
A Monday menance

Song : wannabe by why_mona

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The weekend flew by so quickly I was upset. Why the rush? We just got into 2023.

'Get ready for breakfast, Q.' I hear mom say behind my door.

'Yeah.' I rolled out of bed and walked lazily to my bathroom. I move on to brush my teeth and then showered next. Fitting into my uniform was easy. I'm not big or anything. Just slim. To the mirror, I give myself a stare.

'You look....' I pause. 'You know what? Hold that thought.'

I take out my phone. Selfie time. I dropped my phone after sending the photo to Sophia. In a split second, I hear a ding. That was fast.

I reach for my cellphone. Now she's calling me. I pick up.

'Go to sleep. Please.' I groan.

'No way. Don't tell me you're taking that wild hair to school.' she absolutely threw away our morning greetings.

I cleared my throat.

'Oh. Morning, Queen Charlotte.' she beamed at me.

'Morning, Sophia the first.' I smile back.

'The uniform looks good. I love it.' Sophia gives me a thumbs up.

She says it's lovely but doesn't know how short my skirt is.

'What do I do with my hair?' I ask.

'Ask your mom for help. She once styled your hair, right?' Sophia asked.

'Nope. She's the editor for a fashion magazine. Hair's not her thing.' I reply.

'She must know something. Go ask her.' Sophia tells me. 'And put on some makeup before you leave the house. Please, man.'

I laugh. 'Okay. I promise.'

'Send me evidence.' Sophia pointed at the screen - me.


The call gets disconnected.

Mum walks into my room. 'Good lord.'

'Hallelujah.' I reply.

Mum becomes mother hen. 'Your hair.'

'I know. I inherited this menace from you.' I said through my teeth.

'Come now.' she grabs my wrist and pulls me out of the room.

Downstairs, I met Johnny in a different uniform. Aren't we both going to the same school?

'What's going on?' I ask dad.

Dad put down the newspaper. 'Johnny didn't get accepted into Alan institute. His grades didn't meet their requirements. Yours did. But hey, your schools aren't far from each other.'

'It's fine, Q.' Johnny scoops his cereal. I can tell he's sad.

'You can have my jacket.' I tell him. I can't have him sad on his first day of a new school. It'll be horrible.

There's light in his eyes. 'You mean it?'

'Scout's honour, I do.' I smile at him. What a proud big sister I must be.

'Thanks, sis.' he rush upstairs to my room.

While he's gone, I sit quietly on a chair to sulk. What have I done? My jacket.

Johnny comes rushing down. I must say the jacket fit him perfectly. But wait, a 12 year old is putting on a 17 year old's jacket? You know what? Let's skip that part. I am ashamed of my little self.

'Let's go, big boy.' Dad is the one taking Johnny to school.

'Make friends.' Mum tells Johnny and I feel like she's indirectly talking to me.

The moment they walk out the door, mum turns to me. 'Now, you.'

I chuckle nervously. 'Can't I just wear a beanie?'

'Your school doesn't accept that, Char.' Mum palms her face.

Hold up ! Don't look disappointed. I am your daughter, I pout.

Suddenly, the door bell rings. It's a few minutes past 7. Who could be at the door? The newspaper boy? Or the guy that delivers milk?

I hold the door ajar. Standing before me is a middle aged woman. The blonde is wearing this amazing red chiffon dress. Her eye colour are pale blue. Something I've never seen before in my life.

She began. 'Hi. My family moved in next door yesterday. Is your mother in?'

Mum comes up behind me. 'Oh. Hi. I'm Martha.'

'I'm Cindy. It's so nice to meet you.' Cindy smiles.

'Oh do come in.' Mum ushers her in. She's fond of doing that to strangers.

Cindy sits on the sofa and smiles at me warmly. Weirdly, she never made a comment about my wild hair. Is she ignoring it so she won't be rude or something?

'I haven't had English neighbors before.' Cindy smiles.

'Oh. We moved here because of my husband's work. This is my only daughter and first child, Charlotte.' Mum introduces me.

'You're really pretty, Charlotte. Now, I see why my little one says you're pretty.' Cindy smiles again. Now, that's the 4th time she's doing that. I've been counting.

'Your little one?' Mum exchange stares with me.

