

<Episode 50> 50. Despite the disorderly sequence, it's still the first date of your life with your girlfriend!

Sunhwa's tastes are clear.

Cool, sophisticated, something with unique individuality that others don't do.

Just by looking at her changing hairstyle every day, you can sense it.

She maintains her trademark long platinum blonde color while braiding or adding waves to transform it.

Today seems similar to usual, yet slightly different.

Sunhwa always builds her own unique domain.

In short, her taste is clear but picky at the same time.

After spending time together, I learned that she dislikes crowded franchise cafes, even if it means drinking tea at a cafe, and she prefers secluded narrow paths where we can walk alone, even if we're out in the open air.

So, I agonized over how to satisfy this picky queen.

I held her hand tightly as we walked around, racking my brain.

After making many mistakes earlier, I was careful in selecting the next destination.

But due to my lack of prior knowledge, the place I ultimately chose was,

"A department store for our first date?"

A puzzled expression hangs at the end of her words.

As a low voice comes from beside her, I gulp nervously.

"...D-do you not like it?"

"It's not that I dislike it, but there seems to be no effort in choosing the course from the start. It's obvious you're trying not to fail. It feels like you hastily chose it without much thought."

Is she a fortune teller?

How does she understand my thoughts so well?

Since it's true, I concede.

"I have no face…."

"Hmph, if you come out half-heartedly next time, I won't let it slide."


I feel intimidated by my girlfriend's determination.

Sunhwa glances at me and then lowers her shoulders,

"...Because I'm your girlfriend, are you being lenient?"

"Huh? What did you just say?"

"...Be quiet and move! Idiot!"

"Hey hey!"

I pull her arm tightly as we enter the department store elevator.

We decide to leisurely explore from the top floor.

Although Sunhwa was reluctant when we entered the department store, she gradually started enjoying herself.

It seems the fact that it's a weekday morning with fewer crowds added to her satisfaction.

There was no preparation, but indeed, a department store is a difficult place to fail as a date spot for a woman.

If it's time to change furniture, she looks at various high-end products,

evaluates dishes with pretty designs, commenting on their difficult-to-clean structures,

and also checks out a newly opened famous character shop.

Among them, Sunhwa is deeply interested in a famous maneless lion doll.

Seeing a chance to score points, I approach and suggest,

"It's a lion. Do you like it? Should I buy it for you?"

"No, not really."

"...? Then why are you looking at it like that?"

"I'm just wondering why it's so popular. It doesn't seem to have that pretty of a design, yet all these lion dolls have caterpillar eyebrows."

"Why is that?"

"It's strange. I'm wondering if there's some charm in this product that I haven't realized."

That's quite a profound observation...

"Still, the lion doll seems to suit you well, Sunhwa?"

"This suits me...?"

"Because holding a doll makes you seem more girly and cute, so I thought you'd like it."

"...Didn't I tell you not to call me cute?"

"Because that's a fact, there's nothing we can do about it. Instead of arguing, why don't you hold the doll while I take a pretty picture?"


As I take out my phone, she shields her face with the doll.

"Come on, what's there to be embarrassed about now? It's just leaving a common memory from our date. Let's capture it while there's no one around to notice."


After some persuasion, she reluctantly lowers the doll.

But soon, her cheeks flush with embarrassment as she retorts,

"I don't want to. It's unfair if it's just me in the picture."

"Well then, what should we do?"

"If we're taking pictures, you should be in them too…♥"

My girlfriend suggests a sweet couple shot with a subtle change of heart.

She's really adorable.

Following her suggestion, I switch to the selfie camera screen.

Sunhwa hastily takes off her sunglasses and checks her face in the mirror of her portable foundation.

Once she confirms everything is fine, she sticks close to me and we click a photo with a loud 'snap!', leaving behind a certified couple shot to prove our love.

She holds the doll, looking demure in the photo.

Looking at the photo we took together, a smile naturally forms on my face.

Having tea, strolling around, taking pictures at the doll shop.

