

<Episode 56>

Chapter 56. Poor convenience store part-timer Shin Sarang (20 years old/virgin)

Shin Sarang, whom I met since the morning, was wearing jeans at the café.

Nothing special, just a long-sleeved shirt and jeans.

Even so, her visual supported it well, but there was still a feeling of unpolished rawness.


That's how I feel.

I'm more nervous than when dealing with any other girl.

I set down the coffee I was drinking, shaking.

Before thinking about what to do with this pretty girl, I feel more guilt than excitement.




Facing a girl as pure as innocence, I can't help but reflect on the path I've taken.

Although there's only a four-year age gap, having lived a life full of hacking tools, I feel a deep pang of conscience.

Just like a face reflected on a clean lake surface, my own past stains are projected.

So, I ask again.

"Did you really consider it carefully?"


"Once you start, you can't turn back, right?"


"Even if money comes in, you have to be prepared to be exposed, even to a very few people."


She hesitated for a moment, but she kept saying yes until the end.

Since her determination is firm, there seems to be no point in asking again.

I let out a small sigh.

"Okay, then let's move to my car."


"I'm not saying we should go somewhere right away, but there might be uncomfortable things to talk about here..."


Sarang looked around at the bustling people and her face flushed.

She seemed to have guessed what I was going to talk about and nodded subtly.

So we decided to leave the café, but before moving to another location, Sarang asked me to wait.

"Could you wait for a moment before we leave?"

With that, she grabbed the mug she was drinking coffee from and hurried to the counter.

Eventually, she returned with the coffee transferred to a takeaway plastic container.

With a triumphant expression, she held the coffee she had refilled in a cylindrical container tightly with both hands, as if it were a treasure that might slip away.

A girl who became thrifty due to financial difficulties.

I plan to tempt and exploit her innocence with money.

I clench my fists tightly, my chest filled with resentment.

Please, stop bothering me...!

"First, let me confirm..."


"Do you have any experience?"

A straightforward question.

We were sitting side by side in the luxurious sedan, me in the driver's seat and her in the passenger seat, throwing questions.

Actually, it's a question I asked before when suggesting selling her virginity at the convenience store.

Just to make sure, I ask again.

The coffee cup I held tightly against my thigh, like a squirrel holding an acorn, made a rustling sound as it slid down.

"...No, I don't."

"Sorry. I wanted to make sure again. Um, have you... not tried masturbating either?"

"Um... um, um, um, masturbation?!"

"Sorry, sorry! I, um, I heard that to be broadcasted, they need to know whether the hymen is intact or not... So I looked it up, and it turns out that doing such a shameful act doesn't make it disappear, right...?!"

She babbles nervously.

It was extremely embarrassing but an important question.

Since Sarang accepted the proposal to sell her virginity, she studied about her hymen before going to bed yesterday.

I heard that even if you haven't experienced it, it can still tear due to external shocks.

Since it's about selling her virginity in the first place, it's a matter that must be confirmed.

Sarang presses her embarrassment tightly.

Fidgeting... After gathering her courage, she answers.

"Just occasionally hugging a stuffed bear at home..."

"...I see. Thanks for letting me know."

It seems like she hasn't experienced anything at all.

Pure innocence.

Truly like a blank canvas.

Well, it won't disappear just like that.

Since everything will be shown on the broadcast anyway, I let it pass for now.

"Next question, do you have a boyfriend?"

"No. ...Oh, not a boyfriend, but there's one senior from college who keeps following me around."

"A senior?"

"He confessed during the first semester MT that he liked me... I rejected him. Even though I said I didn't have time for a relationship, he keeps following me around, which is awkward."

"You don't like him?"

"He's not a bad person, but honestly, I'm not attracted to him..."

She gives a vague response.

It seems like when it comes to Sarang, "not really" might be an expression of dislike.

"Then, is there anyone you like separately?"

"Well... I don't think so. I'm really busy, so I don't have time for dating."

