
A Deadly Game

The man sat leisurely on the throne looking to the cowering people who are being protected by the six people but it is really just five people now that the King is due to report to king Yama any moment now.

"So.... Hail the king." He looked at the silent crowd and face palmed. "Manners, I haven't introduced myself. I am Shane. No last name but if it helps....I'm Japanese." Shane stood up and made a gentlemanly bow. He is wearing a three piece suite with what seem be very expensive pair of shoes.

"Now that we are all friends, mind explaining your origin to me? We have been watching the Qin family and you are a bit of a wild card and I'm having trouble accepting your presence." The words do not sound hostile at all as if he is speaking to a colleague about work. 

"We are from the Jiangkang base. It is a small base so it is not surprising that you haven't heard about us." Li Jie answered him taking out a recovery potion from his space ring drinking it finished. 

This relaxed tone irked the other man but it surprised the on lookers. The rest of the group drank similar looking potion and their fatigue faded as they got restored to full recovery. But as they hadn't shown any tiredness before, no one knows what the potion does. 

"Who is your leader?" Shane asked.

"Her name is Amelia." Li Jie responded without hesitation. 

"Why would you give me this information?" Shane is intrigued by the young man. He can not figure out if Li Jie is trying to suck up to him or he is trying to make him lower his guard. 

"Is the an American?" Shane asked with interest.


"Where is she now?" 

"I have no Idea." 

"Are you telling the truth?" Shane asked with a darkened expression.

"The absolute truth." 

Shane called one of his men and started discussing on the side. Qin Feng who heard the conversation became dazed. The news of his little goblin after so long filled him with endless joy. Amelia is alive and well, this is good news for him who had started to think that maybe she had an accident. 

Shane came back in with more spring on his steps. He seems happy. "My army is here." He looked at the watch on his wrist. "Today is the day Qin family will fall only a few hours after the coronation of the first king in centuries." Shane watched the five people closely to see if they are very loyal to the Qin family. 

Just as the sky is dyed with ink black color, many silhouettes made their way towards the Qin family. There is an occasional sound of battle as the large group eventually made its way to the Qin family castle.

Soon every open space in the base is occupied by the shadowy figures showing just how many they are in numbers. Shane was given a potion of the army by the old leaders to take over the world in the name of the Japanese/Han people.

He had been to cleanse the pests in the west and the flies in the United nations. Wherever he went, blood followed. Shane is proud of his exploits so far and he is planning to do even more blood shed in this country.

This is no longer about Japan finally taking what's rightly belongs to her, but it is also about a man who had a vision and worked hard to achieve it. So when he heard someone was already calling themselves king in Asia, he was offended so he changed his initial plan and attacked now.

To quell his anger, he will wash the sins of the Qin family with the blood of all their conspirators. Including ordinary people outside who already accepted the Qin family as the overlords. Once that is done he will go back to continue with his plans and put this ordeal on the side.

As a conqueror, there is a clear path for him to take and making deviations like this one will only serve to frustrate him.

Looking at the wild cards he frowned thinking abut the fact that one of them had exploded the heads of three powerful members of his army at the same time without showing signs of fatigue afterwards. This is concerning, but Shane has faith in the group of people he has on his side.

Besides, what wind and rain can five people really cause?

Shane felt assured seeing his people covering the entirety of the base with their numbers alone. Just as he is about to deliver a rousing speech people flying on swards came out of no where and started slaughtering the shadow forces.

The power in their hands is comparable to a small bomb. In less than six minutes a quarter of assassins got killed.

The group of five is being surrounded by at least 11 high level shadow supernatural power users. They couldn't help in time. They are also wondering if they even want to help so they decided to wait and see if fortune favors the Qin family.

The number of the flying figures is not a lot but it is obvious they can destroy this little army without much problem. One old man in particular stood on a wide sword with his eyes completely white gazing at the hundreds of thousands of assassins and spoke with an ancient sounding voice.

"Kneel." The old man said and many of the people's heads exploded directly. This man was forcibly taking control of their minds but the people are just too weak while his tremendous strength is overwhelming which resulted in the overload in their fragile brains.

The others wanted to face palm but didn't say anything seeing as they are still supposed to hurry along and suppress these intruder. The people who knelt lost consciousness and now their future is bleaks.

Those who are on the side also made their move. There began bloodshed and carnage. Feeling out of sorts, the Jiangkang base group used their powers for the first time and killed all the assassins keeping them from moving almost instantly and then joint the fight.

Those who will record it in history will call it the coronation of the first king. The bloody crown. The massacre of enthronement.

Many ways will be used to describe what happened here today. The numbers of assassins dropping is a fraction of how many soldiers from the Qin army are dying.


Shane would take it anymore. Something happened to the place of origin of the assassins so he doesn't want to waste time and her army here fighting a bitter war that will significantly reduce his army.

"Who are you?" Shane asked the figures in the sky.

"You don not belong here child of Japan. Leave behind your life for killing so many of my Xia people." A voice said from the sky. In Shane's ears it sounded like thunder claps.

