
Episode 5.13 Scathing Tongue

Zhou Kai is a tall and male alpha male who would never be placed in the category of handsome, but with his tanned skin and super short haircut, he gives off a masculine allure of a ruthless fuck boy—one of the many human species that he despised.

Shen Yuan imagined multiple scenarios when he finally met this man who brought all his anger, irritation and hate into this world. 

And he must confess, the scenes were full of blood and gore— different from what it is now. 

He's with his son, calm and seething. 

Shen Yuan's smile was broad like a crescent moon. One would think that he was meeting an old friend with his smile, but if they look closely in his eyes, his orbs carry the eternal darkness of the night.

It's the smile of suppressed killing intent.

Zhou Kai was initially drawn to the omega's attractive face, but he instantly broke into a cold sweat when their gazes met.

For a moment, he thought his life was flashing before him.
