
Chapter 67

I don't think I've ever seen Rose look quite so distraught before.

And it's not the kind of distraught that I saw etched on her face when she had to deal with Odin's tomfoolery, no, this was a whole new breed of distraught.

It was also all over one very specific detail.

"So, if I'm hearing this right," Rose began to reiterate, entirely ignoring the crunching noises from Kuroka eating chips in the background, "the Spear of Destiny somehow didn't return the System when its user died, so you took it…and shoved it under your bed." She stressed the end particularly harshly.

I nodded along at her words, happily.

Rose sighed in turn, painfully.

"Don't you have…anywhere else to put it? Like a vault? Or maybe it would be a good idea to hand it to the Gods for safekeeping?" Rose tried, rubbing her forehead with her fingers as she looked at me, almost pleadingly.

I chuckled, and waved her off, gently, "Nah. Well, I probably do have something like a vault around her somewhere…that'd be too obvious a place to check if someone comes looking for it.

"As for handing it over to the Gods," I pause, humming in thought at the idea, "I think I got a good read on my mother, and she wouldn't want news getting out they had the thing if I did hand it over, so…she'd likely just stuff it under her bed instead."

Kuroka snorted and cackled in the background, while Rose groaned heavily, leaning forward to dip her head down and look at the floor.

I reached over, and gently patted her head, making sure to ruffle her beautiful silvery white hair at least a little bit.

"Don't you worry so much about it, alright, Rose?" I reassure her with a small smile, "If something does happen relating to the spear, like say it starts glowing for no reason, I fully intend to break that bitch in half and chuck it halfway to Hawaii."

Rose lifts her head abruptly, but slowly, at my touch and words, "I…I don't think you need to go that far, but…well, alright." She sighs, and gives a small tired smile back at me, "I'll leave it to you."

I give her a nod in return, "Thanks, Rose."

She blushes slightly, and in the background, I can vaguely see Kuroka poking her head into the room, smirking at the silver-haired girl.

Ah, poor Rose. I will probably have to leave here soon, which means you get stuck with the cat all day.

Apologies, preemptively.

Though before I can do so verbally, Rose suddenly perks up, "Oh! Right! Nori." She tries to look and speak professionally again, but her fingers twitch in her lap at merely saying my name.

Probably because it isn't professional or some such.


She clears her throat before continuing, "Speaking of your Mother, she, and the Shinto, sent a…well, lots of things." With a wave of her hand, a magic circle appeared and deposited one of those three-ringed binders straight into her palm.

Except, unlike most binders, the one which she just summoned to her hand was full.

She sets it down on the table directly next to us and flips it open with professional grace.

"I went through everything, categorized and listed every item based on value and level of importance…" At this point, she started rambling on a bit too quickly, and I quickly lost track of what she was saying, blinking blearily at her as she started, somehow, going into…budgets.


Though, on a side note, it was at this point I realized that this is probably what she was doing all those days ago when I saw her doing paperwork almost religiously.

I didn't even know the stuff she sent had come in!

…Man, Odin floundered with this one, didn't he?

Rose was still going, so I stopped her by simply standing up.

The act caused her to pause in confusion, then sputter as I reached over and placed my hand right on her head.

"Look at you," I give her a proud smile, "already doing so much for something that isn't that important."

She almost immediately became twitchy at my words, "I beg to differ," she politely, yet shyly, shot back, "rewards or gifts from the Chief God of a Pantheon…that shouldn't be taken so lightly."

I shrug, "Maybe. Maybe not. Still." I ruffle her hair, causing her to yelp, "I appreciate it regardless. Your work will certainly help me sort through everything easier. So, for that, I thank you. Good job Rose."

The poor girl almost immediately flushed and looked away when I was done speaking, muttering out something very quietly, so quiet, I couldn't actually hear her.

Though based on the way her lips moved, if I had to guess, I'd say she said something like, 'I'm just doing my job' or some such variation of that.

Jeez…how little did this girl get genuine well-meaning praise that wasn't immediately followed up with a snide remark about her lack of a love life?

Before the girl could fall over or something, I quickly continued with the original point I wanted to bring up before Rose jumped in first.

"I'll make sure to check it out later, alright?" I continue, smiling as she looks up at me in silent and shy askance, "I've got to go check up on the fox girls in Urakyoto, see if they need any help with the cleanup going on, and see what's up with the meeting with Indra's people that was supposed to happen last night."

Rose stared at me, slightly agape, "...Meeting with Indra?" Rose spoke, the words laced with disbelief despite her having spoken them herself, "...Why would he want to meet with some Youkai Leader in Japan, of all places?" She immediately questioned, her eyebrows creasing in befuddlement.

It doesn't make any sense to me either, Rose, I know.


