

Title: Episode 42 - Manager Han Jung-ah's (29 years old/fiancée-to-be) 5th Year of Dating♥

"Since it's coming out soon, hold it properly and watch!"

"Ah♥ Yuna, you're going deep again...!"

"Then you have to cry happily again!"

"Ah...! Haa♥"

Clap! Clap! Clap!

With a large palm, he smacks her ample chest as if reaching a climax.

However, despite the sound, it doesn't seem to hurt as much as it should, and he's happy about it.

Perhaps it's because of the sensation of a large pillar inserted below, making most pains barely noticeable.

Squish squish squish squish♥

"Ugh, it's coming! It's coming out again!"

"Heh! Hiiiiit!"

Cha Seon-woo pushes his hips forward, straightening his thighs and exerting pressure on his buttocks as he thrusts his genitals in. Meanwhile, Yuna spreads her legs and trembles with a scream.

As the waist underneath bends like a bow and springs up, soaking the neck while emitting animalistic sounds, it soon collapses.


He observes while swallowing saliva to moisten his dry throat.

He had watched AVs for reference before, but this level was not comparable.

Even just watching makes his lower abdomen tingle.


Yuna, who had been tilting her head due to sweat, suddenly notices me.

She quickly regains her senses after absent-mindedly observing.

She unconsciously removes her hand that she had taken below.

"Sister... When did you arrive?"

"Sister? ...Oh my! What a surprise!"

As Cha Seon-woo turns to look beside him, he flinches.

At that moment, his large object is revealed.

He's shaking that wicked object that he just turned Yuna's insides upside down with.

Even the rubber in front is abnormally stretched.

'Does that make sense...?'

It's scary yet awe-inspiring.

It feels like seeing a stallion that exists solely to spread its genes.

'No, no, this isn't the time.'

He shakes his head from side to side to erase it from his mind.

He stops the foolish act of being surprised by the reproductive organ and regains his composure.

He starts to investigate this messy scene.

"Yuna, was this the reason for taking a break from the broadcast?"

"I'm sorry... Seon-woo oppa kept nagging at me today...♥"

"Hey, don't sell out your partner..."


Even in this situation, Cha Seon-woo playfully fondles Yuna's ample chest.

Sitting on the bed, he touches the thing that isn't entering with one hand as if it's his toy.


Raising his voice might not be appropriate, so he speaks up.

He pokes Cha Seon-woo's side.

"Excuse me, but you're disturbing us, so please leave."

"Huh...? But I'm still naked...?"

"Oh, my mistake. Please put on clothes and refrain from coming here in the future."

"Huh~? Why is that?"

Cha Seon-woo, surprised and indignant, is ready to be countered if needed.

"You are harmful to Yuna.

Because of you barging in today, a regular broadcast was canceled, causing financial loss."

"While that may be true..."

"Today's leniency was my mistake due to being busy, but I won't overlook you in the future."

Let's go strong," Cha Seon-woo says with a troubled expression.

"You're being too harsh. Isn't Yuna an adult who can make her own decisions? If you think about it, she's older than me," he says.

"Oh? Is that so?"

"I'm Yuna's manager, and Yuna behaves like an elementary school student who makes summer vacation schedules and doesn't follow them regardless of her age. If it weren't for me, I couldn't control her. I'm warning you, if you come out uncooperative like this, I'll report it to the police."

"Even if we entered into a relationship under mutual agreement, what grounds do you have to report?"

"That depends on how I, as a witness and Yuna's spokesperson, fabricate it."

He shakes his phone, indicating that it's not just a simple warning. Cha Seon-woo forces a smile.

"You're coming on strong..."

"I'm sorry, Sister..."

"You too, get ready to fill your schedule tightly next month."


Soon, his expression turns sour. He puffs up his cheeks as if sulking.

"But you're in a relationship with oppa, aren't you?"

"A relationship..."

He mutters unintentionally. Lines form under his eyes. He doesn't know if the thick-headed kid, Mangkkong, understands the intention.

Does he really like that man, or did he just fall for the bed? Judging by his current state, it seems more likely to be the latter. Well, either way, it's a problem.

For the past few years, he has been training Yuna, who used to do only what she found amusing, to consistently appear on broadcasts. And this man is clearly disrupting that rhythm. Today's broadcast was canceled, so he needs to cut ties before more damage occurs.

"No, if you meet Yuna whenever you want, it will disrupt the broadcasts."

"But there wasn't a promise not to meet men..."

"Because I can't control you, I'm banning it from today."

"Eek! That's unfair!"

Yuna pouts like a duck. Despite her firm stance, unlike usual, she disagrees.

It feels like forcibly taking away a toy the child likes. Did she really like that man that much? He even feels a hint of jealousy, but he bears it.

I volunteered to be Yuna's mother figure. But strictly speaking, I'm a hired body. If this deadlock continues and the employer gets angry, it will be troublesome. So, I propose a suitable compromise.

"Okay, if you feel like you're going crazy with lust, tell me. I'll allow it only when I can find time in the schedule."

"Sniff... That's mean..."

"I've been lenient enough. We promised to do the broadcasts on time even if a meteor fell from the sky, right?"


"If you work hard again, I'll include it in the schedule. But until then, meeting is prohibited."

"Heeeng... Yes."

Fortunately, it seems she understood up to this point. I feel relieved, and I confirm once again with Cha Seon-woo, the perpetrator of the situation.