She cuts it short and tidy.

It was somewhat relieving news that could lighten the burden on her mind a bit.

After listening to all her answers, I take out my phone and show Sarang something.

"Okay, I hope you didn't mind me revealing this, but this is a channel operated by me. It's called 'Golden Lion TV'."

"Golden Lion TV... That's an interesting name."

Sarang blinks her eyelids without much enthusiasm.

She seems completely clueless.

That's good.

If a virgin saw such a video, she might back out before doing anything.

I explain how the rest of the channels are operated and discuss the revenue.

"I'll prepare the details and contact you via KakaoTalk. And about the money, it will depend on the number of viewers and donations. In the broadcast, we'll introduce you as appearing to raise tuition fees, is that okay?"

"Yes, because it's true."

"Since you need to keep your identity hidden, we'll decide on an alias later. But this is the most important question for today... What about your face?"

"My face?"

"Since it'll be shown on the broadcast, you have options. Option 1 is to show your face directly. Option 2 is to wear a mask. Option 3 is to blur your face."

"What's the difference?"

"Each has its pros and cons, but the difference in revenue might be significant. Since you're pretty, you'll earn the most revenue by showing your face directly, but you'll also be more exposed. If you wear a mask, you might prevent your identity from being exposed to some extent, but people might be less interested compared to seeing your actual face, so the revenue might be lower. Finally, if you blur your face, your identity will be protected, but you might not expect much in terms of donations..."

After finishing the explanation, she looks down at the coffee cup, pondering.

She contemplates, absentmindedly fiddling with it.

I don't mix in any other comments at this point.

This could have a big impact on Sarang.

Therefore, I give Sarang complete control over the decision.

As if she made up her mind, she raises her head with a determined look in her eyes.


The day of decision has arrived.

"Do I just sit on the bed and wait?"

"Um, I'll just set up the camera, so please wait."

"I-I'm nervous...."

"Don't be too scared. It might end without much fuss. ...But, are you sure about showing your face?"

Sarang chose to show her face.

Since it was about the revenue, she initially wanted as much money as possible. She also said she didn't want to hide. Although internally she cursed those who sell their bodies, when it came to profit, she didn't want to hide behind a mask. Moreover, wearing a mask felt disrespectful to the donors. Despite wanting to dissuade her due to excessive conscientiousness... her determination is firm.

"It's okay. And Sunwoo said only a few people will see it... So there won't be many people we know."

"Yeah, probably mostly rich people,"

They decided to use [Private Golden Lion TV]. Since she's still in college, it's better not to attract too much attention. Besides, in a way, Sarang's first experience fits perfectly now. Since it starts with her virginity being consumed, it might be good promotion for VIPs with a lot of money.

Whether the VIP invited from the app is an entrepreneur who likes virgins, a CEO with discerning tastes, or a Mexican drug lord, I don't know, but I've sent the invitation in advance before starting.

The problem is, it's my first time dealing with a virgin, so I'm worried... "Phew, camera setup is done."

They've adjusted the camera positions so that it can be seen from all sides.

The rest of the basic settings were done earlier.

For Sarang, they've laid a silk cloth on the bed and prepared handkerchiefs in case of a lot of bleeding. They chose white because they thought cloth would be less harsh on her delicate skin than tissues.

They chat briefly with Sarang in an interview format before having sex and call it a day.

Only five minutes left until shooting starts.

Sarang's tense shoulders in front of the camera.

Perhaps considering today special, she even put on makeup in her short hair.

The situation may not be as romantic as a fairy tale, but she's prepared to be a woman.


"Yes, yes!"

She straightens her back.

"My tone might change a bit once we go on air... It might sound a bit perverted, but it's because of the broadcast, so please understand. And from now on, I'll call you Sora, and you can call me Oppa or whatever you like."


"I'll do a short interview before we start. If you follow along well, we'll finish successfully. Prepare yourself mentally."


