
Chapter 25 - End of First Day

Author's Note: Hey! I'm back; I had to take a day's rest after two weeks of heavy studying due to the exam. Anyway, enjoy the chapter!


After showering, Leo's class headed for the cafeteria to grab a bite before their break period ended. Surprisingly, they moved as a class, probably still wary of wandering alone within the Academy.

As they made their way, eyes and comments were made their way.

"Is that the Hero department's new platinum class?"

"You think I can take them on?"

"Take a look at that guy; that guy's built like a tank!"

Hearing such comments, Leo couldn't help but smirk and scratch his head. "Haha! Thanks for the compliment!" He thundered, surprising the students for getting a reply. "U-uh... welcome?" The student said before scurrying off.

Confused by the behavior, Leo couldn't help but ask any of his classmates around him. "Why are they acting like I'd send them to the hospital for just talking?" It was natural to think so, too, for Leo. Back in Maine, everyone was cool around him and vice versa. So, to see an opposite attitude baffles him.

And the one to answer him was his fellow blond, Arlo. "If you had an upbringing like mine, you'd naturally know the answer." His reply got the group's attention. Percy, with his sarcastic nature, couldn't help but release one. "Does your upbringing include a handmaiden washing your ass?"

Arlo only shook his head but answered, "Ah, washing my ass... your quirk would do well in flushing my house's toilet then. How does $15/hr sound?"

"Sure, that sounds fine. On the condition that my water travels up the asshole too."

"Okay! Enough! Let's refrain from uncouth topics and go back to the first question. Fortier-san, if you may?" The one to halt the bickering was Raiden, the half-Japanese student.

Nodding at her, he continued.

"*Ahem* As I was saying. My upbringing and status made the children back in middle school realize that I was levels above them. Both financially and the manner of quirk I was born with made me above them. Hence, they look and act around me like fragile eggs while I am the hammer that can easily smash them.

"Same thing here. Some of you may have both or the other. But here in SHIELD Academy, these pins." Arlo touches the Platinum pin on his collar. "These pins are both a symbol of status and actual power. Status, the Academy places you in higher regard, and the rank of a pin showcases skill and power."

"This in itself is like training for the future. Lower-ranked Heroes revere and respect ranks closer to Number 1. This teaches you how you must set an example for those below you. The higher you are, the more influence you wield. But more eyes and comments are thrown at you as well."

Miles, who was a generally friendly guy, couldn't help but comment with a frown. "What do you mean by those below us? That's quite the comment, don't you think?"

"I understand your position. You're normal. A civilian who was gifted with a strong quirk that allowed you to pull ahead of the curb. You'll learn with time how you should treat those below you... anyway, to answer your question," Arlo says, slowing his stride and looking at Miles.

"You need to set an example for those below you since those beneath our position try and imitate our actions. They look at our actions as a guideline to success. If they see you work hard, they work hard in your style. If they see you bully the weak, they will do the same. Monkey see, monkey do."

As Arlo finished his explanation, they reached a cafeteria of enormous size with signs of cuisines from around the world. In the cafeteria, droves of students walk in and out, looking for food or just finished eating their fill.

"Anyway, let us eat; all that talking has made me hungry," Arlo said nonchalantly as if he didn't just describe Mile's normal upbringing as a flaw.

Alatus, who was the silent type, said nothing. He left his class to find some almond tofu to chow on. He wasn't the type to hang around crowds; he preferred to be alone; it was peaceful like that.

Percy leaned towards Leo, "Y'know, quirk supremacy prick has a point. Though, he's still a prick. Anyway, let's go and get some food. I'm starvin'!"

Leo shrugged and agreed, 'I get Arlo's point. I mean, children worship Heroes and replicate their actions. Imagine a kid thinking beating people is okay just because heroes do it.'

In a country of the rising sun, a blond Pomeranian couldn't help but look around as if offended. "WHY AM I SUDDENLY MAD!? DEKU! STOP BREATHING; IT FEELS WRONG!"



I looked around the cafeteria and couldn't help but be impressed. There was a fresh food produce aisle for students to pick out their ingredients. 'Considering there's a kitchen in our dorms, this section is probably for those who want to cook their own meals.'

Going to the area and grabbing a basket, I followed the students' actions within the section and grabbed the stuff I wanted and needed.

Grabbing spinach, a green apple, broccoli, a cup of cashew nuts, and a lemon. Looking at my basket, I couldn't help but irk at it. 'I got to follow mom's dietary plan. For the future...weee.'

Looking around, I found a section for blending, almost as if it was expected to be used. With the rather sizeable blender, I, with confidence, just dropped all the ingredients inside. Although, I did squeeze the living life juices out of the lemon with my bare hands... with ease. Then threw the remains in a bin.

