

Title: Episode 46: Golden Lion TV - Hunting Edition - Teaching Blonde Tanning Playboys a Lesson with a 3P ♥

Inside a quiet café across the motel.

"In my opinion, making changes to oneself might be effective."

"Changes to oneself?"

Han Jeong-a elegantly places a mug with a slight lipstick stain on it.

"So far, the pattern has been repetitive. A man in ordinary casual clothes starts from the streets, glancing around here and there, eventually succeeding in hunting and showing off his first sexual encounter with a woman. Viewers enjoy the initial clumsy hunting skills and the ensuing happenings. And when successful, they can enjoy the thrill of a huge surprise and a proficient technique. "


The disheveled appearance in the motel disappears, replaced by a confident demeanor as she adjusts her horn-rimmed glasses and explains methodically.

"As this pattern repeats, it might become dull, but the target changes daily. So even a slight change can make the content fresh."

"For example, how so?"

"Well, how about dressing more stylishly? Carrying famous luxury items and wearing neatly tailored clothes, driving luxury cars can attract the attention of women. Naturally, it can increase the success rate of hunting and provide viewers with a sense of vicarious satisfaction, while also appealing to sponsors and promoting the growth of the broadcast."

"I don't have those luxury items or cars..."

"These days, there are many places that rent them for a period. Think of it as an investment. When the water rises, so does your income. Simply collecting without purpose like a miser is of no use."

"Of course, preparing entirely different content is also a good idea. However, sudden changes might evoke resistance, so I recommend improving the hunting broadcast, which is currently your main focus. That's my suggestion."

A clean and analytical conclusion. Indeed, it's a viewpoint befitting an industry professional.

I wonder if the woman who was just playing around in my hands until a moment ago is right. It's hard to find any traces of her past rebelliousness in her neat coffee-drinking movements.

However, after finishing speaking, Han Jeong-a looks somewhat uneasy, casting a glance in this direction with an anxious expression.

Her next words are somewhat stuttered, almost at the level of a murmur.

"Now that I've advised you, is our business... finished?"

As she subtly clasps her hands on the table, a hint of anxious anticipation lingers. What if I answer "yes"?

I'm impressed by Han Jeong-a's abilities, yet a slight smirk escapes me in this scene.

"That's the way to handle those bastards."

Without answering, I rise unsteadily, leaning forward.

Perhaps she immediately understands, as Han Jeong-a approaches with a blossoming smile.

"Harumph... huff... hmm... ♥"

Inside a quiet café late at night, in this public space where we're having a drink together, we openly exchange deep kisses.

With a ring on my finger, anyone who sees us might think we're engaged.

"I'll contact you again."


That's it. This is where my last conversation with Han Jeong-a ends.

A few days after receiving that advice.

I decided to spruce myself up as my manager advised.

"This should do, right?"

I keep checking myself in the rearview mirror of the luxury sedan.

White pants and a perfectly matched white vest.

Underneath, I wear a black shirt to add contrast.

Since black and white monochrome can be dull, I add a daring carrot-colored jacket for freshness.


It's a terrifying ability to coordinate oneself.

Even the department store clerks admired the clothes with smiles while covering their mouths.

Now I understand why narcissists exist.

And on my wrist shines a sparkling watch.

My first luxury item ever.

I researched online and chose one from the Rolex brand, which is roughly recommended for its deep and profound significance in the world of watches.

I shakily bought it outright for 7 million won at the store, but even after buying it, I feel more anxious than thrilled.

It's a bit unsettling to spend my entire three months' salary on something pretty...

The metal feels itchy on my wrist...

Actually, I went to a famous salon to lift my spirits, but I forgot that I needed to wear a lion's mask.

Anyway, with the mindset of investing money, I also prepared a luxury domestic sedan.

Preparation for the revamped <Golden Lion TV> is complete.

I put on my treasured lion's mask firmly on my head and prepare for the broadcast.

<Golden Lion TV>

⊙On Air

I turn on the broadcast in the car.

It's 2 p.m., the regular broadcasting time, and viewers start tuning in right on time.

The number quickly surpasses 2,000, and the responses come in immediately.

Golden Lion

Golden Lion (meaning Golden Lion High)

Oh, what car is that?

The atmosphere seems different today?

Looking at the interior, is it a Genesis?

"Hello everyone~ As you can see, I dressed a bit differently today to show you something new."

What's up?

Your wrist is sparkling too?

"Oh, it's because you've shown so much unexpected love, so I wanted to show you something different. How do you like it? Is it okay?"

As I say this, I show them around the inside of the car.

Did you win it?

If you're going to be hot, why not use a foreign car instead?

"Oh, I didn't buy it, it's a lease. I couldn't afford to pay in full..."

Still, it shines almost like a new car.

I thought you bought it lol

Can't resist leasing lol

"Everyone, but this one is real."

As I proudly display the watch.

Isn't that a cheap model?

