
Chapter 30: Two mad demons

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Every time we hit 150 power stones I will update and extra chapter, so get cooking guys I know you can do it easily.



Alongside Lucy, I walked throught the halls of the house. Lucy loved this place, she said that never in her life she imagined that she would be in a place like this one.

The energy and atmosphere was really great and exciting, especially after the comotion happening from the guests during the auction. Apparently the king bought for his son a very rare best will that is estimated for like 5000 golden coins or something like that.

Rare and hight level beasts, and mana stones, especially the ones with a strong beast will are very expensive. Some of them are worth a family's living costs for a life time.

"But still they never are going to be as strong as you Amaya right?" I patted her head.

"Yes papa! Hehehe." She smiled proudly.

Reaching the room where my family was but I found on the door steps of the VIP room my family and probably the royal family having a sort of problem with Arthur.

"I have asked you twice for a favor, child. TWICE..." The king was speaking with an agnry tone, it was clear that he was pissed off and his pride was at stake, then he continued.

"My patience runs thin so I will ask you one last time, will you give me your bond."

"Sate sate saate~ What is going on here Art?" I walked towards them with both my hands in my pockets and Lucy following behind me confused and scared.

"Meliodas!" Mom shouted.

"This mage here want's to have my Sylvia, and his majesty the king insist on me giving to him." Arthur explained.

I turnedy gaze to the king that I saw him for the first time of my life. "Listen here king, I think my brother made himself clear. He isn't willing to give up on his bond, instead of embarassing yourself in front of everyone here, keep what you have left of dignity and don't be an asshole."

The king didn't react but one of his armored guards rushed towards me swinging his sword at me with full might and willing big amounts of mana in it.

'He's planning on cutting me in half with this strike. If you entend to kill, you should be ready to die as well.'

I easily side stepped letting the blade pass centimeter before my face, then my body, as I slapped him with both my hands with full strengh, my left hand smacking the right side of his face and my right smacking his left. The power of the smack threw the metal helmet in the air, revealing the aftermath of this attack.

What happened is that his ears drums exploded and his brain turned into a liquid from the shock, coming out of his ears mixed with blood resembling the form of a slime. His eyes poped and came out of their sockets and most his skull was broken.

His lifeless corpes fell to the ground without resistance, everyone was shocked from both sides. Thank god Tabitha turned my sister towards her and covered her ears to not witness anything because both the sight and sound wasn't the best to see.

Only after a few seconds the mage finaly reacted and used his stick to chant a magic attack. My father who was kneeling for the king, seeing this, started running to protect me from the attack but suddently something happened. Something I already experienced before.

Time stopped completely, everyone was freezed except a few individuals such as Arthur and the mage himself, who was confused because his magic was canceled.

"Huh what is hapenning?" The mage checked his stick thinking that there was a problem with it.

"Its no use..." Arthur spoke coldly directing his bloodlust towards the mage with rune covering his face and body. "You are in my domain, spells that are fueled with mana wont work here." He said as he started walking slowling towards him.

The mage got really scared and freaked out, as he started shouting. "STAY BACK COMMONER! Do you think you're a match for a conjurer of the royal family?"

Coldly replied Arthur. "In this state yes." As he proceeded to spin and bend his right leg to weird angles usually human legs shouldn't be at.

"Huh?" Still not realising what happened, the mage tried to step on his leg like he used to do his whole life, only for him to make it even worse. "AGHHHHH! My- my legs!"

"S-someone help me! Why are you just standing there, can't you hear me?!" He continued his stupid barking.

"What the hell did you do man?" I asked Arthur with my hands inside my pockets.

"Aaaghh! You scared the shit out of me, how can you move?" He asked me.

"What do you mean how can I move dumbass, we have the same will of course it wont affect me bro." I bumped his head with a fist.

"Ouch..." He rubbed the place I hit him on, then he asked "Why did you ask me what I did, did I overdo it?" He asked hesitantly.

"Please kid save me! Im the kings personal mage, I'll grant you whatever you want." The mage pleaded with his already disgusting face full of tears and sticking delicious sticky bogey, making his face even uglier.

I ignored him and said to Arthur. "Did you over did it?..." I asked with a smile, then a black evil mark appeared on my forehead, and with a devil smile I turned my gaze towards the mage. "You only broke his right legs, the other one will get jealous, dont you think?"

If Arthur's bloodlust earlier speard around the Helstia house, then the one I am emenating right now probably would've knocked out every normal human inside Xyrus city.

"W-w-w-what a-a-are you! T-t-this evil and o-o-o-o-oppressing aura! Y-Y-Y-Y-YOU'RE NOT HUMAN!!"

Even his tongue became heavy for him, making him stutter at every word he says.



"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA..." I started laughting maniacly scaring even Arthur. "He litterly pissed and shitted himself, but this will be the least of your worries."






"AAAAGHHHHHH HUUUUH HUUUUH NOOOOOGHHH HAAAAAAAA... HUFFFF HUFFF PLEAAAASEEE UGHHH!!!!" I stepped on his left leg many times breaking it completely, from the toes going up until his waist, and for the last step I crushed both his dick and balls making him vomit on himself today's meals before getting knocked out of pain and white foam came out of his mouth.

At that moment Art seemed to reach his limits as his stopped his abilities, I as well turned back to my human form. Arthur lost consciousness and was falling back but I catched him.

"Im proud of you Arthur, don't be like my old self. Never let someone look down on you." I mumbeled next to his ear.



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