
Chapter twelve

Oppa there was someone here, he tried to attack me, he went out through that window" before I could say something else, I heared Namjoon and Suga Calling me out, and we both went out, Namjoon was holding a man tightly in his grasp who had wounds all around, "Jennifer are you okay?" "That's the guy, it's him I saw in my window" "What happened?" I asked her, "He was trying to break into her room" Suga said, "He's a werewolf and I recognize him, he works for the other side" I grabbed him by the collar and punched him, "Tae don't!" Jennifer shouted and held my hand and looked at it, "Hey don't do that, you'll Injure yourself" Suga coughed, "Why Don't you shower first and meet us later on, he ain't going anywhere " "Alright " she left.

After an hour she came downstairs all dressed in baggy trousers and a gaint size sweater, no slippers on and her hair was wet, she sat down in-between Callista and Jhope, "Please before you do anything I want to ask him something" "It's alright, he won't do anything to you while we are all here, for the fact that they can brave the fact to come here, they are growing wilder" "I think I know the reason why" She moved closer to him propelling herself forward, "Can you tell me what you guys fed me back then?" "Jennifer did something happen, did they give you something??" Hwang inyeop asked, "Yeah it must have been in that alcohol that they gave me, whatever it is, it makes me weak but incredibly strong and it gave my blood more scent, I don't know but my body is no longer the same" "start talking!" Jhope shouted at him, still the guy didn't say anything, "Jennifer I still don't understand, what do you mean by your blood has more scent??" Hwang inyeop asked, "Her blood is now more seductive and appealing " lee dong wook said and poked her shoulder, "Ouch" she yelped, then I smelt her blood, it was more stronger, sweeter and irrisistible, I couldn't even stop my eyes from glowing and i growled, all of us were affected by it to the extent we changed slightly, "You cut yourself?" jhope asked, "No just a prick " lee Dong Wook said, she showed us and i saw it was just a needle prick cut, but I couldn't say the same for the guy who had already changed to werewolf and was about to attack Jennifer when lee dong wook rushed forward and hit him sending him flying off and hitting against a pillar his entire aura was emitting red like flames like the Gumiho he was and his eyes were red too he hardly changed because he was a fire Gumiho and he exercised a lot of control but this time he lost it when jennifer was almost attacked, his tails were Bright red like flames too, Jennifer held his hand regardless and he calmed down, Jennifer moved towards the guy where he was, we all stood up ready incase something was going to happen "Do you know what would happen to you soon, it will consume you and very soon you'd die, can't you feel it, it's already working " Jennifer bent down to him, "I'd kill you before that happens at least" "Let me tell you a little something before that" she whispered to his ear, I was listening with my Vampire hearing and I looked at others, they too were listening, "I'm immortal, I can't die because of a mere poison or what, true it may affect me, but not enough to die, Because I don't even exist in this World" the moment she said that she pushed her hand into his heart, I couldn't believe what I was seeing even, Jin was shocked more and Jimin gasped, I could hear the crunching of his bones and heart as he died, she removed her hand and turned to face us, her eyes emitted a faint glow of gold, it was only for a second, then she fell down flat to the floor, none of us moved for a while, obviously too Stunned to do anything, before Jungkook and Callista rushed to her, "She's out cold" Callista sighed, "I thought she was dead" "She'll just be out for a few minutes, can you get me water let me wash the blood, guys dispose of the body" Jungkook said, we did everything and waited for Jennifer to wake up, we all say down in the sitting room waiting for her.

Jennifer's POV

                 I stirred and put my hand on my head, them I opened my eyes, everyone was staring at me "uh.. did I doze off??" "Yeah you did" Ahn hyoseop said immediately, "Did You Take care of the guy what did you do to him, did he say anything?" they all looked at me surprised, and then at each other, "Did something Happen?? did he say anything?" "You don't remember??" Jhope asked me, "Remember what?? did I do anything??" He shook his head, "No, we killed him so he doesn't talk to others, so don't worry okay" he said and everyone agreed with him.

