
Ghost Riders vs Dark Rider

Chapter 24 Ghost Riders vs Dark Rider

Sean kept looking at the small amount of data on the Dark Rider but nothing was coming from it.

"I just don't get it. How could the Red Claw control this guy yet we've never once heard about him till now?" Sean asked Talbot Lane and Ross.

"I wish I knew. Whoever this guy is clearly knew how to blend in. We're looking at the worlds greatest fear here." Lane said.

"A little dramatic don't you think?" Reznov asked.

"No he's right on that part. We have no idea what the hell we're up against even Raiden has no information on this guy. The legend is all we have to go off of." Sean said.

"Was there anything else mentioned in this legend?" Ross asked.

"Nothing useful I've had Yukari go through every piece of history when the Riders appeared and none of them have him actually there so why now?" Sean asked.

"We're missing something important a piece of this confusing puzzle. We find that piece we might have some better information to off of." Talbot said.

"I just don't get how she could control this thing." Karasuba said looking at the photo of the Dark Rider caught on security camera when he attacked the Star city police officer.

"We all wonder that." Sean said.


The Dark Rider growled as he looked at a security footage close by Global tech seeing a group of civilians.

"Whats got you so pissed off?" Ultron asked assembling more of his robotic minions.

"It's time the Riders learn their place. How many of you machines have you managed to build?" The Dark Rider asked in human form with his face covered back a black face mask.

"23 so far its not easy when you lack the materials." Ultron said.

"Then we'll get them with my plan. I hold a few members of Global Tech hostage while you use this as a chance to steal enough tech to build more of your machines." The Dark Rider said.

"Don't you think your getting a little ahead of yourself. You're going up against the Riders and from experience thats not easy and I had one as a partner till he got scared of my plans." Ultron said.

"You worry about your part and I'll do mine." The Dark Rider said.


"Whats this new project I'm just now seeing?" Sean asked Lane looking up project Jaeger.

"Thats a contingency plan incase those Primordial things turn on us." Lane said making him sigh.

"Honestly you have no..." Sean tried to say before and explosion outside was heard. "The fuck?" Sean said looking outside and saw a bank being attacked by none other then the Dark Rider. "Its him." Sean said.

"I'll call in some back up." Lane said getting on the comms.

Sean jumped outside and stood in front of the Dark Rider in his Rider Form.

"Ah. The leader of the Ghost Riders. I've been waiting for you." The Dark Rider said in his terrifying voice.

"Who are you?" Sean asked making him laugh in amusement.

"I am the one thing you can never defeat. The enemy of the Ghost Riders the center of evil itself. I wouldn't be a problem for any of you if you hadn't killed the Red Claw." The Dark Rider said glaring at him through his sockets.

"Whats your connection to the Red Claw? She called you a monster said only she could control you." Sean said making him laugh some more before looking at the Civilians behind him.

"My connection to her is...Personal." The Dark Rider said before swiftly grabbing his chain and tried to swing it at the civilians had Robbie not arrived and caught it.

"That was uncalled for." Robbie said before the civilians ran. Johnny Blaze Carter and Turok arrived.

"Ah the rest of the Top riders. This is going to be fun." The Dark Rider said before swiftly pulling Robbie to him and head butted him hard and threw him into another building which he flew right through into the next one out cold.

The Dark Rider then took hold of Carter Slade and threw him into Johnny hard throwing them both into the building before pulling Turok into a headlock.

"DONT!" Sean yelled making him laugh.

"You're so soft. This boy worked for Ultron and actually is the reason he was even created in the first place. Why exactly do you let him live? Surely not because he's got blue flames? Or is it that you feel attached to this kid? I wonder who exactly you really are? Sean Ashburn Kruger?" The Dark Rider said making Sean widen his sockets.

"How do you know who I am?" Sean asked making him chuckle some more.

