

<Episode 36>

"Excuse me, boyfriend~"



Two men and women at a cafe's two-person table, silently fiddling with their phones.

Already for 10 minutes, they only mind their own business.

Among them, Lee Jung-su pretends to be busy with his phone.

Even if he makes expensive 'pretends' like a clown alone, there is no response.

However, Yoon Mina was genuinely uninterested.

She indifferently uses her phone in front of her boyfriend, whether he talks about the movie he saw today or briefs her on the next course.

She just checks her own SNS and waits for someone's KakaoTalk reply.

Ring ring…

Anxiously, she habitually chews her thumbnail with her front teeth.

Realizing waiting alone won't do, she sighs and stands up.

"I'll go to the restroom."


"Why? Can't I go again?"

"No, that's not what I meant..."

Recently, his girlfriend's irritability has become frequent.

It's unpredictable like a natural disaster.

It's not her period, and it feels like it's been less than a month since the last one… No matter how much he thinks about it, he can't figure out what he did wrong.

"Ugh... I'm doomed."

While Lee Jung-su sighs in despair, Yoon Mina disappears into the cafe's restroom.

Inside the silent women's restroom.

She opens each stall door to check if anyone's there.



Just in case someone comes in midway, she thoroughly locks the restroom door.

She stands in front of the clean restroom mirror, checking her makeup.

Making sure there are no smudges, and finding the best lighting instinctively like a social media star.

'Let's finish this quickly...'

Carefully... she lifts her knitted sweater to reveal a black bra.

A high-end bra, specially purchased with great care.

It obscures her chest provocatively with leaf-shaped designs.

It also tightens the front line like a corset, emphasizing her chest even more.

She pulls the sweater up to her chin and opens her mouth.

With her hands, she gathers her chest to make it look nice.

Then she moves her hands to her skirt.

She lifts the front of the tight-fitting ivory mini skirt to reveal semi-transparent, suggestive lingerie.

It's a disgraceful act in a public place, but it's necessary for her response.

Click! Click!

With her free hand, she takes photos of herself in the mirror with her phone.

After taking a few shots from flattering angles with suggestive poses, she quickly lowers her skirt.

Knock knock! Knock knock knock!

Just then, she hears an impatient knocking.

"I'm, I'm coming out!"

She hurries to fix herself up and opens the door as a middle-aged woman rushes in.

Holding her handbag and entering hastily, the middle-aged woman frowns.

"Excuse me, did you rent the entire restroom!?"

"Ah... I had something to do."

"No, do you think you're the only one using it!?"

She treats her like a weirdo blatantly.

She glares at her, but she doesn't feel like dealing with an older person and just steps aside.

"Oh my, oh my! ...Gosh!"

Despite shooting back from behind, they didn't argue further and went their separate ways, probably because the restroom was urgent.


At the entrance of the restroom, she looks through the photos she took and selects the best one.

She uploads it directly to her KakaoTalk with him.

Pressing the phone screen against her chest, she anxiously waits, but as expected.

The 'read' mark doesn't disappear.

Wondering if something's wrong, today his response seems delayed.

Maybe he's fed up, she thinks, and starts tapping her foot.

Using his penchant for suggestive photos to showcase new underwear and tempt him.

Recently, she's been using this tactic a lot, being quite blatant about it.

Ultimately, she returns to her seat at the cafe empty-handed.

As soon as she sits down, Lee Jung-su speaks up.

"Hey hey, shall we leave the cafe soon?"

"...Uh, sure."

Even as she responds dryly, Yoon Mina's gaze remains fixed on her phone.

Listening as if agreeing, but not moving a muscle.

It's as if glue has been applied to her butt, keeping her glued to the seat.

From Lee Jung-woo's perspective, he can't help but feel frustrated.

They're not a couple who've been together for five years and have seen it all.

Moreover, playing along like a servant is solely her role.

He's starting to doubt if they're even right for each other.

'I have to endure, I have to…'

Still, he tries his best not to annoy his girlfriend and to keep the atmosphere as positive as possible.

He gestures towards her pretty, slender neck.

"You've been wearing that necklace a lot lately?"


"The black one you put on."

Feeling around her neck, Yoon Mina furrows her brow.

"Ha, you're really ignorant.

This is a choker, you know? Just because it goes around the neck doesn't mean it's a necklace."

