
chapter Eleven

He signalled to his bodyguard and they  quickly cleared those boys away, he pinched my cheek tenderly, "My love always gathering attention, make sure to stay quiet okay" he winked at me and left, I moved to another place when someone approached me immediately looking up, it was a handsome guy who touched my cheek, " you're cute, and not Korean, what do you say we get out of here" he said it in English so it was understandable, "Fuck off bastard, I'm not going anywhere with you" he grabbed a hold of my hand, "don't play hard to get, come on" someone now grabbed a hold of his hand and someone else grabbed my hand and I landed on a solid chest, looking up, I saw Jin as he winked at me, JK squeezed his hand, and looked at me smiling, "Huh, this guys are truly possessive and amazing, but highly jealous" ""Are you okay Jennie, he didn't touch you did he?" "Hey man I was just trying to collect her number " he said in Korean, " excuse me did I give you permission to talk??" "You want her number ?? fine, I'm calling it, 911" Jin dragged me away as Jungkook followed too, we moved out as I yawned, "I'm famished, let's take a walk please, I ate too much I'm having indigestion " "Okay, let's go" hands in the pocket they all walked side by side looking like handsome penguins,I wriggled myself in the middle between Jhope and Suga, we were talking and laughing and grabbing the attention of everyone they were especially taking pictures of me, the guys were tired and decided to go back to the car, "Hey, wait for me!" just as I wanted to meet up with them, a guy approached me again, "Really?!;" I almost screamed, "Hello, can I get your number?" he said, "Who placed you here, what are you doing in front of my girlfriend?" Suga went on full possessive mode, I held his hand, "It's okay Oppa" "she's mine" Jhope said and held my other hand, "Come on baby girl let's go home" he dragged my hand and we moved to the car, once we entered the driver drove away, "Yoongi Oppa just now you were so cool" I gave him a thumbs up, "You all went on full possessive mode, ah, you're all my heroes" they were smiling contentedly while I was praising them, "but Oppa tae was awesome I didn't know he liked me that much!" he smirked, "I didn't okay, I just don't want trouble" . I really was so tired before we reached the mountains I had slept off, another car was brought which we used to go to the house, the drive lasted an hour plus , I felt myself being lifted out of the car and when I opened my eyes briefly I saw JK, "Oppa?" I whispered, "I'm here darling" that voice was strangely familiar, I was dropped on my bed and kissed on the forehead, but I dragged him down kissing him on the lips and in few seconds he responded back, holding the back of my head, the kiss was intoxicating and wasn't familiar but I didn't care right now, I was tired and sleepy, I finally left him and slept off, only my door was what I heared closing.

