
Chapter 189: Crime Syndicate

[3rd POV]

Galid was pleased to gain control over the new body, filled with darkness, fear, and anger.

He felt a fragment of another universe in this Alfred, far darker than their current one.

It might have been nice to end up there, but according to this man, the universe had collapsed with only a group of the Earth's strongest beings escaping—the Crime Syndicate, they called themselves.

Galid and Pandora were in a city called Khandaq where they would open the Box.

"So, you just need to open it, right?"

The now-possessed Alfred also known as Eclipso said with a creepy grin.

He enjoyed what was happening, the fact that Spectre had gone mad and was trying to destroy everything.

He had lost HIS power a long time ago, but it still called to him.

The Pandora's Box is an intriguing item. He would use its connection to the Seven Deadly Sins later.

He needed to create chaos to hide and regain his strength for now.

After so many years of imprisonment, he needed time to recover.

The "box" looked more like a skull.

"Yes, open it and seal the Sins again. Do it quickly, don't make me nervous, and accidentally pull the trigger."

Pandora nodded at the Box.

She had been fighting the Seven Deadly Sins for millennia... a pathetic sight.

She pointed some weapon at him, making him uneasy, but he wasn't going to break their agreement... because she didn't expect what or who might come from the other side.

"Oh, I wouldn't."

He smiled while placing his hands on the top of the skull and began to glow.

He fully opened it with the next move, and a dark flash showed a vortex.

The Pandora's Box buzzed, and the skull's eyes gleamed in various shades and exploded.


He heard Pandora's scream, but his gaze was fixed on the opening portal and the beings emerging from it.

He sensed a demigoddess and other strange powers.

"This wasn't supposed to happen!"

She ignored the emerging people, grabbed the Box, and vanished in a flash.

"Um, we're free, and we survived."

A tall, dark-haired man in a blue and red suit with a "U" on his chest said in a firm voice.

He was one of the nine people who emerged from the portal.

One of them lay lifeless on the ground, another was bound by some glowing rope with the only woman in the group standing over him, and the last one vanished from his field of vision as if evaporating.

"Y-yes, that's great."

A man in a green suit with a green ring on his finger said, his voice filled with a hint of hidden fear.

"Oh, excellent, it's you."

Eclipso smiled.

"Hm, you're not Alfred. Quick..."

The man in the owl costume and Eclipso felt a creeping sensation of dread just as he opened his mouth...

"O-oh, you've always been a bastard."

The man in the red suit appeared in a bright flash with a trident protruding from his chest that was in the hand of the corpse.


Eclipso managed to utter before the body died, and his soul was once again sent back to prison.


After getting the information from Cortana, Zatanna clenched her teeth and prepared for battle. 

The demons had stopped emerging from the rift which meant someone had dealt with the problem in Hell.

Zatanna sent Diana information and then teleported the two of them to France to meet up with the two Karas and Shinoa.

They then went to Central City.

After assembling the whole League, they teleported to Kahndaq where the Criminal Syndicate most likely appeared.

"Oh, what people... I didn't expect to be noticed so soon."

A black-haired woman said while looking at them with curiosity.

She licked her lips suggestively when her gaze stopped on Clark.

"Hm, even better. We'll deal with this local League, and the world will be ours."

The man who resembled Superman said that instead of an "S" he had a "U" on his chest.

Cortana had already explained who the Crime Syndicate was, and it did not improve the mood of the heroes present.

These were their evil counterparts, what they could have become if things had gone differently.

"You will pay for what you did in your world and what your Alfred did here."

Diana said, stepping forward with a stern expression on her face as she looked at the newcomers.

"Oh, I like her..."

Superwoman licked her lips.

She resembled Lois Lane because that's who she was. She was an Amazon from another Earth with the Lasso of Submission.

She loved manipulating men, often with Owlman, Ultraman, or Mazahs.

"It would be unwise to engage in conflict immediately after arriving in this world, but it seems we have no choice."

Owlman or Thomas Wayne said, is the evil version of Batman from another universe.

"So, that's... my evil version?"

Flash asked, looking at the other speedster.

"Ha-ha, you're my bad version, weakling. I take everything I want from life. I can't wait to play with all of you!"

Jonathan Allen or Johnny Quick from another universe.

"M-maybe we can negotiate?"

The man in the green suit with the brightly glowing ring said timidly.

 It wasn't a Green Lantern Ring but a Ring of Volthoom, an evil ring drawing power from its wielder's fear, slowly killing him.

"Shut your trap, coward. We'll burn them all!"

Deathstorm said with a burning head and a grin on his face.

"I doubt we can negotiate..."

Lena said, looking at them.

Ultraman shot forward at incredible speed straight at them, but Superman flew to block him, and their fists collided in the air.

They send powerful shockwaves in all directions.

This marked the beginning of the battle.

