being eaten out. She's being pinned down and FUCKED. "Sólo fóllame ya. Fóllame! Fóllame!"


Jak pulled his face out of her ass, a trail of his saliva oozing down between her cheeks as he mumbled confusedly. "What? Are the translators just straight up not working?"


"Aah-AY!!" she shivered as Taad pulled his face about 6 inches away from her pussy and his tongue finally slipped out of her. "PUTA!" she hissed, shivering in pleasure as he frowned.


"…No idea, we'll have maintenance check later-" she however grabbed his hair and forced him to look up at her.


"FUCK ME!" she screamed down at him as he and Jak laughed.


"Oh THAT I understood!" Jak declared standing up with Taad but he held a hand to him.


"Hold on now we got to ease her into it-"


"The fuck did I say pendejo, I said fuck me!" Livewire replied with a seductive and angry hiss, grabbing at his pants and his obvious erection.


"Now hand on no matter how Feral you are-" he began as she dropped to her knees, "I'm still the experienced professional here so I think-"


"Uh Taad'noir?"


"Mng? NGH!" Taad flinched as Livewire's mouth opened and she took 10-inchs of delicious blue cock into her throat. "Oh Great Jizzo…" he chuckled, resting a hand on her head as she loudly and hungrily started sucking. "It's worse than we thought." He was grinning broadly as Livewire demonstrated years of professional Terran cock sucking, but sounded like he was trying to tell her they just discovered operatable cancer.


"I don't know that looks pretty good to me. Hey." Jak slapped her face with his own 10-inch blue cock, yanking down his shorts quickly "How about I get some?-Oh…"


He didn't even have to ask, to be honest. Livewire slid her wonderous lips off of Taad, turned her head and began sucking on Jak's cock, moaning loudly as she bobbed her head up and down and stroked Taad's wet dick.


"Nngh…" Livewire's moans echoed as Taad collected himself. "Alright, let me be clear this is HIGHLY inappropriate. He said as Livewire switched back to his cock but he maintained his professional air. "It's our job to satisfy the sufferer, not the other way around." He was speaking to Jak, who wasn't really paying attention just watching Livewire's head bob faster and faster up and down his cock, before pulling her lips off with a wet slurp holding them inches from touching over her mouth before running her tongue all over their glans, articulating clearly and with a lustful, guttural moan.


"What if I like sucking cock?" sitting on her legs, her big blue bombax molding against her feet and twitching with subtle enticing attempts, her ass cheeks alternatingly rising up and down as her pussy drooled on the floor.


"Yeah Taad'noir what if she likes 'sucking cock'?" Taad smirked and rolled his eyes, clearly amused by this… but just as aroused as he replied.


"Then we clurk the sense back into her." He declared before pulling his big throbbing blue cock from Livewire's grip, grabbing her firmly by the neck and ass hauling her easily to her feet, but not choking her. "When they're feral like this you need to be firm." He said as her pussy drooled excitedly and she was bodily thrown onto the bed face down. He firmly grabbed her waist and yanked her back onto her knees, presenting her heavy blue bombax and slamming it against his muscular hips.


"Oh sí… jodeme estúpida!" she moaned, shaking her ass against him and feeling his throbbing wet cock beneath her between her thick legs and rubbing her pussy. "Méteme esa enorme y jodida polla." She then briefly felt the tip against her dripping folds and then squealed, "AY! SI!!" as he sheathed himself into her. "OH! MI!-ER!-DA!!" she howled as Taad immediately began thrusting into her quivering pussy. "MMghgh!" she bit down on the shits, grabbing tightly and shaking in pleasure as he positively devastated her snug little hole, her thick blue bombax rapidly clapping and bouncing against his powerful body and echoing loudly around the room. "MMGMH!!"


Alright… she had to admit… it felt different to be fucked by another Sluutavan. Livewire briefly wondered if this was what it was like to fuck her all the time. Taad was swinging his hips HARD against her body, fucking her like he hated her, yet he looked to be enjoying it as much as she clearly was. Jak stood beside him, watching studiously with his own raging hard on as Taad tried to force his cock through her body.


