
Healing Aiden's Heart (NSFW)

Aiden's terrified screams were replaced by a series of moans in a short while. Ryan worked so hard to engrave his love into Aiden's body so that Aiden did not have time to think about anything else. All he could perceive was the solidified love that pierced him again and again.

"Ryan... Ahh, Ryan..."

Aiden used to be quite reserved in bed. He was always worried about being heard, even after Ryan told him that their bedroom was perfectly soundproofed.

This time around, he refused to care about it. He just wanted to drown.

Drown in the pleasure that his husband evoked inside his body, and the semen that he pumped inside Aiden as per Aiden's request.

When they started, the sun had yet to rise.

When they were done, the breakfast time passed more than two hours ago.

Aiden fell asleep as soon as they finished making love to each other.

Ryan tucked his sleeping lover properly before he went into the bathroom to clean himself from the traces of their lovemaking.