"Did you hear? So, from now on, don't approach Yuna directly, and meet through me. Until then, access near the house is also prohibited."

Cha Seon-woo, who was absentmindedly listening to the conversation, mutters as he assesses the situation naked.

"Is the conversation ending like this?"

A somewhat dejected voice, as if losing interest. Since the conversation is progressing without regard to his opinion, he looks puzzled. Nevertheless, it's a relief. Despite behaving like a tyrant in bed, he follows along more gracefully than expected.


However, avoiding direct eye contact with Cha Seon-woo, who has many flaws, he looks away.

"Excuse me."


"Could you put on your clothes?"

"Oh, yes. My apologies."

After a defenseless smile, he bends down to pick up his clothes from the floor with a sloppy gesture.

With this exchange, his excitement seems to have subsided, and the erection has softened.


But it's still as big as a pink sausage.

After Yuna's affair with the man is settled, the next day, he met Cha Seon-woo again. He was called first through the chat room he left last time. The meeting place is a famous franchise café near Yuna's house. It's located on a busy street corner, a place he doesn't particularly like due to its noisy atmosphere.

After sipping coffee from a mug, he opens the door.

"Why did you call me back so soon, just a day later?"

"Well~ Why would I meet Manager-nim again? Since I was asked to get permission, I called to ask if it's okay to meet Yuna."

"After doing that yesterday, is it still not enough?... There's also body management, so please don't treat someone else's client like an object."

He sharply retorts, irritated. It's not a joke. There's no doubt about this guy's stamina. After sending Cha Seon-woo home and helping with the cleanup, I found 9 used condoms, all filled to an abnormal amount. It makes one curious about the structure of his body. Unlike my thin eyes, Cha Seon-woo smiles broadly.

"Well, honestly, this is just a pretext. The real matter is for Manager-nim."

"...? Me?"

Somehow, his heart raced at this point. A breeze of excitement blows, as if expecting something. Heartbeats rise uncontrollably, trying not to be caught, he calmly puts down the mug he was drinking from.

"What kind of matter is it..."

After hesitating for a moment, Cha Seon-woo clumsily pieces together his words.

"Uh... do you have any ideas or advice about... adult content?"

Such an unexpected question. A question that deviates from expectations, completely out of the blue.

"...Adult content?"

"Yes, yes. I wanted to ask for an expert's opinion."

"Why are you asking me about that?"

"Because you've been in that field for a long time, so you must be knowledgeable. Even if it's not groundbreaking news, could you tell me what the current trends are or what's popular these days?"

"What do you want to find out for?"

Without taking out his card, he redirects the question back to him.

Cha Seon-woo hesitates at this point, then clumsily pieces together words.

"Well... a friend of mine started a broadcast and seems to have a lot of concerns. So, out of pity, I thought I might help a little... haha."

His relaxed smile disappears, replaced by a clumsy laugh.

Although somewhat disappointed, a puzzle piece falls into place in his mind.

"That channel has been talked about a lot, so I briefly watched the news, and hearing this, I have a hunch."

"Is that the famous <Golden Lion TV> you're talking about?"

As if caught red-handed, Cha Seon-woo removes his lips from the straw he was sipping on, looking embarrassed as if caught off guard. Perhaps he heard the noise, as he coughs continuously before hesitantly responding, with no chance to hide it with a poker face.

"H-how did you know?!"

"It was a hot topic in the neighborhood, and your attitude seemed too suspicious. And more importantly..."

"And more importantly...?"

"I heard that the person hosting the show has a very large genital."


Cha Seon-woo chuckles in agreement with the rest of the conversation. Golden Lion TV, a rookie who has suddenly gained high views and recognition. A robust man wearing a lion mask hosts adult content, and the main content is a hunting show. It's said to be a very unique program, not even allowed to be redistributed without permission. Upon appearing, it even briefly ranked in the top tier on platforms. But who would have thought someone like this was doing it... The world is truly small.

"It was on the news, and it's still in the early stages, so the views are good, but what's the problem?"

"It feels like it's repeating every day..."


"Yes, the viewership doesn't increase after a certain point, and even watching it again, similar scenes repeat... I'm worried it might get boring..."

Hmm, the gears in my head are turning. "I'll look into it. Even if it's not a sharp idea, I'll point out areas for improvement!"

"No, I'll pass."


"I'm Yuna's manager, not yours."

"Oh... Don't be cold-hearted. We're colleagues now, let's help each other. Ah! If you want, I can model my penis for you!"

"Colleagues can also be interpreted as competitors. I've already deposited the modeling fee into your account, and I don't have time to help while a meeting schedule is being arranged."

With a firm expression of will, he stands up from his seat, lifting his buttocks. "Is the conversation ending here?"

"You're really mean..."

"You enjoyed the coffee, and now I'll be going."

He leaves, wearing a encyclopedia jacket.

I made time for this, but it was a waste of time. No, perhaps it's not a waste since I've uncovered some unexpected information. As I walk by, I notice this man... Cha Seon-woo is openly staring at my buttocks. In this situation, he's practically scanning even the thighs clad in stockings beneath my skirt. Is he aware of me? I pause in my high heels for a moment. I consider confronting him, but I'm busy, so I decide to ignore and walk past. But the thought of being watched from behind persists. In response, Han Jeong-ah instinctively shakes her buttocks beneath her suit skirt.