I raise my eyebrow at her, "It sounds like you know him. You and the old virgin met with him before?" I ask, purely out of curiosity.

Rose almost makes something of a scoff at that, seemingly not even hearing my disrespectful nickname toward her old employer, "No, we haven't, he refused to even send his underlings to convene with us when we passed through his territory. Something about us being from a savage, cold, backwater that nobody knows or cares about?" Rose practically seethed as she recounted.

I whistled at that, "Damn…what an arrogant asshole."

Already knew he was one, but still. Definitely going to say that to his face if I ever meet him, see how bad it pisses him off.

Rose crossed her arms under her chest and leaned back into the couch as she let out an annoyed sigh, "...That's one way of putting it." She agreed, "I'll say, it's also fairly suspicious this meeting was supposed to happen right around when several Longinus users ambush and attack you and Kuoh Town…at the same time."

"Yeah…I know, something feels up there." I stretch my arms out, pausing to let out a light groan as I do, "But, ah…well, there's only one way to find out if he's involved, and that would be questioning him personally…something I doubt will be happening anytime soon."

Rose gave a conceding, albeit annoyed, nod at that, as I pulled out my phone.

Hmm, still nothing from the foxes…

I fire off a quick message, telling them I'm coming on over, before slipping the phone away.

"Now then," I start, heading toward the door, "I'll be back when I get back. Till then, Rose is in charge!"

"O…Kay?" Rose slowly accepts.

"Nyah~!?" Kuroka shouts and sputters in indignation and shock in the background.

There we go. That ought to make sure she isn't too much to handle.

Of course, before the cat can come bursting out to protest, I quickly make my way out the door with a snicker and a smirk.

Next stop? Urakyoto!

~ A New Sun ~

During a big incident, you can usually expect there to be a bit of movement, bustling, and a touch of well-ordered chaos.

Especially within the center of power which governs the area in which said incident takes place.

It's odd, but that, as a whole, wasn't happening in Urakyoto.

The backdoor straight to the palace was sealed up, which makes sense as a security precaution, so I took the 'long' way around, into the city proper.

For the most part, the city seemed about as bustly as usual. There wasn't any panic or fear, no one seemed to care or even know that three Longinus users were just galavanting around practically right out their city causing chaos.

It was only really when I strolled up to the palace did I see anything resembling urgency.

I barely managed to make it to the gates before several tengu, including a much older one whom I assume is the leader or captain of some sort, landed right in front of me.

"Lady Yasaka and Princess Kunou were expecting you, Lord Kusanagi," the older tengu stated gruffly while bowing minorly, "come. They are busy right now, but we will lead you to a place where you can wait for them in peace."

He turns, although mid-turn he grumbles, "It's a good thing you didn't try and play shinobi this time…"

I gave the old bird a good-natured chuckle at that and followed him leisurely as he started walking.

The other tengu didn't follow, and instead spread back out, taking to the skies around and likely on the walls surrounding the drearily lit palace.

I was swiftly led to what I thought might be a private living room, judging by the rather lax and modest traditional decor, a bunch of mats, cushions, tables, and such.

The old tengu left without even huffing a word quickly after that, which is perfectly fine by me.

I'd say I don't think he likes me much, but on the other hand, he might just be your classic Japanese old-guard stereotype who doesn't like anyone.

Can never really tell at first glance.

Regardless, it is here I sit now, on a rather comfortable mat, leaning back into it in a way that would likely completely fuck up my back…if I wasn't built differently.

But I am, so I don't care. It's nice and comfy!

In the meantime, I let my senses spread out, finding the hustle and bustle of the Palace's occupants that I was expecting to find out in the city as a whole.

Everyone's running around, especially the tengu guards, going to and fro, leaving the Palace only to return for something or another, and leave again.

I unfortunately can't tell the specifics, but still, they're moving.

Hmm, I'm also sensing a few familiar ki's lumbering about. The Genbu and Byakko, they're with Yasaka right now.

The North and West clans right? Huh. Was the bridge I was fighting on in the territory under their clan's control? Or, maybe in between the two?

In any case, I'm glad I've kept a tight leash on my powers since I arrived in the city. If I was fighting in their territory, I'd rather not deal with them sensing me and coming to hassle me.

Not like I think Genbu would. But Byakko would one-hundred percent show up to complain about not getting invited to fight a bunch of Longinus users.

In any event, it looks like Yasaka is going to be held up for a little while still.

But Kunou, well, it didn't long for her to show up, promptly ruining all the relaxing vibes I had built up.

The door slid open, and almost as soon as she stepped in, she began.

"...You know that's where Mother usually sits, right?"

"No. I didn't, actually." I grunted back at her groggily, my eyes barely halfway open, "I don't live here you know?"

