

<Episode 25> 25. Queen of Desire Fulfillment ♡

[Satisfying the Queen of Discontentment ♥]

*A reward of 1 million won will be given.

*Except for [Female Corruption], other hacking techniques will not be updated.

Sneaky, raising the corners of your mouth wickedly in the crowded subway.

These days, things seem to be going exceptionally well.

Recently, receiving this message from the hacking tool meant just that.

In addition to the meaning of the mission itself, it also means that the other person has a favorable impression of me.

Mina did, and Yeonsu did too.

Throughout the journey, I thought about 'that' repeatedly like a parrot, but didn't grasp anything.

Then, perhaps, could it be? Is it real? Such assumptions crossed my mind.

I couldn't be sure despite drawing out inferences, but now the hacking tool instills confidence,

"If he was so desperate, he even called me without any hesitation."

Wondering what expression to make when we meet, I chuckle and hope he approaches the destination quickly.

When the man sitting in front of me suspiciously wraps his backpack and glares at me, I awkwardly hide my smile.

The same café as before.

It was the same time as 10 a.m., but since it was a holiday, it was quite crowded despite being a weekday.

There was no seat on the first floor, so when I went up to the second floor, a painting was waiting for me.

Makeup that gives more power than broadcast.

Among them, the golden dress under the platinum hair was the epitome of splendor.

Especially, the line that rises along the thigh and slopes inward was beautiful.

The nails elegantly holding the coffee lacked nothing, even the milky color and the beautifully pinned ones.

On the least noticeable floor, there were even sandals with pretty ankles and nails dyed in red.

Only the area where Seonhwa was sitting in the café became a model shooting scene.

There wasn't a single place from head to toe that wasn't carefully attended to.

It's amazing how the splendor that can't be ignored like a swan's wings, isn't excessive.

Although all the seasoning is evenly distributed, it's neatly digested.

The surrounding men glance over, but her unique sharp aura makes their eyes stick.


She notices me as I climb the stairs, then abruptly stops talking and pretends to look elsewhere.

She fiddles with her hair and gazes at the café wall.

Her somewhat suspicious movements oddly instill confidence and assurance in me.

Approaching and sitting across from her.

"Hey, how have you been?"

"Hey! You're late again."

"I told you to check the time. Today is definitely before 10 o'clock. Weren't you the one who came early?"

"...Hmph, don't make me wait and hurry up."

Glancing at her phone and sipping her coffee leisurely, Seonhwa.

The time I saw on the digital clock on the first floor when I entered was 9:54.

Therefore, it turns out it's not me who's late, but Seonhwa who came early.

With some expectation.

"What's up? I thought our last meeting was the end."

"Oh, well, that's... um..."

"First of all, what's 'that'? It seemed really important."

Pretending not to know it's a fabrication.

I'm somewhat looking forward to what kind of reaction the Queen will show.

Seonhwa hesitates to answer and then rushes to speak unenthusiastically.

"Uh, I was talking about the video we took a while back. It keeps bothering me, did you really delete it?"

An old, stale bait.

It's difficult to come up with an excuse to meet, so she brings up the fermented bait.

"I said I deleted it. I deleted it right in front of you."

"Are you sure you really deleted it? Are there any copies or saved photos left...?"

"Hey, do you not trust me? I threatened you, but I pursue a clean relationship without any trace. I didn't even mention it the second time I came."


"Did you call me just for this? Can't even trust people, quite disappointing, huh?"

Rushing towards the flames like a moth, a tactic so laughably blocked.

But Seonhwa twisted things one more time here.


An abrupt apology.

"Huh? ...Sorry?"

"Yeah, sorry. Sorry for doubting you. I felt uneasy, so... That's why."

As if she had prepared for it, she smoothly responds.

The person apologizing seems slightly embarrassed but also proud of achieving it, as if it were a feat.


For a moment, my brain freezes.

Then, I realize, two beats late.

It was a shallow trick.

As I felt before, Seonhwa indeed seems to have a sharp mind.

She floated luck and gave a slide change.

So, interpreting the meaning of her actions now, it's intentional misdirection.

Even if she offers something, it means she won't give away much.

In other words, even if she apologizes for calling me out over trivial matters, it means she won't openly admit it herself.

It's the inner desire for intimacy.

It's the stubborn determination of a queen who will never submit to a man.

She dressed up nicely and led the wish to that direction.

"...Is this how it goes?"

It's going this far that even I feel provoked.

"You'll grant a wish?"

"Yeah. If you have anything you want, just say it."

"Okay, then... let's go watch a movie."

"Huh? A movie?"

"Yeah, a movie. It's the season with many movie releases lately. You treat."

As soon as she hears it, her face seems dumbfounded as if she's been hit.

Gradually, her expression turns into one that something is going wrong.

"Wait, a movie... is that... all?"

"It's enough. I haven't been to the movies much lately."

"Even though you could have wished for something more remarkable..."

"It's okay. I'm satisfied with a simple life."

"But... that..."

"Why? Do you have another wish you want me to grant?"

She smirks, raising the corners of her mouth.

"...No, it's nothing. If you're okay with that..."

She angrily kicks her foot under the table.

Gritting her teeth, she grips the coffee cup handle tightly, silently protesting that this isn't it.

But the wish has been decided, and the die has been cast.

We leave the café and head to the movie theater.

