
Chapter 50

Huge thanks to Courtney and Jaiona for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!


[Location: Salvatore Boarding School] [3rd POV]

Upon hearing the reply, Rebekah, who had been the one to call Talia a bitch, scowled. While the others looked at Talia like she was insane, calling Rebekah Mikaelson a bitch, directly to her face, at that.

Hope on the other hand, was frowning at the words from Rebekah. Her inner wolf raging at the woman that dared to call her mate a bitch. "She's powerful, very powerful" Davina softly whispered in Kol's ear, which Talia could hear perfectly.

"I'd appreciate it if you stopped trying to assess my magical power" Talia said, looking at Davina with amusement in her eyes. She could feel the witches in the room attempting to assess how strong she was, but they could only see a small fraction of her actual magical power, and that's only because she allowed them to see it.

Turning, Talia looked to Caroline and Bonnie "You must be Caroline, and Bonnie, right? I'm assuming you came because of them? Or is it because of the merge?"

Caroline blinked at this "How do you know about the merge?" While Bonnie was looking at the powerful teen in interest, and suspicion.

"I know a lot of things" Talia said with a shrug "Magic is helpful like that" Hope's lips twitched as she struggled not to smirk at what her girlfriend was saying.

"And yes, I can stop it from happening, but that's for later, for now, we should focus on...whatever the hell this is" Talia said, motioning to the Mikaelson family that was looking at her warily. "Ah, yeah that would probably be for the best" Caroline nodded, realizing that that was a bit more important right now.

"So, what does the Mikaelsons want from me?" Talia asked, turning to Rebekah, knowing full well what she, and the rest (besides Freya) wanted from her.

"Leave Hope alone, and find some other girl to manipulate" Marcel said, from next to Rebekah. Talia raised an eyebrow at this "Oh? And how exactly have I been manipulating her? She already knows exactly what I am, who I am, and what I can do"

Rebekah turned to Hope at this fact, not knowing that. Talia just continued, not letting the Mikaelsons getting a word in "So, is there any actual reason? Or is it because you're scared because of how powerful I am? At the fact that I can crush your little family like bugs beneath my boot? Or is it simply because you don't want my Hope to be happy?" Talia asked, while Hope stared at them, wanting to know the answer. Inwardly, her wolf instincts were beginning to flair, as she began to get angry with them.

"Because why else would you get with Hope? Unless it's for power, power over the Mikaelson family, and the Tribrid" Marcel answered, causing Talia to stop and look at the man, questioning how he didn't realize how horrible what he just said, sounded.

While Hope blinked at what was basically an insult, and she had to control herself so that tears wouldn't manifesting. "Because I love her? Because she's the most important thing in this world to me? Because she's my mate? Because of her adorable little smile? Because of her eyes? Or the hundreds of other things I adore about her?" Talia said, looking at Marcel like he was a moron. While Hope blushed slightly at Talia's words, while blinking at the mate thing, she already knew about it instinctively, but it was the first time Talia had actually said it out loud.

Talia did a lot of research into the whole mating bond thing, wanting to see if it was a thing in that world, but found that it wasn't. There bond was a one of a kind, unlike any other in that world. But that also brought up the thought of 'What if I had a bond with another? What if I had a mating bond with two people or more, and not just Hope?' Talia decided not to think more on that, and shoved it to the very back of her mind.

"You're only saying these things, so that she stays with you" Rebekah said with a scoff "We won't allow you to manipulate our niece any longer" Rebekah said, glaring at Talia who sighed in annoyance.

"And what will you do if I say no?" Talia asked with a raised eyebrow, while Caroline, Bonnie, Freya, and Alaric were listening in silence, knowing that it would be best not to interject on this. Bonnie knew that Talia was stronger than anyone in the room, as she could feel more of her magic than Davina or Freya (being stronger than both of them). While Freya trusted in Talia to stop this from happening. And Caroline and Alaric knew better than to get in the middle of a Mikaelson conflict, unless necessary.

"We'll kill you" Kol says simply, not opposed to the idea in the slightest. Hope upon hearing these words, clenched her teeth in anger, as her eyes began to glow slightly. Scoffing, Talia looked at them with glowing eyes "I think you'll find that to be impossible"

"Oh? Perhaps we should test that then" Rebekah said, before blurring towards Talia, ready to rip the girls heart out. Before Rebekah could even touch a hair on Talia's head, Hope blurred from her position, and slammed Rebekah against the wall with a dark snarl. "No one touches my Talia!" Hope practically roared out, as her True face showed, veins and all.

The Mikaelsons eyes widened in shock, seeing that their niece had fully transitioned, with only Freya trying not to smile at the sight. While Talia was getting...horny? The words of Hope was really beginning to rile Talia up, making it harder and harder to not just drag her to their room and breed the Tribrid into blissful unconsciousness.