I get the concept, but what about the clothes?

Is the clothing concept a clown?

Are you a rich man?

Why did you put clothes in the clothing collection box in front of our house?

Viewers' sarcastic comments.

Hm, are these jealous remarks?

Critiquing a perfectly normal fashion, they must be pitiful souls.

They might become malicious viewers blinded by jealousy, but I'll look at them with my generous heart.

Around this time, a comment worth ten thousand won pops up.

That's enough, show us you hooking up with a girl again today.

"Yes, understood. Since I showed you briefly, let's get started today!"

With a hopeful opening, I start slowly looking around the crowded city to find a target.

But surprisingly... the response isn't as strong as I expected.

Maybe, as viewers said, I should have used a flashy foreign car, or maybe because there are many domestic luxury sedans, the response isn't that great.

Their perception is just of medium-sized cars cruising through the city.

But still, when I speak to them as they pass by, the response isn't bad.

For some reason, they often smile and cover their mouths while looking at me.

I'm not sure where they're smiling from. (Looking at the carrot-colored jacket)

Then, as we share the view through the front windshield with the viewers, I unexpectedly spot a target.

Two blonde, tanned girls.

They're wearing crop tops with fist-sized gold rings and earrings, despite the cold, and have piercings on their navels.

With heavy smoky makeup and holding a white bag, one of them is covered in tattoos.

The other one is wearing long boots with hot pants, and the straps of black underwear peek out from under the V-shaped waistband.

Both are barely wearing anything above, as if they'll freeze when the wind blows.

Both have a clear concept.

They definitely look like party animals.

If you meet them late at night, you'd think they're strippers selling their bodies.

Wherever these girls go on the streets of Korea, it becomes like LA.

Perhaps because of this sexy atmosphere, there are positive comments in the chat.

Let's go for those blonde girls today.

They're extraordinary. Let's spice things up.

Today's concept is rich, so these two girls who look like they're selling their bodies are perfect.

They both look like they won't listen to anything lol

"Everyone, isn't it a bit scary to talk to people like that...?"

I'm scared, but you shouldn't be lol

The value of the subscription lol

Honestly, I'm nervous.

Talking to girls is something I've been doing recently as easily as eating, but they're different species.

I've only talked to humans and elves before, and now I feel like I'm trying to converse with an orc.

To them, the elegance of women and the forcefulness I've given them through goat food flow through them.

Their tanned skin and thick mascara makeup make them look stubborn.

Still, since the chat wants it, as my avatar, I have no choice but to follow the trend.

I slow down the car, sticking close to the street.

I roll down the window and talk to the girl in the hooped outfit.

"Hey... do you girls want to go for a drive?"

"So that's why you... huh?"

They both chatter for a moment, then look at me simultaneously.

After standing still for about three seconds, they burst out laughing at the same time.

They lean against the window, clutching their exposed navels.

"What's with this doll mask?"

"Are you trying to flirt with us? Hunting?"

"Look at his clothes. So funny lol. Where did you pick them up?"

"Wow, the car is brand new, but you're wearing rags."


They're dissing my fashion right off the bat.

I can't stand it.

"Hey, I bought these at a department store yesterday."

"You bought these? That's unbelievable~ lol"

"Oh, but the watch is real, right?"

"Hmm, I guess so? It's obviously a luxury brand. Do you have a lot of money by any chance?"

"I don't have that much money... Actually, I'm filming a show and if you help out, I can pay you..."

"Really?! Wow, it's a broadcast! Hey, someone call!"

"Really? My phone is ringing. Look at the numbers. So many people are watching."

"Wow, this is going to be fun. We were bored, but this is great!"

They open the door enthusiastically, still amazed, and get into my car without hesitation.

The girl in hot pants sits in the front, while the one in the hooped outfit sits in the back.

Eventually, the girl in hot pants covers her nose and makes an unpleasant face.

"Ugh, this car smells so new."

"It's so obvious you're an amateur trying to pick up girls. But why a domestic car without any vibe?"

Two reckless troublemakers who love to diss.

As soon as they come in, they start chattering loudly.

It's like throwing a small worm bait and piranhas attacking with their fishing rods.

Wow, the audio is so crowded as soon as they come.

It's so noisy lol

My heart swells with the addition of these two troublemakers...

The chat is also bustling accordingly.

"Wow, 5000 people are watching this. What's going on that so many are watching?"

"That... we're hunting on the streets and going to motels for adult broadcasts."

"What?! This guy... he's such a pervert."

"He's probably embarrassed himself, so he's wearing a doll mask. Hey, why are we blurred out?"


When they see their faces blurred out on the broadcast screen, they give each other a puzzled look.

They reach out recklessly and tap with their long nails.

"Hey, stop that. These days, image rights are a problem. We turned it on to protect your identity."

"Hey, is someone's face like hazardous material?"

"This guy is treating someone's face like crap. Turn it off quickly!"

"Hey hey!"

