

That's a massive, sleek metallic beetle-shaped ship. It's all sharp angles and gleaming surfaces, giving off this super high-tech vibe. The thing's fucking giant, covering the entire sky. Lights flicker across its surface, almost like it's alive or something. And those creepy green lights moving like eyeballs? They're scattered all over, giving it this spooky, otherworldly feel. It's the kind of ship that makes you feel both impressed and a bit creeped out at the same time.

"Whoa! That's one big ass spaceship!" Gwen commented, watching the ship hovering before us.

"Brian, be careful... That's the Maker's ship," Mom warned me.

A teleporter beam materialized before us, transporting Reed, the Maker, onto the ground, just outside the barrier. He looked a bit haggard as if he was in a fight, and his white outfit was all torn up. I wonder who he was fighting with.

"Why do you have to be such a nuisance?" He said as he touched the barrier, "Impressive, your power is even beyond my imagination. A shield that's completely impenetrable from all directions." He used some kind of weird device attached to his wrist, "It even blocks out power and tech..."

"So, which version of Reed are you? My world or this world?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"I am the one who will save humanity," He replied, "I am the one who will bring peace and prosperity to Earth. I will bring order and discipline to this chaotic world. And then when I am done with my vision of the future, I will create a utopia where everyone lives in harmony."

"You mean under your rule?" I remarked sarcastically.

"Exactly! Humans are a flawed species. They have too much hatred, too much anger, and too much pride. They only know how to fight and kill each other. If not for my intervention, this planet would have been destroyed eons ago."

"And yet you destroyed the planet by killing billions of humans... That's your definition of saving humanity?"

"You don't understand," He shook his head, "After I am done, there will be only one timeline... One reality... One Earth. Our Earth... Without any threats from the multiverse or other dimensions."

"Our Earth? Who the hell said I am part of your plan?" I snapped back.

"Of course, you will Brian. Because I am giving you a chance to join me," Reed smirked.

"Join you?" I glared.

"Brian," He sighed, "You don't get it, do you? I have already sacrificed so much, even said nothing when Sue broke the marriage and went with you. You fucked her and I said nothing. I just killed all other versions of you and Sue. Is this what I get for showing mercy to you?" Reed explained nonchalantly.

This creepy fuck!

"Haaa... In the end, you are a cuck, huh?" I smirked mockingly.

"What?!" Reed's body trembled with rage, "Me, a cuck? Don't you dare judge me based on your standards."

"Sue left you because you are a nutcase, Reed... You were so busy with your so-called Utopia nonsense that you neglected her. If you had treated her better, she wouldn't have left you. But look at you... Watching me fuck your wife without a word. Do you know what that makes you? A cuck!"

Reed gritted his teeth angrily, clenching his fist tightly. His face contorted with rage, but quickly regained his composure, "Well, I will just remove you from my plan."

"Before you kill me, tell me this... Who brought me and MJ to this reality?" I inquired, narrowing my eyes.

"What?" Reed blinked his eyes, confused.

"Someone brought me and Mary Jane into this reality. Who was it?" I asked again, staring straight into his eyes.

His face twitched for a moment. That circular helmet-like thing on his head must shown him the reason. Since he can cross timelines and multiverse, he must have guessed who brought me here. He remained silent, contemplating about the answer.

"Come on, I haven't got all day. I have to kill you, save this world, and go back to my Earth," I asked.

He stared at me for a moment and then shook his head, "Fuck! That bastard... It doesn't matter. I will eradicate this world and find another one."

"You lunatic!"

"Yes," Reed nodded, "I have tried several worlds but failed. This Earth seems to be the most stable one. So, I will destroy this world and start all over again." He extended his fist toward me. Countless tentacles like tubes emerged from the spaceship above us. All the tubes focused on me, forming some kind of a cannon.

"Brian!" MJ screamed.

"Impressive shield, but I doubt it can withstand this blast," Reed smiled confidently as he beamed back to his spaceship.

The cannon glowed brightly as it charged energy. An intense bright light blinded my sight for a brief moment before it fired an enormous beam of energy at me.

"Brian!" Mom cried out as the beam hit the barrier.

If I use my sword, it will slash through the barrier, which I can not allow.

The impact was immense. The beam slammed against the barrier with tremendous force. The barrier vibrated intensely as the energy beam bombarded my shield continuously. I wanted to use the infinity gauntlet, but I wanted to check how far I could push my genetic power of the cosmos.

<Skill: Reality Wrap>

Space distorted around us. Time seemed to slow down as everything stopped moving... No, it's just that I am moving too fast, and thinking too fast... So, this is the domain creation.

Everyone except for me looked like they were frozen in time. Even Reed's beam halted in place. I can see his vital signature inside the ship, but there are... What the fuck?! There are 100 Reeds inside that ship!! And they are all connected to the Maker version through tubes!! He must have abducted the good versions of him and put them inside some machines to merge his brain with theirs!! This fucker is insane!!

I flew out of the barrier and reversed the beam flow back to the ship using <Reality Wrap> and released the domain.

Everything resumed back to normal speed. The beam bounced back toward his spaceship, like one of those glitchy games where your own power kills you. The ship immediately raised its barrier, creating a transparent sphere-shaped shield. But it was useless, the beam pierced a hole right through the ship barrier and penetrated Reed's barrier, destroying half of the spaceship.

The explosion was huge, rocking the entire area. I created another domain, stopping the shockwave from reaching us.

It took a few minutes for the smoke to clear up. The spaceship's parts were falling down like a meteor shower. After hours of wait, the endless barrage finally ended.

The barrier flickered before dissipating away.

In the sky, something big is floating...

And, it was him. He is sitting on a chair with tentacles and his head looks like a freaking giant balloon. He must have stretched his brain to increase his intelligence or something... How crazy can he become?

I blinked before him and sliced him in two with the Muramasa blade.

"Huh? How come you have that blade? Fuck!" Reed cursed loudly as his body was trying to regenerate. I can see his cells were forming but disintegrating immediately due to Muramasa's effect.

"You got a huge ass brain and shit ton of intelligence, but..." I kicked his head hard, sending him flying into the space. I blinked before him, grabbed his head, and dived back down to Earth. The heat generated by friction turned his rubber body into a gooey jelly. I increased our speed as we descended down to Earth at sonic speeds.


We crashed into the ocean. I don't know where I am right now. Water splashed everywhere as we sank deep into the bottom. Coming in contact with cold water after that much burning, his rubber body became rigid, making it easier for me to drag him back to land. Luckily we were near the base. I dragged his upper body and threw it next to his lower half, still wriggling like a worm.

"...But what can all that intelligence do before overwhelming power?" I said as I took out the infinity gauntlet, "I will make sure to restore what you have destroyed, well, except for Brainiac, all the villains you killed and you of course. All the versions of the Maker will be destroyed. So..." I wore it, "Goodbye Reed Richards."

I snapped my fingers.


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