"The trick is don't give the sufferer a moment to breathe." He instructed Jak who nodded seriously. "Power through, be thorough." He said simply as he positively smashed Livewire's pussy and felt it tightening and quivering around his length. "There's a good chance they'll try to throw you off when reaching release…" he said as her body instinctively did just that, shrieking her orgasm into the mattress, throwing herself forward and lying prone, however- "But maintain your focus-" he threw himself forward and pinned her down, continuing his relentless assault on her. "And make! Sure! You! COMMIT!" he slammed into her, burying his cock balls deep into her body as she shrieked another climax.


Taad then abruptly ripped out of her shivering form, her ass wobbling and wiggling as she lay straight on the bed, her toes curling as Taad raised a hand and brought it down HARD on her right ass cheek, squeezing it firmly as she twitched and moaned. "Alright…" he pulled his hand away, "Any questions?"


"Can you do that again?" Livewire moaned whorishly, her hands reaching around and grabbing her thick ass cheeks, spreading herself open and raising her hips slowly, shaking it invitingly side to side as her asshole gasped eagerly for more attention. "Fuck my Culo… fucking my phat blue bombax!" she moaned pleadingly as Taad cocked a green eyebrow but then gestured to Jak to go ahead… even with his own raging hard on still apparent.


Jak didn't need to be told twice, he smacked Livewire's hands away before playfully clapping her ass cheeks with both hands, spreading her and crawling over her. He wrapped a powerful arm around her neck, lifting her up and having her look him in the eyes before he pierced into her ass. "Ayy!" she howled erotically, gazing into his smug grin as her tongue lolled from her mouth and he mercilessly fucked her ass into the bed. "Ay! Ay! AAAH! SI!!"


"Ah clurk!" hissed Jak slamming roughly and rapidly into her. "This is NOT the first time she's taken it up the bombax! She really likes it!" he declared, cramming her ass full of SLuutava dick. "You like it up the bombax, don't you? Don't you!"


"SI! SÍ! ¡FOLLA MI CULO-COÑO!" he buried his face into her neck, grunting and breathing heavily as he GRINDED on top of her, her ass cheeks rippling against his thrusts. "SI! SI! SI!!" she squealed delightedly as he pinned her down, growling.


"CLURK! CLURK!!" he groaned, his other hand sliding under her and rubbing furiously at her wet pussy, she shrieked delightedly. "Will you clurking climax already, you're bombax is too tight!" he laughed in her ear.


"HAAAAH!" her body reacted to his demands as he buried his cock abruptly into her.


"OH CLURK…" he snarled before abruptly ripping out of her ass, his cock twitching and light purple pre-cum oozing from his tip. "Hooo… got a lot to learn." He declared as Taad patted his shoulder.


"Well it's a learning experience."


"Haaah…" Livewire moaned before lifting her ass up, "Más. Más. Corre dentro de mí ya... hazme beber el jugo de tu polla..." Taad and Jak stared at Livewire shaking her hips as she spread her cheeks for them, exposing her hungry half-sluutavan holes.


"…I don't know what she's saying." Said Jak, sounding annoyed, "But it sounds clurking hot." His cock twitched as Livewire rested one hand on her ass and slid the other between her legs, sliding her fingers into both holes and invitingly fingerbanging herself and moaning. "…Now what?"


"Now?... Now we get serious…" Taad replied, sounding as serious as his words. "Follow my lead." He ordered before crawling up behind a tail wagging Livewire, hooking his powerful arms up between her legs and hooked them behind her head.


"Ay!" she was lifted off the bed, held easily in the air in a fully nelson, gazing down as his cock rigidly stood under her, as if holding her up, her ass cheeks wobbling as he lifted her up and down as if trying to guess how much she weighed.


"HUP!" he lifted her up high, allowing his rigid cock to stand up straight, and slid her slowly down onto it, piercing into her ass. Her legs wobbled wildly, her eyes rolling in their sockets as he buried his cock into her butt.


"Haa-! Ah! AAAAAH…" she squealed desperately as her ass spasmed around Taad's cock, her toes curling by her ears as she twitched in his powerful grip before he began pulling back and firmly slamming into her. "Ah! AH! SHIT!! AH! aH!!" gasping lustfully as he fucked her bombax hard, slamming up into her as she moaned helplessly in his arms.


"Jak! I said follow my lead!" Taad replied firmly as Jak's cock bobbed up and down at the sight of Livewire getting full anal nelson'd


"Right! Uh… eh?" he then approached, studying Livewire getting furiously anal fucked before finally guiding his shaft… towards her ass.