"I don't care what you have to say! You haven't even spoken to me in over a year! And now you think you can come here and break me and Talia up?! I'd rather die! And if you even think of laying a hand on my mate, I'll kill you, family be damned!" Hope yelled out, face red faced from anger. "My father was right to lock you all in coffins" Hope said as she pulled back, glaring at the woman, before walking back to Talia and softly grasping her hand "Let's go"

Talia hearing this, just sent a soft look to Hope, before walking out of the room with Hope, door closing behind them.

"Well, that went well, didn't it?" Freya said sarcastically.


Walking alongside Hope, Talia looked at her with soft eyes, seeing the tears beginning to build up. As the tears began to fall, Talia teleported them into her room, where Hope instantly broke down, as Talia lifted the girl, and climbed into bed, with the girl in her lap. "It's alright love, let it all out" Talia softly cooed, while making sure they wouldn't be interrupted.

Sobbing into Talia's chest, Hope sobbed out "I-I hate them!" Talia just softly ran her hands through her girlfriends hair, as the girl continued to sob into her chest. Talia just softly whispered comforting words into her ears, as Hope slowly went silent, reducing into nothing but soft sobs and sniffles.

As Hope began to slowly calm herself, she softly whispered "I'm sorry"

"Nothing to apologize for, love" Talia softly said back, holding Hope in her embrace.

"I'm acting like a crybaby" Hope whispered, only for Talia to put a finger under her chin, making the girl look up at her "You are not a crybaby, Hope. You are the strongest girl I know. The fact that you have to deal with a family like that, and you can do it without breaking down more than this, just proves how strong you are. And so what if you are a "crybaby"? That would just mean that you are my little crybaby" Talia said, finishing with a teasing grin, causing Hope to roll her eyes with a soft giggle.

"I hate them" Hope softly said "No you don't" Talia said back with a sigh, knowing full well that Hope still loved them, as they were still family, just not a very good one. "You just hate that they've been ignoring you, and the way they've been treating you as if you're opinion doesn't matter. While they are a bunch of idiots, I'm sure what you said earlier is going to be a wakeup call for them" Talia said, not mentioning the fact that she's been listening in on the Mikaelsons since they left the room, where they were currently thinking about what Hope had said, and were slowly realizing how horribly they've been treating her.

Talia knew Hope enough to know that she won't hate them forever, none of the Mikaelsons ever did, it was their entire thing. They might hate eachother for a while, but their love for eachother always won, with only Mikael and Esther being the exceptions.

Talia stopped when she noticed Hope's breathing slowly begin to slow, as she began to fall asleep in Talia's embrace. "Sleep, love, I'll be here when you're awake" Talia softy whispered, causing Hope to snuggle further into Talia's embrace, and fall asleep.

'Maybe now is a good time to claim the two powerful items' Talia thought, holding Hope. Talia decided to do it now, knowing that the items didn't come out of the system inventory unless she wanted them to.

Claiming the two powerful items, she watched as a panel appeared in her vision.

[2 Random Powerful Items | From any universe]

[The Darkhold (MCU) - The immensely powerful grimoire from the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Written inside is a seemingly infinite well of knowledge, from different inventions, spells, to even things like coding, different species, and more, with concise and excellent teachings on these different pieces of knowledge. Increases all of the users magical capabilities by 5x, while also changing the color of their magic to a black and red color. Has the ability to reflect spells. Allows the user to dreamwalk into other universes, which if used enough, can cause an incursion between their universe and another, effectively destroying it. This grimoire can teleport back to the user, and is keyed to the users very being, being housed within their soul, which also means that only the user can read, and use this grimoire. Due to the nature of this grimoire, it cannot be consumed for the knowledge inside. This grimoire may have further capabilities that may be unlocked through usage, training, a specific class, and time. All of the mind corruption effects have been nullified by the system]

[The One Ring (LOTR) - The immensely powerful ring from Lord of the Rings. Massively increases all of the users magical capabilities and senses by 5x, this multiplier increases the longer the user wears and masters the ring, with the ring having a maximum multiplier of hundreds of times, and beyond. Grants the user the ability to manipulate the other rings, should the user ever visit the Lord of the Rings universe. Grants the user a naturally dominant, and commanding presence. Allows the wearer to understand evil creatures. Improves all dark/evil based magic abilities by 10x instead of 5x in the beginning. The ring has a will of it's own, and originally would desire and manipulate the user to return it to Sauron, it's creator. However, due to the interference of the system, this is no longer the case . Also naturally prolongs the users life, if they are not already immortal. Further effects may be unlocked with mastery, usage, and time. One such sub ability has already been unlocked, granting it the ability to absorb other rings, to strengthen itself, and grant it their capabilities on top of it's own. It will also improve the absorbed capabilities, mattering on what they are, due to the power within the ring]

[Would the user like to "equip" the Darkhold and One Ring?] [Y/N]

Talia upon reading this, grinned widely, both of these items were ridiculously powerful, and both of them were incredibly useful, but The One Ring was the most helpful item, and arguably the most powerful object she has ever gotten. The sure potential of the objects, is more than enough for her to equip them both.

