
Hide and Seek 1

I escape from Scottie and Matty just in time for assembly. I must say it's a lot different from what I expected. They're no opening prayers nor roll call. Just the National Anthem. Everyone else is singing here except me. A brunette, probably a teacher, glares at me to sing but I ignore her. I'm British. What was I supposed to sing? God save the king? Once it was all over, she calls for me.

'You are?' she asked.

'Charlotte Melbourne.' I make my accent too thick. That'll teach her.

'Oh.' she push her glasses to her face. 'You're the English transfer.'

I nod softly.

'Welcome to Alan Institute. I believe you have received your schedule?' she begins to walk and I follow her.

'Yes. Apparently, I don't know where most of my classes are.' I add.

'There are lots of students around. Mingle.' Glasses walked away and I'm annoyed. Rude.

'That's Miss Selene, the 2nd principal.' A deep voice said behind me.

Shivers run down my spine. I'd recognize that voice anywhere. Shoplifter. Turning around slowly, I lift my eyes to his. It's not him. His eyes are brown. This must be his twin brother.

'Oh.' I heave a sigh of relief. He probably doesn't know why I did that.

'I'm Jacob. Jacob Wright.' he extend his hands to me and I take it. Soft.

'I'm Charlotte. Charlotte Melbourne.' I couldn't help but smile. He seems nicer than shoplifter. I should probably stop calling him that.

'You're new.' he said.

'I am and I'm clearly lost.' I wave the papers in my hand around.

'Lemme see.' he takes the papers from me. 'Oh. We'll have few classes together but I'm an athlete so we'll see less of each other. Lucky for you, your schedule is the same as my twin brother.'

'Oh God.' I exclaim. 'Twin?'

'Are you okay?' he asked.

'No. I mean yes. I'm just....overwhelmed.' I say nervously.

Jacob explained. 'My brother's name is Levi. Since his classes are identical to yours, he can help.'

So shoplifter's name is Levi. Hmm. I still prefer shoplifter.

Looking over my shoulder, Jacob hollers at someone. 'Yo.'

I hear footsteps behind me and they stop briskly.

'What?!' That's him. Shoplifter. I mean, Levi.

'This is Charlotte. She's new and most of her classes are same as yours. Please help her out.' Jacob pleads. What a nice guy.

'Like hell if I care.' Levi turns away.

I whip around only to catch him leave. Arrogant brat!

'Forgive him. He's just having a bad day.' Jacob apologizes on his behalf.

I bet Levi always has a bad day. Classic problem child.

'It's fine.' I smile like nothing happened. 'I'll find my way to class.'

'I'm sorry.' Jacob apologizes again.

'It's okay.' he's been too sweet. Though it's annoying he has to share a face with that arsehole.

I take up my schedule and head up the stairs. Fortunately, I found my class - 3C. The moment I walk in, Scottie and Matty yell at the same time. 'Cheers, mate.' Everyone who heard it, laughed.

It weirds me out that they think we've known each other forever. I just smile and look around. Everyone is busy chatting or reading. Nothing like my school where everyone's face is glued to their phone.

'Oh there you are.' A pale skinned man in white pressed shirt and dark pants walk in. His black hair fell beneath his shoulders and there are little marks underneath his eyes. Kinda reminds me of Eren from Attack on Titan.

'Hey, everyone.' he calls the student's attention. 'We have a new member. Why don't you introduce yourself?'

Everyone is watching. I have to keep it short.

'My name is Charlotte Melbourne.' I began.

A few of them burst into laughter. What's so funny? Is something wrong with what I said?

'Children behave.' Long hair warns and they all turn quiet. 'Go on.'

'I'm 17 years old. My family just moved here from London.' I conclude.

Someone asked. 'Why'd you move, English?'

The rest of the class laugh.

I reply proudly. 'It's because of my dad's work. He was transfered here as a senior executive of Palmer.'

Everyone turn quiet.

'Thank you.' I turn to the teacher. 'Did I do well?'

'You did absolutely well.' he smiled. 'Most seats at the front are already occupied so you'll have to sit at the back. If you feel uncomfortable, we can arrange something.'

'I'm fine, sir. Thank you.' I don't know why but I bowed.