"With just you? *sneer* You overestimate yourself too much." Shane took off towards the sky and used his knife against the all man but in response he is given heavy pressure that makes him fall to the ground.

After falling to the ground he quickly stood up and adjusted to the pressure. After he did that, the old man's pressure didn't affect him anymore. The old man is taken aback.

"Now, where were we?" Shane made a scary cracking sound with his neck. He again jumped up with a ghastly looking knife handling it expertly while moving in the air. It looked mysterious and terrifying.

The old man sent a torrent of spells to attack Shane. Shane dodged and sent out a mental attack bringing the man down from his sword. Mental attacks are most effective when the enemy is occupied. The head of the of man is attached by sharp pain making him dizzy.

Shane is about to finish him off when a fast moving figure took the man away leaving Shane irritated. He looked up and saw his men were being slaughtered. One of the powerful people can kill tens of the assassins without much effort.

He sent an order. "Withdraw!"

The assassins disappeared from people's view taking Shane with him. He might not be satisfied with the results but many of the great Xia kingdom people died here today.

When they left, those hiding the the hall started crying. Some in pain others in fear while the rest were grieving. This was undoubtedly the most gruesome thing before the apocalypse happened.

The old people in the air flew off into the distance leaving a simple 'we will be in touch' before disappearing into the distance.

Yan Yan went to Aiming. "Can we take the twins back to their home? They must be injured and tired." Aiming looked at the clear eyes from the other party. She couldn't refuse the princess of their group.

Hearing that they will be taken directly home, the twins are very grateful. Befriending these guys was a good choice.

"Wait, there are many of us who are injured and tired. Why only take them away and not us?" A young man from the Wang family complained, he intends to use public cohesion to force them to comply. Aiming smiled and took their group and the central city group away leaving then gasping the air.


Someone said from the survivors. The king finally passed out from the pin. The reason his men didn't come with armor to fight was that Qing Feng had drugged his grandfather so that he doesn't embarrass him in front of all the guests.

The man may have given the seat but he always showed off his own power in front of Qin Feng. Today the king finally realized that the people in the warehouses where the armor is stored will not hand over the armor without explicit instructions from the old man.

This means he is not really the king but a figurehead while his grandfather has all the power. This revelation doesn't sit well with him. Not to mention the immense losses today. Had there been that armor, many people wouldn't have died.

When the Jiangkang base group called an emergency meeting as soon as they got back. The recording is played for the people in the meeting and when it is finished playing, the room became silent. Everyone is shocked.

"This Shane will not give up." Old Mo said as the matter of fact.

"How do you know?" Li Jie asked.

"I just do, he is a Han through and through. Due to the history between the two countries, our country is the idea piece of cake for them. The man has plans for us. If we don't nip this in the bud, you can not imagine the kind of trouble that will com our way." Old Mo explained. 

The room became silent. "I wish the leader were here." 

"It's been 2 years. I often wonder if she even wants to come back." Blake who had been silent the entire time said suddenly. Everyone looked at him in pity, they can all see the longing in the man's eyes. Missing someone you have no idea when they will show up must be a miserable thing. 


Amelia had long finished condensing essence drops and continued cultivating. She doesn't just want to reach the foundation building realm she wants to be at the powerful enough that the next time she faced those hidden families she will not need medicine. 

That is why she took over eight months after building her foundation and condensing essence drops to come out. When she came out this forever frozen mountains were still frozen and quiet. She took out a bath tub she had fashioned out of wood when she saw how classy Jack Jack's bathroom looked. 

After bathing she put on casual jeans, a shirt and a pair of sandals. She got out of the cave and flew towards the Island. Amelia has never used this method to travel she usually teleport directly. 

The prison base is far away from the nations to avoid any of the counties so she is very satisfied with the location. The nearby Islands are smaller and uninhabited by humans. Previously she had established these islands as training grounds for her soldiers. 

Winter had long passed and Amelia is enjoying the view from the high altitude. The place she had chosen to seclude herself in is not inhabited because of its extreme temperature. What had surprised her is the fact that the energies around it are not limited to the cold but nature qi is also prominent which is why she managed to breakthrough while staying there. 

She had gotten there after checking the map and calculating the distance before teleported there successfully. The Island finally became visible in the distance and when Amelia got there she is pleasantly surprised by the buzzling scene. The roads and the infrastructure is magnificent. 

She flew towards the barrier gates, she wants to se Agatha and Jack Jack. There are security guards and they took one look at her and allowed her to enter with a very good attitude. 

Jack Jack ran and circled her. Amelia squatted down and played with him. "Jack Jack, did you miss mommy?" The dog has grown up. The previous half an inch is now above two inches and since its has three heads, the size is very large. The scales on the belly is dark black and gleams in the light. The fur is black and shines with a healthy luster. 

The sets of eyes are green, black and grey. Until now she doesn't know that it has super power. Just as Amelia is playing with Jack jack, a whooshing sound came and Agatha appeared in front of the two. 

