
Sveanna's Confession

Sveanna had yet to reach her thirtieth birthday when she fell in love with Gregory Hornthorpe, was turned into a vampire, and then married the love of her life.

Before Gregory, she had not dated anyone else.

There was a very good reason for that. Sveanna never thought that she would live for much longer, so why bother having a love life at all?

Later on, Sveanna realized the error of her ways. Thanks to her lack of experience in romance, she became a gullible victim for Gregory. A tool that he could manipulate at will to achieve his goals.

Gregory, as it turned out, never loved her.

The one Gregory loved was most likely his own sister, Izabella Hornthorpe.

The blond woman sat alone in the meeting room at the British Parliament Building. She waited for around fifteen minutes before three pure-blood vampires poured into the room.

There was some regret reflected in Sveanna's eyes when she saw Aiden Caldwell again.

"Good day, Sveanna," Ryan greeted her. "How is your health?"
