
Chapter 1: The Newbie


Felicity Turner stepped outside of Station 23. The sun was setting in the distance and the breeze slightly grazed her cheek. She could sense change in the air. Something was coming and she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

She would embrace it though. She had been fighting against change for far too long. She had to welcome it.

She turned to walk back in through the double doors to her newly obtained job as fire captain when she caught a glimpse of her father's truck pulling into the parking lot.

She changed course and walked over to greet him as he got out. The passenger side door opened as well and a man with tanned skin and dark eyes got out of the truck.

There it was. There was the change she felt. Or better yet, there he was.

"Felicity, this is Weston Brooks. He just finished with his training and has joined our station. He has great potential and I know he will flourish under your command," said the chief.

"Hello, Weston. It's nice to have you join our crew," said Felicity as she extended her hand for his shake. Once his hand was in hers, she could tell life as she knew it would no longer resemble anything she recognized. "Go inside and introduce yourself to the others and they will show you around. I'll be there in a second."

"Thanks for having me. I hope to do you and this station proud. Thanks for the introduction, Chief Turner." Weston picked up his duffle bag from the ground and swung it over his shoulder. He walked in the direction that Felicity had pointed him in and glanced up at her as he walked by. He half smiled and her stomach fluttered.

"Thanks, Dad. I'll take good care of him."

"I have no doubts."

The chief patted her on the back and walked to his truck. Once he was out of sight, Felicity exhaled. She had no idea why she had nervous flutters in her stomach over this newcomer. She had never dealt with that before.

She brushed it off, straightened her attire and headed inside to the apparatus room to check on the firefighters.

Being a firefighter wasn't Felicity's dream job as a child. No, she wanted to be something like a fashion designer or veterinarian. Something fun, fulfilling, and exciting. The thought of risking her life, coming home exhausted and spending nights in a bed that wasn't hers, never sounded appealing. That was until she watched her father, day in and day out, save lives, buildings, and businesses.

He was Chief Arnold Turner. Arnie to most and hero to all. It was an honor to walk in his footsteps.

She stepped foot into the apparatus room and glanced around. Her crew was doing as they had been told at the beginning of their shift. Weston was just standing there, watching them.

"Weston, did you introduce yourself?" Felicity asked as she placed her hand on his shoulder to obtain his attention.

"Oh, hey. Well, not yet. I was getting ready to." His face flushed red.

"You just sort of need to jump right in. This isn't a quiet, sit back and watch, kind of job. Get in there and meet your crew."

He gave her that half smile again and walked away to make conversation with the fire crew nearest him.

Station 23 sat smack in the middle of their cozy town in New Hampshire. Lebanon had been her home from birth. Her family knew everyone here and considered most family as well.

She loved the autumns here with their sunset colors and didn't even mind the winters, though they could be harsh at times.

But, like all smaller towns, it had its secrets. She was part of the biggest one. The town was full of shifters, meaning, humans that turned into wolves. You'd never know. You could be walking next to one on the street or shopping for groceries and the person in line behind you, could be a shifter.

It was meant to be that way. Secret. Humans are too unpredictable and aren't subject to accept the unknown or unusual. The shifters in Lebanon have been living this way, unbeknownst to the community around them, for centuries. Loyalty has kept their secret. It was expected to be kept until the Earth was no more.

So, life was good.

"Excuse me, Captain. Where do I put my things?" asked Weston.

"They didn't tell you where to put them?" Felicity asked as she nodded towards the others who were desperately trying to withhold their laughter.

"They did, but I had a feeling that in your office wasn't the right answer."

Felicity glared at the crew and their laughter was no longer contained.

"You're the new guy. Prepare to be the center of their entertainment."

"I figured as much," he said as he looked over his shoulder.

"The locker room is down the hall to the left. Just pick an empty locker and call it yours. Report to my office once you are done putting things away so we can go over the schedule for the week to come--"

Just then the fire alarm sounded, and the dispatcher's voice echoed throughout the station. The firefighters scrambled to throw on their gear and load up into the truck.

"Captain?" Weston asked.

"Grab your gear and let’s get your first hands on lesson out of the way."

"Yes, Captain." He saluted her.

"That's not necessary. Get moving!" she said as she pointed toward the truck.

Moments later they were all loaded and ready to roll. The truck slowly moved out to the road and its roaring sirens warned oncoming traffic to move out of the way.

They pulled up to Mr. Johnson's electronic store. He was standing on the sidewalk, head in his hands with distraught written all over his face.

The crew did their thing, pulled out the hoses and told that fire who was in charge while Felicity consoled Mr. Johnson.

Mr. Johnson was talking but Felicity didn't hear a word. Instead, she was entranced by the new guy who was giving his all to save the store.

Suddenly, the building wasn't the only thing that was smoking hot.
