
Chapter 13. Start Of Cultivation...


Inside The Mirror...

As Cris and Valeria ventured deeper into the treacherous mountains, the weight of their perilous journey hung heavy in the air, like a dense fog that clung to their skin, refusing to be shaken off.

The rugged terrain stretched out before them like an unforgiving behemoth, its craggy peaks and valleys shrouded in an aura of foreboding, as if the very mountains themselves were warning them to turn back.

The air was alive with an almost palpable sense of danger, the silence punctuated only by the occasional rustle of leaves or the distant rumble of a hidden waterfall.

Eve, slumbering peacefully in Valeria's arms, was a poignant reminder of the innocence and vulnerability that Cris had sworn to protect.

Her tiny chest rose and fell with each gentle breath, her small hands curled into fists as if even in sleep, she was prepared to defend herself against the unknown terrors that lurked in the shadows.

Cris's gaze lingered on her peaceful face, his heart swelling with a mix of emotions - love, responsibility, and a deep-seated fear that he might not be able to keep her safe.

Outside The Mirror...

Meanwhile, a murmur of curiosity rippled through the gathering of Cultivators, their whispers carried away by the mountain breeze like autumn leaves on a gusty day.

The soft susurrations seemed to take on a life of their own, weaving in and out of the rocky outcroppings and hidden crevices, as if the mountains themselves were sharing secrets with the wind. "The mountains are extremely dangerous for Mortals. Why does he continue to go to the mountains and they should stay in the town? it will be more hopeful to live in town, right...?"

one of them wondered aloud, their voice barely above a whisper. "Is it not wiser to bask in the warmth of civilization, rather than courting danger in these unforgiving peaks?"

A somber voice, laced with empathy, responded, "You forget, his family was brutally slaughtered, his village left in ruins. The weight of responsibility for his sister, entrusted to him by her dying mother, hangs heavy on his shoulders. And let us not forget his elder sister, who narrowly escaped the horrors of sexual slavery..." The speaker's words trailed off, leaving the unspoken implications to hang in the air like a challenge, a gauntlet thrown down to the very fabric of their understanding.

Inside The Mirror...

In that moment, Cris was akin to a wounded beast, his heart seething with a deep-seated disillusionment towards humanity. The scars of his past still lingered, a constant reminder of the cruelty that lurked in the shadows of the world.

His eyes, once bright and full of hope, now seemed to hold a depth of sorrow, a sense of betrayal that threatened to consume him at any moment.

The weight of his responsibilities, the burden of his past, and the uncertainty of his future all swirled together in a toxic mix, threatening to overwhelm him at any moment.

Another Cultivator, intrigued by the enigma that was Cris, posed a question that would pierce the veil of silence: "But did not the Emperor of Heaven, when he ascended to Throne, He issued decree that Cultivators were forbidden from slaughtering mortals at whim...? Why, then, would he bother to protect them...?"

The query hung in the air, a challenge to the very fabric of their understanding, a thread that threatened to unravel the intricate tapestry of their world.

The assembly of Cultivators fell silent, their faces a picture of bewilderment. No one dared to venture an answer, for the contradictions were too glaring, the paradox too great.

The young Heavenly Emperor's actions, both in the past and present, seemed to defy the very principles he had once espoused. The silence was oppressive, heavy with the weight of unspoken doubts and fears.

As Cris and Valeria disappeared into the depths of the mountain, they found themselves back at the cave where Cris and Evefateful journey had begun.

The air was heavy with nostalgia, the memories of their first foray into the unknown still lingering like the whispers of the wind. The cave, once a symbol of uncertainty and danger, now seemed like a refuge, a sanctuary from the dangers that lurked outside.

With Eve safely ensconced in a secluded nook, Cris's voice echoed through the serene atmosphere, his words dripping with a sense of responsibility. "Sister, you go first and start cultivating. I'll protect you and Eve in the meantime. Once you're done, I'll begin my own cultivation."

The gentle rustle of leaves and the soft chirping of birds in the distance served as a soothing background melody to Cris's solemn declaration.

Valeria's response was like a ray of sunshine, bursting forth with a playful and cheery tone that could light up even the darkest of caverns. "Oh, yes! My little brother will protect me and Eve, won't you, Cris...?" Her Voice carrying affection for Cris.

Her voice was like a gentle breeze on a summer's day, carrying with it a hint of mischief and teasing. Cris's face, normally a picture of stoic determination, suddenly transformed into a brilliant shade of crimson, as if the very mention of his protective instincts had set his cheeks ablaze. He looked like a ripe, juicy tomato, ready to burst with embarrassment.