They grab and touch things as they please.

"Oh, there it is!"

They press randomly, accidentally turning off the filter.

They expose their faces to the 5000 viewers.

They use the phone, which they have fixed in front of the car, as their own selfie.

Oh! We can see the troublemakers' faces.

Their makeup is so heavy lol


But their faces are pretty OMG

"Hey, the comment says their faces are pretty lol"

"Damn, isn't it just their faces that are pretty?"

Saying this, the hot pants in front suddenly points her phone at her collarbone.

She opens the tightly fitted clothes to show.

The chat explodes with excitement at her provocative showmanship.

The chat window and the continuously counting number of viewers skyrocket.

The broadcast is definitely booming.

It's going well, but I'm extremely uncomfortable.

It's noisy and they keep doing annoying things.

Thunk! Thunk!

"Hey, can you move your feet off the heater…"

"Ah~ shut up. I don't have time to look at the chat."

"You're in the front seat and you're not even wearing a seatbelt. You'll get caught in this day and age if you do that."

"Forget about the seatbelt nonsense and just drive."


Gold Lion's own broadcast is being NTR'ed lol

She provocatively taps the heater with her boots.

This girl....

While enduring, a donation of ten thousand won pops up on the phone.

It's displayed prominently even on my doll mask.

You got a troublemaker. Endure it with evil and strength.

'You wanted this, didn't you…!'

Frustrated, the hot pants behind me leans in close to my ear and asks.

"But where are we going?"

"Uh... I said we're going for a drive.... Maybe we'll take a spin around some scenic routes or downtown."

The hot pants next to me protests.

"Ugh, how boring. If we're going hunting, take us somewhere fun!"

"For real, why are we going there? It smells like a nerdy route."

"But did a tire blow? Why did you slow down so much?"

The leased luxury sedan is adhering to a speed of 30 km/h.

It might actually be more dangerous in the 60km speed zone.

But there's nothing I can do about it.

Since getting in the car, my arms have not left the steering wheel at 10 and 2.

"Talking about a 'janglong license'... It's been four years since I got my license, and I'm still nervous."

"Haha, a 'janglong license'?"

"Damn, you'd make a better comedian than a hunter."

"Ah~ seriously! If you're going to change lanes, focus, and be quiet!"

"No waaay. Since you're into hunting, just keep making me laugh."

"Yeah, it's part of the job, you know? It's funny because of all the hunting experience."

They press on the precious mask-like disguise with their tanned fingers.

From behind, they repeatedly hit the driver's seat with boots.

It's been driving me crazy trying to concentrate.


After enduring it for so long, I reached my limit.

I had prepared for a different route as advised by Han Jeong-ah's manager, but I couldn't use it on these rascals.

I change the destination to a nearby motel.

I park in the dim underground parking lot of the motel.

I turn off the engine and the hot pants next to me snatches my phone, which the troublemakers were playing with.

"That's why I said it's the monitor, not a rag. These perverts─ ah!"

"Okay, everyone, as always, I'll turn it back on in the room. Bye for now."

With that, I end the broadcast reluctantly.

The troublemakers who were playing with my phone and the ones who were messing with their phones behind me revolt.

"Hey! Why did you turn off the broadcast! We were enduring the boring drive because of the broadcast!"

"Huh? I was wondering where it was, and you came straight to a motel? This crazy bastard."

They retort to each protest.

"We'll turn it back on in the room, and since you guys aren't being quiet, there's nothing we can do."

"Even so, why come straight to a motel? Do you think we'll just follow you because you're popular?"

"Ah~ Kim Sae. So not fun. I'm leaving."

"I'm leaving too, this stupid broadcast."

As they attempt to escape the troublemakers' revolt, they propose a deal.

"Each of us will give you ten million won."

It's a huge bet.

When they call out a high amount from the start, both of them flinch.

"You'll give us ten million won each?"

"Yeah, ten million won as a broadcast appearance fee. How about it?"


The money naturally tempts them, and they immediately quiet down.

"But, there's a condition."

"Hah, I knew it, you fool."

"Don't rush and listen. It's simple. Until you leave the room, just say 'I'm tired~' or 'I lost~' without any whining, and I'll coolly send you the cash."

"...Is that all?"

"Yeah. Deal? I'm fine with both of you or just one."

I lower my voice to emphasize the weight.

The two who were laughing loudly exchange glances.

They nod silently, reaching an implicit agreement.

So the three of us made a preliminary agreement, got out of the car, and entered the motel.

We were assigned a room by the motel staff and walked down the carpeted hallway.

I lead the way, and they follow behind.

Even as we walk, they don't stop muttering.

"Huh, how great do you think you are to set such conditions?"

"Yeah, seriously funny guy. Well, it's good for us if we can rip off some suckers."

"Damn, if you scrutinize, even the pepper must be tiny lol"

I mostly ignore their criticism.

I just quietly activate [Female Transformation Lv.4].