
Fighting Lukas

Walking up to Saleen, Sir Lavon stuck out his hand for a handshake before getting thoroughly ignored by her. Lavons face seemed to start burning up from embarrassment as he tried to quickly change the subject.

"Cough cough... I'm glad you didn't forget about our little bet lady Saleen" Lavon spoke with a smile.

"Of course, Sir Lavon since this match involves my training field there's no way I would miss it" Saleen replied back with a fake smile.

During all this, Sir Lavon didn't even bother acknowledging Wyatt instead just side-eyeing him before snorting as if Wyatt wasn't even worth his attention. Saleen obviously wasn't thrilled about how he treated Wyatt but she chose to refrain from saying anything for the time.

After the basic greeting, Lavon brought Saleen over to the side of the field where they started to discuss the specifics of the bet. Since the match involved the rights to use a training field a proper contract had to be written up and handed to an official before they were allowed to proceed. Luckily Lavon had an official ready at hand so they wouldn't have to wait long before the match was accepted.

While the instructors were busy ironing out the details the surrounding sword students swarmed around trying to learn what was going on. Although Wyatt could hear some people whispering snarky remarks and jokes there were also quite a few players who were simply curious about his weapons. While Wyatt was waiting around ignoring more annoying remarks from Lukas a young player ran up to him asking to try holding his weapons.

Looking at the Child in front of him who couldn't be more than 10 years old staring at him with sparkling eyes Wyatt chuckled a bit before handing one of his chakrams to him. Wyatt watched as the kid attempted to throw the chakram around to Wyatts' surprise the kid actually had a wind affinity but his mana control was still very weak barely being able to keep the blade in the air.

After about 10 minutes the two Instructs returned gesturing the students to make a large circle and for Wyatt and Lukas to approach the middle. Before Wyatt headed over the excited boy ran back over to him smiling handing him back his weapon.

The official stood in the middle before he started his announcement.

"The bet Between Swordsman Lukas and Chakram magician Twite has been confirmed! In accordance with the written contract if Lukas wins Sir Lavon will be allowed to use the chakram training field for his own students. If Chakram magician Twite wins both Sir Lavon and his pupils will be banned from ever entering the Chakram training field again!" he announced

Wyatts' eyes widened in surprise as he looked over to his teacher because the original bet was only supposed to be that Sir Lavon wouldn't be allowed to bother her again. What he didn't know was that Saleen was quite annoyed with the disrespect toward her student so she pushed for a complete ban against them.

after the announcement Wyatt and Lukas stood on opposite sides of the circle waiting for the match to begin.

During this time Saleen used her Wind mana to create a thin bubble around the ring protecting the spectators.

[Player Lukas has challenged you to a 1v1]

[Accept] [Decline]

"Accept" Wyatt confirmed the match. Both players getting into their fighting stances







Lukas launched forward swinging his sword at Wyatts face Trying to end the match as quickly as possible but instead, he was left cutting the air.

Wyatt launched himself to the side before turning around and throwing his chakram toward Lukas


Lukas easily deflected the blade sending it back toward him with his sword. Now with both his weapons back Wyatt dashed forward attacking Lukas, The sounds of weapons colliding continued ringing across the training field as both players continuously swung out at each other neither one managing to get a real hit in.

As the battle continued Wyatt could feel his arms going numb each time the two clashed. Admittingly Wyatt had great stats for his level with Agility, Mana, and endurance being his main focus but he hadn't added anything to strength which meant that if he continued fighting close range like this Lukas who was already level 3 and with 30+ Strength would easily overpower him.

Using wind hop to create some distance between them Wyatt tried to catch his breath.

Not letting Trying to let Wyatt rest Lukas finally used his own mana [ignite] Turning his blade orange from the heat Lukas proceeded to start swinging his sword at Wyatts direction. With each swing, the sword launched a small projectile of fire mana forward forcing Wyatt to keep running around.

Although the projectiles couldn't be controlled in the air like Wyatts chakrams the sheer amount of them still gave Wyatt a challenge he even got hit by one lowering his health by 20

[health: 200/220]

After another couple minutes, sweat started forming on the forehead of Lukas as he was quickly draining his mana. Taking the opportunity Wyatt started using his drowsy skill to start pumping pink sleeping gas into the vicinity around him because he knew that once Lukas was low on mana he would have no choice but to engage him in a head on battle again.

The sigh of the pink cloud forming around Wyatt shocked every as they tried to figure out what it was. Even Sir Lavon who is an instructor was confused about what he was looking at Lavon started worrying about the outcome of the match since the gas gave him an eerie feeling.

Only Saleen could be smiling at the scene

Lukas wasn't an idiot he didn't launch himself into the pink gas to continue the battle instead he started walking around it trying to figure out what it was. After a bit of Experimenting he was shocked to find out the gas didn't hurt at all, This only added to everyones curiosity some people even laughed out that the gas was useless.

Unlike his pupils however, the frown on Sir Lavons face grew due to him knowing there is no such thing as a useless skill.

As the two continued their battle Wyatt was waiting for the gas to start taking effect. Slowly his opponent began to slow his swings becoming unsteady and his legs wobbling.

Knowing this was his chance Wyatt Flung 1 chakram at his dazed opponent at the same time he launched forward before Lukas could deflect the chakram flying at him.


Using the chakram in his hand he countered Lukas' sword opening the opportunity for his other blade to pierce into the shoulder of Lukas.

Following up on this attack Wyatt condensed lightning mana into his free hand using shock hands before launching his fist at his adversaries stomach. During his experimenting, the say before Wyatt had realized that if instead of spreading his lightning mana across either both hands or an arm he could condense it all onto the end of one hand letting him send out a mini explosion of much stronger electric currents at his opponent. Of course this attack had its flaws first of all the total mana cost was actually more than if he attempted to cover an entire arm with mana and second since he condensed it all into one spot the range for hitting his opponent was also much smaller.


Even with Lukas' higher strength his body already wobbly body couldn't help but hunch over in pain. Finally noticing that there was something wrong with his focus Lukas attempted to dodge back but was caught on the back of his heel by something causing him to plummet onto the ground.

This was of course the same small wall strategy Saleen had used against Wyatt multiple times during their training.

Saleen had a proud look on her face as if saying "Yea I taught him that"

With this opening, Wyatt pounced onto the fallen Lukas before Covering his chakram with a jolt blade and stabbing it into his opponents' sword arm. The pain of the electric current caused Lukas' arm to tense up and then flare open releasing his grip on his sword. After Kicking the sword away the match didn't last much longer now weaponless and still recovering from his daze Wyatt simply poked at him until he got a notification.

[Match Winner: Twite!]

with that, the fight was officially over as Lukas passed out on the ground.

Standing up and reading the notification Wyatt couldn't help but think

.....Wait, that's it?

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