Suga's POV


           My head was throbbing from last night, but my sleep was peaceful because I wasn't able to sleep untill the early hours of the morning when I was hearing shouts, a smile formed on my lips, my door burst open and Jennifer came hovering around, "Yoongi-ah wake up!! oppa it's morning, rise and shine" I didn't move as she was jumping about the room, I forced myself to stay calm, "Jennifer your unique way of waking people up is really wonderful" lee Joon Gi said sarcastically as he passed my door, "Okay okay I'm awake" I heared Jimin, "Huh, Suga Hyung is still asleep??" "He must have slept really late today, considering he only sleeps 5 hours a day" Jennifer whispered, "Wait how did she know that!!" I thought, Jhope came to my door and also others saying how I was asleep, "Don't worry I have an idea on how to wake him up" jennifer whispered, I forced back a smile, no way nothing she does will wake me up, silence occured and I was wondering what was happening when I heared a megaphone, "Yoongi marry me!!" Jennifer shouted with a voice mimic and hearing that word I immediately opened my eyes, "What?!!" I shouted, all of them started laughing immediately, "I knew he was pretending!" Jungkook laughed, "Yoongi Hyung is certainly the best at playing dead" Jimin smiled, "Hey, Min Yoongi, you're really a sweet boy oo, Yoongi marry me" "hahahaha, when you guys are done come out and let's eat okay, I'm starving " V said and left, they all left and when jennifer turned around to leave, "Wait there " she stopped and turned around, coming closer, "Is anything the problem?" "She didn't remember?? I knew it" I thought, I stood up and moved closer to her, "Did you remember what happened last night when we came home?"  "Uh.. I went straight to my room and just slept off Immediately, because I was still fully dressed when I woke up again " "Ha, that's not what happened" she stepped back, "Should I show you what happened?" I carried her again and dropped her on my bed, and just before she could say anything I kissed her again, she struggled and struggled before she finally stilled, "Remember now?" she started shaking her head, "No you can't be the one i kissed, you weren't the one I was dreaming of last night" I raised a brow, " You were thinking of someone else, who is this person?" she shook her head, "Yoongi please th...this position is uncalled for, can you" "what? get down, I seem to remember last night you were all over me, if I hadn't break the kiss I wonder where we would be now" her face flushed, "I'm sorry" "Don't be, you're a good french kisser, I get it now why Jimin and RM is obsessed with you,other than the fact that they love you and want to protect you, that's the other,  even Jungkook is in on the game" I got down from her, " looking forward to more french kisses from you, although I don't want to date you for sale of our friendship" I left the room with a smug smile going to the dinning to eat, shortly after, Jennifer came in looking all lost, she looked around and the other seat remaining was in-between me and Jungkook, of course she could just sit between Jin and Callista which she was about to do but Jungkook called to her and she had to sit in between us, after a hearty breakfast we were doing asking and answering questions, all of us were interrogating Callista and Jennifer, after Callista we turned to Jennifer, and began, Namjoon was asking the questions, "Who is the most beautiful one amongst us BTS" "uh.. Jimin" "Ahh, that's true" "Of course he's a man stealer too" "Okay okay, what's about the most playful?" "Ahh Oppa here" she grabbed Jungkook and we all laughed, "Isn't it Taehyung??" Jin asked, "No no, he's the most playful but not childish, it suits him" we all laughed, "What about the most intelligent?" Jin asked, "Oppa Namjoon, he's intelligent,like a leader and also a grandpa, like you guys also said" "Ah you watched that episode?" "Of course, he's the daddy since he fixes everything your leader and every one of you breaks" she pointed at me, and I nodded slowly, "It's what I'm good at" "One of the things you're good at" she said but I heared it and grinned, "Oh, and what other things might I be good at jennifer " she looked at me and shuddered, "Suga Oppa- this isn't you" "And how do you know that?" "Because.. I don't know " "Who is the most confident " "We all know that " Taehyung said, "World wide handsome!!" we all shouted and Jhope danced, while Jin saluted, " and most uh.. ethereal?" "Ah Jhope my baby!" "I agree with that " Ahn hyoseop said, "I'm.. seconding it" lee dong wook said yawning, "If You guys are tired you can go to sleep" I said, "Thanks man" lee dong wook stood you and left and others too, Callista laid on Jennifer's leg and slept off while it remained only us BTS, "then who is the most magical among us" "Suga" I looked at her but she didn't look at me, "Playing a game of cat and mice now are we, hmm" "Okay okay, let's move things up a notch huh?" Jungkook offered and we all agreed, "Jennifer who would you rather date amongst us, just say your mind, we won't be angry"Namjoon said, I turned to face her even wondering what she would say, "I know, okay, my answer is Jin Oppa!" "Yes! I knew it" he laughed,

"No o you didn't, you were just telling me she'd chose Jimin" Taehyung said and Jin covered his mouth, "Shh, that's a lie" hahahaha we laughed, "Who would you flirt with" Jimin asked, She looked at us round, and pointed at me, "Ahh" Namjoon nudged me and rubbed my hair, "Hey it's enough" I arranged my hair back but was grinning inside, "you'd rather flirt with me than date me?? huh jennifer " she nodded, "Of course, you don't seem like the type that would like me if I ever approached you but anyhow it's a game right?" she purposely avoided the question, "Nice try " I said Inwardly, "If you were to have a partner in crime who would be chose amongst us" she stood up after dropping Callista's head on the floor, and ran to Taehyung, "My tae baby, he's my partner in crime!! the perfect one" Taehyung tried to remove her from his arm but failed, "Oh you can remove me but I'll stick to you like glue, like a cat, rrawrrh" she brandished a claw with her hand, tae laughed, "You geezer, you're indeed fiesty" "But of course" we laughed, "Indeed indeed, only Jennifer is different, our faces doesn't move you but you're really still clingy" Jin said, "Jennifer who would you most likely end up with" "Jhope!! he's my dream man" she rushed to him and held his hand, as he rubbed her hair, "He's a husband material and a mom and also a boyfriend, he's all In one" she kissed his cheek,  "Hey!" I shouted but suddenly wondered why, "Hey hey see this lackey, you have suddenly moved to him, weren't you holding me just a while ago" "But you said I should leave" "Did you now leave before, huh, unbelievable!" we all laughed at their bickering, Jennifer could turn the most boring atmosphere to the most lively one, she stuck her toungue at him, "Come here, come and sit here now" Taehyung pointed at his side and she pouted, "Oppa, I'll be back okay, tae doesn't want me to be happy" she complained like a child and tae nodded, "Exactly, be a good cat and come here" she moved back to his side, "Jennifer who would you most likely love to have sex with"  Jin said and we all coughed, "Hey don't worry, it's just a question, and my answer is Jimin, my Jimin" she wanted to rush to him but tae held her back, "Do you want to devour him here and now?? what? want to do it with him now, let me tell you army will kill you if you touch him" she started fake crying, "Jimin she's bullying me" she was a drama queen and no sooner we began to laugh, Jimin stood up and sat down beside her, "okay don't cry I'm here now" she smiled and wiped away fake tears and stuck out her toungue at Tae who scoffed, "flirt" he whispered, "I would have chosen Jungkook but I got something better in mind for him, besides who could resist this little demon on angel form, I know you're not all that innocent Jimin shi" "Okay, who would you most likely marry" "Leader Hyung, because he's so irrisistible" we all shouted as Namjoon blushed and smiled