Superman immediately uses what he has learned in sparring with Tony and uppercuts him to send him into the planet's stratosphere.

However, Superman didn't stop there. He quickly followed to deliver another powerful blow, but a sudden weakness stopped him.

"Ah, I draw strength from my Earth while you lose yours!"

Ultraman laughed while pulling out the kryptonite he always carries to recharge.

Despite this, the sun slowly drains his powers, and that's why he needs it.

"Not this time!"

Old Kara said as she rammed into him to knock the kryptonite out of his hand, but she herself weakened sharply in the process.

This allowed Kara to deliver a powerful punch to Ultraman's jaw, causing him to bleed...

"Nowhere you'll escape, peels!"

Zatanna cast a mass spell on them, but only Owlman fell... and he fell, hitting his head on a stone, but he wore a mask.

"Alex, you'll protect your beloved, won't you?"

Superwoman said and released a man who was bound by her spiked Lasso of Submission.

"I'm going to kill each one of you!"

Alexander Luthor exclaimed who had the power to absorb other powers using the Mazah's lightning.

"Try it!"

Lena's lasers instantly reached him, sending him flying far away and piercing several rocks.

Because of this, she didn't notice the Lasso of Submission flying straight at her, but...

"I am your opponent!"

Diana threw her own Lasso to protect Lena as the two lassos collided, sparking golden flashes.

The next moment, she lunged toward Lois and tried to decapitate her with a powerful sword strike, but a beam of greenish energy knocked her aside.

Jordan is reluctant to join the fight due to cowardice and is compelled by the ring.

"And you, hotshot, aren't going anywhere."

Shinoa halted Deathstorm's flight, throwing her scythe at him and then summoning it back into her hands.

"You little bastard!"

Deathstrom exclaimed and unleashed a deadly heat that could melt many things.

"Divide, Divide! Divide! Whew, it's hot..."

She released her attacks and jumped into the sky near him to kick him from above, sending him crashing to the ground.

Then she thrust her spear straight into his chest...


He screamed in pain, and Shinoa planned to finish him off, but something VERY strong hit her, causing her to almost lose consciousness for a moment and somersault away.


Alexander said while breaking Firestorm's neck with a lightning strike that hit him from above and took Firestorm's powers to transfer them to him.

"I've become even stronger!"

He exclaimed and caught Lena's flying fist in the head.

He then hit her in the face several times, grabbed her by the leg, tossed her over himself, and slammed her into the ground with all his might.

This created a huge crater and caused earthquakes in this part of the world.


Superwoman exclaimed, unable to withstand Wonder Woman herself.

However, it was too late, and Diana struck her with a shield, breaking Lois's nose.

She nearly split her in half with the next sword stroke if not for another green energy burst, but the wound was still terrible.

"Ah... Alex... help..."

Superwoman uttered.

Mazahs swiftly appeared beside her.

"I need more power..."

He said, lifting her up and then thrusting his hand directly into her chest.


She whispered hoarsely.

"Inside me... your child..."

Mazahs's eyes faltered for a moment, but he continued nonetheless.


He roared and looked up.

Meanwhile, Lois watched as the unfortunate lightning approached her, took away her divine powers, and passed them to Alexander Luthor.

Thus died Superwoman, once the lover of Owlman, Alexander Luthor, and Ultraman.

Before he could fully enjoy the surge of power, tentacles from creatures of another dimension summoned by Zatanna wrapped around him.

Lena used this to her advantage and hit him with a punch amplified by the sun god's power.

It knocked out his teeth and scattered the clouds still in the sky.

Shinoa also approached Mazash when she woke up and swung her scythe.

However, he had already cut the creatures' tentacles apart and pushed them all away with a strong magical lightning bolt.

"Your strength will be mine!"

Mazash exclaimed.


Zatanna cried, creating a dome-shaped barrier around the power-absorbing monster and cutting off everyone else.

He began pounding the dome with his fists, and Zatanna felt his strength grow with each blow.

Meanwhile, Flash fought Johnny Allen.

Cortana also noticed another member of the Syndicate who had shrunk in size—Atomika.

She could have entered this world much earlier with Alfred in another timeline, but now she remained with the others.

"Too slow, ha-ha."

Atomika laughed, constantly changing her size to evade Cortana.

"You're just too foolish to understand that your end is near."

Cortana sharply retorted not trying too hard to catch her.

At that moment, one of LuthorCorp's orbital satellites gathered energy for a shot.

In an instant, Atomika was engulfed in scorching heat where she stood, incinerating her on the spot.

After that, several Iron League Guards flew to the battlefield and attacked Jordan while fighting Diana.

Superman and the Karas had finished beating Ultraman. He had just given up because of the sun's heat and could no longer fight.

The League of Defenders of this world was more than a match for the Crime Syndicate at least without preparation.



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