A huff, followed by dainty little footsteps coming over to and stopping in front of me, followed.

I managed to open my eyes just a touch more, and damn near opened them the rest of the way immediately when I finally registered what exactly I was seeing.

It was Kunou alright, but in an outfit I didn't expect at all. Rather than some sort of fancy kimono, she was wearing a pure white blouse, with red frilly outlines, and a cute little red bow just beneath the cleavage of her chest. Her skirt and stockings were also white, with a little bit of red outlines on the upper portion of the stockings to match the blouse.

Needless to say, she looked fucking cute. At the same time, the amount of cleavage and those stockings are stirring something in me…

Kunou seems completely oblivious to her flipping a bunch of my internal switches, and yet still makes it worse by crossing her arms under her chest and leaning forward to look down at me pompously.

"Well? Now you do! Get up!" She commanded.

I wasn't listening though, and instead, reached out, and grabbed her arms.

"...Huh? What are you-EEK!?"

And then promptly pulled her into my lap and right up against me.

Fluffy tails acquired.

"Hnnngh!" She squirmed around, "What do you think you're doing, pervert!"

I wrapped my arms around her waist, holding her against me tightly so she couldn't escape.

"Well, I was just thinking, I could use another pillow to make laying here more comfortable…" I drawled out with faux tiredness, "Then you came along, Princess. Now here we are!"

"Huh!?" She scoffs, sounding legitimately offended, "I-I'm not some pillow you can just-"

I proceed to shut her up, by snuggling her.

"HHNNGHHHH!" That, unfortunately, just makes her squirm harder, "And here I was! Coming to check on you after you fought three Longinus users! You big damn pervert! Let me go!"

Doubly unfortunately, her words just make me squeeze her back harder, and coo, "Awww~! You do care!"

"Ghaa! You degenerate sicko! Not anymore!" She rapidly bats at my head, almost like a cat.

I chuckle even as she spats and bats at me more and more.

Until eventually, my voice loses its teasing tone, and I start again.

"Seriously though, when I saw what you were wearing, I couldn't help just snatching you up…you're oh so lucky, you know?" I move to whisper to her ear, "I would have started a diplomatic incident already if the plan wasn't to bed you after our date~!"

Kunou shivers and lets out a breathy gasp at that, finally simmering down, she lets out a much quieter and weak, "D-Damn perv…"

I give her a good-natured chuckle. She slapped me over the head again, not like it did anything.

"...I was worried, once Mother told me what happened." Kunou begins after a moment's pause, leaning against me herself, "But she seemed confident you were okay, and as much of a…deviant," she hisses out lowly, "as you can be sometimes, your strength is the real deal. Just like when you fought Ibaraki. And Loki, too. But, still."

Her tails swayed restlessly behind her as she pushed her face into my chest, "...I don't like it." She muffledly admits.

I raise an eyebrow, "Don't like what?"

"The…idea of you getting hurt." She clarifies, slowly.

This is prime teasing bait, but no, not now. Maybe later.

I rub and pat her back gently, "Yeah, that'd do it. You care, so you don't want me hurt…but I care, so I go and fight the idiots, the malicious, the whoever…so you all don't get hurt first." I reach up, scratching her fluffy little fox ears, "I heal, but you don't…so feel free to worry, because I know I won't be able to stop you, just know, I'll come back no matter what, alright?"

After a second, Kunou slowly pulls back, looking me straight in the eyes.

"...Do you promise?" She asks, sternly, almost desperately.

I don't even hesitate. Why would I when it's the truth?

"I promise."

"Do you mean it?" She fired back, grasping onto me tightly, eyes growing intense, "Because failing to uphold a promise to a Princess is punishable, you know!"

I give her an amused chuckle, before answering again, "Yeah, I promise, Princess. I do."

She gives me a good, long, and hard stern stare, before relaxing just a tad and nodding in satisfaction.

"Good." She starts, relieved, "Then, because I am a benevolent Princess who rewards those who do well…" She trails off.

I don't even get to ask what exactly she means by that, before she outright shows me, by leaning forward and kissing me on the cheek.

It was pretty tame, but for her, it was a tad shocking, so I was still slightly stunned.

She pulls back, and gives me a cute little wink, "Keep up the good work, and who knows, there might be more where that came from."

Ah, there's her Princess training from Yasaka kicking in.

I smirk back at her, "Might?" I parrot back huskily, before dragging her right back up against me, our faces right up against each other as I look her right in the eye, "Oh, Princess…you forget yourself…I'll be taking everything eventually~..."

Unfortunately, her Princess training wasn't Nori training, so Kunou almost immediately gives a full-body shiver that shoots down her spine are my words, as she bites her lip, and her cheeks light up like spotlights.