"What about Jungkook then?" I asked, "I'd wanna have his babies, it's a win win since I'd still have to bed the little bunny and give birth to adorable babies too" Jungkook blushed and laughed, and said, " so that's what you meant huh?" if so what about Namjoon, if you marry him won't you have kids" "You're enough, besides he wanted to be a dad so badly but now he said something about him not wanting it anymore, I watched it on one interview, so that's why I said so, besides this is just games, I want to do something more fun, others are asleep and it's just noon, let's go to a ski resort I wanna snow board, I consider it a free dating gift for Jin" "I knew you knew about it" Jin said, "Of course but first before we leave, let's play basketball, I wanna try it out" I looked at her, "Did she"  she looked at me and winked, "wow, suga is lucky" "Another's free dating gift?? what about mine?? didn't you say I'm your partner in crime??" Tae asked, and she nodded, "Chillax first,one at a time, for now, let me go change, last person to change is a loser, and it might be Jimin again as always" "How did you know Jimin is always last??" Jin asked, "You guys said it yourself" she ran away to change.

Lee dong wook's POV

                When I came out of my room, i saw BTS and Jennifer coming into the house all sweaty, and arguing, while jennifer was rejoicing, "it's not fair I had a good opportunity, if you and Namjoon and Jimin didn't join hands together" Taehyung shouted and sulked, "She scored some pretty good shots too" Taehyung said, "That's because Jhope was teaching her and she was pretty good dodger" Jin said, "Jin Oppa you also scored some good shorts too, but the best was suga Oppa" she gave him a thumbs up, "Should I teach you, I promise it will be very worth while " Jennifer shuddered as if a cold breeze passed, "Your words has some ulterior motives in it, I don't believe it's basketball we are talking about " everyone including me laughed, "You have a cheesy brain" Taehyung poked Jennifer's head, "Ouch Oppa!!" "What?!" "Come her I'll teach you a good lesson " she started chasing him around as they laughed, "Don't fall trouble maker " someone touched my shoulder and I turned and saw Ahn hyoseop, "Oo you guys are awake??" Jin said and everyone stopped, "Oppa!! great thing you're awake, go wake Cali up, and everyone, we want to go snowboarding!" she clinged to my arm and I smiled rubbing her hair despite the fact that she was sweaty, Taehyung dragged her by the hair back and she left my arm, "Hey hey hey, have you also decided to cling to his arm too??" "Tae Oppa, are you jealous, do you like me?" I laughed, "Me like you?? I got an ideal type you know" "Then don't disturb me I'll cling to whoever I want to cling too" she clinged to my arm again, "I'm not worried about you okay, I'm worried about him, does he know how strong you are?" "Hey Kim Taehyung!!" she started chasing him again when she bumped into Namjoon and both of them fell down as Namjoon groaned from the impact of the couch, "Namjoon this time?? what are you so eager to have babies with him too?" Taehyung teased her smiling, Jennifer stood up from him, "I'm sorry" she looked like she was about to cry, she stared at Taehyung as a tear skipped down her eye, "Jennifer" I wanted to get her but she walked off, "Jennifer" "Jennifer" "Jenny" they all called after her but she didn't stop or look back, "I'll see you guys in a bit, so we can go" she said without looking back, "Taehyung Oppa see what you caused" Jungkook told him pouting his lip, "Not cool" Jimin also said, "Hey I didn't mean to make her sad, i was only teasing her" "Why would you tease her like that, don't you know Namjoon Hyung is the one she likes the most or don't you know??" Jin said, "really " Taehyung was surprised, "It started from when you told her she was really strong, didn't you know you reminded her of what most happened to her when we all left the house, that's a phycological mark, didn't you notice even Callista hasn't been the same ever since that night, but Jennifer is trying to come on strong, she's not the dependable type and would rather suffer it all than show it, and you just had to go touch that button, and then there's Namjoon too" I turned around to to go check on her, "Oh and uh.. in the event that she eventually ends up not picking any of you, I'll have her" Taehyung and Namjoon followed me upstairs to go to her room where we reached the door we could hear her sobbing with my mouth on the pillow, I wanted to knock when Namjoon held my hand back, he shook his head, and whispered, "If she hears us she'll try to put in a brave face and making it more harder for her, call everyone I want to say something to everyone"