"Ah-AHG!!FUCK!!" Livewire howled as her ass was stuffed with two massive Sluutavan cocks, "AY!!! PUTA!!" she squealed as they continued to slide in and out of her ass, "AAAY!!"


"Jak. Not what I meant." Taad replied bluntly, less annoyed that he was currently sharing a hole with another man, and more than clearly Livewire wasn't asking for double anal penetration.


"You said follow your lead." He noted as Taad rolled his eyes.


"And you interpreted that as stuff your cock into her bombax as well?" their meaty blue sluutavan poles sliding roughly in and out of Livewire's rapidly stretching asshole




"GET OUT OF MY FUCKING ASS!!" Livewire shrieked furiously but still managed to shake in orgasm as Jak popped right out of her, startled, "Aaah!!" she howled as Taad fucked the pain away as Jak figured out what he was supposed to stuff his cock into in the first place. "Si. SI…" she hissed as Jak slid his length against her pussy lips. "Fuck me. FUCK ME!!" she hissed through clenched teeth as they SLAMMED into her body. "AHHH!! YES! YES! FILL! ME! UP!!" two massive, throbbing Sluutavan cocks rammed rapidly and fiercely into her body. "AH! AH! AH!!" She was weightless between them, her body tensing and spasming furiously as they pounded her together, harder, bumping and grinding against her. "FUCK ME!" Hissing through clenched teeth, shaking and shivering in pleasure as they drove harder into her body. "Don't stop until you fucking cum in me!! NGH! NGHGH!!" Taad fell backward onto the bed, still thrusting up into her body as Jak climbed up over her, pounding down into her.


Their blue bodies meshed together like a depraved piece of fleshy clockwork. Her holes stretched and quivered around their glorious blue cocks, ravaging and thrusting into her body as she howled again in orgasm.


"CL-UUURK!!" Jak rapidly pounded away, gripping her thick blue bombax, "AH! CLURK!!!!" he slammed down into her, his cock bulging then exploding inside her, thick purple jizz spraying out of her as she squealed in heavenly bliss.


"CLURK!" snarled Taad and his cock abruptly started spasming. "CURSED! GREAT! JIZZO!!" A rope of hot purple dick juice sprayed into Livewire's thick blue ass and like a damn bursting Taad gave up. "CLURK!!" he pulled out and buried his cock into her again and again as Jak buried his into her body and went still… both Sluutavan men emptying their heavy purple loads into Livewire who twitched, her eyes rolled up into her head as they continued filling her insides with hot warm cream… her eyelids slowly closing as she moaned… her brain had shut down.


…Livewire wasn't aware of it but that might have been the first time she had been fucked to exhaustion.


"CLURK." Snapped Taad unsurely, and sounding utterly exhausted as Jak pulled reluctantly out of Livewire's quivering folds, purple jizz oozing out of her well fucked hybrid cunt as Jak flopped onto the floor, his legs no longer had strength. "That was unprofessional…" he replied, lifting Livewire up and popping wetly out of her beautiful blue bombax… her blue ass wiggled as purple semen dribbled out of her quivering body.


"I haven't blasted my load like that in cycles!" Jak laughed breathlessly, "I love being a feral tamer."


"We're not allowed release until the sufferer is satisfied." Taad replied professionally, slowly sitting up and groaning… his flaccid cock twitching and drooling the last of his cum onto the floor. He rested his right hand on his left shoulder and shrugged slowly, moving his stiff muscles.


"…She looks pretty satisfied to me." Declared Jak, sounding just as satisfied as Taad turned his attention to a shivering and cooing Livewire, her lower body 'dancing' in the throughs of pleasure.


"Still our jobs as Caregivers is to satiate the sufferer first before we can finish." Taad replied, casually rubbing his hand down Livewire's stomach and rubbing her clitoris absently, eliciting a moan from her before quickly pulling his hand away. "Phew…" he breathed. "Well let that be a lesson. We need to perform our duties admirably… luckily this time it seems we achieved our role and satiated this lovely near feral-"


"Uh… Taad?" Jak noted concerned, interrupting his lesson and pointing at Taad's crotch, Livewire draped over his thigh and gently grabbing his flaccid cock, pulling it up to her lips as she sensually looked up at him, her mouth opening and drooling liberally.


