


Yo. Name's Karmic Wizard. Or Karmatic. Or sometimes just Karma. Depends on the space. I post on FF and QQ, and I've got a Patreon if you wanna support me. Maybe get advanced chapters. Peace.

2023-04-07 入りましたUnited States






  • Karmic_Wizard
    Karmic_Wizard9 months ago
    に返信 sataneal


  • Karmic_Wizard
    Karmic_Wizard9 months ago
    に返信 King_Of_SpaceTime

    "cOpY lAwS dOnT eXiSt!" Nah, bros trolling. Also, don't call it copying you twit. It's stealing, plain and simple. Zero respect for clueless brainless bystanders like you who say shit like...all of that slop you actually wrote down. This is why people keep getting away with this shit.

  • Karmic_Wizard
    Karmic_Wizard9 months ago

    Straight ripped from the actual author on QQ, same story name. Check it out over there, author is "PurpleStorm", go and give him all the loving he deserves for this banger.

  • Karmic_Wizard
    Karmic_Wizard10 months ago

    Been a bit since I read the reviews, this one got a chuckle outta me, ngl. Okay. So. You lack basic fucking reading comprehension, because Nori clearly states he could kill the low class snek straight from the start. But he intentionally drew it out for fighting experience and training. Turns out, he's a bit of a battle maniac like that. Hell, even after just waking up, sick out of his mind, no clue where he is, once he awakened to his powers he pushed the poor guy around easily. Oh course, having just awakened to his powers, he's not an instant Satan class fighter. Why? Because that's boring as shit. And would make several of the bigger fight scenes, like Vali, JD Issei, Ibaraki, etc etc, a joke. Gotta grow into that strength, of course. Second. No, he was not abused. He was neglected, different. Still bad, but not in the way you're describing. Even then? No. He didn't forgive Uzume, or his mother. No idea where you got that from, but he most definitely has not. I also think you have no clue what Yuri is, because this story definitely doesn't have that. Not even bait. Now. Because your review is shit, I'm considering deleting it...because people will see it, and think you're legit, without actually checking for themselves. Buuut! At the same time, it's fuckin hilarious, because you clearly can't read, and you seem dedicated towards trashing every single fic you find no matter what. For people that have read this, and see your review, I think they'd get a good chuckle out of it. Gimme a few, I'll decide then.

  • Karmic_Wizard
    Karmic_Wizarda year ago
    に返信 Dao_leader

    Lol. Lmao, even. I'll keep this review up, purely so we can all laugh at you whenever we want fam. Gotta say, I'm surprised it took this long for an Issei stan to show up, ngl.

  • Karmic_Wizard
    Karmic_Wizarda year ago

    I feel bad giving one of Infont's stories such a low rating, but it's alright, cuz you aren't Infont. You're a sad little sniveling thief, looking to get some cheap clout on a backwater fiction site. That's all you are. Infonticus is the original poster, the original and true author. To all of you reading this, you can find him (and this story along with more chapters and other good shit like it) on Questionable Questing and Fanfiction.net.

  • Karmic_Wizard
    Karmic_Wizarda year ago
    に返信 Slither21

    Nah, just a heads up, he doesn't do any of that. Might teach Koneko to punch gooder cuz she's one of his girls, but Rias and Yuuto and Akeno ain't getting handouts. Never get why people do that...

  • Karmic_Wizard
    Karmic_Wizarda year ago
    に返信 LunaKindred

    My b. WebNovel, nor FF, really gives me a way to announce it, but it's delayed till next week. Caught Strep the other day, been spending most of my time knocked out.

  • Karmic_Wizard
    Karmic_Wizarda year ago
    に返信 Devil_Gamer_0071

    ...I have never heard the term "diary style" to refer to 1st person storytelling. You learn something new every day I guess.

  • Karmic_Wizard
    Karmic_Wizarda year ago
    に返信 Man_of_culture_69

    In canon DxD, we don't know their official strength. However, judging by the fact the Shinto are one of the few old pantheons remaining that still have worshipers, I'd say they aren't weak or pathetic. No Hindu/Buddhist for sure, but definitely stronger than say, the Egyptians.