

Sean smirked as he sat up from his bed finding Diana and Sally naked as him next to him.

It's been a day since they arrived on the island. Those that came with them were Kara Karen Harley Ivy Mileena Kida Erza Hawkgirl Rogue and Starfire.

Sally moaned as she slowly woke up with a yawn sitting up and stretched her arms before Sean pulled her into a kiss making her moan.

"Morning to you to honey." Sally said smiling at him before Diana woke up.

"So how long do we have till we have to go home?" Diana asked.

"Well Unless theres a new crisis that requires our full attention which I doubt will happen we've got 2 weeks here." Sean said. Sean had left Talbot in charge of the company till he retuned.

"Oh and we are going to enjoy every last moment of it here." Sally said placing his arm between her breasts making him smirk.

Minutes later

Erza and Mileena were outside on the beach sparing one another with their usual weapons. Though the most fun part about this was that they were both naked.

"Well you two seem to be having fun." Sean said walking up to them in his swim trunks.

"Less restrictions this way." Erza said tackling Mileena to the ground as they rolled around before Erza was on the bottom and their breasts were pressed together along with their lips which surprised them before pulling back. (Remember Mileena has a special mask on that makes it look and feel like a regular mouth)

"Oooh now that was a good sight to see." Sean said chuckling.

"Not like you didn't approve if thats any indication." Mileena said amused pointing to the bulge in his trunks making him shrug.

"Can you blame me?" Sean asked.

"Nope." Mileena said before she tackled him to the ground with her on top and her breasts in his face. "Though I would like a little more intimate action." Mileena said seductively.

"Ask and you shall receive." Sean said before jumping up and slung her over his shoulder making her giggle along with Erza as the two of them walked to the bedroom.

Mileena moaned as she thrusted downwards on his cock while Erza went behind her pressing her breasts against her back while playing with hers.

Sean grinned as he placed his hands on her hips thrusting up to meet her thrusts as well making her feel twice the pleasure.

Erza smirked before she pulled Mileena over to kiss her making her moan into the kiss.

Mileena was in pure bliss before she gasped as she felt her orgasm approaching very fast and thrusted down wards on his cock faster. Sean grinned at this before feeling his own approaching as well and took one last deep thrust into her making her eyes widen and roll into the back of her head before they both came. She pulled back from Erza's kiss before collapsing out cold with a sex filled smile on her face.

"Well that must have been intense if she passed out so quickly." Erza said amused before yelping as she was forced on her knees with her face buried in a pillow before he thrusted into her ass making her scream into the pillow in bliss.

"Its not nice to make fun of others Erza." Sean whispered in her ear before spanking her ass hard making her gasp in bliss before he started pounding into her hard making her whimper in bliss.

hours later

Sean left with a smirk as he left Erza and Mileena was sex filled grins on their faces.

"Well they really had fun." Ivy said smirking at him as she leaned up against the wall in the nude.

"I do tend to make sure you all are satisfied don't I?" Sean asked pulling her into a kiss making her moan before they pulled back and she giggled at him.

"True but I don't think you've been paying enough attention to all of us as of late." Ivy said as she walked to another room swaying her hips before she opened the door and reveled Harley completely naked as them.

Sean grinned as he was laying on his back while Harley bounced on his lap with Ivy making out with her.

"Now this is a sight to enjoy." Sean said amused making Ivy pull back and smirk at him.

"Oh wait till the real fun begins." Ivy said before Harley gasped as she started slamming down on him faster as her orgasm approached fast while he gripped her hips tightly making her whimper before she gasped in bliss as they both came and her eyes rolled into the back of her head before collapsing on her back with a sex filled smile on her face.

"Now its your turn." Sean said before Ivy smirked as they changed positions with him on top of her.

"Well don't hold back now." Ivy said before he thrusted inside of her making her moan and whimper with each hard thrust he delivered into her needing sex. "Oh god yes." Ivy whimpered out before he took hold of her left breast and sucked on it making her whimper from the extra sensation.

Sean then felt a pair of breasts behind him and saw it was Kida who smirked at them.

"I don't suppose I can join in now." Kida said before she sat on Ivy's face making her smirk before placing her mouth on her pussy making her moan while pulling Sean into a kiss.