With everything inside, I blended the ingredients and slowly add water occasionally. Although the blending did attract some attention from the noise. *WIRRRRRRRR!*

Soon enough, a green and chunky smoothie was made. Grabbing the container and pouring it into a sizeable cup, I dropped the used blender onto a designated spot for staff to wash and clean. 'I hope what I did was right. I don't need an image of purposely leaving dirty equipment for the next guy to use.'

With my smoothie at hand, I found my classmates and dropped the smoothie off. "Be right back. Just getting some meat with this."

Not waiting for their response, I moved toward the American cuisine section and grabbed a serving of steak. Well, more like grabbing three plates of ribeye steak. Then a side of creamy mashed potatoes into one medium-sized bowl. Lord knows how much I eat.

Unknowingly, my actions attracted attention from all the food I was getting. With a crowded cafeteria, I had to maneuver around the bodies of other students. Although looking around, I wasn't the tallest any more. Considering how seniors to freshmen are now mixed in this very room.

Making my way back with plates of steak, my return to the table got some reactions.

"Leo, what on Earth is up with the food?" Percy said, although he wasn't one to speak since he literally was carrying a gallon of a water jug.

"Oh my, you have quite the appetite," Angela commented from the side with her modest plate of chicken salad.

"Expected from someone of your personality," came Raiden's remark, and she had an array of sushi on her plate.

With slight embarrassment, I proceeded to explain. "I need to eat a lot. With my muscles," flexing my arms, highlighting my bulk, "Eating a lot helps me maintain and increase my muscle mass."

Though my comment raised a few brows, "Y-You still want more muscle!?" Ned exclaimed from his plate of greasy food. "What Hero name do you even want? The Incredible Bulk!?"

"Well, more muscle means more strength. And with my quirk's nature, more muscle means I can handle a heavier strain of my enhancement." My comment made them curious.

"Strain? What do you even feel when powering up?" Came Diana's question; she was eating a hefty bowl of pasta, not shy of showing how much she could eat. "Does yours feel like it's being pressed when flexing?" She questioned curiously.

"First time someone asked that. But yeah, you can say that's how it feels. Though I'm like a balloon, in a sense. *Bite*" I said while eating my steak. 'Damn. This steak is delicious, and it's FREE!' Swallowing the steak, I answered again. "Although it also feels like my muscles are being stretched? It's a weird feeling. Anyway, I'm curious. How does your super strength work? *Munch*"

Without pondering much, Diana answered, "I don't know, to be honest. My quirk is more on the mutant side since I don't activate anything. So, if I don't watch myself, I might accidentally swat someone. I actually train my control by arm wrestling, normal people. It teaches me what is too much. *Bite*"

"Huh, well, that's interesting." 'It's nice to know the difference between another strength quirk type.' While in my thoughts, the table clattered slightly when Miles and Eren appeared with their servings of food.

Miles had Mac n' cheese with a side of what seemed to be eel. 'That pairing is just wrong.' Looking at Eren's, his is just one big bowl of meaty-looking grilled sausages.

'Their diets are just wrong on all levels... God, I'm lucky to have Mom.' I thought while mindlessly drinking my veggie smoothie. Though even with me trying to distract myself from the taste, I just couldn't help but scrunch when I downed the entire thing.

"Ey, not to be rude. But what's with that nasty-lookin' drink?" Miles questioned while taking mouthfuls of Mac n' cheese.

"Oh, this?" Shaking the empty cup with green stains, "Mom told me to make it during every meal. Leafy vegetables, an apple, broccoli, and some other things to blend with. Then you have this... monstrosity for a healthy living."

After having our fill, we found ourselves back in our class. Everyone had bulging stomachs and a face that was looking for a nap. I mean, who wouldn't want to sleep after morning training, a lunch that filled us to the brim, and now an air-conditioned room. 'Damn, a nap would be heavenly right now.'

Anyway, what followed next throughout the day were general subjects of English, math, science, social studies, and Hero 101: Rules and Regulation. By the time it was the end of the school day, it was already 5:30 p.m. Each class took an hour's worth of lessons.

Apparently, the Academy tries finishing general subjects faster so that students of the Academy have more time to focus on their specialized department. Of course, students are required to pass their subjects.

Like the words of the teacher just recently, "The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools. And SHIELD Academy will not have fools graduating. Period."

And here I lay after my first day. Today was a blur; everything was just so surreal. "I wonder what I'd have for dinner... Hmmm... probably just blend some fruit and nuts."


"Leo! Let's go! Let's get some dinner!"

"Coming!" Sitting up, I hurried reluctantly. If my bed chose a crime, it'd probably kidnap me to sleep.





