
Chapter 2: Face First, Heart Last


The first week of Weston's probation went off without a hitch. He seemed to be falling in line and doing as he should. He took her advice and jumped in headfirst. Every day he was amazing her even more.

It was a typical Monday. The crew was busy getting the station back in order after the small downtown fire at the electronic store over the weekend.

It wasn't that bad of a fire. She had seen much worse in her days, but it was one they had to put all their effort into so they could save Mr. Johnson's business. It was all he had after he had lost his wife. They couldn't let him lose his business too.

They pulled it off, without incident. The building remained ninety percent intact, and insurance would cover the rest.

She was proud of her crew. Especially Weston. He threw himself entirely into this job. It was almost as if he wasn't as new at this as it seemed.

She walked into the dining hall where they were all sharing a meal together. The chatter was loud but calmed when she took her spot at the head of the table.

"I want to say thank you to everyone for successfully saving Mr. Johnson's store. That poor man has been through enough and I can guarantee he rested well last night knowing we helped his future.

Everyone went above and beyond, and I am very proud of you all. Weston. Thank you for all you did to help save Mr. Johnson's store. I'm impressed with your efforts being so new to our station."

Was he too good to be true?

"Thanks Captain," Weston said and the rest chimed in.

"No, thank you. Now finish your lunch and get back to work. This place isn't going to organize itself."


Another week went by. Weston improved daily. It was as if he had been a firefighter for lifetimes. She had never seen a proby work so hard and catch on so quickly. The others were noticing too. She could almost sense a hint of resentment from a few. She hoped it wouldn't escalate into full blown jealousy.

Drama was one thing she couldn't and wouldn't tolerate.

There was enough of that going on inside her head. She couldn't stop thinking of Weston in more ways than just job related. No. She thought too much about what he must look like under that uniform and how desperately she wanted him to put her fire out.

It's as if he lived there in her mind. He had moved in without permission. Constantly making her think of him. She hated it. She couldn't do anything to make him go away. In fact, it was the opposite of wanting him to go away. No, she wanted him near her. She wanted to feel something again. She had been numb for so long.

But he awakened her senses and her body in a way that took her completely off guard. She had no idea why him, but it was him. And her heart was sending her a clear sign that she was trying to ignore.

That morning, she walked in and went straight to checking on the crew instead of going to her office. Something told her she needed to.

There he was, deep in conversation with one of the female firefighters. Felicity's heart sank as she watched the woman practically gush over the story he had been telling her. She couldn't take her eyes off of him and Felicity searched his face for any sign of him being attracted to this woman.

Just stop. This is ridiculous. He is allowed to talk to another woman. He isn't yours.

Felicity stood and watched for a moment thinking he was oblivious to her presence. But that wasn't the case. He felt her just as she felt him.

He glanced up from his conversation and the way he looked at Felicity made her realize that the woman he was conversing with meant nothing to him and that she was the real one he wanted to be talking to.

Her heart beat like crazy.

She turned to go the other direction to her office but then tripped over her own two feet. Embarrassment took over as she fell face first on the cement floor. She then felt his hands on her waist trying to help her up. She felt her skin flush with heat and told herself it was from the fall, not from his hands being on her.

Her body trembled inside. No man has touched her in any way in so long. She forgot how magical it felt. She didn't want him to stop.

"Are you okay, Captain?" Weston asked.

"I am. I just got ahead of myself. I will be fine. Thank you."

She stood up, with his hand still on her arm, guiding her, and brushed off her uniform.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"I am. Thank you, Weston. You may go back to your conversation now." She glanced over to the female he was talking to and then back to him.

"That's okay. I have other things to do."

He smiled. That smile was going to be the death of her but if that is how she had to go, that was fine with her.

She had a thing for him. She couldn't deny it and there was nothing she could do to stop it. It could never go anywhere. Not in the station and definitely not in her pack. If her father found out, that would not go well at all. Especially since he was the Alpha and a strict one at that.

She wanted this man, in her heart and in her bed, but he couldn't get near either and she knew it.

Forget him, she told herself. Forget him now.

There was just too much he didn't know. She had a lot of secrets and baggage. Even if she was allowed to be with him, wouldn't he just turn and run once he found out her truths? Surely, he would.

The urge to find out was taking over her. She had to find the strength to fight it because the consequences were unacceptable.

Pull it together, Felicity.

It's not worth it.

She found herself sitting behind her desk holding a picture frame. The tears came fast, and the guilt took over. That was all she needed to be able to push the thoughts of Weston aside, for now.