"Phew… Well, you're always doing the same date courses without noticing any changes."

Once again, Yoon Mina rebukes her boyfriend.

'Damn. Am I just a punching bag?'

Lee Jung-su feels a pang inside.

In truth, the repetition of their date courses was more Yoon Mina's fault than Lee Jung-su's effort.

They had to avoid places where rumors might spread about her having a boyfriend on social media, or places everyone goes to.

Considering all this, they often ended up choosing the outskirts instead of the center, where the attractions were limited.

It was absurd, but Lee Jung-su swallowed his frustration, over and over again.

"Well, it suits you anyway.

Did you like that style? Should I get one for you too?"


At the question, Yoon Mina fidgets with the choker.

A choker with a droplet-shaped glass pendant on black lace, adding a touch of elegance.

Every time she touches it, she feels a sensual vibe.

Lost in thought for a moment, she shakes her hand.

"I don't need it… This model is just fine."

She skillfully spins a lie.

There's a reason she has to spin it.

Squirm squirm squirm squirm ♥

Erotic sounds emanate from the shaking bed.

There are two lovers sharing their love.

The woman, needless to say, is Yoon Mina.

She accepts her partner in a bestial position.

In a highly perverted position, lying down and spreading her legs for the man.

Embarrassing as it is, when he approaches, Chae Seon-woo to bites her neck, it's exhilarating and exciting.

He nibbles and teases her.

"Phew... Mina, feeling good?"

"I can't help but feel good... You're so good at sex ♥"

He's so technical and restrained compared to her boyfriend Lee Jung-su that there's no comparison.

His tool is not just solid, it's as big as a cannon.

As their bodies intertwine, he plays with Yoon Mina's senses.

If the partner were Chae Seon-woo, it would be the best, enough to want to stay in a separate place for days.

"By the way, do you like the gift I gave you?"


The black lace around Mina's neck.

The shaking glass pendant, every time it sticks to her skin from behind, trembles.

It's a special gift that Chae Seon-woo specifically filled for the sex party celebration.

"It feels too sensual..."

Honestly, it's an item that stimulates men's minds rather than a gift for women.

It's pretty, but it makes her feel like a room girl just wearing it around.

"Really? In my eyes, it's beautiful."

"...Uh, really?"

"I bought it thinking of you as I passed by. It's a little disappointing."

"I, I didn't say I didn't like it!"

As she rebuts, Chae Seon-woo hugs her tightly from behind.

"Do you like it then?"

"Since it's pretty... I like it ♥"

"Phew, your cute voice sounds good."

Smack smack smack smack smack smack smack!

"Ah ♥ Rough...! But I like it... ♥"

Already, they're onto the fifth condom.

After that, they return to the missionary position and slowly intertwine their bodies.

It's a sweet and affectionate sex that Yoon Mina prefers, cuddling each other.

In the midst of it, the phone rings.

<Boyfriend Lee Jung-su>

They ignored it like an annoying bug, but Lee Jung-su called three or four times in a row, worried about his girlfriend.

"Ugh, really!"

As Yoon Mina is about to get irritated, Chae Seon-woo grabs her wrist.

"Don't answer."


"You're ruining the mood. Just ignore it."

"But if I don't answer for too long, he'll get suspicious..."

"Anyway, you're not the type to be controlled by Jung-su. Just leave it."

"...No, it'll be a hassle to make excuses later. It's better to just─"

Twitch ♥


Suddenly, Chae Seon-woo presses his body against hers and forcefully inserts himself inside her.

He presses deeply, pressing her uterus.

With a giant magic wand, he makes her unable to move her body underneath.

"You should listen to me."

"Ah... ♥ Well, but..."

"Who's the one making you feel good right now?"


"Say it! Who?!"

"Ch-Chae Seon-woo! You! You ♥"

Chae Seon-woo smiles mischievously.

"Honestly, I like this even better."

He whispers in her ear.



As if to commend her, he gives her more kisses on the cheeks.

"You've already slept with Mina seven times. Since I've satisfied Mina's orgasms, doesn't that make me the owner of this body?"

Treating her like a product, Chae Seon-woo taps Yoon Mina's stomach.


Trying to understand the meaning behind it, she realizes what it was.

Chae Seon-woo wanted a term of endearment he could use in bed.

