
DG!? New Duo!?

A man with pink hair and in full pink attire was currently in an elevator speeding down.

James Lee stepped out of the elevator once it opened, walking calmly he looks around.

"Did they get away?" James muttered quietly.

He looked around inquisitively until his eyes suddenly landed on the body of water below him.

"I see, so that's how. Well, they should be easy to catch up too." James knew exactly where this body of water headed too.

"I should hurry then, they might get away." James smirked before running toward a blanket that was covering his motorcycle.

Pulling the blanket off, he got onto his black motorcycle and put on his black helmet.



Revving it up he started to drive toward a wall, anyone seeing this would call him crazy but he continued to smirk.

Pressing a certain button on his bike steering wheel, the wall suddenly opened up, revealing a pathway to an alleyway.

"Time to catch some rats."

He did a wheelie before driving his motorcycle out and down the alley toward the main road.


While Mazino was walking down the sidewalk full of people, he made sure to glance around him to see anyone suspicious.

Noticing that they were all just normal pedestrians, he relaxed, until suddenly...



Hearing a loud motorcycle engine behind him, Mazino turned around and noticed the familiar pink attire from the manwha.

The rider had a black helmet with pink attire, but Mazino could see the tips of the pink hair very well.

The rider continuously revved the engine while staring directly at Mazino.

"Shit! How did he even get out so fast!?" Mazino cursed before breaking out in a sprint in the opposite direction.

While running, dozens of people would curse at him as he pushed through them.


"Watch out!"

"Damn punk!"

Mazino simply ignored them, glancing behind him he knew the biker couldn't go as fast because of traffic and surrounding pedestrians.

But while running, he noticed a certain garbage box in the alleyway to his right, looking at the short building behind it, he immediately turned right.

Running into the alleyway, he jumped onto the garbage box and immediately followed up with another jump.

Grasping the tip of the building with his hands, he pulls himself up effortlessly.

"Bastard. He's lucky I have somewhere to be." Mazino sighed, he didn't even know if he was strong enough to beat James Lee.

While running on top of the building, he notices another building connected to the current one he was on, it also had a ladder.

Running straight toward the ladder, he climbs up the ladder hastily while glancing below him.

He noticed the biker was simply following him on the side of the road.

After 30 seconds of climbing, he reached the top of the 4-floor building.

He continued running, and ahead of him he noticed a building that wasn't connected, there was almost 25 feet apart from the building.

But Mazino didn't stop running, using all his leg strength, he launched off the tip of the building.

Time slowed down and Mazino could be seen smirking while slowly floating through the air.

Once he was almost there, he reached for the tip of the roof of the building....

His smile faded, he was so close but his fingers brushed past the roof's tips.



He slammed against the wall and started to fall down straight down toward the sidewalk.


Luckily he landed in a garbage box.

It hurt like shit but his durability was high enough to take it with some light bruises.

"Bless the gods." He muttered while hopping out, once he hopped out he noticed he was on the sidewalk with people surrounding him.

"Is that KP!?"

"Woah! The K-Pop star Kim Park!"

"Can I get an autograph!?"

Mazino was flabbergasted.

K-pop star!?

Mazino didn't have a clue, before his eye's widened, dumbfounded at the situation.

'Did I seriously not fucking remember such an important memory, I looked so deep into my mind, but completely disregarded the most obvious memories.' Mazino cursed inwardly.

He was a solo singer K-pop star, he rivaled the likes of BTS, G-Dragon, BlackPink, etc.

'Wait! But how come I wasn't recognized by the students at J Highschool!-'

Mazino's eyes widened once again.

'I've always worn this mask for all my performances in order to protect my identity, no wonder they didn't recognize me, I even named myself Kim Park. My fans think of me as the mysterious Black K-pop star who is some knight in shining armor-'

"Hey, can I also get an autograph!?"

Interrupted by all the questions, Mazino slowly got up, but he was being shoved.

"Aye calm down! I'll give every single one of you an autograph and a picture! Get in an orderly line, I'm only signing everyone who's in front of the guy with the green jacket!" Mazino exclaimed while pointing at a man with a green jacket.

Of course in a situation like this, this would be stupid but Mazino noticed James Lee on his bike from across the street, he can only buy time with this strategy.

He knew there was no way James Lee would try to fight him while he was being hounded by fans.

"*Sigh* I had somewhere to be but I guess I can spare some time for fans." Mazino muttered with a slight smile.

He started signing and taking pictures with all his fans.

Even though he signed their stuff, they still stayed there, watching him sign others.