[Darkhold Equipped]

[The One Ring Equipped]

[Ring of Magic - Lessens the cost of magic spells by 25%, Strengthens the effect of magic spells by 25%] [Absorbed by The One Ring]

Ring of Instant Death Resistance: Grants the user resistance to instant death attacks. Allows the user to resist 3 attacks. Cooldown is 1 hour] [Absorbed by the One Ring]

[Ring of Freedom - A ring that grants the user immunity to all binding, paralyzing, and all other movement obstructing effects] [Absorbed by the One Ring]

[Improvements made]

Lessens the cost of magic spells by 75%, strengthens the effect of magic spells by another 1x (6x in total, 11x for Dark/Evil magic), gives magic spells a naturally corrosive effects on others, can be controlled/toggled.

Grants the user immunity to instant death attacks.

Grants the user immunity to all movement obstructing effects and all poisons.

After reading this, Talia breathed in deeply as she felt power flood her being, it felt...dark, almost evil, but weirdly comforting at the same time. She could feel her magic grow even more, to the point that she wasn't even entirely sure how strong she was anymore, but she was sure it was a ridiculous amount. Thankfully, it wasn't painful, and due to her new control over her magic, it didn't leak from her body and wake Hope up.

'The system really knows how to spoil me' Talia thought with a chuckle, as she looked down to her ring finger, that had the ring on it.

Talia was tempted to summon the Darkhold, but decided to wait until Hope was awake, for now, she decided to just hold Hope in her embrace, and allow the girl to sleep.

Grabbing the nearby remote, she turned the tv on, while keeping it quiet.

'Time for some Hells Kitchen'

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That's the end of the chapter!

For those wondering, I did actually get those two items from a random wheel with over 20 items on it. The One Ring was a suggestion from a friend of mine, after I asked him for a random magical item. While the Darkhold sorta just came to my mind after seeing an old video on Wandavision. The One Ring is currently VERY limited, not even remotely at the level of what it can become. My knowledge on Lord of the Rings isn't the best, so bear with me in regards to that thing.

Next chapter will probably be shorter, and will have some moments between Hope, Talia, and the Mikaelsons. Speaking of the Mikaelsons, sorry if their interaction wasn't the best, as writing their characters is surprisingly difficult, probably because I've never actually watched The Originals past like season 2, and not for a long time...yeah that's probably the reason. I plan on binging it soon, as I have some plans for that show, for my other fic.

The next main class has already been chosen by me, while the subclass will probably be picked out by the patreon peeps, with the list being a few interesting ones. She should have the classes maxed out pretty quick, due to them not having a ton to offer (At least for the Upgraded Enhanced Original one). Plus, the Prestige dungeons give a lot more XP and have more enemies either way.

A timeskip is probably going to be happening pretty soon too, with the next world already being decided by me. Which is...Shadowhunters! After that it will be a much more mainline universe, in the form of...a surprise!

My plan is having it be two more unknown worlds, then two mainline worlds, then so on so forth. This fic I have plans for going for...quite some time, probably 150 chapters at least, probably closer to 300-400. It will have an end though, just not for a LONG time. My other fic will probably end a lot sooner than that though.

Also, any ideas what the questionmark on her species section is? Is it a mistake of the system? Is it just because of her different species making her something of an oddity? Or is it something else? Perhaps a look at the first chapter can give you some ideas

I've also seen the poll results across the different sites, with the results being surprisingly close. Adding them all together, it looks like nearly a three-way tie. So, I've got another idea that might appeal to those who want Izzy, or Clary.

What about both? As in Talia gets with both Izzy and Clary, and that would be it, making it a small harem. This harem would potentially grow slightly larger in the future (looking at a certain Scarlet colored witch) but would have an absolute maximum of 4 women in it, with each of them still being developed, talked about, and given the proper attention.

Or, she just gets with Izzy and Clary (Or just one of them, depending on what I decide), and that's it. This could also be a sort of test to see how well I can write multiple love interests for the future. I'm sure I can write 3-4, but anything more would be way too much for me right now. 

Anyways, have a good day! Point out any mistakes! See you tomorrow!

Gain access to an additional chapter early, as well as other bonuses (like exclusive stories) on my patreon for three dollars a month!


(Or just look up Crazedmadman on Patreon and you should find me)

ArtoriaPendragon_creators' thoughts