"Me encanta chupar verga." She purred, before wrapping her lips around his tip and sliding her face to the base of his cock, slurping loudly as Taad hissed out a nervous-


"Oh Great Jizzo help us…" then clenching his teeth he rested the back of his hand on her bobbing head, her thick blue bombax wobbling side to side like a horny bitch. "Oh. CLURK Sliggy you're going to suck me into retirement!" before grabbing her head with both hands and proceeding to administer an emergency face fuck. Jak trying to restrain her by pinning down her hips and ass fucking her again. Making her big blueberry bombax wobble and clap she hungrily slurped down Taad's cock… and her stress just melted away…


Time: 15:01. Place: Caregiver facility (Blue room 201)


"So now she's mad at me for some reason…" Ukyo sighed to Giro'gant who patiently listened to her story. "It's not like she showed any love for family to begin with."


"Well at the risk of sounding judgmental." He said, watching her dress. "From what I've heard of your sister, it seems to me that she actually loves her family. She just hates her father… and to be fair, everyone does right now. I mean… you've both just heard about your little brother Herman." He added, finishing brewing his tea. "And she seems VERY protective." He added some slig to the tea before casually spinning a teaspoon in it. "I think she's just disappointed that her sister, her oldest sister, chose not to tell her of her relationship." He sipped his tea delicately. "…She might have interpreted that as you not wanting to have anything to do with her."


Ukyo silently stared at him, and sighed. "…That might have been true." She admitted, "…At the time I thought we'd never see each other again." She combed her pink hair with her fingers in the mirror. "…I didn't think she'd want to know."


"Well as long as you see the concept from her standpoint as much as your own. Now you can meet in the middle." He said sagely as Ukyo eyed him, and nodded with another sigh.


"Thank you for your time." She said professionally.


"Come again!" he said cheerfully, staring at her big breasts, regardless of the fact that they were contained by her uniform. She politely saluted and stepped out, running her hands on her uniform and feeling remarkably better as she returned to the first floor, checking the time on her wrist.


"BOMBAX." She cursed then quickly rushed down the hallway to Red Room 101 "Lori!" she knocked loudly on the door, "We need to go!" she used her Officer rights and accessed the door, opening it up-


"Ah! Ah! NNgh!" Lori straddled Taad, laying on the bed and thrusting up into her as her big blue bombax wobbled majestically. "HAah! FUCK!!" Lori squealed, her hands on the back of her head and tightly holding onto her fauxhawk hair, "AH! AH! AH!!" Jak stood behind her grabbing hard to her arms like handlebars, yanking back hard on them and SWINGING his hips against her thick blue bombax. "Ugh! SHIT!!" shrieking in orgasm as Jak and Taad slammed into her. "Uuggh!" her tongue lolling and eyes rolling as the Sluutavan men furiously finished fucking her holes… her body exploding in thick purple dick goo.


Jak yanked out of her ass abruptly and slammed his hand hard on her sticky blue ass cheeks. "NNgh Aah!" Lori gasped as he grabbed her hair, turned her head, and forcefully kissed her, shoving his tongue into her mouth as she gyrated on Taad. The powerful Sluutavan roaring as he pumped up into her just a few more times, sliding his hands from her waist to her ass and slamming up into her, roaring defiantly.


"CLURKING Troqslag!" he snarled, bucking and pumping her pussy full of his baby batter before sitting up. "Come here." He growled, grabbing her and dragging her face from Jak's tongue kissing, holding her white hair in his hand. "Did you like that!?" he growled like a lustful animal.


"Sí! tu polla se siente tan bien. Me encanta que me llenen de semen..."


"Shut up you troqslag!" he snarled, licking her collarbone, up her neck, then her chin, "Show me some appreciation!" before forcefully kissing her himself, Jak clapping her blue ass as her throat visually bulged, Taad's absurdly long tongue filling her throat as she squirmed helplessly on his lap.


"Great Jizzo! She's insatiable!" Jak smacked her ass again and again, before resting his hand between her cheeks and stuffing her ass with four of his fingers. "I think we need backup."


Taad yanked his face and tongue away from Lori's lips, leaving her shuddering. "Clurk that I'm not sharing. Clurk her harder." Sneered Taad possessively, smacking Lori's blue bombax. "She was born for this, she'd pass the qualification exam with flying colors!" The qualification exam to be a caregiver, as previously mentioned, is notoriously hard to pass. "I hope you're ready troqslag I'm giving you my full attention!"


"Oh Bombax." Groaned Ukyo, before abruptly pulling out her stun device, just as Jak noted.