Before making way to my seat, someone brushed past me, hitting my shoulders. What a jerk ! Its Levi. If not him who else? The facemask. Blue eyes. Yep. The rude hen is here.

'Levi, mind telling me why you're entering my class now?' The teacher asked the bloke.

The dude ignores the teacher and goes to his seat by the window. The empty seat next to him is mine. God ! why am I always surrounded by weirdos?

'Mr Gale, I think someone's moving your car.' Levi points out the window.

'What are you talking about?' Mr Gale goes to the window. His eyes widened in shock. 'My car ! Why do I keep parking in the wrong spot?' he rushes out of the classroom.

Everyone bursts into laughter and I make way to my seat next to shoplifter. The plush seating is comfortable and abundant natural light streamed in through the large windows. Studying in this environment wouldn't be difficult.

The girl seated beside me extended her hand. 'Gracie. Gracie Stone.'

I take it. 'Charlotte.'

'I know. I heard you from before.' Gracie smile. 'So your dad really is Palmer's new senior executive?'

I felt uncomfortable. This is my fault for blurting out those words. 'Yes, he is.'

'That is so cool.' Gracie leans close. 'So you guys use products first before the rest of the public?'

'Shut up, Stone.' Levi who rests his head on the desk turned to her and she pursed her lips.

Stone rolls her eyes and pulls her seat back to it's original position. 'Rude.'

I turn to Levi. Did he just save me?

'What are you looking at?' he glared at me.

Doesn't he recognize me? Maybe it's the hair. Why did mother have Cindy straighten it?

'Who's looking at you?' I tell him and begin to bring out my things from my bag.

He mutters something and turns the other way.

I mutter a curse. I bet he heard me. He turns to me. The lines on his forehead deepen as he frowned.

'What are you looking at?' I ask him.

He scoffs and push back his seat roughly.

That startled me. After that time, I didn't see him again.

At lunch, I didn't eat alone. Scottie and Matty ate with me. Even though I never asked for their company. They are really funny and smart guys. Really smart.

'Your dad's loaded. I though you'd have tonnes of students flock around you.' Scottie took a bite out of his apple.

I shrug. 'I don't know.'

'Maybe they think you're one of those spoilt kids who choose their friends. Students here are often inclined to think that way.' Matty slurps his juice.

He might be right. I look around. Everyone here has their cliques and circle. No one notice the new girl. I'm sad and happy at the same time. Why?

'It's been just Scottie and me since middle school.' Matty empties the juice.

'You've been friends since primary school?' I ask. That's pretty close. Sophia had known me since my first year of secondary school.

'Okay. Hold up. You see this is America. There are some English things you shouldn't say.' Scottie begins to teach. Just like Sophia.

'Like primary school...secondary school...bloke and cheers, mate' Both of them laugh at the last part.

'Whatever.' I roll my eyes. The food nearly got to my lips when a hand grabbed my wrist. 'What the?'

'Where is it?' It's Levi.

'Where's what? Let go off me.' I tried wriggling free but his grip is tight.

'You're the one seated next to me. I'm sure you took it from my bag. Where's the card?' he yelled.

'Hey, I don't know what you're talking about.' I finally let go.

I turn to Matty and Scottie but their heads are hung low. Were they afraid of him? So he does intimidate students here. He's not only a thief but a bully.

'Jerk.' I yell at him and instantly regret it.

He grabbed my wrist and pulls me along with him.

'Charlotte.' Matty call behind me.

Dragging me to the hallway, he lets go off me.

'Why'd you do that? What card are you talking about?' I ask annoyed.

'You don't know? Don't act dumb and tell me where it is.' he yells again.

'I don't know what the bloody hell it is you're talking about.' Look at this guy. He acts like he doesn't remember the girl he kissed and now, he bullies me? In what planet am I?

He begins to approach me with a sinister look in his eyes and my legs want to run. I reel back till there is nowhere left to go. I'm trapped between his large body and he slams the locker with his fists loud for it to echo in my ears. I yelp in fear. Tears almost spill from my eyes. My heart is beating faster now.

'You'll regret it.' The facemask covered up his expression but I know he's really angry. He walks away and I fall to the floor holding my hand to my chest. The first time I met him, my heart fluttered out of passion but now, it heaves of fear. What the hell is wrong with him? And what card is he talking about?
