

"If you are searching for someone please come to this booth" shouts Ruby loud. Panic and chaos reign in the crowd that has gathered in the square. "If the wraith destroyed your house, blankets and beds have been set up in the gym "she continues a bit louder. Moira looks sadly at Marco who pins a drawing of his sweet Pinocchio on the billboard." Everyone is going crazy "sighs Ruby. Moira pours her a comforting smile. "Is there anything I can do?" "I'm going to look for our prince. So yes, you can help Blue with the missing list. "Moira nods." Sure, what must I do? " "People come here when they've lost someone, and they can't find or want to find them on their own. Here they have to write the name of the person "Ruby begins and hands Moira a map with some forms." There they write a clear reference and the name of the person they are looking for and in the last box, they write their phone number or address. " Moira nods. "I will do the best I can" she promises. "Ruby, you are doing great. Trust me when I say it will be okay. Give the people a moment. There is a lot to deal with. "Ruby nods." Thank you ... I don't think we've met yet? "" Moira "she smiles and shakes Ruby her hand. Ruby smiles." Well, Moira, thank you. Blue? Moira is going to help you. " The young lady dressed in a tight blue suit turns around. "Moira," she asks with a smile of recognition. "Do we know each other?" asks Moira hesitantly. Blue smiles and nods. She waits patiently until Ruby gets far enough.

"I know you are the daughter of Regina and the dark one." Moira smiles wryly. "Sorry" she begins, but Blue interrupts her. "Not necessary. Don't worry, I'm not an enemy. I'm the blue fairy. That's why everyone calls me blue." "Oh" laughs Moira. "Sorry" she grins and shakes her head. Blue smiles softly. "I've only seen you as a newborn. Let me take a good look at you," she says, stroking Moira her long hair over her shoulder. She lets her gaze go over the long red dress with the typical lumberjack shirt print. His flowy skirt blows up as Moira moves. "You have become a beautiful lady," says Blue. Moira smiles shyly. A gold-silver bracelet rests around Moira's wrist, matching the belt that adorns her waist. Moira folds her sleeves to elbow length and takes a paper. "So .. There are a lot of people looking" asks Moira. Blue nods. "Too much" she replies glumly and continues to stack a few blankets.

"Blue" asks Moira and ties the lace of her black combat-look boots. Blue patiently looks up at Moira. "You're the blue fairy, so you brought me to my parents. How did you find them?" "The same way I find everyone," she winks. "They made a wish on the blue star." "I thought it was a fairy tale when my dad told about it," Moira whispers dreamily. "Sometimes all you need is faith" smiles Blue and continues her work. Lost in thought, Moira turns to the girl who has appeared in front of the counter.

"Can you help me?" she asks softly. Moira smiles at the little blonde girl and nods. "I can try" she answers. A grin appears on the girl her soft face. Her green eyes sparkle with hope. "I am looking for my daddy" she says and continues; "I miss him very much." "Oh but I am sure that your dad misses you a lot too. Now I can't do magic. Unlike others, "Moira winks at which the girl smiles." But I'm going to do anything to find you, father, anyway. I promise you that. "" I knew I could trust you, "she says enthusiastically. Moira hangs over the table with a chuckle." Tell me darling, what does your daddy look like? "" Super handsome "the girl answers quickly. Moira laughs Amused. "I have no doubt with such a princess as a daughter." Again the girl smiles happily. Blue looks amused at the two. "What is his name?" "Daddy" she says. Moira laughs. It is adorable. She cannot say it isn't. "How do grown-ups call him?" "I don't really know. We don't really have grown-ups who talked with us. I heard one of them call him pig once." Moira holds her laugh. "But does he have something specific?" "He sometimes wears a funny hat" she answers hesitantly. Moira thinks deeply. "I have a drawing!" "Go and get it quickly, then I will help you" Moira promises, after which the girl rushes away. Moira stands up and smiles as she quickly fetches her drawing. "You're good with kids," says Blue. "Big sister?" "Unfortunately not," Moira replies. "But I've always loved children. I often watched the children of the village at our inn while their parents were at work." Blue smiles warmly. "Here it is" the girl shouts and hands her a folded piece of paper. "I made this together with my curse dad." Moira looks at the drawing and swallows.