"Uh, Taad'noir I don't think you're in the right state of mind…" because it was apparent to everyone but Lori that he was notoriously close to becoming feral.




"GUUURK!" Taad'noir shuddered and went limp as Ukyo zapped him, making Jak jump… then once he noticed Ukyo his cock jumped as well.


"Well hello-" she then brought the Zapper on him as Lori fell forward onto Taad'noir and hungrily licked his neck, eager for more dicking regardless.


"Throw her in the shower." She ordered, "Cold water." She demanded.


"But she's not finished." Jak said, his erection slowly returning but Ukyo wasn't having it.


"We need to go now, we have a trial to attend." She said as Jak raised an eyebrow and nodded. She was an officer after all, so grabbing Lori around the waist he yanked her off with a wet pop, before half-carry, half-dragging her to the bathroom and putting in the shower before dousing her with cold water.


"AY! Hijo de puta!" Lori snapped, groaning tiredly as Jak stood uncertainly next to Ukyo, checking her wrist again.


"…So." He began but Ukyo cut him off politely while not looking at his naked erection dripping with Lori fluids.


"Sorry we need to leave or we'll miss everything." She said, "Lori! I'll meet you at the front desk."


"Fine." Lori replied, continuing her cold shower and doing a Superbabe shower thing, distracting Jak who mumbled quietly under his breath.


"…I wonder if Kell'eeta can squeeze me in…" he mumbled, his erection still twitching as Ukyo walked out and back down the hall. She stood in front of the desk, frowning at the sign before ringing the front bell, she waited, but then when Lori wobbled on jelly legs beside her.


"Where's Hermano?" she asked casually, without a trace of her usually snarky manner, apparently fucking two Red Room Caregivers into ferality was enough of a stress relief for her.


"I don't know." Ukyo replied, checking her watch again. "…If he takes to long we won't make the sentencing." She said as Lori frowned.


"…Hey Ukyo." Lori said slowly, "I'm sorry I've been a little bitchy." She said seriously as Ukyo, accepting Lori's post-space-nut clarity, nodded quietly.


"…I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I just felt it wouldn't help the situation…" she said quietly, "But that doesn't mean you didn't have a right to know." Lori didn't have a snappy comeback, but then hesitantly asked.


"…So… are you going to tell me what that orange guy had to talk to you about?" Ukyo froze, then seemed to shiver, restraining clear frustration.


"…I'll tell you after the sentencing," Ukyo noted as Lori glowered at her. "I promise." She added before directing her OWN glower at the front desk. "…BOMBAX." She mumbled, then leaped over the counter and marched into the back. Lori just walked around following after her.


"So… can you do that?"


"In the event of an emergency, an officer can interrupt a caregiving session and this is one. Herman!" she accessed and then opened the door, and judging from Lori she expected to be blasted with horny Sluutavan Hybrid pheromones… only she wasn't in fact she wasn't smelling any pheromones. For the first time in days.


"Oh hey!" Herman smiled at his sisters as they rushed into the room like the leads in a buddy cop movie. "Are you guys done already?"


"…Hermano are you having a tea party?" Lori chuckled. Herman and the glamorous woman were sitting at a small table with what looked like tea and cakes. The woman however frowned at them both.


"Excuse me, we are still in the middle of a session." The glamorous front desk lady said but Ukyo, utterly amazed at Herman's progress snapped out of it and pointed to her watch.


"We have to go, now, or we are going to be late for the sentencing." Ukyo declared pointing to her wrist clock and Herman jumped.


"Oh right, I need to um… sorry Mata'hari…"


"No. Herman, it's quite alright. You've made excellent progress." She said patiently before sipping her tea. "But I insist you come back next week. Or at the very least acquire the services of a personal caregiver."


…Which is basically just saying either 'get a girlfriend' or 'get laid regularly' which for Herman is probably a lot easier than it sounds.


"Well… one of those might be more difficult to do." He mumbled as Ukyo sighed loudly.


 "No kidding. Herman, we got to go." She said as Herman got up, Mata'hari smiled at him and waved.


"We'll send the bill to the Department." She added as Ukyo led Herman and Lori away.


"…Is that all you did? Have tea?" Lori replied skeptically as they followed Ukyo into what they assumed was a taxi.