To ease Sarang's tension, she pressed her chest tightly inside her shirt, and I wore a lion helmet.

The voice modulation is done, but I'm still in my clothes.

I sit beside Sarang, who is sitting on the edge of the bed.

<Private Golden Lion TV>

⊙On Air

As soon as it's time, the scheduled broadcast begins.

277 viewers.

People who sent invitations and reserved spots enter as soon as the broadcast starts.

Although the number seems small compared to the main broadcast, these are VIPs who paid expensive admission fees from the start.

The numbers you see are already the revenue earned.

─I came because I heard I could see something rare.

─I heard today's main dish is a virgin, is she the guest today?

─Receiving such a surprise invitation makes my heart beat faster after a long time.

...What's with this awkward tone?

It's so different from usual, a mature chat.

Maybe because it's a VIP channel chat, the age range seems a bit older, so everyone's using formal language.

The chat window is displayed on the monitor next to the camera so that Sarang can see it too.

Despite the unfamiliar responses, I proceed.

"Oh, yes, yes. Hello, VIP gentlemen. I'm the host, Golden Lion. Thank you so much to everyone who responded to the invitation. Today, in celebration of the launch of <Private Golden Lion TV>, I've come with a special guest."

"Oh, hello!"

─I heard she's a virgin, so it's appropriate for celebrating the channel's launch

─Is her virginity a toast for success?

─Haha, the host is very witty.

...Since a virgin is shown from the beginning of the broadcast, do they think it's a lime?

"Yes... that's right... Um, let me introduce, today's temporary alias, but please call me Soa Yang."

"Ah, I... So─ I mean, Soa! Please call me Soa. Nice to meet you."

"Yes, Soa, how did you end up here today?"

"Yes! Well... I came here to sell my virginity."


Maybe due to nervousness, she just says it bluntly.

─She's a bold girl

─To show her face on the broadcast, she's very brave

"Yes, um... to you all, I came here to sell something of mine for sponsorship, and I think it's cowardly to hide my face. So I decided not to use a mask-like thing."

─Oh, I see

<Anonymous VIP> has donated 3 million won.

Money starts pouring in.

Like a fortune dropped from the sky, the donation casually bursts into the scene.

Perhaps they liked Sarang's answer because they donated a large sum even before the start.


Sarang blinks like a goldfish as the money comes in.

Since even the money that wouldn't come in for a month at the convenience store is coming in easily, she seems surprised.

I step forward instead.

"Ah~ Thank you, Anonymous VIP. It seems you like Soa very much."

─Such a witty response from a young man is nice

"Thank you again. Well then, let's learn a little more about Soa through an interview. Soa?"

"Ah, yes!"

"How old are you, Soa?"

"I'm 20 years old... and I'm in college."

"I heard you go to a pretty prestigious university?"

"Yes... it's a bit famous... I'm having a lot of worries lately because the tuition is too high."

"So is what you're doing today for tuition fees?"

"Yes, that's right."

─Oh, I see...

─My heart aches

─There must have been a reason for her to come out

I nod sympathetically, as if I understand.

"I was embarrassed to hear this story beforehand, Soa. How much is left for your tuition fees for the future?"

"Probably around 25 million won for the remaining period if I don't get another scholarship...."

─That's a hefty amount for a young person

─I understand why Soa came out

Sympathetic comments emerge in the chat window.

At this timing, I intervene to uplift the somber mood.

"So, in that sense."

As if to refresh the gloomy atmosphere, I clap once!


"Today, as a celebration of the launch of the VIP channel, all the donations you've given will be used as a scholarship fund for Soa Yang. How does that sound?"

─Oh, that's wonderful!

─Of course, we're in favor.

─Now we can enjoy the virginity more comfortably.

Alright, it seems like everyone's in agreement.

None of them seemed to have perverse tastes in enjoying something unfair.

However, as big as Sarang's eyes, she blinked, as if hearing such a thing for the first time.

