

[Episode 67] 67. Golden Lion TV) - Implementation of Justice - The Big Fish of the Broadcasting World, BJ Oggang (Jang Jiwoon) Judgment

The [Implementation of Justice] doesn't offer specific methods for dealing with opponents.

How to handle the target seems entirely up to my judgment.

So, instead of relying on the power of the judiciary for criminal punishment, it seems like it should suffice to somehow bring about their downfall.

If that's the case, it's too simple.

Just call the [Black Market] to unlock the phone number and weaknesses.

The hacking tools have undergone many upgrades, and I've acquired many useful apps, so it's like a piece of cake.

"It would be good to thoroughly stomp on that insect so it can't rise again while I'm at it."

Decided in a flash.

What could there possibly be to hesitate about?

Unlock the phone number and confirm the guy's weaknesses.

The weaknesses were unlocked for a mere ten thousand won, but from experience, usually such things emerge from unexpected places.

This time, what emerged was,

"... a photo?"

It's a photo of Jang Jiwoon and some woman taken affectionately together.

They're huddled together, smiling happily.

Jang Jiwoon still looks repulsive, and the woman next to him looks fresh and pretty.

I'm not sure about their exact heights since it's a half-body shot, but I have a feeling she's quite tall, and she's dressed stylishly.

I can't feel any other special points about them.

It's probably a photo taken with a girlfriend or a rookie BJ that he paid off.

Why is this considered a weakness?

I was puzzled, but since there's an explanation below, I read it.

[Explanation: BJ Oggang (real name Jang Jiwoon) and his younger sister Jang Cheonga]

My eyes narrow slightly then widen.

I look left and right like I'm watching a Formula 1 race.

Damn, these two are siblings?

Did they genetically modify themselves or attach a neck like a bread man?

It's beyond genetic copying.

They don't look alike at all, and on top of that, the younger sister seems relatively taller.

The title of the photo doesn't suggest siblings; it suggests a couple who met for money.

... Should I call this a miracle?

A 0.01% chance.

It's like hitting the jackpot on the first try.

Of course, compared to my girlfriend, she was a duckling in front of a swan, but compared to a bear bread, there's no fairy.

I wonder if their parents believed in religion or didn't buy lottery tickets when they were born.

"Okay, I get that there's a younger sister born as a miracle... but why is she a weakness?"

Because she's pretty, should I do as I've always done and devour her with jealousy and scorn?

I thought as usual, but soon shook my head.

It doesn't seem that simple.

Of course, it might lead to a small revenge, but just meddling with the younger sister won't lead to Jang Jiwoon's downfall.

Looking at the affectionate photo, it seems like they have a close relationship, but it doesn't match to that extent.

One more step.

No, I have to ruin it even more to call it a downfall.

Use the [Black Market] to hack Jang Jiwoon's phone number.

Thanks to the updates, if hacking is successful, I can infiltrate the phone book or even the photo gallery with equal authority as the phone's owner.

Let's start by searching through the photo gallery, which will be the most certain weakness.

"... There's nothing special?"

I thought there would be tons of incriminating evidence from someone who committed many crimes, but surprisingly, there's none.

There are plenty of face photos taken with young women, but there's nothing of that sort.

It's like there's no secret data even though it's password-protected, as if the person is completely honest.

"It seems unexpectedly cautious compared to appearances."

There's nothing interesting, so I search through the phone book.

I find a name that might be useful, Jang Cheonga.

<Jang Cheonga♥>

"Why is there a heart between siblings...?"

Since there's nothing interesting on Jang Jiwoon's phone, I guess I'll have to be a bit rude here.

"Excuse me, sir, may I have a chat with your sister~"

[Would you like to hack Jang Cheonga's phone?]

[Yes / No]

Of course, Yes.

─Sir, would you like some side dishes?

─I'll starve if I don't eat, please bring them quickly.

─These open-minded folks, they look delicious, hehe...

BJ Oggang's private broadcast.

For a change, without any girls, he grills clam dishes at a food stall while drinking.

It's a broadcast where he occasionally talks nonsense.

"Are you all eating too? Let's cheers~"

He clinks his glass to the camera lens and takes a sip.

Then he talks about this and that.

He starts cursing baseball players or blabbering about politics.

An old man, clearly drunk, comes out and talks about trivial matters, while 1872 viewers watch.

He shows off Jang Jiwoon's concrete viewers.

─By the way, I'm a bit upset about all the curses directed at you on the community sites lately, Mr. Oggang~

A good topic comes up for a lively drinking session.