"Oh. Yeah." Herman replied hesitantly. "I mean… I expected-You know the usual, but she just sat me down, poured me tea and then we just… talked." He paused, "I never really just talked to anyone before, especially a classy lady like her."


"Hey I'm classy!" Lori replied as Herman laughed Lori grinned and put him in a headlock as Ukyo watched them. "You're just to busy sticking your polla into all my friends… and Demona. Maybe instead of banging the hell out of them you should try talking to them. Like Jane… that chica could use a conversation or two."


Ukyo sighed, watching the city literally fly by, studying the skyline and the structures as Lori and Herman continued his 'session' by talking to each other until they arrived in the central area of the city with a large, polished pink marble building… "Thank you." She said absently to the driver, "Follow me." She said to Lori and Herman who followed quickly after her as she led them into the building, some sort of tribunal hall.


"Name." the guard, a BBW Sluutavan with long glittering gold hair at the front said absently, holding a virtual clipboard.


"Officer Ukyo'dorai Carant." Ukyo declared making the guard look up. "Along with my siblings Lori Moreno, and Herman Schwartz."


"Frag you're cutting it close." she said, waving them through. "You know the way." she said, before pausing. "Oh and uh… the stands are filled with… your siblings." She finished lamely, "So just take them with you for the sentencing… they should be ready to announce it soon." She added as Ukyo frowned, then turned to Herman and Lori waving them along.


"Follow me. Quickly." She said, jogging along with Herman and Lori following behind her, Lori drawing a few gazes to her glorious blue bombax as they reached a set of huge double doors between spiral staircases. Ukyo then accessed the door and it creaked open… revealing a circular room, surrounded by high wall that made it seem like an operating theater… In the center of it was a man, hands behind his back and with neatly cut white hair and wearing a flatter yellow prison uniform, she was tall and lean but he had a proud air about him…


Despite the fact that the crowd of people of all sorts of alien species filled the room and mumbled angrily to each other… Lori, Herman, and Ukyo's brothers, sisters, and non-gendered relations.


"Where's the judge?" Lori said, staring at the man she hadn't seen in years. Herman was awed into silence… he never met the man in the first place.


"Judges." Ukyo noted with a frown, "They're delegating obviously… we made it just in time." Lori frowned quietly as Herman fidgeted beside her.


"…So now we get to watch him get sentenced?" Lori asked as Ukyo nodded. "…What's the punishment?"


"For this sort of thing?..." Ukyo said but then with a boom, a light flooded the room and a trio of Sluutavan's floated down from the ceiling on circular discs, a bearded man, and two attractive women… though one had serious MILF energy about her.


"Kenie'dorino Carant." The male announced and the room went silent. Ukyo, Herman and Lori were mostly ignored as his voice echoed around the room. "After not much deliberation we have come to a decision. Taking into account your glorious lack of parental care. Your inability to answer for you neglect, and an overall dismissive attitude towards your spawn… do you have ANYTHING to say for yourself?"


"Yeah, you're not my dad." He laughed as the judge's eyes narrowed. "Joking aside. It's not a crime to have unprotected sex." He noted, "as is noted in Sluutavan laws." Lori and Herman stared at Ukyo who could only nod, the crowd erupting in indignation as Kenie'dorino continued. "And the only reason why I'm here, to begin with, is Testiro actually has such laws… but the statute of limitations expired when Lobo blew the planet up." The crowd hissed and mumbled as if he just uttered a VERY taboo swear word. "So… while you can probably punish me for child negligence. At most, you can only imprison me for a few years. You COULD of course send me off to another planet to have someone else deal with me but then it becomes a matter of 'who gets me' and the diplomatic headache that would involve… so. I'm thinking… exile?"


There was an audible SILENCE from the judges, and even Ukyo was suddenly looking concerned. A fact that Lori noticed, Herman however seemed entranced by the smug words of his biological father, Herman was a smart boy but his father sounded positively intellectual… in fact, he sounded HIGHLY intellectual.


"…Hold up." Lori hissed to Ukyo, "What's going on?" she snapped to Ukyo who remained silent.


"…It seems our father decided to study up on his laws." Ukyo said angrily as the judges seemed to be taken aback, unsure how to answer.


"Was he always that smart?" Herman asked concernedly but Lori hissed at her brother.


"Smart or not he's still a pendejo!"