It's indeed the first time it's been mentioned.

In fact, it was intended like this, even though it was said that the money would be divided before the broadcast.

There was a submission, and we used this naive virgin for the broadcast. If we didn't do something like this, I wouldn't be able to sleep well, so I decided on this in my heart.

"Uh, oppa─"

"Alright, since it's decided like that, we can't keep the VIPs waiting. Let's go straight to the main broadcast."

There's no time to waste, so I immediately take off my clothes.

I finish undressing neatly.

Leaving only my underwear on, I wait for Sarang, realizing it's no time to chit-chat anymore.

"I'll undress too..."

In front of the camera, Sarang shyly undressed like a new bride.

Starting with her shirt, she unbuttoned her jeans and piled up her clothes neatly.

When it came time to unhook her bra, she hesitated for a moment but boldly took it off and lowered her panties.

With each piece of clothing removed, a bright glimpse of her skin showed, but when everything was off, the impact was tremendous.

She was truly dazzling, with a beautiful, virgin-like figure.




Whether VIP or regular viewers, their reactions were the same in front of a pretty woman.

The chat room was thrilled.

Contrary to her cute appearance, she was a glamorous girl next door.

Taking off her loose shirt made her even more impressive.

Her modest white underwear, which was not at all suggestive, actually emphasized the image of a pure virgin.

If this were a regular broadcast, donations would have poured in like crazy.

I understand the reactions in the chat room since it's the first time seeing her body today.

I felt an urge to touch her shining white skin right away, but there were procedures to follow.

"Yes, since you've undressed completely, let's do the authentication before we start officially."

As I say this, the camera on wheels automatically approaches.

While Sarang, who had just undressed, was covering herself shyly, she broke out in a sweat as the camera approached.

She probably has a rough idea of what authentication entails, but she doesn't release her guard.

There's no choice but to go closer, so I gently pull the soft shoulders of the innocent virgin, then whisper in her ear.

'Come on, relax.'

'Yes, yes...!'

I gently nibble on her earlobe to help her relax a bit.

Coaxing her, I naturally guide her hand away from her modesty, revealing her beautiful body.

"Ugh... so embarrassed...♡"

─Oh, she's truly beautiful...

When I let go of her hand, I slowly explore her surroundings with my hands.

And to ensure no shock, I spread her petals slowly.

Sarang's tightly closed beautiful petals were fully captured by the camera.

─She's definitely a virgin from her form alone.

─Soa Yang, truly beautiful...

─Taking the beautiful girl's first experience, the host is truly lucky.

After the virgin authentication, more donations poured in.

I'm looking forward to the final settlement.

Although it's not my money.

After the final preparations, we slowly moved to the bed.

"Ah... huff... huff... haaah...!"

First, I stimulated her with kisses.

Since Sarang didn't know anything about men, she just surrendered herself to me.

With her hands on my chest, she followed my lead with her tongue.

"Oppa... there, Mr. Lion...! Hnngh...! This, this feels weird... Oppa, Oppaaa...♥"

Next, I gave her oral pleasure.

For the sake of the showmanship of her pure virginity and because there's a high chance Sarang will feel pain, I prepare.

But I only explored with my tongue without directly inserting it into her folds.

I'm extremely cautious to avoid tearing or bleeding.

Handling her like delicate porcelain, I gently caress her pretty buttocks and lick them.

"Haah... haah...♥"

Eventually, as Sarang's breath started to quicken, I stopped kissing her.

Taking a deep breath, she exhaled as if sighing in relief.

With a lot of determination, I remove her panties.


"Eh... eh?!"

─Oh, my...

─Oh my God...

─It's too harsh on the virgin...

The shocked chat room and Sarang's face.

A 6cm diameter, cruelly thick penis appears.

Indeed, it's heading towards the virgin membrane in that narrow space.

I'm sorry, Sarang...

I apologize silently.

For the first time in my life, I wished my penis were a bit smaller.