Her only retaliatory comment?

"Damn, p-perv…"

"You know it~!" I add on with a chuckle, causing her to look down and give a long huffing sigh.

As fun as it is teasing my little fox princess here, we do have stuff we need to discuss, unfortunately.

Now that all of that is out of the way, may as well get into this.

"Speaking of taking everything," I continued with a smile, to her embarrassed groan, "our date. That still on for anytime soon?"

Kunou slowly looks back up at me, much more shyly than before, "I…suppose? Mother is handling pretty much everything right now, I only helped out here or there at the start." She pointed at me, "Also, you mean 'courting ritual', correct?"

I rolled my eyes at that, and swiftly waved her off, "Pretty much the same thing. I'm just calling it a date because it's easier to say, and I'm feeling mighty lazy right now."

She huffs at that, "You better not be lazy for our day…" he blush magnified, "...or night." She finished, a touch quieter.

I chuckled, and quickly spoke to assuage her of that idea, "I won't be. Got it all pretty much planned out already, in fact."

"Really?" She perked up, "That's…good, yes. Hmph." She nods a few times, "That's far better than I was expecting."

Hey now. I may be blunt, and kind of a dick at times, but I try not to slouch on special occasions like this!

Blow to my pride brushed aside though, though not forgotten, I continue.

"All that's left is when we are actually going to head out."

Kunou hummed in thought, "How about…Well, I want to say tonight, but that might be a bit too early…I want to make sure Mother doesn't need me." She looks my way, unsure, "Is…Is that okay?"

I pat her on the head all of a sudden, causing her to squeak in indignation, "Heh! Of course it's okay, Princess, there isn't a time limit to this or anything. We can head out whenever you're ready."

She huffed, batting my hand away before responding with a pout, "Then tomorrow, most definitely, if Mother doesn't need me!" She nods a few times, as if proud of herself for being able to schedule.


"That aside," Kunou continues, a frown slowly growing across her pretty little face, "can you please get off of Mother's seat now!?"

She's still on about this?

"I don't see her usin' it." I reply plainly, leaning back into the cushions, dragging the small fox girl with me along the way.

"W-Well!" Kunou sputtered as we went down, "That's because she's busy! She'll want to use it after she's done!"

"Then she's welcome to join us." I state, prompting Kunou to blanche.

"J-Join!? That…That's!" She stumbles over her words, her tails rapidly swaying with something like panic, "That's degenerate!"

"No, that's oyakodon." I corrected her.

"...What!?" She cries in legitimate confusion.

Oh, you sweet summer child.

"Besides," I continue, pretending I didn't say that, "there's plenty of room here. It'll be fine~..." I trail off.

"Hnnghhh!" Kunou struggles, squirming around atop me, before finally giving up with one final pout.

With that, we lay in a comfortable silence.

For all but a few minutes, before the Princess had to ruin it.

"...Can you at least tell me where you plan to court me?" She mumbled out all of a sudden.

"You mean where I plan to take you on a date and then proceed to have my wicked way with you?" I correct once more.

"Hnnnghhhh!" She strains, only reaching up to bat me on the face once, "I'm being serious you depraved man…"

"So am I?" I snarked back, only to get batted once again.

"Come on!" She almost pleads, "You can't tell me even a little bit?"

I hum thoughtfully at that for a second, before shrugging and deciding to give her a few crumbs.

"So, I know your Mother can't leave Kyoto. I figured that means you haven't really gotten the chance to leave yourself, right?" I half ask, half state, already figuring I know the answer to that.

I wasn't shocked when she nodded, slowly, "You're right, the furthest I've been out of Kyoto has been to Tokyo, that's about it." She fills in my assumption, slightly downtrodden.

I nod back at her, "That's about what I figured, yeah, so we'll be heading out a little further than Tokyo."

She perked up at that, "...How far are you talking about?"

I hum, keeping my lips shut in a smile, even as her stare becomes an increasingly more and more intense glare.

I didn't break, more so that I just wanted to tease her a little more before I gave her the crumbs.

Just when it looked like she was about to turn away with a huff and become her default state of haughty pouting Princess, I spoke up.

"Well, I heard of a couple of places over on Kyushu Island that were free and looked quite beautiful this time of year."

"...Kyushu?" She parroted back, with a touch of awe, and almost something sounding like disbelief, "That…Well!" She gave me this absolutely beautiful smile, her excitement barely contained in her voice, "I can't wait."

Well…if you're going to look at me like that, I have to say the same, huh?

Big fluff chapter...mostly...before we get into fox girl lewds, lets gooooo.

Then, well, it's off to Church.

Not much to say beyond that though.

So until then tho you lot?

Peace, ya'll.

Karmic_Wizardcreators' thoughts