
Chapter 14. Vampire Sovereign Physique...[1]

Inside The Mirror...

The air around her began to vibrate with an otherworldly energy, as if the very essence of the earth was responding to her gentle touch. A dark, crimson-hued aura started to emanate from her being, like a slow-burning fire that was gradually intensifying in power and magnitude. The atmosphere grew heavy with an almost palpable sense of foreboding, as if the shadows themselves were coalescing into a sentient entity that threatened to consume everything in its path.

As the dark aura continued to swirl and eddy around Valeria, a series of vivid, surreal visions began to materialize before Cris's eyes. Like a macabre tapestry, these visions unfolded with an eerie, unsettling beauty, each one more fantastical and terrifying than the last. Countless vampires, their eyes aglow with an unholy hunger, knelt before Valeria, their pale skin seeming to glow with an unnatural luminescence in the flickering, crimson light. The air was heavy with the stench of bloodlust, as if the very fabric of reality was being warped and distorted by the sheer weight of their dark desires.

In another vision, Valeria was standing at the edge of a boundless, crimson sea, its waves crashing against the shore with a rhythmic, mournful cadence. The sky above was a deep, foreboding crimson, as if the very heavens themselves were bleeding in sympathy with the dark, primal power that was building within her. The air was heavy with the scent of salt and blood, and the sound of screams echoed across the water, like the cries of the damned.

As these visions grew in intensity and scope, they began to spill out of the cave, threatening to engulf everything in their path. It was as if the very fabric of reality was being torn asunder, allowing the dark, primal forces that lurked beyond the veil of sanity to pour forth into the world.

But just as it seemed that the visions would consume everything, a blinding, shining light erupted from Cris, like a beacon of hope in a world gone mad. The light was so intense, so piercing, that it seemed to sear the very air itself, leaving behind a trail of ionized particles that crackled with energy. The visions, which had been growing in power and scope, were suddenly halted in their tracks, as if the light had imposed a temporary stay on the forces of darkness that had been building within Valeria.

Cris, still only six years old, stood frozen in shock, his eyes wide with wonder and fear as he gazed upon the spectacle that had just unfolded before him. He had no idea how he had managed to summon such a powerful, blinding light, or what its true nature was. All he knew was that it had come from within him, like a spark of divinity that had been waiting to be unleashed.

As the light began to fade, Cris felt a strange, tingling sensation in his fingers, as if they were still resonating with the energy that had just been unleashed. He looked down at his hands, half-expecting to see them aglow with an otherworldly power, but they seemed ordinary, almost mundane, in the flickering torchlight of the cave.

And yet, despite the return to normalcy, Cris couldn't shake the feeling that something profound had just occurred, something that would change the course of his life forever. He glanced over at Valeria, who was still Cultivating motionless, her eyes closed. Her dark, crimson aura still lingered, like a shadowy presence that refused to be exorcised.

In an instant, the ominous, dark reddish aura that had been radiating from Valeria's very being began to retract, as if drawn back into her body by some unseen force.

The air seemed to vibrate with an otherworldly energy as the aura's tendrils slithered back into her pores, like a malevolent entity returning to its lair.

As the last wisps of the aura disappeared, Valeria's closed eyes snapped open, revealing orbs that had transformed from their usual inky blackness to a deep, fiery scarlet.

The blood-red hue seemed to pulse with a life of its own, as if infused with a fierce, unholy power.

Her gaze locked onto Cris, and a slow, Obsessed and Crazy smile spread across her face, like a crack spreading through ice.

The smile was a masterclass in macabre, a twisted blend of glee and hunger that sent shivers down the spine. With an unnatural, almost feral grace, Valeria rose to her feet, her movements eerily silent, like a ghostly apparition.

Her eyes never left Cris's, and her smile never wavered, as she began to stalk towards him with an unnerving, predatory intensity.

Cris, frozen in terror, was unable to move, his body paralyzed by the sheer horror of the scene unfolding before him.

His eyes were fixed on Valeria, his mind reeling in shock as she approached him with an unholy glee. Her smile seemed to grow wider, her eyes burning with an infernal intensity, as she closed in on her prey.

With a sudden, violent motion, Valeria launched herself at Cris, her arms wrapping around him like a vice. She held him in a crushing embrace, her grip unyielding, as she began to mutter to herself in a low, maddening chant.

The words spilled from her lips like a dark incantation, "Cris's Blood, My little Brother's blood.... Hehehee....." The sound sent shivers down the spine, a chilling mixture of glee and malevolence that seemed to draw Cris in, like a moth to a flame.

And then, in a movement that was both swift and savage, Valeria's teeth sank into Cris's neck, her jaws closing around his flesh with a deadly precision. She began to drink in his blood with a frenzied, lunatic intensity, her body shuddering with an unnatural hunger.

The sound of her sucking, slurping, and gulping was like a dark, twisted symphony, a cacophony of horror that seemed to echo through the very fabric of reality.

Cris, meanwhile, was consumed by the light that had burst forth from his own body. The radiance enveloped him, a blinding, golden glow that seemed to sear his very soul. His eyes rolled back, his body limp, as he succumbed to the overwhelming power of the light. He slumped, lifeless, in Valeria's grasp, a puppet drained of its vitality, as she continued to feast on his blood with an unholy, unrelenting fervor. The scene was one of unadulterated horror, a tableau of terror that seemed to defy the very laws of nature itself.


Next Chapter "15.Vampire Sovereign Physique...[2]"


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