

"Is it over?" Gwen asked, glancing at the Ultron pieces littering the ground.

"No, not yet," I replied as my System's scanner picked up multiple signals heading toward our direction. "Get ready, more are coming."

"More Ultron?"

"No, not Ultron... It would seem the surviving mind-controlled heroes. New Avengers, Fantastic Four, and..." My System detected someone familiar. Someone, I least expected to be controlled by the Maker. "A freaking army of Symbiote Hulk, Spider-Man, and Spider-Girl or woman."

This lunatic Reed has been stealing spider powers from all over the multiverse just to create his army of spider-powered monsters. Oh boy, on top of that, an army of Symbiote Hulk. This Reed must've gotten crazy. Is it because I stole Sue away from him? Humm... Whatever his reason is I don't care. Let's just go with this reason. Damn Reed, are you a child throwing a tantrum for losing Sue to me? Just you wait fucker.

"An army of Spider-Man? Symbiote Hulk?" Gwen blinked her eyes, "Spider-Girl too? Are you serious?"

"I wish I am not," I responded, glancing at the incoming army.

"Brian," Gina approached us, her eyes filled with concern. "I don't think everyone will survive against an army... Should we evacuate?"

"Don't worry Mom," I smiled reassuringly. "Everything will be fine. All of you just sit back and watch. I got this."

"Brian, don't push yourself. If things get out of hand, you need to promise me to run, okay? I lost my son once, I don't want to lose him again," Gina hugged me, tears forming in her eyes.

"Mom," I hugged her back, patting her head. "Don't worry, I will be fine." I glanced at MJ and gave her a slide nod.

"Everyone," MJ clapped her hands, grabbing the survivors' attention. "You think they are strong? Just sit, eat, and enjoy the show."

Everyone blinked their eyes in confusion, unsure whether MJ lost her mind or not. An army of Symbiote Hulk, Spider-Man, and Spider-Girl is coming alongside the new Avengers and the Fantastic Four. How can we enjoy while the Maker has sent his entire army after us?

"Other than trusting him, what choice do we have? If this is going to be our last day, let's enjoy life while we still can," Penny approached MJ, smiling reassuringly.

MJ and Penny are right. After defeating Galactus, the System leveled up giving me access to an enhanced version of my power. I just hope my luck power will save me if things get out of hand.

I infused 10% more cosmic energy into the weapon, upgrading them to the next level, and another 10% to lay wrap mines that will send anyone around into the vast space. Alright, time to blast them to oblivion.

<Refuel- Activated. Replenishing 100% energy> [1x] [CD: 29 min.59sec]

The army of mind-controlled superheroes landed a few hundred meters away from us, glaring menacingly. Johnny Storm or Human Torch ignited his body, ready to attack at any given moment. While the Symbiote Hulk clenched their fists, roaring menacingly. Multiple versions of Black Panther, Ant-Man, Wasp, Falcon, Spider-Man, Spider-Girl... Ah! He even got Captain Marvel... Huh?! Is that Magneto?! Reed even controlled Magneto?! Damn Reed, are you overdoing it?

My weapons opened fire as they dashed toward us, destroying multiple Symbiote Hulk on the spot. Ah! Reed, did you not learn your lesson when I kicked Galactus's badge tires ass alone alongside the Illuminati? I am sure you know about that since you have been hopping around the multiverse. Do you think mind-controlled heroes and those Symbiote Hulk would make any difference?

My upgraded plasma guns vaporized multiple Symbiote spiders and Black Panthers but failed to stop their advances. There are just too many of them.

As soon as they entered within the range of the mines, multiple explosions blasted them away, wrapping them into space.

Dozens of spaceships appeared over us, bombarding us with laser beams, missiles, and other unknown explosives. But, my reinforced shield blocked everything without so much effort.

The extermination of the mind-controlled superheroes continued, but they eventually caught up and started smashing and attacking the force field surrounding us.

Johnny Storm transformed into a fiery sun, attempting to break through my shield. Magneto levitated the surrounding scraps of Ultron parts, launching them toward us. The Symbiote Hulks jumped on top of the shield and continued to smash endlessly. Antman and Wasp turned into giants, punching relentlessly. Captain Marvel blasted powerful photon beams. Falcon was using his arsenal of missiles and guns. Black Panthers slashed endlessly. Spider-Men and girls leaped from one place to another, attempting to infiltrate my shield.

"Hey, System... What kind of weapon will I get if I spend all 100% of my Cosmic energy?" I inquired, watching the superhero army continuing their futile attempts to destroy my shield.

<Weapon development cost depends on the amount of Cosmic energy spent>

"Alright then, spend it all," I commanded the system as massive amounts of cosmic energy drained out of me.

<Refuel- Activated. Replenishing 100% energy> [1x]

<Process initiated>

<30 minutes>

Alright, I extended my arm forward and used Gravity Manipulation. I will hold them off for 30 minutes.

My Gravity Field surrounded the heroes, preventing their movements. However, the versions of Captain Marvel blasted through my Gravity Field effortlessly. Humph! They think my Gravity Field won't work on them? We will see.

<Gravity Mastery- Activated>

Captain Marvel stopped blasting the photon beam and hovered mid-air, struggling to escape the Gravity Field. Meanwhile, Falcon, Black Panthers, Ant Man, Wasp, Spider-Men, Symbiote Hulks, and others struggled to move. Allow me to show you one of the strongest powers of the universe. I pushed my Gravity power to the limit, compressing the heroes in a single place. There are hundreds if not thousands of superheroes here. It's fucking hard. My fingers would have shattered if not for the cosmic body and Symbiote's power.

Everything is shaking around us as if the entire planet is trembling.

What will happen if I supercompress this energy further?

Will they explode?

Let's find out.

The spaceships exploded. But the explosion and remnants were contained within my gravity field. The compressed heroes screamed and roared in pain, struggling to free themselves. I increased the pressure further as their bodies collapsed, turning into a bloody mess. Their blood and internal organs exploded.

A small black orb appeared amidst the battlefield.

<New Skill Created: Black Hole>

Finally, something good happened.

The swirling orb sucked everything within its vicinity. No matter how fast the superheroes attempted to flee, they were pulled toward the center and sucked. The ships, scrap metals, debris, blood, guts, everything... sucked into the tiny black hole.

In a few seconds, nothing remained except for us and the black hole. Everything and everyone within the forcefield was safe. The once loud and destructive battlefield became eerily quiet and peaceful.

The timer struck zero as the system announced the completion of weapon creation.

<Weapon Creation Successful>

<Item gained: The Muramasa Blade>

Hahaha! I am darn lucky. Giving me an immortal killer sword is indeed the best gift ever System.

The Muramasa Blade floated before me as I grabbed it. One side is red and the other side is black. I don't know much but I remember there were two swords, one black and one red. And this one looks like a fusion of those two.

<Muramasa Blade- Item description: A powerful blade capable of cutting anything. status: Legendary>

"Brian!" Gwen tackled me, hugging me tightly. "That was insane! You are awesome!"

"Brian, you scared me," Gina hugged me alongside MJ and the others. The first battle was won. But, I am afraid, that bastard Maker won't wait for me to recover and will try to eliminate me. So far, I haven't used the autoheal and 30 minutes have already passed. My energy regain skill is also back.

[Rumble] [Rumble] A giant spacecraft appeared above us.

Come, Reed. It's time to end this madness.