"It wasn't that hard to figure out honestly. Nearly eight years ago you and your sisters died in a crash and then the Riders start showing up in less rare events as if they were well coordinated and unified. I figured it out after the Red Claw was killed. But don't worry I ain't telling no one. I have so much in store for all of you. But this kid on the other hand." The Dark rider said holding his neck making Turok Growl. Sean tried to move fast to stop him only for the Dark Rider to get blasted by a stream of green flames making Sean widen his sockets. "Who DARES!" The Dark Rider yelled.

"YeeeHaaaw!" A green flaming Ghost Rider said on his bike before wrapping his chain around him and started swinging him around into the buildings and the ground. The other Riders soon got back on their feet and watched.

"Is that who I think it is?" Robbie asked holding his arm.

"No doubt about it." Sean said. The Green flaming Ghost Rider slammed the Dark Rider into the ground extremely hard making him growl.

"Identify yourself worm!" The Dark Rider demanded.

"You can call me David Kruger the oldest of the Kruger kids and second in command of the Ghost Riders!" David Kruger said before he drop kicked him in the face hard making him skid back and held his left arm in slight pain before growling at the Ghost Riders as he turned human again with his face mask on.

"This isn't over yet worms!" The Dark Rider yelled before vanishing just as David tried to slam his foot down on him.

"Aw man. I didn't even get that punks name!" David said annoyed before looking behind him and saw the other Riders and chuckled. "Well I'll be." David said turning human again showing he had black hair cut short white skin and blue eyes. David walked over to the Other Riders and smirked at them.

"It's been a long time David. Glad you came back when you did." Sean said to his older brother.

"Well I saw in the paper about this Dark Rider and knew I was needed back home. Guess he wasn't prepared to deal with me though since he didn't know about me." David said.

"Uh am the Only one who's lost here? Who's he?" Turok asked.

"Turok met my older brother David Kruger. He's second strongest Ghost Rider in our time." Sean said.

"So this squirt is the blue flaming Ghost Rider I've heard about. I was expecting him to be older." David said ruffling his hair making him pout which amused him.

"How were you able to take him down? He took us out like damn children playing cops." Robbie said.

"We're dealing with something new. This is the first time the Dark Rider has ever appeared. Lets just head back." Sean said.

Minutes later

"Look girls I don't know where he is." Lois said to the twins before the door silently opened and David smirked while the others who knew him watched as he snuck up behind them and them swiftly lifted them up in the air making them squeal making him laugh.

"Oh you two are so easy to scare I swear." David said making them laugh as he put them down.

"Oh god." Sean said as he entered the office.

"Well this is a surprise." Lane said shaking his hand.

"Long time no see Lane. Talbot Ross." David said shaking their hands.

"Nice to have you back David." Ross said.

"Well I knew Trouble was rising. Imagine my surprise when I see the Legendary Dark Rider coming of all things." David said.


The Dark Rider roared in rage smashing a few things.

"Where did that worthless worm come from!" The Dark Rider yelled in rage before calming down. "No matter It makes no Difference." The Dark Rider said.

"I wasn't even aware there was an older sibling." Ultron said.

"Nor was I. Apparently they hid that child from public knowledge. Like I said though it matters little since it hardly effects my plan. Soon the Ghost Riders will be nothing more but a vague memory in the history books." The Dark Rider said walking away.

Back with the Riders

"So whats been happening since I was gone? I've noticed a few things on the news but nothing that required my attention." David asked his little brother.

"Well that depends really. For the moment things are calm. Lex is MIA and most of the top targets are in hiding." Sean said.

"So what about this kid? I noticed you seem pretty attached to him." David said.

"Think of him as a student learning from me." Sean said before an alarm went off. "Oh what now?" Sean asked annoyed.

"Uh this is odd." Reznov said looking at the screens.

"What is it?" Sean asked.

"Theres some kind of portal opening up under the ocean in the Pacific. I'll contact Aquaman to see if he can have his people look into it." Reznov said.

In the ocean

A large portal had indeed opened up and inside this portal a large monster roared as it tried to get out.

Hundreds of Miles away Godzilla sensed this and rose from his slumber fully healed from his Battle with the MUTO's and ready to fight this new threat.

where is my powerstones?????

Aditya_Kumar_2408creators' thoughts