
Episode 5.12 Conscious

The little add-on would later on be explained by Chairman Mao in his goofy personality. But for Shen Yuan, the emergence of Pride in his rating would later on haunt him everywhere he went and would be the topic of comedic conversations in talk shows and interviews.

By that time, everyone knows that iconic moment was the start of the cool and chaotic friendship between the two S-Class awakeners from different generations. And that is for the later story.

Aside from this little "teasing" incident, the highlight of the Physical Test was Shen Yuan's awe-spiring overall result: A-!

He's got A- physique to everyone's amazement.

This urged a huge wave of support and admiration to the celestial fox spirit and this time, the black anti-fans have no choice but to support the surge of fans.

The internet was in a mess and so is the Hunter Association's website. It crashed as to how many visitors have entered to watch the blow-by-blow action of Shen Yuan.