He takes another sip, full of vanity.

"Oh well, I've only been cursed at once or twice, haven't I? No matter what the concept is, there are always people who curse. Don't worry about it."

─Wow, what a big-hearted person.

─Indeed,,, you're amazing,,

Although it seems like a relaxing corner, in reality, this broadcast is carefully calculated.

Occasionally, broadcasting like this makes viewers think it's sincere.

They think they're revealing their true feelings to each other, so if you sprinkle a few sincere drunken talks at this time, they'll believe it.

BJ Oggang diluted his image by selling recognition in this way.

He manipulated big and small incidents emotionally and skillfully broadcasted them.

He has subtly manipulated the broadcast intelligently.

─By the way, sir, why isn't Cheonga here?

─I'd like to see her sometimes too,,,

─She's probably hiding while her brother drinks alone, the big coward,,,

─She's plenty pretty, why not debut her on the show?

When annoying questions arise, Jang Jiwoon taps his phone with annoyance.

"You all know her heart~ She's studying hard at school. How can you burden a kid with such expectations from an early age?"

─We miss her sometimes when she doesn't appear,,,

─She gets a lot of allowance, isn't your sister a bit mean?

"Okay, please focus on my broadcast. It's not good to talk about that here, so I'll mute (disable chat)."

─Okay, let's not upset the host.

─Yes, let's keep the boundaries, gentlemen.

When the sister is mentioned on the broadcast, he quickly changes the topic.

There's a reason for that.

'Old farts, if Cheonga shows up, will they cast their lecherous gazes at her?'

Ironically, Jang Jiwoon knows exactly what kind of guys his viewers are.

When a woman appears on his broadcast, they're the lecherous ones who only look at her body.

Although he's only in his 30s, he knows how to satisfy middle-aged men who use his avatar for vicarious satisfaction.

He's aware of that.

So, he keeps his guard up.

She's a cute younger sister with an 8-year age gap.

Although he's sold his integrity or conscience on the broadcast, he must protect his younger sister at all costs.

Both the host and the viewers are covered in pretense.

I couldn't find any weaknesses of the target on Jang Cheonga's phone.

However, it was an opportunity to learn about Jang Cheonga's daily life.

By scanning through photos and social media accounts, I could analyze which university she attends and where she's active.

To sum up Jang Cheonga in a word, she's a typical college student who enjoys playing around.

As evidence of her commitment to her life and youth, she enjoys posting unnecessary things on social media and relishes in others' attention.

She collects likes with daring exposure and stirs up controversy with videos of extravagance and antics in stores.

In a way, she's just like her brother on the inside.

Checking through online communities, it seems her exposure on her brother's broadcast has been quite significant.

However, Jang Jiwoon reportedly cuts and deletes videos featuring his sister as he doesn't approve of her exposure in the media.

He seems to value family despite manipulating the lives of other women invited to his broadcasts.

Regardless, given the affectionate relationship they have, it's clear that Jang Cheonga is the key to judging Jang Jiwoon.

Now that I know what kind of character she is, she'll surely garner attention in this event.

"Oh, I've found another beautiful lady!"

It's not the ordinary civilian Cha Sunwoo but the helmet-wearing Golden Lion Cha Sunwoo status.

He pretends to have 'accidentally' stumbled upon Jang Cheonga while strolling through the university district during the broadcast.

Jang Cheonga, eager for attention, was different from her usual appearance.

She wore a high-waisted mini skirt with a white background, a shirt with a picture of a blonde woman.

The mini skirt was so short that if it folded slightly, it could greet you with panties, and the long-sleeved shirt was in a cropped top style, fluttering in the wind or possibly revealing a bra if she raised her arms.

Naturally, she wore high heels, and despite it being midwinter, she exposed her legs without stockings.

A mini bag was nestled under her armpit.

Jang Cheonga's first impression was light.

According to my hunting experience, the more extreme the exposure, the easier it was to approach.

Like the rascals before.

Standing side by side with a friend on a moderately crowded street, sipping takeout coffee, Jang Cheonga's eyes widen as she notices me.

"What's up?"

"Oh, I'm doing a hunting broadcast, looking for beautiful women. I think I just found one."

Instead of making up lies, I just say it plainly.

When I mentioned the hunting broadcast, her friend subtly moved out of the camera's view, and Jang Cheonga responded with a relaxed smirk.

"Can you put away your phone? My friend feels uncomfortable."

"Don't worry. I'm filtering out faces with a mosaic filter."

"...What are you talking about?"

I immediately show her the broadcast screen.