This is the taste of dating my girlfriend.

We decide to collect the photos we took together and share them later on KakaoTalk.

"Then let's look around elsewhere."

"Sure, just wait a moment. Before we go, let's buy this."

The item she wants to buy turns out to be none other than the lion doll we had taken a photo with.

"You said you didn't like it?"


"And why are we buying it then?"


After hesitating for a while,

"Because you said it suits me, so I thought I'd give it a try…."

Sunhwa holds the doll tightly as if it's precious.

Ah, my girlfriend is really cute!

Squeezing it tightly ♥

"Hey, people are watching…♥"

"My girlfriend, what does it matter if I hug you in public?"


As Sunhwa hugs the doll, I can't help but approach and hug her.

Despite pretending not to be, she's secretly full of aegyo.

Moreover, the perfect texture and lovely vanilla scent that comes from being nestled in her arms.

The overdose of cuteness might make me faint.

It's frustrating that public displays of affection are limited to this.

"Yes, the maneless lion Ryan doll is 37,000 won."

"I can buy it myself…."

"Just keep it. Even if I have less money than you, can't I buy you this one thing?"


As her boyfriend, I bought her the doll.

Seeing how much she loves hugging it, it's a very rewarding purchase.

It's a bit strange that this small doll costs 37,000 won though.

Next, we finish a late lunch at the food court and head over to the clothing section.

Perhaps because fashion is her interest, we can't just pass by without taking a closer look.

...The problem is, we're taking too long.

"How about this?"

"It's pretty."

"And this one?"

It's really pretty."

"What about this?"

"Hextopascal looks pretty."

"Are you kidding me?"


The queen stares at me from inside the dressing room, wearing new clothes.

It's been over two and a half hours since the sparrow lingered in the store, and now it's getting dark outside the department store windows as it's winter.

At first, I was satisfied just looking at Sunhwa's pretty dressing up, but the meticulous Sunhwa spends over 30 minutes carefully selecting accessories to match her outfit.

I understand she wants to show me and confirm her beautiful appearance, but after looking at so many clothes, I can't even tell the difference anymore.

"Hey, but... there's no more space to carry even if we buy more."

By now, my body is covered with shopping bags.

Most of the clothes I praised were decided to be purchased, so including the lion doll I bought earlier, a total of 13 big and small shopping bags are hanging from my hands, arms, and neck.

So I don't push it any further.

Sunhwa seems to realize that I'm getting tired, as I've been working hard as a porter.

"...Just bear with it a little longer. I'm only wearing this one."

"Thanks. I'll do some shopping once we leave the department store."


Finally, there's relief that it's over.

Perhaps considering the countless boyfriends waiting for their girlfriends, she sits on a bench near the store, which has no backrest.

I briefly put down the shopping bags and glance around the dressing room.

Since I was late when we met and made many mistakes, I accepted the inevitable penalty as a boyfriend.

I tried to accept it gracefully, but just holding the shopping bags and browsing around, my body is getting tired.

...Wait a minute. You made a mistake at first, but you've put in so much effort since then, right?

So shouldn't Sunhwa do something to repay that?

That was the starting point of this perspective.

Plus, it's a date, so shouldn't we both enjoy it together?

Upon reconsideration, it feels a little unfair.

Persuaded by my own logic, I suddenly stand up.

Activating the reward mechanism, I immediately take action.

I boldly stride into the dressing room Sunhwa had closed.


I dramatically swing the door open.

Perhaps because I'm watching nearby, she didn't lock the dressing room door.

"Huh? ...Hey, hey?!"

Sunhwa's face is clearly surprised and embarrassed as she zips up her original knit dress and other clothes.

Just as she's about to scream, I put my finger on her lips and step into the narrow dressing room with her.

"Shh. If you make a sound, the staff will come."

"Wh-what?! Why are you coming in here?!"

"Because I thought Sunhwa might be sulking, I came to see how well it suits you."

"Stop talking nonsense and get out, you crazy!"

"I don't want to."

"What? ...Hey?!"

