
25 Dates With You

A contract of 25 dates is the outcome of a steamy debate between Emily and the rich Julian. While Emily just wants to date around and see where things lead, Julian knows exactly what it is he wants, and that is to marry her. And he is not taking no for an answer. Being a lone wolf, that weekly travels around the world, Julian’s older sister thinks he is in need of something more steady in his life. He did not agree right away, but when he laid eyes on her, there was nothing stopping him from making her the cherry on his cake. Only, Julian’s sister hasn’t been entirely honest with him, and held back vital information. Will that piece of information stop them from falling in love? Or is there love a force of nature, unable to be stopped by any means...

Deborah_Pruijmboom · 都市
13 Chs

Will I see you before then?

"Well, uhm... yes," I stammered. "Maybe I shouldn't have gone after all," I confessed.

"Everywhere in this world, and beyond. Only yours. Everywhere," he promised me huskiliy, instead of responding to my answer. "'ll call you when I arrive, but that won't be until about eleven o'clock your time."

"So then it's almost nighttime..." he remarked, as if he were changing his mind.

"No, just call me. That's okay," I promted right away. Julian laughed again, probably at my eageress. "All right, I'll talk to you later. "

"See you later," I said when I saw my train coming in.


"Hey, cherry," Julian said when I picked up the phone later that night. "You sound sleepy," I noted. "Yeah, well… That sounds about right," he let me know. "Can I see you," I asked like a sulky child.

"Mmmhhh…" he grumbled. "I'm still at the airport," he sighed. I was quiet, letting the silence do the pleading for me. "Alright," he finally gave in.

This time, I hadn't put my glasses on, and I was still fully dressed, with make-up on. When he turned the camera on, I saw that he had bags under his eyes.

"Awh, you need to sleep," I told him. "You don't look like you are going to bed though," he eyed me suspiciously.

Julian was walking through the halls of a crowded airport. "Oh, then how do I look?" I questioned. "Like you are on a path of destruction, stealing hearts of all men on your way," he grinned.

"You idiot," I shyly mumbled. "Where are you headed to? Off to bed," I speculated. "No, I have a meeting in about an hour. I'll just grab some food and then I will be on my way," he told me.

"How was your flight?" I asked when he was quiet. He pouted his lips a little. "Lonely," Julian said with a half-smile. His eyes were dancing.

"I'd rather have you come with me," he smiled at me. "Well…I can't just run off with you," I said meaningfully. "I know," he breathed.

"A man can dream right," he chuckled. "What are you going to eat?" I questioned him. "I…. I think I'll go to this little coffee place I always go. It's just a few blocks from here. They have the best sandwiches," he mused.

"What time is it there," I frowned when I saw that he was walking outside. The sky was clouded, but it was clearly day. "Noon," he said as he crossed a street and plugged earbuds into his ears.

"Wow," I said impressed. "It is kind of cool the way you travel," I said admiring. He half-smiled "I never really think about it, because I have grown accustomed to it, but I guess you are right," he agreed.

"But… it makes me a lone wolf as well," he continued talking, and his face fell. I detected a bit of sadness in his eyes. "You will find your pack," I tried to reassure him. Julian glanced in the camera and I saw that his eyes lit up.

It was silent for a while, as I watch him walk down crowded streets. "My pretty cherry," he said when he came to a halt before a coffee shop.

"Your…. Pretty cherry?" I teased him again. He smirked involuntarily. "My soon to be pretty cherry then," he said and winked at me.

"You feel mine though," he said almost inaudible.

"You need to go to bed darling," he lectured me. "And I have to eat, or else I will crawl through the phone and eat you," he playfully said, while wiggling with his thick eyebrows.

I couldn't help but smile at his lightheartedness. "I thought you were a lone wolf, not the big bad wolf all the stories warn about," I said sheepishly.

Julian broke out in a full-teethed smile. "That was awfully witty," he said, and flashed me a crooked smile. Gods, the affect he had on me.

"Now," he whispered softly. "Go to bed my sweet," he said to me. I groaned and Julian chuckled. "What's the matter," he pressed his lips into a line, trying not to laugh out loud.

"You don't want me to hang up the phone," he guessed. I just nodded, feeling embarrassed. I don't know what was up with me either. Julian cocked his head to the side and shook his head.

"But you look so tired," he tried to make a point. "I know and I am… But so do you," I remarked.

"Ding ding ding… second round. You won," he snickered. "One condition," he said, all business again.

I let out a sigh. What would he want now. "I'll call you back in ten minutes, giving you the time to make ready for bed," he stated his demand. I frowned.

"No?," he murmured, seeing that I was unwilling. "Then go to sleep," he commanded me. "Alrigh,t I will get ready if you call me back in ten," I finally gave in.

Julian bit his lip. "Off you go," he said with a wink and he then hung up the phone, without a real warning. I looked around my living room. Again, I had lost all track of time. He did that to me somehow.

I walked upstairs and I peeked into the bedroom's of my children. The two youngest shared a bedroom and the oldest had her own room. They were all sound asleep.

Sometimes, I felt like a bad mom dating like this. I put that awful thought aside, and quickly searched for a pyjama, in which I looked somewhat presentable.

I found a blue satin top and matching pants. That would do. I quickly brushed my teeth and jumped into bed.

It took longer then I expected for him to call me back, but that was probably because I was waiting for him to call again. I snuggled against my blankets and closed my eyes for a second.

Just as I almost drifted asleep, my phone rang again. "I see that you are in bed," he smiled.

Julian was sitting in a crowded place, and he took s a sip of, what I think looked like coffee. "I almost thought you wouldn't call anymore," I sulked.

"You have so little faith in me huh…" he teased.

"What kind of meeting do you have scheduled," I asked. "A board meeting," he said fussing with his tie. "Here you go Julian, glad to see you again. It's been a while," a female voice said.

It was frustrating that I couldn't see who the voice belonged to. "Thank you Marry," he smiled. "I'm glad to be back," he said warmly. "How long will you stay," the woman kept on talking.

"I'll be out of country early Friday morning," he let her know. "Will I see you before then?" She asked him. I saw that Julian uncomfortably shifted in his chair.

"Mhh… I will probably have breakfast here tomorrow morning…" he trailed off.