I purchase two tickets for a soon-to-start blockbuster movie.

"Since it's a wish, can we get popcorn and cola as a freebie?"

"...Do as you please."

She tosses her head with sudden irritation.

If she had worn high heels instead of sandals, she would have stomped her foot nervously, probably breaking it.


—Is she a model?

—Huh? Where have I seen her before...?

A tingling sensation.

As I glare at the group of men who were stealing glances at me, they all turn their heads at once.

It was a murmuring mixed with compliments, but now it seems like everything in the world is annoying them.

The venom rises as if the dressing up was all in vain.

Eventually, following the announcement that the movie is about to start, we enter with popcorn and cola.

We take seats at the very back.

The sidelights dim, plunging the theater into darkness, and the movie begins with a dusky glow.


Even in the darkness, there's a distinct discomfort emanating from Seonhwa's side profile.

Someone who's preoccupied with groping isn't a cinephile.

"Was the cola here...?"

Muttering softly, I grope around—feeling out Seonhwa.

Starting from the back of her hand, then her wrist, I wander to her shoulder and finally brush against her chest.


She must have felt the touch, yet instead of pushing it away, Seonhwa's body stiffens.

She doesn't brush off the intrusive hand that slowly travels up her body.

As if pondering how to react to this audacious touch, she induces a gentle pleasure.

"Ah... Ah...♥"

[Female Corruption] occurs even during cuddling.

With skilled handling, I caress her chest and collarbone.

"That's odd, should we have some popcorn?"

Brazenly murmuring, I lower my hand.

I stroke her smooth thigh over the dress.

Like giving a massage, I press on her flesh, then slowly delve deeper inside.

Without directly touching sensitive areas, I release a pleasant orgasm by easing her thighs apart.

After repeating this for a few minutes, I feel a damp warmth between her thighs.

As I subtly turn my head towards the moist sensation, Seonhwa is already staring at me intently.

She writhes like she's sick, her arousal reflecting in the cinema's bright screen.

I feel awkward too.

I approach her and whisper.

"Shall we leave?"


We exit through the back door without even touching the popcorn and cola, as if we've been waiting for this moment.

"Haa... Jjup... Hheup...! Jjoook..."

She wraps her arms around my shoulders and our lips meet as if in anticipation.

Although the movie is in full swing and there's no one around, we engage in a deep kiss in this risky public place.

After intertwining our tongues roughly, our saliva trails down as we pull away.

"...The kiss seems to have gotten longer?"

"As you practice, you get better. But this seems urgent, shall we go to a nearby motel?"

"Let's... go home. Do you want me to treat you like a dissatisfied prostitute?"

"I'm not a prostitute, but you seem dissatisfied...."

'Not a prostitute, but seems dissatisfied....'

I catch a glimpse of the cinema restroom, but it seems she prefers a familiar place for now.

Following Seonhwa, I quickly exit the movie theater with brisk steps.

We take a taxi promptly.

When I state the destination, the talkative taxi driver chimes in.

He glances at us through the rearview mirror.

"Oh~ Is she your student girlfriend? Impressive skills!"

"Ah~ Unfortunately, she's not my girlfriend."

"Ah, but you're sticking together like glue. Is it a fling these days? Although they say men are herbivores these days, when the opportunity comes, you gotta seize the woman tightly. Don't miss the chance when it comes, just grab and hold onto her tightly."

"Is that so? Hahaha."


I embrace Seonhwa tightly in response to the driver's advice throughout the taxi ride.

I caress her heated chest and thighs, heating them up even more.

Seonhwa bites her lip, suppressing a moan.

Since the movie theater isn't far, we reach home soon.

Unlocking the door, we enter the foyer together.

Seonhwa carelessly tosses the expensive-looking bag she was holding onto the floor.

"Huup! Haa... Chuwep... Chu-rip haa... A little more...!"

Another intense kiss ensues.

As if unable to resist the affection we shared in the taxi, she passionately wraps around me like an eel.

She presses her desire against me fiercely, even digging her nails into my shoulders as if unable to control the rising urge.

I calm down Seonhwa, who is charging at me like a raging bull, with all my might.

I support her back as if lightly hugging her while leisurely accepting the intertwining of our tongues.

I accommodate the restless and straightforward female with ease.

As the kisses subside and we slowly separate, Seonhwa, seeming a bit composed, wipes the saliva that had trailed near her lips with her palm, as if her rationality had returned.

"You're cute. Were you going crazy wanting sex but held it back?"

"S-Shut up!"

"You should have been honest at the café. You wanted me to treat your horny body, right?"

"D-Don't talk nonsense!"

Her face flushes red.

But having shown too much evidence of dissatisfaction, she gives up on hiding it any longer.

"...And you're the one. You suggested going to see a movie you weren't interested in?"

"It was fun."

"...You jerk."

"How could I resist seeing such a cute sight."

I give her a peck on the cheek as if to comfort her.

Her noble queenly image crumples into a pitiful expression.

Still, her lips curl up as if the kiss wasn't so bad. How cute.


My erection rises, throbbing with anticipation.

I can't keep up with this relaxed attitude any longer.

"Shall we head to the bedroom then?"


I wrap my arm around her shoulder and lead the way, and she obediently follows.

Since we're already in a compromised position, we enter the bedroom arm in arm, either going all out or being affectionate.