
Meeting Fury

Max then returned to his room and closed his eyes, and connected to Sam.

Opening his eyes he looked at the mirror and saw himself in the body of his avatar Sam, his avatar is now wearing a Three piece suit.

{A/n : The same suit as in suit chapter}

Putting his Iron mask, he created a portal and appeared inside a valley some distance from the cafe, where he is supposed to meet Phil Coulson.

Yesterday when he was rescuing some people, suddenly Phil Coulson appeared here and asked for a appointment and now it's time to meet him.

'It feels weird you know, you have taken over the body and I am seeing things in 3rd pov' Sam said suddenly.

"I know right, I thought you would fall to sleep or something if I took over your body but turns out you are awake" Max replied as he leisurely walked towards the cafe while using his observation Haki and noticed various building s have people with guns and snipers.

'Tch, they are inviting me to talk or fight' Sam cursed.

'What do you expect from S.H.I.E.L.D. ?, half of them is Hydra other half is influenced by Hydra, all an all a paranoid organisation' Max said chuckling.

'Sam, you've weirdly matured,' Sam said.

'Try spending some years killing various scum; you'll mature too,' Max shrugged.

'Your emotions, I can sense them getting overwhelmed due to the killing intent you've accumulated. You should do something about it or just transfer it to me; after all, I was made with the purpose to aid you,' Sam suggested.

'It will only be a temporary solution. I have to master it to not get influenced by it. Some time ago, I also thrashed Edward after my emotions went haywire when I learned about Pepper's accident,' Max sighed and explained.

'Don't worry, If you use Holy attribute related arts you won't get influenced by the Killing intent' Sam

'Hmm' Max nodded an then entered the cafe.

Entering inside he saw Maria Hill working as waitress, another agent on counter and that worry free smile of Phil Coulson, sitting near a window seat.

"Hello, What do you want to talk about?" Sam(Max) said as he sat in front of Coulson.

"Why don't we order something first?" Phil said and called the waitress.

"One Black coffee and you would Like.." "Cappuccino" " One Black Coffee and one Cappuccino" Pahil said then waitress nodded and went back not before flashing a smile at Max.

"One of yours" Max said.

"How do you know?" Phil asked.

"If she was normal waitress, her first reaction would be asking for an autograph not seducing me" Max shrugged.

"Good observation skill" Phil praised

"Just get to point, what do you want?" Max

'Ask him about himself' Max heard a rough voice from the Phil earpiece which he identified as Fury.

"People call Me Holy Knight, I use my powers to help people, Is this enough Mr. Behind the scenes" Before Phil could say anything, Max said turning his head towards the building where Fury is standing.

Fury looked at the screen and wondered how Max know about his location.

"Tell him about the offer" Fury instructed Coulson 

"Mr. Knight, would you like to work for us? We are like you, helping and protecting people. Our organization is called Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division. It's a secret organization created after World War II, with many countries' governments also involved in its creation," Phil said.

"No," Max replied.

"Can you tell us the reason?" Phil asked after Max's direct refusal.

"Your organization involves the government, right?" Max asked.

"Yes," Phil nodded.

"Then NO, I am not gonna take orders from an idiot sitting behind the desk," Max replied and stood up.

"Not a nice conversation, Mr. Coulson, but I suggest calling your organization 'Shield'; it's got a nice ring," Max said and started walking away.

"How about mercenary work?" Phil's voice sounded as Max reached the door.

"As long as the higher-ups are idiots who haven't even stepped foot on a battlefield themselves, my answer would remain NO," Max replied before leaving.

Coming out, Max saw himself surrounded by many agents. "What is this, Mr. Coulson?" Max said.

"You are calm for a person in such a situation," Phil said.

"We are sorry, but higher-ups want you leashed," Phil shook his head and said with a smile.

"I will give you 10 seconds to reconsider; after that, you really would be 'sorry,'" Max said while mentally debating with Sam. 'Even if they are infiltrated by Hydra, I don't think they would take such drastic measures,' Sam said.

'I read Phil's memories. It's because of Edward; they want a weapon against him, and Holy Knight is currently the only one accessible,' Max explained.

'In other words, it's your fault?' Sam asked.

'Yes, in my anger, I didn't shield Edward's activities. Instead, I spread it more to intimidate others, but clearly, it backfired,' Max sighed.

'Well, just show them their place. What else can you do now?' Sam suggested.

'I will do something they will never forget,' Max smiled and said.

"Time is up, Mr. Coulson, Hydreilion!" Max shouted.

Phil raised his brows in confusion hearing "Hydreilion," but the next second, he understood the meaning of it.


Above the cafe, a 12-feet tall, 10-headed dark-purple scaled dragon appeared, stunning everyone. All the agents dropped on their knees, shivering due to the Hydreilion's passive skill, Dragon Fear.

"Oh, I forgot, but I am also a Dragon Knight. See you never, Coulson," Max smirked and rode the 10-headed dragon, flying away.

As Max flew above the streets of New York, various people started taking photos of him.

"Wasn't that the Holy Knight riding that dragon or Hydra?" a passerby asked.

"Yes, it was him," another passerby replied.

"He also has a dragon, then does that mean he is now a Dragon Knight?" the third passerby wondered.

And thus, Dragon Knight started trending on the internet.

"Sir, did you see that?" Phil asked, looking at Max's back.

"Is this something that can even be missed?" Fury yelled back.

"What now, Sir?" Phil inquired.

"What now? Of course, I am going to shoot the bastard who ordered to capture the Holy Knight or Dragon Knight forcefully!!!" Fury started yelling.

Phil cut the call and sighed. He sympathized with his poor director because of various incidents occurring. Fury wasn't able to rest properly, and now this incident... "Hahhh, I guess we should not have listened to those idiots."