"Human. You grew stronger." The snake said. 

"Agatha, did you miss me?" Amelia asked the snake. 

"I'm far too busy for that." The snake hissed. 

"I was wondering if you guys want to come out of here." 

"I am happy here, I have built an underground cave and locked it so even if the hunters came, they wont fall inside." Agatha sounded very proud.

"The barrier will lock you inside though, so when you want to leave you can tell me through our bond. What about Jack Jack, do you want to come with me? You can use a trinket to shrink your size at will. I will make it for you if you are not happy staying in the wild."

The dog made three different sounds while jumping up and down. When Amelia walked out she brought Jack Jack with her. She went to her building and went into her space. Her eyes widened in shock as soon as she entered. 

The place is raining, the size of the space has increased again. Amelia received information when she entered. According to the information, the space is now a complete world. There is day and night. According to the eco system she will get rain, sun the other seasons. 

There are mountains and wide rivers. The water is clean and taste good but the mountain water does not have spirit qi. The lake by the house is bigger and the spirit qi inside is denser which made Amelia very happy. 

There is a mysterious hue cycling around each spirit fruit in the trees. She knows the quality has increased again. The stronger she grows, the more powerful her spirit fruits will be. The soil quality had gone up again. 

Amelia saw the animals scattered all over the place the quantity has increased significantly. She can feel many pigs in the mountains along with the horses she had taken from the country side at that time. 

She make a comfortable room for Jack Jack Just like in the Jiangkang base. There is a bathroom here too. She took her time washing the puppy and drying it but when it is time to brush the fur, Jack Jack disappeared. 

"Come back!" The human and a large three headed dog chased each other all over the building. This is when Amelia found out Jack Jack has space ability. No matter where she traced him she will find him gone by the time she gets there.

Giving up, she went back to space and crafted the artifact to help him shrink at will. Upon return the next day, she found the large dog sleeping soundly in his new bed. Smiling, she joined him and sat on a mat meditating until the sun came up. 

News of the leader's return spread in the base. It has been over 2 years and 9 months since the last time anyone has seen her. Some speculated that she may have died outside and people were worried. 

Later that day she went to meet the managers. Du Wei had a visibly happy expression. "Leader, I heard Jack Jack is also back?" He looked behind her with a bit of worry. 

The three headed puppy is a very scary beast and if the people are made to live along side the each other, he worries they will not be able to get used to it.

"Don't worry, Jack Jack is normal size now." She didn't tell them that she made an artifact that allows the dog to shrink as much as he wants. But it is not able to allow it to grow bigger than its original size. 

"I noticed that you don't allow cars to drive inside the base just like we agreed. But the base is too big so I will take out a few hundred horses for you to sell." She had noticed a beautiful black Warlander horse bred common in her space. She hadn't taken them out all this time so they are full in the space. These horses are very strong and fast. 

"Get a carriage shop, I'm sure someone will be able to design them for you. The patrolling officers will get access to the horses but they will have to bring them back to the stables after every shift." The two managers noted down all the requests. 

The three of them are drinking tea and talking when Zhou An knocked and walked in. Seeing Amelia she froze on the spot. "I see you took my offer. Did my sister finally lose her cool?" Amelia offered her tea. 

"God Amelia, you look even more beautiful that the last time I saw you. How is that possible?" Zhou An grumbled and took a sip.

"How is your stay here? Is everyone treating you nice?" Amelia ignored the grumble and instead asked. 

"This place is amazing I am having the best time. I even started a design shop now that we have material and my business is doing good. I have a catalogue here if you want one." Zhou An seems happy. 

"As long as you're happy." Amelia indulged her and pointed at a dress. The four of them talked and had tea together. They used this time to fill her in on the events that took place when she was away. 


"Amelia." Blake looked at her intently. Two years! This woman disappeared for two years. He closed his eyes and then opened them again. 

"Blake. I missed you." Amelia said. Odd, there is no flirtation in her tone as if she is telling the truth. 

"I.....Missed you too." Blake said looking at her in the eyes. Amelia doesn't know what is wrong with the man but she proceeded to check his progress. 

"You have done well in my absence. I am proud, but have you thought about where to build your golden core?" This man is so talented it makes people envy. In these two years he has built his foundation and is on the verge of building his golden core already. Others wait centuries to form a golden core but he just needs to accumulate enough slaughter aura. 

"Take this golden fruit, it is in a higher level than the last one." She said and then looked at him with a smirk. Not knowing what it means, Blake aske with his expression. "It is going to be excruciating. Enjoy." She have him a big smile. 

"Do you enjoy my pain little girl?" Blake asked her when he saw her bright smile. Amelia blushed at the tingling his voice made her feel as it sounded sexy as hell. 

Seeing her reaction, he became happy. Atleast this girl is not unaffected by him. When she just disappearedfor all that time, he realized he has feelings for the little girl. It is much more so now that he can see her and smell her.

