
A little Payback

"La la la la la la la la," Max hummed a song while laying on Hydreilion's back, seemingly enjoying a peaceful atmosphere.


"Help me...arhhh."

"Please, spare us."

However, the mayhem under Hydreilion was a stark contrast to the serene scene above.

Few minutes earlier...

As Max was flying away, some individuals, whom Max easily identified as Hydra agents, came to stop him.

"Stop! We are SHIELD agents," the guy supposedly the commander said.

'Alisa, identify them, hack Shield, Hydra, or the whole world. Just identify them,' Max said mentally to Alisa through the Focus.

"What do you want?" Max (In Sam's body) asked.

"You have to surrender that Hyd...Dragon to us. It's the order from the government," he said, pointing at Hydreilion.

"You want Hydreilion? Are you idiots? What makes you think I will surrender my partner to you all?" Max sneered as he replied.

'All of them are Hydra agents infiltrated into SHIELD,' Alisa's voice sounded, breaking the last piece of hesitation stopping Max from going on a massacre.

{A/N: Kind reminder Alisa is Max's AI.}

'Pierce must have only sent Hydra agents to make sure Hydreilion fell into Hydra hands, not SHIELD,' Max thought.

The Hydra agents continued to pressure Max, their stern expressions reflecting the seriousness of their demands.

"You don't have a choice in this matter. Hand over the dragon, or face the consequences," one of the agents insisted.

Max's eyes narrowed, his irritation growing. "You really think I'm just going to comply with your orders? You have ten seconds to withdraw and rethink your life choices," Max warned, his voice carrying a dangerous edge.

The agents exchanged uneasy glances, unsure of how to proceed. Max's calm demeanor only intensified the tension in the air. As the seconds ticked away, the Hydra agents hesitated, torn between their orders and the evident danger in confronting Max.

"Ten...nine...eight..." Max began counting down, his expression unwavering.

Realizing the severity of the situation, a couple of agents took a step back, while others remained stubborn, unwilling to back down.

"Seven...six...five..." Max continued, his patience wearing thin.

"Attack," the commander said, and the helicopters and tanks around Max started firing.

"Wrong choice, Kill them ALL!!" Max snorted and then laid back on Hydreilion and ordered the massacre, while wearing the headsets and enjoying his music.

Hearing Max's orders, Hydreilion roared, the shockwave generated from its roar alone pushed back helicopters.

Hydreilion then used Elemental Shield and protected Max, who is leisurely laying on his back and then started using various Elemental attacks to kill everything in its path.

As the helicopters came to attack Hydreilion, one of its head's eyes glowed, and the world plunged into Darkness. All the agents panicked, not knowing what to do; they started using Night Vision goggles but still couldn't see even their own hands.

As they were trying to find a way out of this situation, suddenly a pair of crimson eyes opened in the sky of the Dark world, and over 95% of the agents fell lifeless on the ground.

"Oh, So this is 'Merciless Darkness,'" Max muttered. The Merciless Darkness is an AOE skill of Hydreilion; if the captives inside the Darkness become even slightly afraid, their souls will be destroyed by Evil Eyes.

"A good AOE skill, I should buy it," Max muttered and then looked at the remaining 21 people.

"All of them are mutants," Max mumbled as he looked at them.

"So, what is it, wanna fight and die or will you all surrender?" Max asked.

One of them, the black-haired dude, stepped forward and said, "We have no choice, either we die in your hands or die in theirs," He said and then jumped towards Max while his fist glows in light.

Max raised his brows at the unexpected answer and then released his Conqueror's Haki, a massive pressure filling the surroundings and all of them find themselves kneeling on the ground.

"Saint's Heal -amplify Quality-98 times," Max then used the spell Saint's Heal on them, amplified quality-wise 98 times. The Saint's Heal, aside from healing injuries, also removes all abnormalities from the body.

Though for the mutants, it was a death sentence for them. When suddenly Max pointed at them, and a golden light moved towards them, they thought they would die, mistaking it as another light elemental attack of the Holy knight. They closed their eyes helplessly, but then 1 second passed....10 seconds passed, they didn't feel any pain.

A girl with blue hair suddenly opened her eyes and saw nothing happened.

"Saint's Judgement-Just to be sure." As they were contemplating what was the purpose of the golden light, a massive intricate circle formed above their heads. Again they helplessly watched the intricate circle; their faces paled when suddenly many golden swords formed and rushed towards them.

"Arghhh" As the golden sword hit one of them, he started crying miserably, shedding blood instead of tears as he begged, and then he died.

The other golden swords also rushed to them, but instead of feeling pain, they felt comfortable all over.


As they were feeling comfortable, the Dragon landed on the ground.

Step step.

"Don't worry, I have broken your shackles; these swords judge your characters, whether you are evil or not. That's why that guy died, but you guys felt comfortable," Max said as he stood in front of them.

"Ar-a-..." One of them tried to say something but bowed his head in fear the moment Max turned towards him.

"Oy oy, now you are hurting me, how can you feel scared by this handsome face?" Max said.

'Hahahahaha, they got scared seeing your face,' Sam mocked him while laughing out loud.

'Yes, this is a very shitty face,' Max controlled his smile and nodded.

'At least you admit it's shi...Wait a minute, bastard, that's my face!!!' Sam nodded but then yelled out loud.

'So fast,' Max said sarcastically, 'This idiot forgot I am using his body and what face; we are wearing a plain black mask.' Max helplessly thought.



