

Mazino was still in the junkyard, looking down at his phone he frowned.

There was a large crack going straight down the middle of his phone.

It seemed that when he fell from the roof of the building, he landed on his phone and broke it.

"Fuckin bullshit." Mazino muttered staring at the night sky.

Looking around, none of the junk cars looked operational, so he simply left the junkyard and entered a public path.

He noticed he was in a rural area, so it was bound to take time before he sees anyone willing to help him.



"Rain?" Extending his hand out, he felt the moist water dropping on his hands.

His shoulders slightly relaxed as he continued walking in the rain.

His once-wet clothes became even wetter as he calmly trudged through the rain with an unreadable expression.

Seeing cars nearing him, he would pull his thumb out but no one stopped.

Mazino didn't get angry, it was as if he expected such an outcome.

Finally reaching a more suburban area, he sees multiple parked cars and a black bicycle.

Since it was raining, the sidewalks were nearly empty, people were rushing to their destinations, not even noticing Mazino.

He walked directly toward the bicycle, not even attempting to steal the cars.

"A lock?" Mazino noticed a lock that locked the bicycle to a tree.

He shuffled through his right pocket before pulling out a mini multifunctional tool that could be used for picking locks.

"Luckily I brought this with me for James Lee's agency." Mazino slightly chuckled before pulling out the tools meant for lock picking.

After a few seconds, he picked the lock and started to ride the bike toward a certain location.

Once riding for over 45 minutes, he eventually started to slow down in front of a modest home.

It seemed to have one floor but was very wide and it had lots of green property surrounding it.

Mazino dropped the bike roughly and looked around with narrowed eyes, making sure no one was following him.



Mazino's pitch-black hair started to fall over the top of his face.

Looking up at the night sky, Mazino simply stared at it for a few seconds with an expression that seemed to be of weariness?

He started to walk toward the door, once he was right outside the dark red door which was behind a glass door, he slowly inhaled and exhaled calmly.

He suddenly pushed his hair back over his head and did his signature smirk before pressing the button beside the door.


Waiting calmly, after a few seconds the door opened up.

Behind the glass door, a lady in her 50s could be seen with some short gray hair.

The lady's eye's widened once realizing Mazino was out in the cold rain.

"Hurry up! Get in!" She exclaimed worriedly once opening up the glass door.

Mazino nodded with a smile and entered, once closing the door behind him, the lady hurriedly ran somewhere.

"I'll go get you some blankets!" She exclaimed from across the house.

Once she came back, she got him a black blanket and hurriedly covered him in it.

"You should be wearing something warmer." She berated him with a frown.

"Ms. Ryun. How was I supposed to know it was going to rain?" Mazino shrugged while looking at his dripping-wet black clothes.

"You need to take better care of yourself." She led him to the living room and sat him on the sofa.

"Me? I'm Kim Park!" Mazino smirked while taking off the blanket.


"Look my clothes are dry already, these are expensive clothes that cost me a lot in order to keep me satisfied so stop nagging.." Mazino cut off Ms.Ryun before she could finish.

Ms. Ryun's eye's widened once noticing that Mazino's black set of clothes was completely dry now.

"You truly are an enigma, why are you even wearing a mask?" Ms.Ryun looked at him weirdly.

"Hehe, my nose was just getting cold." Mazino chuckled while taking off his mask.

"Mr.Kim, are you sure you should be here? Aren't you usually busy?" Ms.Ryun questioned.

"Busy? What are you talking about, me being your caretaker is my only job, and I need the money." Mazino smirked while putting his hands behind his head and relaxing.

"Then why'd you buy those clothes if you need money?" She raised her brows at him.

"They looked cool." Mazino simply explained.

"You've been visiting me for several years as my caretaker even when you were a child. And I still can't understand you, maybe I'm getting old." Ms.Ryu sighed.

"You're as old as a dinosaur!-pfftt" Mazino chuckled while dodging the pillows she chucked at him.

"You brat! Respect your elders!" Ms. Ryu exclaimed.

"Oh by the way, sorry for coming late, I got caught up in something." Mazino suddenly apologized.

"What are you talking about? You've practically come here every Wednesday for the past 10- no 8- wait maybe-7 years?!" Ms. Ryu's brows furrowed as she tried to remember how long Mazino has helped her.