'I saw her yesterday through my window.' I say shortly.

That little girl from yesterday is her daughter? That means she's shoplifter's mom? But he looks nothing like her. Except they've got the same pretty eyes.

'Oh. You should've say hi to her.' Mum pouts and turns to Cindy. "Don't mind Charlotte. She's shy unlike her little brother's who's more jovial."

'And where is he?' Inquired Cindy.

'Oh he's off to school. His father took him.' Mum stands up immediately. 'My manners. Can I get you anything?'

Cindy thinks for a moment before replying. 'Coffee will do. Thank you.'

'Sure. I'll be right back.' Mum hurries into the kitchen.

Cindy points at my uniform. 'Say, that's the same school my twin boys attend.'

'Huh?' I'm taken aback.

'Yes. That's the same crescent. Oh I'm so glad three of you will be going to school together.' Cindy nearly squeals. God no. She's one of those mums whose always wanted girls and not boys.

Mum enters with a tray of scones and 2 cups of coffee. 'It seems something went on without me.'

'I was just telling Charlotte how my sons attend the same school as her. That's their uniform. Alan Institute.' Cindy accepts the mug of coffee with a smile.

'Oh you must be so proud of them.' Mum places her hand over her chest.

'I am indeed.' Cindy takes a sip and nods. 'Now, that's rich coffee.'

Mum smiles. 'Oh, my husband had them imported.'

Don't rub your wealth in her face, mum.

Cindy sips some more. 'It's really good.'

I watch them quietly. They spent long minutes talking until mum realises I have to go to school.

'Good lord, Queen. You still haven't done something to your hair. You'll be late for school.' Mum alights from her seat.

'I can help with that. I own a salon.' Cindy says.

'Thank you.' Mum heaves a sigh of relief.

'Now, just relax, Char. I'll be done in a few.' Cindy tells me.

All I hear is scissors cutting for the past long minutes.

'Earlier, I heard you call her Queen. Is that a thing?' asked Cindy as she turns the swivel I sat on.

'Well, yeah. Queen Charlotte.' Mum is wearing her jacket now.

I try to look at mom's jacket. Maybe I could steal that one. All of a sudden, Cindy bends my head further down and I'm annoyed. If I can just elbow her in the ribs and play innocent, that would work.

'All done.' Cindy announces and takes the apron off me. Handing the mirror over to me, I'm impressed with what I see. She straightened my hair with a hot comb and now I look like Beyonce when she was starting out. I've even got bangs now.

'She's even more prettier.' Mum squeals with Cindy. 'You're a genius, Cindy. Once I drop Char off at school, you and I will talk.'

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In the car, I take a pic of myself and send it to Sophia. Strangely, she didn't reply immediately. Maybe she's asleep or something. I pocket my phone in my blazer and look out the window.

'Cindy seems nice.' Mum says as she drives.

'Yeah.' I say dryly.

'Why the long drawl? I mean it. She's a good person. Her sons even attend your school.' Mum adds.

I palm my face when I remember shoplifter but wait earlier, Cindy said they were twins. Holy shit. I pray they aren't identical or I'll be drowning in deep waters soon.

I alight the car and look around. There's a lot of students here. I'm getting claustrophobic all of a sudden.

'You're going to do well, Char.' Mum takes my hand and give it a squeeze.

'I hope.' I pull away and watch mum drive off.

'Holy shit. Was that a BMW?' Someone asked behind me.

I squealed. 'Good lord.'

'Sorry I snuck up on you. It was never my intention.' Rubbing his palm on his trousers to give me a handshake, Sweaty hands introduced himself. 'I'm Matty the Math guy. Its Matthew the Math guy so you don't get confused.'

'Hello, Matthew.' I reply.

'British. Cool.' Matty smile and he has a beanie. I nearly roll my eyes. Your school doesn't accept beanie my ass.

'So you new?' he asked.

'How did you know?' I asked. His precision was very correct.

Matty stepped closer. 'You've got that faraway look in your eyes.'

I step back. This one is a weirdo.

'Don't scare the girl, Matty.' Another guy walk in.

'Scottie' He and Matty do some kind of handshake and end it with a howl.

God, is this place for rejects? How did I end up here?