Ivy moaned and whimpered from all the pleasure she was receiving from both having Sean pound into her sex and Kida playing with her breasts. Sean decided to make things more interesting and pinched Ivy's clit making her eyes widen as she screamed into Kida's pussy making her moan into her kiss with Sean as Ivy and Kida came together and Sean came deep inside of Ivy who was out of energy to continue.

Sean placed Kida on her knees as he shoved himself into her pussy making her moan in bliss before shoving her hips back to meet his thrusts. Sean smirked before he reached forward and played with her breasts making her moan some more.

Just then a two pairs of breasts pressed against his back revealing to be Starfire and Rogue who grinned at them.

"You don't expect us to be left out now do you hun?" Rogue said pulling him into a kiss. Starfire went to Kida pulled her into a kiss before going under her and started licking both her pussy and Sean's cock at the same time making Kida gasp in surprise and pleasure before placing her hands on her hips and pulled her pussy up close to lick making Starfire moan.

Rogue moaned into her kiss with her lover before he pulled back and she smirked at him before sitting on his shoulders with her sex in front of his face and gasped as he licked it knowing all her sweet spots.

"Oh god yes." Rogue moaned out playing with her breasts. Sean smirked at her before placing his left hand on her butt playing with her bottom flesh knowing she enjoyed it the most. "Mmm Yes. Don't hold back hun." Rogue said before gasping as Sheyara flew in with her wings and smirked at them before SuperGirl Power Girl Diana and Sally walked in along with Erza and Mileena who finally woke up from their short nap.

Hours had passed and finally all the girls were satisfied. Mileena and Rogue both held each other close as they slept. Power Girl and Super Girl were in the 69 position while the rest were scattered all over the room. The only ones still awake were Sean and Diana both who went outside to finish their fun.

Diana moaned as Sean held her by the waist in the ocean water. She pulled him into a kiss as they waved moved around them before she whimpered as he final orgasm approached and they both came. She panted in bliss before they both got hit by one of the more larger waves. Diana smiled at Sean again as they held each other. However Diana needed to tell him something.

"Sean I uh I need to ask you something." Diana said slightly nervous about what she was about to say.

"Diana whats wrong?" Sean asked sensing some nervousness in her voice.

"Nothing really but um we've been together for how long now? A couple years?" Diana said.

"Almost two years. What about it? Think I'm not spending enough time with you?" Sean asked amused making her giggle before kissing him despite some salt water on her lips.

"Not at all. Do you remember when you told me you loved me for the first time?" Diana asked lovingly making him chuckle before holding her closer.

"Not something I plan on forgetting anytime soon Diana. What about it exactly?" Sean asked kissing her neck making her moan slightly but knew she had to say this.

"Do you also recall what I said after I said it back?" Diana asked.

"Yes you said..." Sean tried to say before he realized where she was going with this before she smiled at him and placed his free hand on her stomach.

"I told you when we were ready I would give you a child. I think we're both ready for that now." Diana said waiting for his reaction before he smiled and kissed her lovingly making her moan into the kiss before he pulled back and carried her to the shore and sat her before lowering himself to her stomach and kissed it making her smile as she placed both her hands on her stomach.

"Diana whatever you want I will always give no matter what." Sean said making her tear up slightly before he kissed her tears away and held her lovingly as she laid her head on his chest.

"Thank you." Diana said in joy as they just laid their enjoying the moonlight on the beach for the next few hours.

Weeks later

"Oh I so fucking knew it." Reznov said as Sean told him and Julia the news. Talbot and the other Generals already got the word as they sat in the office.

"How did you know?" Julia asked amused crossing her arms under her chest.

"I recall her talking to Cathrine before they left for that little beach house." Reznov said.

"Oh that explains how she was able to conceive so easily she must have given her some medicine for that." Sean said.

"As one father to another piece of advice don't go soft on them." Lane said.

"Oh whatever." Sean said before.

"COME BACK HERE!" A female voice said outside the office.

"Huh?" Sean said.

"Oh right we forgot to mention but the rest of the other Sekirei woke up from stasis." Julia said.

Sean walked outside his office and some woman ran into him.

"Oops sorry my bad." A female childish voice said giggling sheepishly.