It's his inner desire to close the gap with Yoon Mina with more aggressive expressions.

But the term "owner" implies a hierarchical relationship.

Even though she's been sending him her explicit photos because she wanted to have sex with him, this is a separate issue.

Still, she's a popular current college goddess and social media star, and calling her an owner feels too distant.

She feels like she's lowering herself and entering a submissive position towards Chae Seon-woo.

Amidst the conflict, Chae Seon-woo shakes his hips like a monkey, begging for her attention.

"If you call me, I'll shake even harder..."

Though he just came on strong, he subtly switches to a pleading tone.

At the same time, he licks her neck, giving Yoon Mina the sticky affection she prefers.

He's also penetrating her sensitive spot just above her vagina.

"Ah ♥"

A breathy moan mixed with breath.

Twitch! Twitch!

Her toes curl, and she gets wet down below.

Every touch of her sensitive nerves feels electric.


Yoon Mina looks up at Chae Seon-woo, dazedly.

She postpones her answer and kisses his neck.

Starting with a kiss, she expresses her feelings for him clearly.

It's intense but undoubtedly the best sensual sensation of her life.

An ecstasy that her boyfriend could never provide.

There's no reason to hold back. Deep down, she wanted it too.

With loosened lips, she expresses her current feelings.

"...Master ♥"

Chae Seon-woo smiles satisfactorily, tugging at the corners of his mouth.

While Yoon Mina's phone accumulated eight missed calls, he skillfully shook his hips, satisfying her.

Just the thought heats up her lower abdomen.

Chae Seon-woo's demands becoming increasingly aggressive.

But she doesn't mind.

Even though her chest trembles with excitement, there's a thrill there.

Maybe she's already addicted and craving for more intense experiences.

"Hey, are you okay?"



"Uh, huh!? Wh-What?"

Lost in thought for a moment, she realizes Lee Jung-su is asking something.

"It's about, you know, that thing."

"That thing?"

"You know, on Facebook, let's change that..."

Understanding what he's talking about now, she quickly hides her flustered expression and changes the subject.

"Hey, I said I'm tired of hearing about it."

"Will you reduce my allowance if I lose followers and ad revenue?"

"Well, still... There are a lot of constraints in our relationship. I've been accommodating you in every way, but isn't this demand a bit too much?"

"You knew everything when we started dating. Why do you keep bringing this up?"


This was the limit.


Lee Jung-su, who had been patiently listening to his girlfriend's complaints, pounds the table with his fist.

All eyes in the cafe turn to them due to this sudden action.


But Yoon Mina remains unfazed.

Her attitude towards her boyfriend has become extremely cold since her relationship with Chae Seon-woo.

She stares at him with an icy gaze, as if she wouldn't feel any regrets even if they broke up right now.

Jung-su, who comes out with a poker face, is the one who seems bewildered now.

Not knowing what to do with his lost fist, he puts it in his pocket.

"Ah, damn it!"

Glancing around, he grabs his coat and leaves.

"Jeez, what a jerk."

Yoon Mina doesn't even bother to look at his retreating figure as she elegantly sips her Americano through a coffee straw.

She pays no attention to the fleeting glances from the people around her.

As she absentmindedly fiddles with her phone again, she notices something.


The "read" indicator has disappeared from her chat.

Before she knows it, there's already a reply.

[△△ Street, □□ Motel, Room 801]

It's a short message.

Yet, adrenaline rushes through her body with joy, and she stands up from her seat.


She slams the door and, wearing high heels, hurries down the street, gasping for breath.

Feeling exhilarated from the fight with her boyfriend, she now has the perfect excuse to break up.

She feels liberated, as if she has broken free from chains.

"Ugh... Finally!"

She hops on and off buses traversing the streets but finds them too slow and stifling, so she gets off midway.

She flags down a taxi nearby and rushes towards her destination.

Finally arriving at a certain motel.

She takes the elevator and presses the bell for Room 801, and he emerges.

"Hey, you seduced me first and made me wait."


Chae Seon-woo stands barefoot.

His face is ordinary, but he has a decent physique with just the right muscles from working out, and he's slightly taller, giving him a handsome appearance.

Yoon Mina grips the doorknob and gazes at his dignified figure before murmuring.

"I'm sorry, Master ♥"

Instinctively, as if longing for this encounter.

The door of the motel slowly closes behind them.