Valeria, seemingly delighted by her brother's reaction, couldn't help but flash a radiant smile, her eyes twinkling like diamonds in the sunlight. With a playful wink, she settled into a perfect Lotus position, her slender fingers curled gently around her knees, her back straight as a rod, and her eyes closed in serene contemplation.

The very air around her seemed to vibrate with an aura of tranquility, as if the forest itself was acknowledging her mastery over the ancient art of cultivation.

As Valeria began her cultivation, the air around her started to shimmer and glow, like the gentle lapping of waves on a moonlit beach. The forest itself seemed to be responding to her presence, the trees leaning in, as if to listen to her silent meditation. The atmosphere was heavy with anticipation, as if the very fabric of reality was holding its breath, waiting to see what wonders Valeria's cultivation would bring forth.

As the nascent threads of Valeria's nascent cultivation began to unfurl, a subtle yet palpable transformation took hold, like the first whispers of a gathering storm.

It started with an almost imperceptible shimmer, a faint luminescence that danced across her skin like the gentle lapping of moonlit waves on a still summer night.

The air around her seemed to vibrate with an otherworldly energy, as if the very fabric of reality was being rewoven to accommodate the burgeoning power that stirred within her.

At first, the change was so subtle that it might have gone unnoticed by the untrained eye. But Cris, was special, because of his unusual physique.

As the moments ticked by, the shimmering aura began to coalesce, taking on a deep, rich hue that evoked the very essence of life itself. It was as if the vital force that pulsed through every living being had been distilled into its purest, most potent form, and was now manifesting itself around Valeria like a fiery halo.

The color was unmistakable - a deep, crimson red, like the first blush of dawn breaking over a summer horizon, or the vibrant flush that suffused the cheeks of a lover's tender kiss.

The aura grew in intensity, its boundaries expanding to envelop Valeria in a warm, golden light that seemed to nourish and sustain her very being. It was as if she were being reborn, her cells and tissues infused with a vital energy that was at once both exhilarating and terrifying.

Cris's eyes widened in awe as he beheld the spectacle, his mind racing to comprehend the sheer magnitude of what he was witnessing.

The air was electric with anticipation, the very atmosphere seeming to vibrate with the promise of untold power and potential. It was as if the universe itself was holding its breath, waiting to see what wonders or terrors this nascent cultivation would unleash upon the world.

And at the center of it all, Valeria stood, her eyes aglow with an inner light that seemed to burn brighter with every passing moment, as if she were a star being reborn in a blaze of glory.

As the red, blood-like aura continued to envelop her, Cris felt his own heart pounding in his chest, his senses heightened to the point where he could feel the thrum of the universe itself.

He was witnessing something momentous, something that would change the course of history, and he knew that he would never forget this moment, this feeling, this sense of awe and wonder that threatened to consume him whole.

Outside The Mirror...

As Valeria's majestic form emerged, her radiant Red Aura burst forth like a blazing comet, sending shockwaves of astonishment through the assembly of Cultivators.

Their collective gasp was palpable, a synchronized intake of breath that seemed to suck the air out of the room. Eyes widened in unison, their pupils dilating with a mix of fascination and trepidation as they beheld the unprecedented spectacle.

One of the Cultivators, his voice trembling like a leaf in an autumn gale, ventured a hesitant query, "This... this can't be right, can it...? A Demonic Cultivator's Aura should be a deep, foreboding purple or an ominous black, not this... this fiery crimson...!"

Ray, his tone laced with a hint of skepticism, chimed in, "Looks like that old Cultivator was mistaken about Valeria's physique, doesn't it...?"

Hera, the enigmatic Void Empress, responded with an air of detachment, her voice as smooth as polished marble.

"No, although it's not a Demonic Physique, it's indeed related to the Demon Race... a connection that defies the conventional norms...!"

A murmur of curiosity rippled through the crowd, prompting one of the Cultivators to pose a question, his voice laced with a sense of wonder, "Void Empress, what does this mean...? What secrets lie hidden behind this Norms...?"

Hera's response was like a velvet-draped revelation, her words dripping with an otherworldly allure. "This Physique, is none other than the Legendary Vampire Sovereign Physique, the Sole Supreme Physique of the Vampire Bloodline within the Demon Race. A Lineage thought to be extinct since the Age of 'Sirus', the Era of 'Medieval', when the very fabric of reality was reshaped."

The room seemed to hold its collective breath as Hera continued, her voice weaving a spell of enchantment. "It's said that the Founding Queen or First Of the Vampire Bloodline possessed this very Physique, but its extremely low fertility rate sealed its fate, condemning it to the annals of history. And yet, that Physique has manifested in this Girl."


Next Chapter "14.Vampire Sovereign Physique...[1]"


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