"Jefferson" she whispers. "Grace?" Grace looks up. "You know me? You know my daddy" she shouts happily. Blue laughs and watches Grace hurry to hug Moira. "That's right Grace! I'm so happy to finally see you and I know your daddy misses you so much. Do you want to see him?" "Yes yes yes yes" Grace smiles, nodding. "Blue is it okay if I?" "Of course" smiles Blue. Moira smiles. "Come on, let's take you home" she smiles and Grace takes her hand.

While Grace chats exuberantly about her cabin in the woods, how they always played hide-and-seek and searched for mushrooms to sell at the market, Moira walks with a nervous heart to Jefferson his Mansion. She has not been there since she was held there. Their conversation last night was so ... awkward, and yet she had thought about it nearly twenty times last night. There's something about Jefferson that keeps grabbing her attention. She can't stop thinking about him. And why? Grace smiles and strokes her dark blue woven dress. The white pantyhose under her dress has some grass stains here and there. "How do you know my daddy" asks Grace eventually. Moira smiles. "I happened to run into him. To be honest, your daddy saved my life." And that was no lie. Jefferson might have come to kidnap her, but he saved her from Keith. She doesn't even want to think about what would have happened if Jefferson wasn't there. "My daddy is a hero" Grace smiles. Moira laughs. "He really is," she says and opens the iron gate. "Is this my daddy his home" Grace asks clearly impressed? Moira smiles, nodding. "Your daddy made sure you have a nice house. And I'm sure your room is the best!" Grace smiles. "Come on, let's surprise him" Moira mocks and steps on the marble steps. "Get behind me." Smiling, Grace stands behind Moira as she rings the bell.

It doesn't take long for Jefferson to open the thick door. "Moira" he asks incomprehensibly. "What? I told you I would bring it? Did you walk all the way here?" "I had company," Moira replies softly. "Daddy" shouts Grace and appears behind Moira. Jefferson takes a step back in shock and drops to his knees. "Grace" he whispers and hugs her. Moira smiles with satisfaction. As Jefferson closes his eyes, Moira walks down the steps again. "Moira" says Jefferson hastily and stands up. "Don't you want to come in? Then I'll take the car to bring you home afterward. It's quite a long walk without my Grace's continuous chatter." Moira laughs. "Daddy" sighs Grace mockingly. "I can make hot chocolate." "That's very sweet, but I really have to go," Moira says hesitantly. Her heart wants to enter with him, however. But why? "Daddy, I made a friend" laughs Grace and takes Moira her hand. Jefferson smiles. "You can say no to me, but not to her." Moira chuckles. "You're right," she says and follows him inside.

"Calm down people" shouts Ruby and closes the doors. "Dear people of storybook" begins David. "Dear people" he repeats and waits for everyone to become silent. "I know that things look bad. But fear not! I do my best to solve all problems! Let's start by getting out of town. I know a lot has happened here. Not much good. And that the city is small. But is that really what you want? Leaving the city. The world out there! Who doesn't understand us? The people of New York and Boston and around ... They don't know anything about us. They don't believe in us. In Magic. Isn't it better to stay here? In this village. With our friends, our family? Our memories? Good and bad? "Ruby nods with satisfaction as the people muttering agree.

"Now for the next thing I need your help! This, this hat" he says and pulls out a broken top hat. "This one has drawn my beloved Snow and Emma to another realm. Who knows about this hat?" He stares impatiently at everyone hoping that someone knows something. "That's Jefferson's hat," says Dr. Wale. "Jefferson" repeats David. "Where can I find Jefferson?" "Jefferson lives in the mansion on the edge of town. But he prefers to be alone, I heard," Ruby says hesitantly as she looks around. "Jefferson will have a visitor anyway," smiles David and leaves the room in a hurry. "Majesty" shouts a few more, but David does not listen. Ruby shouts, hoping this will calm the crowd. "Get on with what you were doing. It's not abnormal to feel confused, but life goes on! Make friends, go to work. Don't let life stop!"

