
Chapter 24 - Bloody and Beefcakes?

Author's Note: I made a rather big mistake last chapter. Lmao. Apparently, I forgot to include a character. There are supposed to be 10. However, I only got 9.


As the students made their way out of the room's sizeable door, fiery sparks in a circling motion appeared out of nowhere, blocking their path.

None knew what to do as they didn't know the protocols for such events. Nevertheless, some still acted. Leo, however, did nothing. He sensed nothing afoul and allowed whatever was before him to happen.

But it was only Leo and Miles who had an early warning detection; others weren't as blessed. Arlo formed a barrier around the fiery circling sparks, containing it, while the others took their stances and entered combat mode.

Ban, who was behind them, chuckled. "Well, aren't you students cute, getting ready to fight on the first day." His nonchalant attitude was immediately noticed, making the students drop their stances.

'While that was cute, seeing them being aware is nice. Most would've stared dumbfounded and looked in my direction to look for answers. And those two... from their files, they have some form of danger sense. And seeing their relaxed postures, they probably assumed they were not in harm's way.' Ban analyzed as he observed his class with this random encounter.

Of course, Ban knew why fiery sparks were appearing. He knew all his students' files already; he only acted as if he didn't know them to know their genuine reactions and how they introduced themselves. Knowing them through paper and directly by the eyes is different.

"As some of you may have noticed, you're only nine in a class of ten people. Anyway, meet your last member," he points to the sparks that widened at his words.

Now, the sparks had suddenly expanded and formed a circle. Out of that circle came a rather sizeable kid with dark hair that parted in the middle, creating a curtain-type hairdo. He looked to be of Southeast Asian descent with his brownish-tan skin.

When the teen stepped out of his portal, he seemed to be looking around, confused. "Ughh... Is this the class?" Observing further, he noticed the dome around him. "Oh, God! Am I a hostage? Please tell me I'm not a hostage on my first day of class!" A slight panic was evident in his voice.

But when he cleared his view, he noticed teens who wore the same uniform as him. "Oh, hey! We're on the same team! I'm not going to eat you guys or anything... although, I am rather hungry now that I think about it."

Weird. That was the situation.

With all his etiquette training, Arlo couldn't hold a straight face. He facepalmed himself and waved the barrier away, "The shame to be on guard against a tub of a joke, sigh." He looked down in shame. The others in earshot hearing this could only stare at him weirdly.

'This class is just filled with weirdos.' Everyone thought though they all thought everyone was a weirdo... though they supposed normal was overrated.

"Anyway," Ban sighed, 'Platinum students all have one thing in common, their personalities are a quirk in itself, strange.' "This is Ned Leeds from Queens, New York. His quirk is [Sparkling Portal]; he can make portals. Enough said. Let's get this show on the road, you brats!"

"*Ahem*" Leo had to cough to himself, resisting the urge to laugh. *Jab!* An elbow was jabbed at his side. Looking to his side, he saw Percy reddening with puffed cheeks, holding in his laugh. "N-no, no, no, no. Next thing you know, rainbows will be shot through the stomach like Care Bears! Pfft!"

Luckily, Percy was indeed reigning himself to not blurt out a laugh.

Seeing the scene before her, Raiden couldn't help but shake her head, 'Boys... as usual.'


In two rows the students stood in rows of five. In front of them was their half-naked teacher.

"Alright, you kids. Although I said you will perform physicals, it is different." He said, confusing students, then continued. "You don't have to do the normal since we already got your stats during your week-long test." The students immediately understood.

'That's neat, so now I wonder what sort of physicals we will be doing.' Leo thought; observing the place, he saw various equipment.

"I will only test the parts that we saw lacking, specifically, your endurance in using your quirks. During the exam, every one of you was managing its usage... in other terms, you brats were pacing. So, now, I want to see how long you, kids, last when you go all out from the start till you drop exhausted. Let's start! Any volunteers?"

The first to step up was Leo, "I'll go first then," he parted from the crowd until he stood alone.

"Hmm, okay. Go ahead and get into that armored form of yours, then." Ban instructed. To say everyone in the control room of the helicarrier that day was shocked was an understatement. Leo suddenly going armored was just unexpected. To them, what kind of quirk did this kid have to have so many uses.

Leo wasn't surprised that the teachers knew, so he did it. Powering up till the golden markings on his skin shone through his clothing. His blond mane of hair started to glow like golden embers of a fire, rising and dropping like a heartbeat.

Ned, who stood beside Miles, whispered, "Ten bucks says he'll go Super Saiyin?" "Umm... deal, I guess?"

Everyone had their own unique reactions, even Raiden. 'So, that's how he got us out of there.'

'That bastard wasn't going all out against me!?' Eren glared, angry that he had been beaten before, yet his opponent didn't even go all out!

