
Chapter 31: King's messenger

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Every time we hit 150 power stones I will update and extra chapter, so get cooking guys I know you can do it easily.



Mom and Dad rushed toward Arthur, while Tabitha took Ellie out of the place to not witness something this disgusting. As for Lucy she was just looking indifferently as if what I did was something completely normal.

"Don't worry mom, dad. He is fine he simply need rest." Even after I reassured them, mom still casted a healing spell just to be sure.

The guards started checking on the mage who I probably damaged his brain since he's now muttering complete nonesense.

"Your majesty! The physical and mental damage he suffered is completely irreversible. Healing magic dosen't work at all!"

'Humph! Of course its irreversible, even Ban who was litterly immortal had a bad time regenerating from demon attacks. The only potential one to have the ability to heal him is Elizabeth. Of course its only if she reach her full potential in term of magic.' I thought.

"J-just what the hell happened...?" The king got scared looking at the current state of his loyal mage. The prince and princess were breathing heavily looking at me as if they were looking at slenderman who was standing at the corner of their room at midnight.

'HAHAHA, that's probably the effect of my bloodlust. Now I premanently traumatised two children, the next king or queen at that, hilarious!'

"Leywin family, I truly apologize for what happened this day, you shall be compensated for this accident but now we will take our leave, have a good day." This way, the king and his family quickly left, with their guards following behind them lifting the body of the mage.

My respect for the royal family and their image was now complete dogshit, once im strong enough I will make something funny to the king.




The next day, after Arthur woke up I went to see him after mom did. I was happy that be was alright and after checking on him I went back to my room to train my body.

After finishing I took a cold shower and got dressed. Then I heard a knock on the door.

*Knock* *knock*

"Come in!" I shouted.

Opening the door, Arthur came in holding two pouchs filled with gold. "Look who's rich now!" I teased him.

"Yeah, yeah. Its especially you who's getting rich since your the one managing our money...!" He replied walking all the way to come and sit next to me on the bed's edge, then he calmly continued.

"The king sent a messenger to apologize for yesterday and gave me 200 golden coins as a compensation." He told me what was going dowstairs.

"Yeah but I will be deviding all that money between the two of us since we are going to become adventurers in the next days." I stoped him since he tried to hand me the pouch.

"Ehh? What do you mean? We are going to stay with one of the twin horns anyways, why devide it now?" He asked.

"Well it is true that I will be staying with you for a few months, but after that I will leave with my team to make our own adventures." I explained.

"And what are you going to do with our parents? Thay wont let you do that, you know they get worried a lot." He scrached his head in confusion.

"I will try to convince whoever will be our guardian to keep it a secret." Arthur looked down and seemed sad that I wont be with him in the whole adventure.

"I see..." He said.

"Oh come on man don't do that face, this dosent mean we will never meet again bro." I rubbed his hair.

"Yeah, just don't get beaten when im not there with you." He teased me.

Pushing his head his head I said. "Just who do you think I am!"

He jumped on me and tried to headlock me, but I pinched his side as he let go. "Hey that's cheating!"

"I dont know what your talking about?" I turned the situation on him and turned his hand behind his back, he tried to resist but I only kept turning his hand until it became painful.

"Okay! Okay! I give up." Only then did I let go.

"You keep playing dirty Meliodas!" He shouted.

"There is nothing called dirty when fighting." After having fun for a while, we shared the 700 golden coins. He kept 100 golden coins from the money the king sent as a compensation.

While I gave him 250 coins I was placing in Ayata. Since now she developped her space powers, I can store things inside, she dosent swallow them but have a dimentional pocket right at the entrance of her mouth, that she activates when she want.

After that Authur went to ask dad to take him back at Helstia auction house to find a sword since he didn't get a chance yesterday to look for one after all what happened.

While for my side I played and chatted with Ellie and Lilia for a while after helping them with their mana concentration exercices. After that I went back upstairs to stay with Lucy who I was hiding in my room.

Seing her huge potential، I decided to take her with me to the adventure, this is why im training with her right now to better absorb mana and control it more efficiently. Also I helped her use her magic in better ways more suited for fighting and self defence.

Then I teached her a little bit of martial arts. Of course it's impossible for her to learn all of that in the next few days before becoming adventurers, but at least she will have an idea, and only time will make her a better mage and fighter.

After that long day, we finally got to bed, she sleeps with me now on the bed since there is nowhere else, and before sleeping I make sure that my door is locked in case mom or dad come in and find her.



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