"Kenie'dorino." The MILF woman spoke, "…You have been sentenced to Exile-" the crowd erupted in rage as Ukyo hissed under her breath, looking absolutely dismayed. "And are to never set foot upon Sluutava again, or be subject to its protections." The crowd continued roaring, "You cannot invoke diplomatic rights, or be obligated defense. And will be detained until your exile ship can be prepared."


"Uh huh."


"Hold up… Exile? That's it?" Ukyo said nothing, as Lori blinked then suddenly. "HEY! PENDEJO!"


Kenie'dorino suddenly jumped and for the first time looked legitimately concerned, and Lori's words echoed throughout the chamber as she suddenly marched towards him.


"Lori!" hissed Ukyo. Trying to catch her but missing.


"Lori?" Herman blinked after his sister as she marched up to her father.


"…Lori?!" Kenie'dorino to his credit took a second to recognize his youngest (known) daughter after not seeing her OR her majestic Colombian booty for literal years.


"Esto es para mamá, bastardo infiel!" she snapped angrily at him. And while the question everyone else was asking 'Where did she come from?' was said in multiple languages it was the bearded Male judge whose voice was heard.


"…What did she say?" Seconds before Lori's foot swung up and into Kenie'dorino's balls.


"HAAAAH!!" the crowd went silent as his eyes bulged, Ukyo and Herman stared in awe as Kenie whimpered, unable to move as Lori brought her foot back and did it AGAIN, "AHA?!"


"Don't! You! Ever! Let! Me! Catch! You! On!! Earth-PENDEJO!"


And yes, each word was emphasized with a solid and relentless combo kick attack to the balls. Swinging back and forth like a rapid metronome. It shouldn't be surprising that she could do that, she's half-Colombian, she's played soccer… specifically FOOTBALL. And Colombians take their football very seriously… as seriously as a kick in the nuts.


Lori's 'doner' Kenie'dorino could not move, could not resist, only his head and his mouth could respond and his screams of pain soon became squeaks of pitiful whimpers as Lori proceeded to try and destroy any chance of future siblings… "HAAAH…" The crowd went silent as Kenie'dorino went limp, whimpering and crying as he tried to speak but he couldn't…


Then the crowd erupted in cheers, and whistles, the judges didn't do or say anything. Just watching Lori seriously as she seemed satisfied with her relentless BALL bashing. Ukyo snatched her by the arm and dragged her away. "PENDEJO!" she shouted at him, but the crowd seemed to interpret that as a battle cry. Her half-siblings roared and cheered in support.




"What does it mean?! PENDEJO!!" said a voice, not caring what it meant and continuing to chant.


"And now we need to leave." Ukyo snapped as Lori, with Herman following them, stumbled behind her.


"Good! I did what I came to do." Lori snapped, "Not like-" she yanked her arm out of Ukyo's grip. "Your justice system was going to do shit! Send that pendejo to Gotham! I delivered Batman justice!" Herman laughed as she smiled and ruffled his head.


They stood curbside and after a moment of palpable silence. Lori spoke again. "…You know what? Fucking WORTH IT." She said sighing happily, "…So now what?"


"Now? Now I get you off Sluutava and back to earth before you get charged with assault." She checked her wrist, "I imagine they'll give me at least a day to get you out of our jurisdiction." She noted before a small smile stretched on her lips and she laughed under her breath. "…Did you see the look on his face?" she whispered as Lori and Herman both snickered. Once they stopped, however, Lori spoke.


"…So…" she began hesitantly, "The sentence is over…" When Ukyo looked at her curiously she added. "So… what did you talk about with-"


"Oh… Officer Oran." Ukyo sighed audibly, "…He came to inform me that there is now a bounty on my head. Mine and Hermans…" she added as Lori blinked at her.


"What?!" she snapped with Herman joining in as Ukyo sighed.


"…Captain Gira the Bloody." She said simply as another cab pulled up and they slipped in.


"A BOUNTY?" Lori snapped as she and Herman sat across from her and stared at her, "on you and Herman? Why not me?"


"Because I was stupid enough to tell her my name. So she could put one on me… I'm just lucky it's not a big one." She shivered, "Lobo doesn't hit anything under 1000 credits."


"But why HERMAN?" Lori asked.


"…Because somebody made an impression." Ukyo noted, staring at her brother who could only flinch and blush.




"Don't be sorry Herman." Lori grumbled but Ukyo could only shake her head.


"He should be fine once he gets back on Earth. Nobody sane would try and claim him on earth, and the price isn't enough for Lobo."