I seal our lips together.

I gently hold her wrist and press our lips together.

I lean against the dressing room wall and leisurely explore her cherry lips.

"Hmm... it's cold... ugh, um! Ha... hah... it's chilly... mm, huuu... ♥"

It didn't take long for the queen to calm down.

As the long kiss continues, a faint moan escapes her lips.

It was a surprise kiss, but she's still fully dressed.

Moreover, she seems to feel relieved to be alone with me in this secluded place, so she slowly leans into my embrace.

However, as per the queen's warning, I refrain from touching her chest and buttocks.

I just wrap my arms around her waist and exchange affectionate kisses.

Eventually, when we part, Sunhwa looks at me with slightly naughty eyes.

"....Have you been practicing kissing a lot?"

"Because they say practice makes perfect."

"But you've become so skilled in just a few days... You haven't practiced with any other girls, have you...?"

"O-of course not! ...Anyway, want to do it again?"


I simply close my eyes, not giving a response.

I share another deep kiss with my adorable girlfriend, reaffirming our love as we tightly hold each other's hands.

Our tongues intertwine, sharing sweet saliva. I explore every corner of her mouth.

"Stop... Do we have to do this here?"

"We promised not to touch weird places, remember?"

"But still, in a place like this... Mm... ♥"

I nibble on her earlobe and gently suck on her neck.

Leaving red kiss marks on her milky skin.

I imprint the symbol of my girlfriend on the queen.

"Ahh, I feel good. Shall we go out now?"


I sense a hint of disappointment in her eyes, perhaps wishing for more time. However, we can't stay here for too long, and it's almost time to leave, so we silently agree.




As we exit the dressing room together, we meet the female staff member who was carrying a pair of jeans.

A man and a woman coming out of the department store dressing room together.

That's the only way to interpret the situation.

Since it was caught on the spot, there's no way to hide or cover it up.

Tap! Tap!

Sunhwa elbows my side as a signal to step forward and make an excuse.

"U-um... It's just that... the zipper wasn't working properly, so I helped her."

"Yes, that's right!"

"Uh... yeah..."

"I-I really like this dress. Could you please ring this one up for me?"

"Sure thing."

After some small talk, Sunhwa hands over the dress for payment.

We avoid each other's gazes as we follow the staff member.

However, Sunhwa is still wearing her original knit dress, revealing her shoulders and the prominent kiss mark on her neck.

The kiss mark on her white skin stands out prominently, making a powerful statement.



Sunhwa either forgets or pretends to forget, while the female staff member blushes upon seeing the kiss mark.

She alternates between glancing at us and the kiss mark, trying to figure out what's going on.

"Oh, looks like a mosquito bite. Even though winter is approaching, there are still a lot of mosquitoes. Haha..."

"Right, haha..."


While Sunhwa is paying, she pretends to swat away mosquitoes.

I had no choice but to avoid suspicious glances with futile gestures.

We quickly leave the department store.

The car we came in was parked far away, so we had to walk a bit, enjoying the cityscape.


As we step outside, the queen stares at me intently.

She's only holding the lion doll, while I'm burdened with all the shopping bags.

Feeling guilty seeing how much I've shopped, she apologizes.

"Um... Sorry."

"Huh? What for?"

"Today was enjoyable in its own way, but when I think about it, I didn't buy anything for you. I just bought a bunch of clothes for myself..."

"I don't mind. As long as it's not too many and not too heavy."

"Don't you need anything?"

"No, I'm good."

"Really? I wanted to buy you something..."

At first, both the anger and Sunhwa seemed to enjoy the department store date a hundred times more than before. Despite it being my first date unprepared, it was enjoyable. Sunhwa seemed to enjoy it just as much with her boyfriend by her side. While the clothes shopping took a while, I was rewarded with deep kisses.

Even if she asks now if I need anything...


A light bulb goes off in my head.

"There's one essential item we need to buy since it's all out."

"Huh? What is it?"