We all sat down waiting for Jennifer to come down, we were all ready and waiting, everyone was just quiet, of a truth Namjoon told us about Jennifer and Callista, how this was a book they had created and it Happened to come to life by mistake,

Namjoon: "This world is real, now I don't know if they are real of not, but for someone with much love for BTS and armies willing to create a book about us for the purpose of the whole world knowing us truly?? even adding actors to a BTS book, just for the purpose of wanting her best friend to live a happily ever after life even in book, how would you want such a person to suffer?? she's the most perfect person and wanting blacks especially her people to get recognized as armies too, she's a legend, but I don't know about you but I won't let her suffer, but do not let her know that we know, I hope this solves your question in how she knows us in and out, I don't believe it's just TikTok videos that brings this information, for someone to know us more than we know ourselves, Koreans might say stalker but I think she just loves us in a familial way to know all this, you should be able to see the undying need and protection she gives us in our own way".

We heared footsteps coming down the stairs and saw Callista all dressed up in a yellow dress, and white sneakers, her hair was in a ponytail and it looked just simple, "Where's Jennifer??" I asked, " oh she had a little wardrobe malfunctions but it taken care of now, hope you don't mind? we aren't late are we??" "No" everyone said, we waited for a few minute before before we heared a voice that was cheerful as always, "Sorry I'm late, I was jimining(Running around)" Dressed in a white suit, with a blue shirt inside, wearing men's shoes too she looked like a boy, coupled with the fact that she brushed her hair forward and used a rubber to hold it halfway pushing it to the front and side and packing it into an Onion bun, she looked pretty Jimin, all of us stood up, "Uh.. Jim I hope you don't mind, I didn't wear women cloth because of the attraction I was causing the last time and tae Oppa don't like it so I took your clothes, because we share almost the same height and pair of feets, how do I look " she turned around, with one hand in her pocket as she put the other hand under her jaw, looking like a cute man, "It's perfect" seeing her smile, I remembered what Namjoon told us, "It's impossible she doesn't exist" I thought, "Oh I'm sorry if I caused you guys any confusion I'm okay now" looking closer I saw her eyes were slightly red meaning she cried, even though she was trying to hide it, Namjoon was right, she'd rather suffer it all on her own than ask for help, Taehyung came forward, "Uh.. jennifer I'm sorry for earlier I was only kidding please don't take it to heart" "Me?? take it to heart?" she giggled, " don't worry okay I forgot about it the moment I entered my room" she was lying with a straight face so he wouldn't feel bad, but Taehyung knew but he didn't press further because he felt felt even more hurt, "Namjoon Oppa is your arm okay? will you be able to perform at the concert next week??" "Yeah but how did you know?" "The past time i heared them saying something about concert on 13th of this month, come on let's go, Oppa carry me!" Jennifer tried to be brave and cheerful, making us feel all hurt, Jungkook carried her in a piggy back ride and rushed out.

Taehyung's POV

                 We all got down from the car once we arrived at the cold mountain, we all went it to change, and Jennifer went into the female room, after some time she came out fully dressed and snagged a few attention from men again, Jungkook had to put his hand around her possessively to ward off potential suitors, snow boarding was really fun and Jennifer had zero experience but it was nevertheless really fun, I even began to hate the way I treated her, seeing I didn't know whether she was real or not, for some minutes I had the intention like Namjoon to figure out if she was real, and I wished she were, we'd be together forever, just having fun and playing around for the rest of our lives.

By The time we were done it was pretty late so we decided to sleep over in the city, instead of going to the mountains, but it wasn't safe though, because of the people who were after Jennifer now and even added Callista to the list, that was why lee Joon Gi was fiercely protective of her and we didn't mind, I bumped into Jennifer just as she was on her way to the bathroom, "Jennie what do you want to eat, I'll cook it for you" she laughed, "Oppa you? cook?? don't worry I don't have an appetite tonight" "Is it because of what happened in the morning??" she shook her head, "I'm just not hungry but I got something better we could do, let me just take a shower and I'll be come over okay" I nodded smiling and left, but something felt off, like there was another off presence in the house but I didn't dwell on it, until after minutes passed before I heared Jennifer screamed, I quickly rushed to the bathroom, knocking on the door, "Jennifer open the door!!!" I heared the lock switch and the door opened, I immediately hugged her irregardless of the fact that she only had a towel on, "Hey, what happened?" she asked me before I finally came back to my senses and released her, "Are you fine?? you didn't get hurt??"  "I'm fine but-" "But what??" "You seem like the one who's freaked out" "Sorry I heard you screaming and was uh.. nevermind".

