
Rewards And First Quest

Due to the fact the only other person Wyatt had fought until this point was Saleen, he couldn't help being slightly disappointed. Not only is Saleen skilled with multiple weapons but her battle experience far exceeds even most instructors by a mile because of this she always has a counter for all of Wyatts' strategies.

Even the pink drowsy gas Wyatt used seemed much more potent than when he trained with his teacher. At this point, Wyatt couldn't help but think maybe his expectations of everyone else's strength were a little skewed.

"Sigh..." Wyatt wiped the sweat off his forehead taking one last look at the now unconscious Lukas on the arena floor before returning to his teachers' side.

"Winner Chakram magician Twite!" the official announced

This caused an uproar throughout the arena as people shouted out in excitement. Although Wyatt could see quite a few players with ugly displeasing looks on their faces they were actually the minority. The majority of players were still young children without egos who couldn't help getting excited after watching the thrilling fight between Lukas and Wyatt.

Even Sir Lavon couldn't help but look at Saleen with greedy eyes as Wyatt walked over. Not only did Wyatt possess both wind and a powerful lightning affinity he also had the weird gas Lavon had seen earlier. Lavon himself was quite the experienced knight so he could tell the gas wasn't from any common element this surprised him because having 3 affinities was already quite rare this combined with Wyatts' clear knack for combat Sir Lavon couldn't help but feel Jealous of Saleen as well as disappointed in his own pupils.

Saleen smirked as she noticed the jealous Lavons gaze before reaching out her hand and ruffling Wyatts hair.

"So how was it?" She asked her student"

"...Honestly, Kind of disappointed" Wyatt replied shaking his head.

"HAHAHHAAH of course, of course, it's expected that my student would be able to beat such a weak opponent easily" Saleen laughed clearly enjoying the moment. Since Saleen purposely didn't hold back her voice everyone in the field heard her laughing statement causing many frowns to appear on the faces of swordsmen.


Lukas was actually considered one of Lavons most promising pupils so when Saleen clearly disregarded him as just a weak opponent those weaker than him couldn't help but grit their teeth thinking about their own skill.

as the crowd settled down the official made one last announcement concluding the bet between instructors. "In agreement with Sir Lavons and Lady Saleens bet both Sir Lavon and his pupils must now refrain from entering Lady Saleens Chakram training field!"

Besides a few older pupils most people in the field didn't actually care much about the bet since having some extra training room wouldn't make much difference for them. Lavon on the other hand couldn't help but frown.

"Sigh.. You win Saleen I want expecting you to be hiding such a gifted pupil I wont bother you about your field again" Lavon smiled while shaking his hand.

Turning toward Wyatt he continued.

"You have quite an aptitude for combat how would you like to learn swordsmanship and become my direct disciple" He asked Wyatt looking at him with greedy eyes.

This question shocked many of the surrounding players because although the sword field had many students very few had the opportunity to learn directly from the instructor.

Even Saleen couldn't help but frown at Lavons attempt to poach her pupil.

"No thanks" Wyatt replied not even giving it any thought

Lavons eyes widened before he followed up with another question "Can I ask why?"

"hmm because Chakrams are more fun" Wyatt stated before turning and heading toward the training fields exit.

Saleen once again laughed at her pupils reply before grinning at Sir Lavon and following her student back to their own training field.

Before Wyatt left a familiar boy ran up to him, Wyatt quickly realized this was the same with wind affinity who asked to try using his chakram earlier.

Clenching his fits out of nervousness the boy made eye contact with Wyatt before asking

"I...I I've been told I have no talent for swords! but I want to be strong too do you think I can also become strong like you?" Sadness could be heard in his voice as he looked at Wyatt with hopeful eyes.

"HUH!" at this Wyatt couldn't help but tilt his head in surprise. Truth be told Wyatt wasn't anymore exceptionally strong so he was surprised that this child seemed to be looking up to him.

"Uhhh sure all you need is a good teacher and hard work!" Wyatt replied to the boy

Although Wyatt didn't think much more about this as he left behind the boy could be heard mumbling something

" a good teacher... a good teacher.."

Leaving the field Wyatt originally planned to head back to the chakram field and practice with his teacher but before that Saleen informed him that she had to attend a meeting with some higher ups.

But before leaving she reached into a bag behind her pulling out a book and tossing it over to him.

[Wind wall] [Rank C]

It was the same wind wall skill he had seen while shopping the day before.

"Consider it your prize for winning the bet" Saleen smiled while walking away

Now that his initial plan changed Wyatt decided that instead of sitting around trying to increase his mana control more, he would rather gain some experience exploring and fighting outside the city.

before she left Saleen had suggested he could look at the request board outside the training centre or ask around town so Wyatt chose to follow her advice to find his first quest.


Looking through the list of available quests Wyatt realized that most low level quests involved picking plants or helping around the city which wasn't what he was looking for. After flipping through available quest for another 5 minutes he finally found something worth taking.

[Quest: Hunting Shrub Goblins] [0/30]

[Shrub Goblins are Small creatures that inhabit most forests throughout the world. Although related to the more famous normal goblins they are about half their size and much weaker. Although they don't pose much of a threat alone they repopulate extremely quickly and have started affecting the ecosystem in Moltic Forest by destroying the natural environments that herbivore creatures eat]

Since he already knew the path to Moltic Forest and the quest would allow him to get some much needed practice fighting Wyatt figured it was a perfect choice. Before leaving Wyatt decided to also grab a couple of collection quests for local plant and herb shops in the location of Moltic forest some extra exp and coins.

[Collect Silver Riverbloom plants] [0/10]

[Collect Afic Hogweed] [0/5]

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