"Listen to the forest wolf" jokes Regina and walks in. Everyone abruptly goes on the side of the evil queen. "Regina" hisses Ruby." out," Wale orders. "You have nothing to say Whale," Regina replies meanly and throws the poor doctor against the wall. Scared people dive away. Granny shoots an arrow from her crossbow which Regina easily catches. Laughing, she sets the arrow on fire and throws it back. "What do you want" Ruby shouts angrily. "Me, she wants me," Henry suggests and walks to Regina. "I'm going with you but leave everyone alone" Regina smiles. "That's my boy" she whispers and looks to the crowd. "Now where is my daughter?" "Your daughter," asks Ruby. "You have a daughter," asks Hopper. "Moira" Regina says with a smile. Surprised everyone looks around. "Moira" asks Granny. "She is not here" Blue hastily said. "She is bringing Jefferson his daughter." "Jefferson," asks Regina angry. "That mad..." she growls, and walks away with Henry.

Moira looks up from her plate with a smile. A small piece of chicken and a few potatoes are laying still on. "Daddy, I always knew that you are my real really daddy" Grace smiles. Jefferson laughs. "Is that so?" "yes, my curse daddy was okay. He was sweet but I always did feel like something was off. " "Well you are a very smart girl" Jefferson whispers and taps her nose. "Moira, do you have any parents," asks Grace. Moira lost in thought looks up at Grace. "Of course" she smiles. "What's your story," asks Grace interested. Jefferson notices that Moira's smile slowly fades from her lips. "Grace, it's bedtime," he says cautiously. "Oh Daddy, please. Five more minutes?" "No dear, it's school tomorrow and you really have to go to bed now." "Can Moira tuck me in?" Does Grace ask smiling? Moira chuckles. "Moira doesn't know the way" laughs Jefferson and stands up. He picks up Grace and hangs the girl over his shoulder. , Laughing Grace screams with pleasure. "I'll be right back" he winks at the smiling Moira. Moira chuckles and finishes her glass of water.

"I really hope you love the room" Jefferson smiles and leads her to a white door. On the door stands with golden letters; Grace and a heart.

"OH, daddy" Grace exclaims when she sees the bedroom. "I love it" she laughs. Amazed by the castle bed and the chandelier grace runs around in her room.

Jefferson smiles and hands her a golden nightgown from her big white closet. Hastily she changes clothes and dives into the big soft bed. "Is it warm enough?" he asks. Grace nods.

"I like Moira very much daddy" begins Grace. Jefferson smiles. "Me too Grace" he whispers. "And do you know who I still like" He conjures a white bear from behind his back? "It's the rabbit for our tea party" laughs Grace. Jefferson smiles as he hugs them. "Well, Grace, I promise you I'll never ever leave you alone again," Jefferson promises solemnly and kisses her forehead.

Moira looks up at Jefferson, who enters slowly. "I hope you are not bored" he scoffs and takes the dishes. Moira shakes her head. "Grace is great." "She thinks the same about you" smiles Jefferson and places the plates in the kitchen. "Would you like another drink?" "I really have to go" Moira begins and looks at the dark night. Jefferson nods. "Let me take you." "Oh Jefferson, Grace is sleeping. You really don't have to." "Nonsense! I really won't let you walk home in the dark." Moira smiles. "It's okay." "You can sleep in the room," Jefferson begins, and continues; "I don't lock it" he winks. Moira smiles. "Thank you, Jefferson, but I'll just go home in a minute." Moira's heart breaks when she sees his disappointed look. "Even though one drink can't hurt" she smiles. Satisfied, Jefferson takes two glasses. As Moira sits on the seat in front of the fireplace, Jefferson opens a bottle of red wine. "Wine huh" she scoffs. Jefferson grins in amusement. "Something I kept for the right moment." "And this is the right moment?" "Yes" laughs Jefferson. Moira takes zip. "So what's up with the hats? How did you get that hat in the first place?" "Funny story" begins Jefferson. Moira looks at how the warm light from the fire softens his face. Never before did she see how good-looking he was. Oh, stop it Moira she thinks.