Her face on the screen is blurred with a mosaic.

She looks suspiciously at the selfie stick, but the mosaic filter is clearly applied.

A doubtful expression.

She might have seen this kind of high-tech for the first time, but seeing it live, she has no choice but to believe it.

"...Wow, does such a function exist?"

"Want to see something even more amazing?"


"I'll send a photo of my heart to the beautiful lady I just met today using magic. One, two, three!"

I mimic a magician's hand movements, pretending to inject energy into the phone behind me.

Soon, Jang Cheonga's phone vibrates, and she checks the message, surprised.

"Wow, I got a rose photo. How did you do that?"

"Anything is possible if you put your heart into it."

"Wow, that's really cool. Hey, come and see this!"

"...What? Did you set it up?"

"I'm telling you, it's real!? It's a number I don't recognize at all."

Even her hesitant friend joins forces to persuade her.

It might seem like magic, but since I hacked Jang Cheonga's phone and only needed to send a pre-prepared message, it was an easy task for me.

Afterwards, I sprinkle the prepared comments for Jang Cheonga.

Using the increased eloquence from hunting, I smoothly lead the conversation and melt the atmosphere.

However, when I suggest taking it a step further, her expression changes.

"She seems like a fun person, but that's a bit..."

It seems like she's reluctant to be exposed to the public eye, even subtly refusing to appear.

It's a common reaction, considering her experiences.

But I won't let this opportunity slip away.

Usually, I would playfully tease her further to get her to agree, but to expedite things, I make a deal.

"If you cooperate, I can offer you a appearance fee of 5 million won, and if you're not satisfied, I can add an additional 3 million. Would you like to proceed?"

I pause the broadcast briefly and make the offer discreetly away from her friend.

Her expression changes upon hearing the amount.

"You're offering money? ...And that much all at once?"

"Because you're an entertainer. We usually offer appearance fees as a token of appreciation, and we're adding more because we like you. It'll generate buzz. If you're not interested, let me know now."

The power of money often works when legal methods are difficult.

Based on the photos posted on social media, Jang Cheonga seems to indulge in luxury.

Even if she receives pocket money, the opportunity to handle such a large sum of money as a college student is rare.

The concrete and realistic amount will likely appeal to her.

Unable to make a decision, she nervously fidgets with her fingers.

Since she doesn't show any movement, I take the initiative.

"I understand. If it's uncomfortable, let's just move on."

"Um, well...!"

After hesitating, Jang Cheonga glances at her friend and whispers in my ear.

Her face blushes with embarrassment as she voices her concerns.

"...Is my identity protected?"


"Yes, you checked it yourself. We'll guarantee your identity 100%."

"Is that guaranteed by your side?"

"I magically gave you my phone number. There have been no incidents so far, but if you're still unsure, I'll give you 5 million won upfront."

"Um... If you put it that way..."

"Hey, are you serious?"

Suddenly, her friend approaches.

Although they were more than five feet away before, it seems they were listening to the conversation.

Jang Cheonga looks at her friend's bewildered expression and responds.

"It's okay. It's entertainment for the broadcast."

"Really? But isn't this basically selling yourself for money?"

Responding frankly to the criticism, Jang Cheonga pouts.

"Hey, didn't you say your brother appears on TV? It's just one of the life experiences. It's a broadcast, so nothing bad will happen, and there are professional actors doing this too, you know."

"Are you kidding me? Are you really okay with this? It's just selling yourself for a few bucks. What if your brother finds out about this?"

"Ugh, it's none of his business."

After the criticism, she mentions her brother.

She frowns as she speaks.

As affectionate as she is, it's surprising to see her getting irritated.

Anyway, from my perspective, things are smoothly falling into place.

"Shall we go then?"


We walk down the street together.

I put my arm around Jang Cheonga's high shoulder, perfect for shoulder companionship, and we enter a nearby motel.

Alright, let's see how her brother reacts when he sees his cherished younger sister being courted by an older man.

Let the hunt begin.


"Hyung, wasn't this taken on another broadcast during the day? Isn't that Cheonga?"

"Ah, this son of a... keeps stirring up trouble even when I told him to stop."

After changing the subject, he drops a blue link in the chat window.

I click it to directly ban the annoying viewer, but because of my fat fingers, I click the link instead of the username.

There's only one photo uploaded on that link, but it's not a frontal view, it's a back view.

A very familiar back view with a shoulder draped next to the golden lion mask.

It's a back view I see every day at home.

And it's taken in front of some motel.


It's a live broadcast, but her face is as flushed as a teapot.