Suddenly she felt a sharp sting in her head and she started to massage her temples, trying to ease the pain.

"Are you okay?" Once noticing Ms. Ryu's strained face, Mazino sat beside her.

"It's the headaches." She muttered with a frown.

Once Mazino heard her words he hurriedly walked toward the kitchen and grabbed a certain prescription bottle with a glass of water.

Once he returned, he gave her two of her pills and the glass of water.

"Thank you." Once she said thank you, she immediately swallowed the pills with water.

Mazino watched her with an inquisitive gaze as she inhaled and exhaled.

"I'm fine now, thank you again." Ms. Ryu nodded appreciatively.

"Why don't you rest?" Mazino helped her up.

"Yeah, I am feeling a bit tired." She responded while Mazino escorted her to her room.

Once Mazino put her in bed comfortably, he left the room as he smiled at her.

"Have a good night, Ms. Ryu."

Mazino left the house once he made sure she was okay.

Looking up he noticed it was not raining anymore but it was still very dark.

"I guess it's around 11pm." Mazino muttered while getting on the bike he left at the front.

He rode it for about 30 mins until arriving at his black mansion.

He put the bike in his garage and took a shower to sleep.


It was the next day and Mazino was currently doing some menial tasks for the Chairman such as getting debtors to pay the money they owe.

Mazino was currently in a narrow brick alleyway with two men with black-slicked hair and lean bodies facing him.

They were two thug twins who thought they could take the Chairman's money without precaution.

"*Yawn* Come at me." Mazino lazily urged them to come.

"Bastard! Dare to underestimate us!"

"Wait brother!-"

The aggressive brother instantly lunged at Mazino, who simply snapped a left frontal kick without even looking in his direction.


The kick connected to the man's jaw, knocking him out instantly.

The man's brother frowned, unsure of how to deal with the situation.


Mazino ignored the man's brother and continued to walk toward the knocked-out man, intending to finish the job.

"I have the money!" The man exclaimed in front of his brother protectingly.

Mazino stopped getting closer and just stared at the man silently.

"Here!" The man shuffled through his pocket before taking out an envelope and handing it to Mazino.

"You shouldn't do this type of business if you have siblings, it's just trouble." Mazino muttered while checking the envelope for all its money.

"It's all here, thanks!" Mazino smirked and started walking away toward the public street.

The man sighed as he held his unconscious brother.

"It's not like I want too."


Mazino was wearing black pants with a black dresshirt and slides.

While he was walking toward his black/dark green motorcycle, he noticed people's gaze would linger on him for a few seconds.

'Are colored people such a rarity in South Korea?' Mazino chuckled inwardly.

Getting on his bike he revved it up.



Startling the people on the sidewalk, Mazino ignored them and put on his black helmet.

Driving away, he got a phone call.


Early in the morning he immediately got a new phone and just synced the contacts because he was too lazy to fix it.

Looking at the caller, he noticed it was an unknown caller but he was used to such caller IDs, so he answered with an ear piece while driving.


[Yo lil bro! How are you!?]

Mazino rolled his eyes, the voice was of DG from yesterday.

"Lil bro?" Mazino raised his brow.

[Yes! I may not look it but I'm quite older and I'd rather not be called uncle.] DG chuckled.

"Yeah, I'm not calling you big bro." Mazino bluntly replied.

[Whatever. I need you to come today so we can record a music video.] DG explained.

"Music video? Since when did I agree on such a thing?" Mazino questioned while stopping at a red light.

[You agreed to be my ally so of course. You have to be in my music video. Plus we already told the public that we'll be doing a collab.] DG replied.

"Won't people be suspicious of our behavior?" Mazino asked.

[Most people don't know yours or my identity so it should be fine. But who even cares, we'll just kick their ass if someone has a problem!] DG laughed through the phone.

"Alright whatever, I'll stop by your agency. I'll be there in a few minutes." Mazino replied while taking a hard right turn on his motorcycle.

[See you then!] DG ended the call.

Eventually, Mazino arrived at the same agency from yesterday which seemed to have reporters hiding all around, trying to find scandals or future collabs to post on their social media.


Let me know yall thoughts!