"I was just fishing. I wanted to surprise my new wife, instead of fish. I caught a hat. I thought it looked funny so I placed it on. But it was filled with water." "Ooh" laughs Moira. "Yeah" jokes Jefferson. "So I dropped it on the floor and it started spinning like a maniac. Some purple haze and black smoke. And then a squirrel got sucked in. I realized it was a portal. So I thought; at last. We are saved. We will have money with this thing! I ran back to my wife so excited and took the hat as my new job." "What happened with her?" "I lost her, because of my work" Jefferson whispers. "I am sorry" Moira answers. "And what about you? There must be more than just the girl from the dark one and Regina?" Moira laughs and drinks. "I was happy once. I grew up like a normal girl. In the little town under the castle of Regina. I had a mother and a father. And a home. We owned an inn. I had a wonderful friend. Alexa. She was special. Different but special. Such a warm-hearted, kind, sweet, and pure soul. She was like my sister. And then my mother died. And my dad changed. He was cold, not so social nor friendly anymore and he didn't want me to go out. He only wanted me to work at the inn. I didn't feel at home anymore. I didn't feel like I belonged there. All I wanted was an adventure in the great wide somewhere. I guess I got that." Jefferson scoffs. "Then why were you when the curse broke so..." "Pathetic" jokes Moira. "No not even close. Sad" Jefferson says. "Before the curse broke, I found out I was adopted. I was so afraid that I was evil that I just cried out loud with Alexa. A pirate and enemy of my father heard it and took advantage of it. He kidnapped me to take revenge. I escaped his ship. But when I came back my whole town... my home. It was gone. Slaughtered like it was nothing. By the black riders of the queen. I could say goodbye to my father. Really fast. But not to Alexa. " Jefferson places his hand on Moira her knee. "You will be happy again Moira, I promise." Moira smiles softly. Her heart beats so loud. Why? should his heartbeat also be so fast?

"Sorry" Moira exclaims and places her glass on the table. She hastily picks the photos she dropped up again. "It is nothing" Jefferson answers and helps her. Moira looks at a picture of Grace and smiles. "She is beautiful," she says. Jefferson smiles and places the photos on the coffee table. How come she is so close all of sudden. Why is he so close she thinks "Jefferson" she whispers softly. Jefferson smiles. Gently they come closer. Right before their lips touch the doorbell sounds.

Sighing Jefferson opens his eyes. Moira takes a deep breath and sits up again. Maybe it was for the best she thinks while Jefferson goes to open the door. Prince Charming walks in like he owns the place. "Moira," he asks. Moira smiles. "Hey," she says. Charming smiles gently. "Jefferson, this hat. It is yours but... You need to tell me how do I make it work." "It is broken," Jefferson says. "Yeah, I can see that! But Snow and Emma, they felt trough and I need them back." "Well I am sorry but I have no magic. I can't make it work if it is broken. But I have another hat. You can borrow him but you need to find a way to make it work. " "Thank you" nods David and watches how Jefferson walks upstairs. "Everything okay," asks David. Moira nods. "I just dropped Grace off." David smiles amused. He looks at the hat in Jefferson his hands. "Thank you, for real," he says. "David can I ride with you?" David looks at Jefferson. "Of course," he says and hands her the keys. "I'll be there in a moment." Moira nods and walks to David his truck.

When Moira leaves the house Jefferson looks up at David. "What are you doing," asks Jefferson. David sighs. "I saw you. I know how you feel. " "No you don't" answer Jefferson and takes the glasses. "Jefferson, I saw you kiss her head before you let her go the other day and that is the moment I knew. You love her. You have to tell her. Before it is too late. " Jefferson sighs. "Goodnight prince" he greets and walks to the kitchen. David sighs and leaves his mansion. Stubborn as he thinks.

Ughhhh Almost, it's disturbing isn't it ;)

Kaia_Nova_Doylecreators' thoughts