We went to bed earlier because everyone said they were exhausted and tired, I went to my room, it was dark, I didn't bother turning the lights on, I landed on my bed, when someone held my waist and turned me around, closing my mouth to prevent me from screaming, and whispered in my ear, "It's me" that voice, Jin, he got down from me, "Jin Oppa what are you doing here?" "I missed you" he said and laid down on my stomach, "Stop that" he shook his head, "Even if you push me away I'll keep coming closer" I dragged his hair as he shouted, then he pinned my hands up again and looked at me, in the dark his eyes were glowing blue, his powers, "What are you doing Jin Oppa" "I miss you" I scoffed, "You see me everyday" "No, like I miss miss you, I want you and I need you, I want to kiss you" I wriggled away from his grasp, "Jennifer just kiss me for once, of your own impulse" "Why Don't you force me like you always do " "Not tonight, I want  you to do it yourself, please just let me have you tonight " he looked at me deeply and in the dark I could see he was really sincere and wanted it, "I sincerely hope that want you want isn't what I think you want, nothing intimate " he shook his head and smiled, "You know I actually want to kiss you too" as I said so I held his face and slowly kissed him, nibbling on his down lip gently until he broke the kiss and sat up, drawing me more closer to himself, and kissing me deeply this time, my lips parted as his toungue met with mine and i played with it, he carried my legs over him and I sat down comfortably while he held my waist looking up at me, and still kissing me, I played the french kiss with him as his hand held one of my hand in firm grasp and his kisses intensified, he bit down on my lip releasing a moan from my lips as his hand went to my waist and made me rock him, I could feel his rock hard solid abs and a strong like object poking me, then something flashed between my head and made me released the kiss as I held my head, and the place my hand between my brows, "Jennifer what's wrong??" "My head is on fire" I said, as I tried to open my eyes and look at him, once our eyes met i saw the shock on his face for a few moment before he kissed the place between my brows, and made me get down from him, "Sleep tonight and don't think of anything okay, I'll come see you when day break" "Is everything okay??" I asked him as he made me lie down and drew the cover over me, "Yeah, go to sleep Okay baby girl " he gave me a kiss on the forehead and then on the lips neither wanting to let go but he broke it and turned around and left, closing my door, it didn't take me long before I dosed off.

The following day I woke up more energized and brushed, I quickly went downstairs to see everyone sitting and playing around, "Good morning everyone!!" they looked at me, then Callista laughed, "Jennifer it's afternoon, you slept in" "Really!!?" I looked at the clock and it read 2:15pm, the door opened and Suga came in dressed in a large jersey, bandana and shorts, holding a basket ball, "Sleeping beauty just woke up?" "Yep" Jungkook said coming forward and winking at me, then he bent down,  "How was your sleep" he whispered, and I stared up at him, "Jennifer needs my help with something I'm gonna help her out" he held my shoulder and turned me around leading me back to my room, just before I turned I saw Suga grinning at me, the moment we went through my door, I heared the lock, "Jungkook, what did -" he didn't even wait for me to talk when he pushed me against the wall and kissed me immediately, "Ju.. Oppa " he carried me up making me wrap my legs around his waist as his toungue pried open my lips and took a hold of mine he dropped me on the bed and came over me, raising both my hands above my head and looking into my eyes, "Oppa I haven't showered yet, don't " he put his hand on my mouth, "You talk too much, I miss you already " he kissed me again this time his hand went to my stomach as he cupped it, and I let out a low groan,. "o.. Oppa, please let me shower first" I whispered unable to take his teasing, "Alright let's go" he lifted me up and we moved to the shower switching it off he pinned me under it and kissed me again, "Jennifer this is my last day with you, I want to savour every moment with you" "Oppa, aren't you usually shy and reserved around girls?" I asked, "True but I'm comfortable with you" I smiled, trying to look up at him with the water flowing into my eyes, "Don't get too comfortable"  I saw a glimmer of sadness before it finally disappeared, "I love you" I was shocked, "What did you say, you can't be serious right??" "I Said I love you, always have, always will, just take it as leaving one of my momento with you " I looked at him as he caressed my cheek and then my eyes, giving me another kiss this time I wrapped my hands around his neck, kissing him gently, making our toungues collide as I rubbed my hand into his hair, then he broke the kiss, "We'll be leaving first thing tomorrow okay, so do everything you want to do today okay" I nodded, with his wet hair and body he turned to leave when I held him back, "Will you... nevermind" I left his cloth when he turned to look at me with his hands in his pocket, he looked like a manga, I even blushed, "Jennifer are you blushing?" I turned around to to pour more water on my face, "No I'm not, nevermind" he pressed himself into my back and I held back a moan, "Seems like your soft spot is your lower back" "Jungkook will you stay with me tonight?" I said and closed my eyes waiting to hear what he'll say when I heared a low chuckle, "Depends on what we're actually doing tonight, I could make you unable to walk the next day??" I turned around and jabbed his chest, "Pervert, that's not what I meant, just stay with me, it's your last night at least make the most of it" I Looked elsewhere except his eyes, he came closer grinning, "Okay I promise I won't go extreme, after all I know the only person here is RM" he put his hand on my heart and I pushed it away, "You don't know that" I defended, "Oh, we shall see then" he pinched my cheek fondly and left, after I was sure the door was closed, I stripped off my clothes I washed off quickly,once i was done I tied the towel around my body and came out only for me to see Suga on my bed relaxing, "Suga!" I shouted and my towel slipped from my body leaving my body totally naked, I couldn't even look down, Suga laughed and then stood up, turning around he said, "You can pick it up I won't look" with my teeth clenched I picked it up and wrapped it around me again, when I looked up he had turned and he was even more closer,  before i could say what I wanted to he pushed me with speed against the wall, "Suga you said you weren't looking?!!" "And I wasn't, I had already seen it all" he smirked, my cheeks burned red with fury and embarrassment, "You look really sweet after a shower" "Pervert I hate you!" "No You Don't baby" "Suga don't you hate women, if your fans know-" " and so? they'd be more thrilled that I'm coming out of my shell, I love my fans a lot especially those that I'm their bias, so what else do you want to use to stop me?" i held the towel firmly, and his eyes diverted over there, "Suga can't I dress up at least?" I pleaded, "No, it's not like I haven't seen anything, nice shape by the way, I love it" he whispered in my ear and I cringed, he stared at me for a while, his eyes held a meaning I didn't understand, "Alright you can dress up then you come to my room and we'd talk" "Your room??" "You'd prefer we use ours, though I'm more into the bed than any other place" a corny line, I shook my head vigourously and said, "I'm coming, coming" suddenly there was a knock on my door, "Jennie are you there??" Taehyung, I grabbed Suga and pushed him into my dresser, "Stay here" "Coming"  I went to open the door, holding it just a little bit, so he was stuck outside, "I'm sorry I'm not really dressed at the moment, is anything the matter??" "No not really, I just came to check up on you" I was shocked, "Hmm this is surprising " "That I'm checking on you?" I nodded, "I already told you, from now on I won't let anything happen to you again okay, you're just as important to me as BTS is to me, and you're part of army too and any army that loves us is like family " "Thank you okay Oppa" he nodded and I closed the door the moment I turned around Suga was standing behind me and I jolted but made sure to keep my towel on this time, "Why did you come out??" he didn't answer but passed me a cloth from my dresser, "Wear this today, it really suits the weather " "Really?" I took the clothes and looked at it failing to notice the faint grin on his face, he nodded and left.