Mazino's eyes glanced up while he was signing a fan's shirt.

He noticed James Lee approaching, Mazino looked at him questioningly but nonetheless stayed calm.

"It's DG!"

A girl screamed once she noticed James Lee walking toward the large group of people.

"Is this a collab!?"

"No way! That would be awesome!"

"I love you DG!"

Even more, people started to shout once they also noticed DG.

James smiled at the group of people while waving, they immediately made way for him as he walked toward Mazino who just finished signing someone's shirt.

Once they came face to face, the increasing surrounding crowd of over hundreds of people started to take out their phone, recording their interaction.

"Kim! How've you been?" James snickered inwardly as he acted like he knew Mazino's persona, Kim Park.

"Diego I've just been chillin, what about you?" Mazino played along because he knew he was on record.

"Same as always. You just ran out of the studio, what happen? We were almost finished recording." James smiled as he playfully pats Mazino's shoulder as if he was a longtime friend.

"Ah, I was just trying to buy some snacks." Mazino replied.

"My junior is so generous! Listen everyone, he can easily call for someone to get his food but he buys the food himself for everyone! That's KP for you!" James exclaimed to the large crowd surrounding them.

"It's not much really." Mazino chuckled.

The crowd broke into a fit of cheers and screaming.

"Of course that's our oppa!"

"We love Kim Park!"

"He's too humble!"

James put his right arm around Mazino and waved at all the pictures and recordings with Mazino.

"Come with me, and don't worry, I just wanna talk." James whispered into Mazino's ear.

"Sure whatever." Mazino muttered before they started to shove through the crowd of people to get to the motorcycle.

Until suddenly a lady reporter with a microphone and a cameraman stopped infront of them.

"Do you plan to do a collab!?" The reporter hurriedly questioned.

"Yes!" James exclaimed before the reporter and cameraman were pushed out the way.


"I can't wait!"

"The best solo artists are doing a collab!"

"My bronze skinned god!"

The fans continuously squished the two but eventually, they reached the motorcycle.

"Please make space!" James exclaimed while revving his engine.

Mazino hopped on behind him and put on the helmet James had on earlier.

Eventually, everyone made way for him, Mazino waved them bye while James drove off.

The whole ride was quiet, Mazino didn't even know where he was being taken but he didn't really care either way.

He was confident that if he was being trapped he could definitely escape.

Eventually, they stopped in a junkyard full of trash cars, it seemed completely devoid of people.

"So what do you want?" Mazino questioned while he and James got off the motorcycle.

"Sorry for driving so far, I needed to go somewhere far where the Chairman couldn't spy on us. You know at first, I was thinking I was gonna kill the two who invaded my office, but once I saw one of them was you, I had a change of heart." James stated while looking directly at Mazino with his silver eyes.

"How'd you know it was two of us?" Mazino raised his brow at James.

"Do you really think I had no personal motion detectors in my office? I know you won't tell me who the other one is, so I won't even ask." James retorted.

"I see, I checked the buildings security but not your personal one." Mazino nodded in understanding.

"What do want of me? You clearly brought me here for a reason." Mazino looked at him curiously.

"I want you to be my ally." James gently smiled at Mazino as if he was harmless.

"What's in it for me?" Mazino raised his brow at James, curious to see what he'll be offered.

"You'll gain a useful ally." James retorted.

"And why would I need a ally right now?" Mazino replied.

"I've learned some information about you and I think with your situation, your gonna need some powerful help." James looked at Mazino expectantly.

'Having such an ally would be very good, I'm not sure if even I can take on all of Chairman Choi's allies and subordinates including Gun and Goo.'

'But with him, I'm confident we can take on any team in the world.' James thought inwardly.

Mazino narrowed his eyes at James's last words, if he knew what Mazino thinks he knew, things could be dangerous.

But Mazino inwardly shook his head.

'I doubt he knows details, he might know the surface truth about my past but that's all. But it would be good to have such an ally.'

"Fine." Mazino agreed, he knew having such an ally would immensely help him, especially if their partnership turns into comradeship.

"Good! One of the main things I'll need help with is taking down Chairman Choi. We'll be like the upgraded version of Gun and Goo. Also, come by my agency later for recording, we'll use it as an excuse to talk more. I'll talk to you then." James nonchalantly quickly spoke as he got on his motorcycle and revved it up.




Mazino tried to stop him but James already drove off.

"Pretentious bastard." Mazino muttered before walking toward the exit of the junkyard and pulling out his phone so he can get picked up.


Let me know yall thoughts!