My girlfriend happily approaches me, seeming eager to repay the favor. I approach her and whisper to her. I raise the corner of my mouth discreetly, and every time our lips touch, Sunhwa's face flushes red.

"That's something you should buy! You crazy person!"

"Hey, I said I'll buy it."

"That, that's not what I meant!"

"No, it's getting late, and it's necessary, isn't it? Or are we not going home together today?"

"No, that's..."

"I'm happily carrying all these bags for Sunhwa, but can't you buy just that one thing for me? That's not fair."

I intentionally drop my shoulders and push the shopping bags forward while simultaneously lifting them.

Sunhwa appears anxious, perhaps feeling guilty seeing the visible signs of my labor.

She nervously presses her lips together as if to stop herself from speaking.

"Oh~ You act like you'll do everything, but you won't buy this~"


"It's not even that expensive, and you're exploiting your pretty girlfriend on your first date~"

"Okay, I'll buy it, so stop nagging!"

"Then should we check if there's a convenience store nearby~♬"

Instant change of attitude.

As I smile sweetly, my girlfriend shoots me a resentful glance.

"...You enjoy teasing me, don't you?"

"Only to my precious girlfriend."

I put my arm around her shoulder while holding the shopping bags.

Conveniently, there was a common convenience store on the corner ahead.

-From someone else's perspective-

A young man sits at the checkout counter, staring blankly at his phone.

He's an employee, fulfilling his duties to kill time.

This quiet time without any customers is what he wishes for until the end of his shift.

But eventually, this peace is shattered.

He puts down his phone, greeting with a lackluster voice.


But as he sees the customer entering, his eyes light up.

Instantly, he feels motivated to work.

A pretty platinum blonde.

Her stylish fashion captures the attention of everyone in the store.

Despite wearing sunglasses, her straight nose and pink plump lips make her undeniably beautiful.

The female customer who entered hesitates, then goes into an unseen corner and selects an item.

"Oh, wow...."

Muttering nervously if they can't find the item.

Upon reviewing the CCTV, I thought they were selecting household items or stockings in the daily necessities corner.

However, when they brought something to the counter, I couldn't help but be surprised.

"P-please give me this!"

Right away, a pile of condoms.

And not just any condoms, but XXL extra-large, which isn't popular in Korea.

Moreover, they brought three packs, each containing four condoms.

Are they serious...?

I've never seen someone actually buy these kinds of condoms before.

Especially not a woman.

Typically, they're bought by men for bravado or as a joke.

Instead of scanning the barcode right away, I start with a rational suspicion.

"Excuse me..."

"Yes, yes?!"

"Are you really going to use these...?"

Her face flushes bright red.

I didn't intend to tease or harass her.

"Well, these kinds of products are difficult to refund after opening, so it's better to confirm them properly—"

"Yes, that's right! Just, just calculate it and give it to me!"

"Oh, okay! That'll be 18,000 won."

With a burst, she pays.

Then, hastily pulling out her wallet from the bag, she hands over 20,000 won and stuffs all the condoms into her bag.

"Thank you!"

She disappears at the speed of light without even taking her change.

As she strides out in high heels, I hear her muttering.

"Ugh... seriously! If you make me do this again, I'll die!"

"Why? You seemed to enjoy it, Sunhwa."

"What was there to enjoy? Asking about sizes at the checkout... I felt so embarrassed, I thought I'd die!"

"Well, you bought it properly. And look, this. A picture of you choosing condoms outside—"

"You crazy idiot!"

"Wait, I'm holding the bags! Don't kick me! With your feet!"

It sounds like they're bickering from outside, possibly observed by her boyfriend.

Like protagonists in a drama having a lovers' quarrel, they move away while arguing.

It doesn't seem like a real fight; it feels more like they're joking with each other.

Damn... What kind of guy has a girlfriend who looks like that and even does condom errands?

And she even got the right size.

Even if I try to console myself, the other guy is a huge jerk.

The guy at the convenience store hangs his head.

Luckily, he earned 2,000 won in change, but he feels extremely frustrated.