"Ay." Sean said sitting up and got a good look at her. She had white skin brown hair and brown eyes. (I'm still working on physical decryption so bare with me)

"And you would be?" Sean asked making her smile and look excited.

"I'm Musubi number 88 a fist type." Musubi said with enthusiasm making him chuckle.

"Well your certainly..." Sean tried to say before he got hit by a blast of water. "JULIA!" Sean yelled since Julia was a master of water powers due to her self made enhancement.

"Not me." Julia said giggling.

"You will pay for..." A woman with white skin blond hair and blue eyes tried to say before seeing Sean. "Out of the way monkey." The woman said.

"What did you just call me?" Sean asked annoyed.

"Hey be nice." Musubi said.

"Why should I?" The woman asked before Miya came up behind her with a sick sweet smile before bashing her on the head hard leaving a bump. "OW!" The woman yelled in pain.

"Sorry about that Sean she has a bit of an Attitude." Miya said sweet like.

"Sean? Sean Ashburn Kruger?" The woman asked.

"Who else? Now the heck are you and why are you chasing Musubi?" Sean asked shaking his head of the water.

"This is Tsukiumi number 9 a water Sekirei." Miya said.

"Well Tsukiumi you mind explain what the hell that was all about?" Sean asked.

"I apologize I didn't realize you were the one who freed the Sekirei's as for why I was chasing Musubi...SHE GROUPED ME THATS WHY!" Tsukiumi yelled.

"Wait let me guess Yukari put you up to that right?" Sally asked.

"How'd you know?" Musubi asked making Sean and Sally sigh.

"Oy I swear to god she hasn't changed at all since college." Sean said.

"Hey I heard that." Yukari said coming out of the elevator.

"Whatever. So how many others are awake?" Sean asked.

"Most of them are up but others are still trying to adapt after being asleep for such a long time." Matsu said.

"Obviously." Lane said.

"Ok on a different subject did we get the rest of the recruits?" Sean asked.

"As a matter of fact yes we did." Lane said as he pulled up a monitor of the training room full of people training.

"Got a group from France that helped the Joe's during the Nanomite war. Call themselves the Lyoko Warriors. Consisting of 5 people Yumi Ishiyama Ulrich Stern Aelita Stones Odd Della Robia and Jeramy Belpois." Reznov said looking at the file

"Next is a woman named Drew Saturday has a fire powered Sword and has been known with dealing with the strangest things in the world." Julia said.

"Got a woman Named Lucy no last name which is weird considering with those horns..." Reznov tried to say.

"Wait did you say horns? Does she also have pink hair?" Sally asked.

"How'd you know that?" Julia asked showing the picture. (Lucy from Elfien Lied)

"That is a friend of ours from when we were kids. She went missing eight years ago." Sean said knowing that face and appearance anywhere. "The hell makes her so qualified that she's here?" Sean asked.

"She's got these invisible hands that are made from a certain vibration frequency. Can rip through almost anything really." Reznov said.

"Ok so who's next?" Sean asked.

"Naruko and her friends Hinata and Sakura. Hinata has the ability to see these points in the body to render the body immobilized while Sakura using their power source called Chakra has super strength though not in the big leagues kind of strength." Julia said.

"Nami and some of her friends are here to mostly those who have martial arts training and stealth training." Reznov said.

"Anyone else?" Lane asked.

"Uh yeah lets see Charm caster and a woman named Ashi. Charm Caster uses magic while Ashi is a very talented swords woman." Sean said.

"Keep looking for other potential recruits." Sean said.

Meanwhile on the open road

A man on a motor cycle drove up to a gas station before parking to refill and went inside. He was dressed in black jeans black shoes with a black shirt and black leather jacket and had a helmet over his face.

"Something I can help you with son?" An elderly old man at the register said.

"No just looking around." The biker said before seeing a news article about the mysterious Dark Rider.

'Hmm trouble back home.' The biker thought before grabbing the paper.

"I'll take this to go and a cold water if you don't mind." The Biker said as the old man did that and looked around just as he swore he heard the sound of flames but turned back to the biker and saw the bottle was gone in a burst of green flames. "Sorry about that." The biker said handing him a 20 dollar bill before walking away.

"Guess its time I head home." The biker said before getting on his bike and drove off.