I quickly changed wearing the cloth it was a white floral dress that stopped at my knee and had thin spaghetti hands but nevertheless beautiful, wearing it with flats I went outside and went to Suga's room, I knocked on the door and he opened it, I entered inside and saw him shirtless, I quickly turned around regretting why I didn't check first before entering, he laughed, "Suga what are you doing?! put your clothes on!" "I thought since I had already seen your body I should let you see mine" I scoffed, "You think that's enough, you should take your pants off then it will be an eye for an eye thing" "You want me to take my pants off? fine" "No!" she shouted, "I didn't mean that, this is enough for me already" a few seconds passed i didn't hear anything, "Suga any problem?" I wanted to turn but I wasn't sure at first, the hairs in my neck stood up uncomfortably, gathering my courage I turned away from the wall to face him but he was just behind me, still shirtless, the moment I looked up at him he raised my hands above my head and pinned me against you wall, his eyes had turned red,  I almost cried from frustration, "This wasn't the romance I planned when I wanted to write this book" I thought, "Su.. Suga you said we'd talk" he nodded, "I did say that sure I don't deny it" "Then what's this all about?? what's with the position?" "Jennifer, you're still so naive aren't you?? no matter how experienced you are , you're still inexperienced in some places " "What do you mean" "I did say we'll talk, but.. Why Don't we let our bodies talk instead " "Suga-" he lifted me up and hit me against the nearest table, his hand entering under my dress slowly, "Suga stop, no wonder you told me to wear this" I nearly cursed from thinking he was just considering fashion sense, "What's with you people and table, walls and force kissing??!" "Oh so I ain't the only one?" "I flushed red and bit my lip, "It's none of your business" "True, I only have you now" his hands went further a bit inside and I jerked, "Suga stop!" I suddenly felt weak as he licked his lip his hair covering his eye a little, "It's affecting you isn't it?" I trembled, "Suga" I whispered pleadingly, he was actually affecting me and I was feeling damn wet, my voice was shaking already, he raised my neck up and kiss me tenderly on it, "Suga" I whispered and he put his hand Into my mouth, "Shh" I held his finger with my teeth as we stared at each other, passion was brimming In his eyes, he licked his lips as I released his hand, holding my chin up, "I want you to look at me jennifer, only me, for now" he moved closer, his lip coming more closer and I closed my eyes and accepted it, "At least it's for now" his lips were soft and I wrapped my hand around his neck, kissing him intimately as i pried his lip open and found his toungue, he moaned into my mouth and his hand gripped my thighs, rocking against me then I broke the kiss as he released his grip on me, kissing my neck and my forehead, "You're as sweet as you look babygirl" he brought me down from the table and stared down at me, "Come on kitty cat, let's go" I adjusted my dress and gave him his shirt, then I left the room.