Anyway, when Leo's power reached its peak, he shouted. "[Reinforcement]!" Then all manner of armor started forming around him; his height increased by a foot, making him stand at a staggering 7ft 1 beast of a man!

Ned raised his palm, and unconsciously, Miles placed a Hamilton(The person on the $10 note) on Ned's palm.

Ban, watching everything unfold, merely stared and stopped a timer he was holding. Looking at his stopwatch,, 'Hmm, 15 seconds... too long. No sane person would allow him to power up.'

When Leo was done, he looked toward Ban as if to say what was next on the agenda.

"Miss Raiden and Mister Xiao, step up," Ban ordered, and the two did so without a fuss.

"Raiden Ei and Alatus Xiao will attack you. I, on the other hand, will stand around you. Raiden and Alatus, you have shown mastery against robots in the exam. But in this test, you will attack Leo while avoiding me, a civilian. Leo, stand there and endure. Both sides got it?"

There was minor hesitation to attack a classmate, but Leo's gauntleted thumbs up washed their worries away.

What followed next was a clash of a solid iron wall and a storm, literally, wind and lightning.

After the clash, numerous cracks were all over Leo's armor, but he stood tall, breathing heavily. The two who attacked him were in the same condition since they gave 100% in every attack they did, with no holding back.

And tons of blood and guts on the floor, with queasy looks from everyone.

What happened was...

Raiden, at first, thought Leo's armor was metallic in nature, a good conductor of electricity. So, she thought Leo would get easily electrocuted, but he didn't.

He was unaffected, meaning his armor was not metal but something else.

On the other hand, Xiao kept going in fast, striking with his spear and wind. Although he did notice that his wind did nothing, the spear did.

And the two kept hammering at Leo while trying to avoid hitting Ban. Of course, with Ban's reckless behavior, made by his regenerating factor, he kept trying to get hit.

So, in one of his attempts to get hit, Xiao horizontally slashed at Ban, bisecting him from the waist. What followed next was blood and guts flooding the floor, with screaming in the background.




They knew that their teacher had regeneration, but they knew that only minutes ago. The scene before them washed away any and all information from their minds. It was their first time seeing a man get sliced in half! Even Leo didn't see this much blood when he saw the dead teacher while still in school with Siren.

But like magic, Ban's upper half started to steam from where the cut originated, and he spoke, "Ohhhh... What's with all the shouting? I'm the Undead Ban; nothing can kill me. And didn't I promise you lot, guts, and blood?" He said and stood up, but this time butt naked.

Although thankfully, the girls immediately looked away when blood started to splatter everywhere. Even Raiden avoided looking and was spared from a willy dangling in the open air.

Like second nature, Ban casually went to his bisected waist and removed its leather pants, showing another willy to the world. Funnily enough, just as he pulled his pants from the bisected's half, bloody piss and shit started slipping out from his bisected's asshole and willy.

"Remember kids, dead people shit and piss themselves! Anyway, don't stop the exercise; continue!" He announced it like it was Tuesday's newspaper.

And just like that, 6 minutes passed, with the three people assigned panting heavily. When the two were about to move, they were stopped by Ban.

"Stop! That's enough. Next set, Miss Prince and Mister Yeager go at each other."

And that's how the first half of their day went, with blood, guts, piss, and shit on the floor. To say they had one hell of a session was a downplay.

The ten went back after being dismissed and told to head to the showers. Everyone was quiet, and when they reached their designated male/female locker rooms, a holographic guide of a staff member was waiting for them.

[Good day, freshmen. Please drop off your uniforms in the turbo laundry found in your locker rooms. It will be ready and dried after 10 minutes of shower time. Have a wonderful day. Good day, freshmen. Please drop off your unif-] It went on repeat.

In the boy's locker, Ned, who has noticeably slimmed down, was not so talkative anymore. His quirk apparently takes his fat as fuel, hence his fatty form. But when the fat eroded, noticeable muscles were present, highlighting training.

"Who knew blood, poop, and wee would smell like that when mixed..." Mouthed Ned; everyone looked at him strangely.

"Right from the start, that's what you start with?" Eren asked, much of his vigor gone.

"Ugh, please change the topic. I don't want to remember how I accidentally stepped on it;* Gag!*" Arlo commented from the side, feeling his stomach churn.

Leo didn't say anything. He was... again... covered in blood. The blood splatted his armor, and when his armor disappeared... the blood went to him, soaking him in blood once again. "Sigh," He could only sigh as he removed his uniform.

With Leo in his boxer briefs, everyone in the room couldn't help but stare at Leo's body. Golden markings, broad shoulders, swimmer's body, and defined muscles... dude was like a Greek God!

Percy, who was more on the lean body type, couldn't help but comment, "If Hercules and Achilles had a son, you'd be that guy."

Ned, a foody, "Beefcakes. You're the embodiment of beefcakes."


