
Superbabes in SPAAAAACE!: Epilogue

I don't own DC

It's been a few days since Livewire, Silver Swan, Miss Martian, Wonder Woman (II), and Platinum went on that long mysterious vacation… but when they returned, everyone HAPPILY noticed.


"I brought presents!" cheered Wonder Woman, walking in with Silver Swan who looked annoyed to be back at work as the other girls in the lounge cheered at their return. Her arms were laden with shopping bags as he was greeted by the neighborhood friendly Superbabes.


Orders didn't look up from her sudoku, casually solving several of them as Silver Swan stood in front of her, glaring daggers at her as she sighed. "What?"


"Well? Where's my 'bonus'?" Silver Swan asked as Orders glanced up at her, her face like polished marble with how stony it was.


"Office." She said finally and cold, pointing with her pen over her shoulder towards her office. "Wonder Woman! Office." She ordered, standing up.


Wonder Woman smiled and put the bags on the poker table, now currently being used to hold presents. "I've marked them girls have a look!" she said happily, before reaching in and grabbing something from the bag following after Orders and Silver Swan. Shutting the doors behind them


"Did you want a plaque?" Orders asked sarcastically as Silver Swan glowered at her.


"I want to SEE it." She demanded as Orders sighed, and reached into that locked drawer that also had an old-fashioned space communicator which she used for… certain things. She pulled out the magical contract and, held it out for Silver Swan. While it was written in an ancient dialect that Orders didn't understand personally, there were a few things on it she did… one of them being the '10 years' written in clear English… it then ticked down to 9. "Ah ha!" Silver Swan out of characteristically cheered, so happy she grabbed Wonder Woman and kissed her on the cheek, her wings fluttering in joy as she stepped out of the office.


"WHO'S THIRSTY?! DRINKS ON ME!" Orders raised an eyebrow at that, Wonder Woman watching as Silver Swan became quite popular for the night.


"…I'll take it out of her paycheck." She replied, putting the contract back in the drawer and locking it, before sitting up to find Wonder Woman still there. "…Good work." She added as Wonder Woman put the box on her desk. "…And this?" she asked skeptically as the beautiful genie smiled.


"Just a present master for such an exciting time!" she said, "…Not that you don't already know what it is." She said as Orders opened the present to find a small plushie. It looked like a little orange dinosaur… with a man's face in its mouth. "It is a PORTKIN." Wonder Woman replied as Orders placed it with the rest of her flingable plushies.


"…Thank you." She said politely, "And again. Good work."


"I live to serve master." Wonder Woman said with a sensuous and playful wink. "Now if that is all, it's back to work! I missed the entertainment."


"Hmph. I'm sure you did." Orders were noted as she got up and followed her up. "Though you didn't have to come to work so soon. Even Darcy was quite fond of her time off…"


"Oh master." Wonder Woman cooed, "Not all of us are so boring." Wonder Woman went to change, Orders rolled her purple eyes and walked the back door as Livewire entered, gazing into her phone and chattering animatedly.


"You sure you're good?" she asked and a semi-familiar voice replied excitedly.


"Yeah I'm great! Amo a Colombia!" Herman smiled at his sister, and now sporting a distinctly orangey tan. "Thanks for this Lori you're awesome!"


"I am." She said, waving casually to Orders who gave her a curt, knowing nod. "But hey, anything to get you away from your loco familia…" she replied, "How's Ukyo settling in?"


"Oh well Mamá, loves her." Herman replied, showing Lori a very human-disguised Ukyo and her loving mother eagerly watching football on the couch. Mamá Moreno leaped up and bounced as her thick Colombian backside wobbled as their team scored. "Once Ukyo got hooked on Soccer they're pretty settled."


…With Ukyo needing a place to go and with Herman needing someone to get him away from his family regularly Lori, and to a lesser extent Orders, hooked Ukyo up with a fake earth identity, she now works as Herman's personal chauffeur. Keep an eye on their brother, and get steady work. Even if now Herman spends MOST of his time in Colombia with her mama who took to Herman immediately…


She didn't know if it was because Herman reminded her so much of her father, or because she knew what it was like to have a blue kid need her. But Mamá Moreno easily took to him, and now he goes every other week to get away from his family who were quite happy to get him out of Gotham. Herman himself had been becoming more sociable as instructed by his onetime Sluutavan Caregiver Mata'hari, and only really came back to Gotham to blow off some steam… usually with a Superbabe, or to visit Lori… but then see a Superbabe anyway. Speaking of…


"Hang on Hermano." Lori said, putting the phone down in her locker as she dressed, Wonder Woman's face looming up behind her.


"Hello Herman!" she cooed, and he blushed sheepishly, "Shall I see you when you get back?" she teased.


"Sal de aquí, perra loca." Livewire replied, snapping on her suit as it rode up into her ass, she pushed Wonder Woman away, she jiggled and giggled blowing a blushing Herman a kiss.


"I understood some of that now." He said smiling "You shouldn't call her that she's really nice."


"Oh, she is VERY nice Hermano." She replied sarcastically, "Well if she's so nice why has a certain Candy Jane been ordered by your house more than usual?" she teased as Herman blushed.


"O-oh you here that? Mama is calling me." Even though Ms. Moreno was clearly and rapidly screaming at the ref in Spanish. "Got to go." Livewire rolled her blue eyes and walked out of the locker room, she glanced at Orders who was staring at her blankly.




"You're welcome." Livewire glowered at her.


"You know Jeffa you don't have to be so smug." She said, hands on her waist and fingers on her thick blue half-colombian bombax. Orders just shrugged as the sexy half-Alien Superbabe approached the doorway to the floor, to bless those who'd definitely had missed her glorious blueberry bombax. "…Thanks boss." She added as Orders said nothing, but grunted affirmatively in response.


She already said 'You're welcome'.



Ah man... this took a LOT out of me, I think the next Mini-series I do will be less terrifyingly linear... but at least I can chalk this off my list for things I had to do before the end of the year. What's next...


Overwatch High-Check. Superbabes in SPAAAAACE log 5 and Epilouge-Check. Next up is- Superbabes Christmas Chapter...

...Clurking Frag.