Callista's POV

              The moment I opened my door to come out, i saw lee Joon Gi just outside, smiling, I dragged him inside my room and began to kiss him, guiding him all the way to my bed i pushed him down and came over him, "Did you lock the door??" he asked, "Of course" "Good" he vamp speed and pushed me down on the bed instead and bared his fangs, biting down on my neck as I moaned, "Oppa would I turn to a vampire if you drain me completely?" "I'd have to give you my blood immediately so you change, why? do you want to change already?" I shook my head, "I'm just asking" he got down from me and laid down beside me on the bed, "Callista why did you accept me in the end, we were enemies you know, why did you suddenly changed?" "Well it was you I always liked remember, jennifer story It was because of me Jennifer added you because I like you more, but then you were more narcissistic than I actually thought and you clearly started the fight, so it wasn't my fault " he rested on one hand on the bed and looked at me smiling, "Why are you looking at me like that?" "Because you are funny and cute" he started tickling me and I started shouting, "Stop!! stop!! hey not fair!!!" he eventually stopped when i was out of breath, "Come on let's go out before they start looking for us" as he stood up to leave, I held his shirt back, "Baby girl is anything the problem?? was I too rough on you?" I shook my head and stared at him again, then I raised up, "Tonight, will you make love to me " he was suddenly quiet and I waited to see what he will say, when he didn't say anything I let go of his cloth, "Nevermind, it's okay, forget I said anything " I said as I got down from the bed when he held me behind my back, as for being incredibly tall I was like a child before him, "If you are ready then who am I to resist when I have practically been holding myself each time I kiss you" I grinned, "I know it must hurt down there I'm sorry " he laughed a deep throaty laugh, "Tonight I'll make sure you won't be able to walk again, but don't worry, I'll be gentle princess, I promise " I wriggled my body and he let me go, "Pervert " I said and walked away to leave, opening the door and walking off.





laughter filled the entire house as we played a game of catch and toss, I was tired so i rested on the chair when everyone rested too, "Games are more fun, but what about video games?" Jin brought out remote controller, "I'm in" Jennifer busted up and ran to take the other one, "You're going down!! but be gentle oo" everyone laughed at her self confidence, "And I'm off, I'm really tired guys I want to sleep" "it's okay this is 9 even, and we have to leave tomorrow, don't forget"  I stood up and went upstairs, really very tired today, I didn't know I would use a lot of energy today, the moon was rather bright today, the moment I got into my room, I opened the windows immediately, the breeze blowing in, I didn't bother switching on the light, I went to wash off and got changed wearing my pyjamas which consist of long sleeve light cloth and a pair of trousers, I jumped on my bed the next instant when I looked up at the ceiling, that was when I heared a low giggle, I raised up and looked at him sitting down all sprawled on my sofa, he stood up and came closer, I could see him but not very well, "When did you get in here??" "Could it be when you were taking a shower??" "So you saw me just naked a while ago?" "Sweetheart your body belongs to me, just like how I'm gonna claim it now " he began to do the cuffs of his sleeve, and unbuttoned his shirt as I stared at him, I tried to look elsewhere but he said, "Don't worry I'm a feast for the eye I don't mind you looking  he took off the shirt and crawled up to me I held his chest back, "Not regretting it now are you?" "Just tell me one thing, I'm a black, you don't mind do you?" he shook his head, "Regardless, like RM said, we are all human beings, regard of colour, age, nationality and stuff like that" I kissed him after he said that, "Oh you dare " he grabbed my chin and kissed me again, this time searching for my toungue, countless kissing and he taught me how to kiss according to his style, with my hands by my side he found it and wrapped it around his neck, just before he went and undid my buttons slowly, "Your heart is pounding princess I can practically feel it more than I can hear it" true it was even about to burst, "It's pounding the normal way it should, he chuckled, and kissed my tummy and looked up at me his eyes turning red and his fangs coming out, "Don't worry princess I promise to be gentle "

An hour had passed, with our sweat laddened bodies joined together and the room full of the sweat of passion and blood, I groaned and couldn't move, he had been going on for an hour, after the first penetration he did, it was painful and I started bleeding, he had been gentle as promised and it was quite endurable, but then he quickened the pace and lost control, and although it was quite enjoyable at first, and we changed positions a few times, I got exhausted and weak and even slept off in the middle of it, as I was about dozing off, he bit my neck, "Open your eyes darling, I want to see you cry when you come for me" I opened my eyes and watched him, until I couldn't take it anymore and eventually dozed off.

The next morning, I was too tired to even stand up when my door opened and I saw lee Joon Gi bringing in food on a table, "Good morning love, have this and let's get ready to leave, I was still naked, when I got down from the bed, and fell, "Hey you're still sore why are you still trying to move?" "was it not your fault you said you'll be gentle but obviously you weren't, whose fault it's that?" "how is that my fault?? your body is really irrisistible" I scoffed, "You're a big flirt" he carried me and placed me back on the bed while bringing the food too.