"Who is Lobo?" Lori snapped but Ukyo ignored her.


"Don't worry about him." Ukyo replied, tapping her wrist. "…But Officer Oran told me that I need to lay low for a while, so I'm relieved of duty for the foreseeable future." She slammed her wrist on the seat. The equivalent of throwing her phone away. "So… BASICALLY. I've been let go." She noted, "So that's another thing I can blame our ASSHOLE father for…" she paused, "…Pendejo!" she shouted suddenly then relaxed, "…I feel a lot better." She added after a moment.


"What about your mother?" Lori asked as Ukyo blinked and shook her head.


"Oh, she never forgave me for arresting him." Lori and Herman blinked as she shook her head. "…She was raised differently." She said, "…It's just me now, I guess it makes it easy for me to pack up and go somewhere new."


"At least you get too." Herman said, "…I'm just going to end up going back to my house." He mumbled dejectedly before looking at Lori. "…I don't suppose."


"Hermano, I like you, but I can't take care of you." Lori replied bluntly.


"She's right. It'll be very problematic."


"Especially in my tiny ass apartment." Lori replied, she stared out the window, the jubilant feeling of rapidly kicking her asshole father in the balls slowly diminished as the trio realized that in just a few days everything was going to go basically back to normal… only now they were aware of each other, and Ukyo was basically fired.


They returned to the ship, they hadn't said anything and returned onto the vessel. "Let me get some things from my home." Ukyo said, "I should be back in an hour. Tell everyone to get ready to leave." But she luckily didn't have to as the rest of the babes came up behind her… along with an exhausted-looking Officer Oran carrying bags of what could only be souvenirs. How they were paid for will remain a mystery to the trio of siblings, but it must not have been anything particularly illegal.


"Sir?" Ukyo blinked at him as he carried the bags into the ship, before floating back out.


"Carant." He said as she frowned Arwa blew him a kiss, making him flinch. "…It's been a pleasure to work with you. We'll contact you when the heat dies down."


"Yes sir."


"Where do you intend to go? I'll find you personally." He declared, and Ukyo looked surprisingly touched. He clearly meant to take her back once the bounty was either lifted or nulled. "I'm sure it's only a matter of time. Captain Gira the Bloody is bound to be caught sooner or later."


"I'm not sure. I-"


"Earth." Lori declared, "She'll be on earth." She added as Ukyo and Herman stared at her, Demona and Arwa seemed to be eagerly listening in. Officer Oran studied Ukyo's surprised face before saluting them all, and flying off.


"I will?" Lori however sighed.


"…I. Might have an idea…" she said surprisingly. "…I'll tell you about it on the way home."


Demona and Arwa glanced at each other, the latter smirking as Demona rolled her eyes. Hoping with all hope that the way home was significantly less exciting than the way here…




Fuck a SPACE DUCK! FINALLY! The epilogue will be coming up soon, and I know I've constantly complained but I really enjoyed this mini-series I just wish it didn't take too much of my time :) I hope you all enjoyed this trip to Sluutava and exploring it and its people's lore.



Now to the butchering!

Padre idiota de mierda = Dumbass piece of shit father.


Debería habérmelo dicho! Dinos! En cambio, lo mantuvo deliberadamente oculto, ¡y no puedo evitar pensar que es por razones egoístas! = She should've just told me! Told us! Instead, she kept it deliberately hidden, and I can't help but think it's for selfish reasons!


Fóllame fuerte ya! = just fuck me hard already


Sólo fóllame ya. Fóllame! Fóllame =Just fuck me already. Fuck me! FUCK ME!


Oh sí… jodeme estúpida = Oh yes… fuck me stupid!


Méteme esa enorme y jodida polla. = Put that huge fucking dick into me.


SI! SÍ! FOLLA MI CULO-COÑO! = Yes! Yes! Fuck my ass-pussy!


Más. Más. Corre dentro de mí ya... hazme beber el jugo de tu polla... = More. More. Cum in me already... make me drink your dick juice...


Me encanta chupar verga. = I love to suck cock.


Sí! tu polla se siente tan bien. Me encanta que me llenen de semen = Yes! your cock feels so good. I love being stuffed with cum...


Ay! Hijo de puta! =Hey Son of a bitch!


Esto es para mamá, bastardo infiel! = This is for my mama, you cheating bastard!
