

While time slowly passed in Storybrook, Moira and Jefferson hadn't spoken much. Since that night that she almost kissed him, she saw him now and then dropped Grace off at school. They shared a few basic lines and that was it. But how little she saw him how more, she longed for him. Why? Why can't she get him out of her head? He kidnapped her. No great love story ever begins like that. "Silly girl," she curses herself.

Sighing she walks on the beach. She spoke with Regina. They had a good conversation and agreed that every Wednesday they would dine together. She also talked with Rumpelstiltskin. They had the same agreement. Only every Monday. That way they could get to know each other casually. She called them mom and dad because it was the right thing to say. At least that's what she believed. Emma and Snow made it back. Mostly thanks to Jefferson for his help. The hat did miracles. And the sleeping curse of the prince. That was the missing piece. A sleeping curse for true love? Moira thought it was silly but also romantic.

Sighing, she walked further. Since last week, she has started regular evening walks on the beach. She enjoyed it and could let her thoughts run free. That was the main thing. She cheerfully looks up at the seagulls. The soft breeze in her hair. The sound of the crashing waves... was exactly what she needed.

"Hello" greets a familiar voice. She looks up in amazement at the man who has appeared before her. "Killian" she blows. "Missed me love" he asks smirking. Moira looks backward and took a step back. "Don't be afraid love. But most of all, Do not run" he says. While he says this, the smile disappears from his face. Not again, Moira thinks, and runs as fast as she can away. If she knew this she would have dressed better!

But Moira wasn't prepared for running. Especially not over the beach. She thought that it would be a peaceful walk like always, so she dressed in a black sleeveless shirt with an off-shoulder top. She had a white wavy skirt under it that reached her knees and black pumps. It was far away from a running outfit. When she hopelessly tries to run away, Killian grabs her. This makes her drop on the soft sand. "No" she screams and tries to crawl further, but he grabs her calf. "It is not because I only have one hand that I cannot grab you, love" he jokes and pulls her back over the sand. She kicks him and crawls on hands and knees further. She hastily gets up again and runs over the beach. "NO" she screams. "Come on love, this only makes it even more fun" he jokes. It doesn't take long before the fast and strong pirate grabs her and pulls her down on the sand again. "Killian please" she begs, and tries to escape from his grasp. Killian places his hook behind her wrist and pulls her up with the other hand. He pulls her against her chest. Fear rises into her eyes. "Hello love" he jokes. "Killian.. please let go of me" she begs. A smile appears on his lips. "Let's take a stroll love", he laughs and pushes her further. No matter how hard Moira tries to escape from Killian, his stronghold, she has no chance. The pirate pushes her towards the docks. He places his hook on her stomach and his hand on her mouth. "Be silent a moment love. I don't want to cut out your tongue." Moira swallows. Where is Jefferson when needed? Killian leads her to his ship and pushes her onboard. "Welcome back love" he jokes and opens the cabin door in front of her. "Let go of me" she orders. Killian chuckles and walks closer towards her. "Now you have to stay here with me for a very short while love" he jokes. "But I must warn you. It could be you'll find it even pleasant." "Fuck off" Moira spats. Killian laughs. "As the lady wishes," he says, and pushes her into his cabin. Moira remembers this place well. It hadn't changed a bit. Once more a sudden thrust of bravery runs through Moira her veins. she pushes the captain back and tries to escape the cabin. "No" she shouts when he grabs her. He pushes the door closed. "Let go of me you asshole" she curses and tries to escape his hand. Killian chuckles. She kicks between his legs. Grunting he falls on his knees. Moira tries to escape a last time but Killian pulls her backwards. With a thud she smacks on the floor. Killian chuckles and places himself above her. "Now normally I do more fun things with a woman on her back" he laughs. "Moira swallows when he pulls her up against him." "You better be careful Moira, I can barely hold myself around you." Tears roll out of her eyes.

Arrogant, he pushes her onto the chair. He ties the ropes around her wrists and looks into her eyes. "Now if you need anything, now is the time... milady" jokes Killian. "Suit yourself" he laughs, and places a rope between her teeth. "Killian" Moira protests and tries to get out of the ropes. Killian laughs as he walks away. Why did Killian find her again? She can't ignore the fact that he is charming, but.. He is arrogant and an ass! She would rather be kidnapped by Jefferson again than by Killian. Oh, Jefferson! She thinks soft. A tear rolled over her cheek. Last time she escaped and jumped out of the window. It looks like he made sure that this wouldn't be able to happen again. Hopeless, she tries to look for something she can use, someway she can escape, but it is useless. Killian made sure that she wouldn't get away from him once more. Damn Pirate, she curses.

It looks like hours before Killian returns. Moira her troth is dry and annoyed by the rope. "Is the lady not comfortable?" jokes Killian and removes the rope. He places a drinking bottle between her lips and smiles. "Relax, it is water" he grins. Careful Moira drinks. "That's a good girl. Now, you and me. We are going to have some fun. You see, the Crocodile wants to cross the town line this evening. And me... Well. I'm going to hurt him where he hurt me. His heart. But for that, I need something. Better said, someone. I am not sure that his Belle will be with him, so consider yourself as a backup", Killian laughs. "If all goes well, you can leave tonight. That is if you still want at least" Moira shakes her head. "Killian, please." "Don't, beg too much love, unless you want some fun now already," he blinks and lets his fingers run over her leg. Slowly his fingers go up under her skirt. Moira whimpers. Why. Why did the pirate come back? Because of her father. Again. To be honest, if he didn't took her the first time, she would be dead. But that matters not. His intentions were bad. Just like now.

While the captain takes a long shower, Moira looks at the sun who slowly disappears. It wouldn't be long anymore before the Captain his great plan could start. But what would he do with her? Kill her? Hurt her? Why her?

"No please Killian" she whimpers when he lifts her. "Don't worry love, I'll take care of you" he jokes and leads her off the ship. Struggling, she tries to break free, but it is impossible. Even with one hand, he is stronger than her. "Love, I promise that if you don't stop struggling I won't make it on time because you are making me hard right now", he threatens and stops. He turns her face to him and smiles. "I can hardly believe that such a beautiful girl comes from the dark one, his seed." Moira shakes her head as he places a rope between her teeth again. "I really don't know what's with you. I just can't control myself with you." "Killian" whimpers Moira. "Sorry love" he jokes and places his arm around her. His hook pointed to her stomach. "If you move too much, my hook will jab you. And I promise you will feel it." A soft smell of pine and ocean reaches Moira her nose while his stomach rests against her back. His hard penis pushes against her buttocks. "Sorry Milady" he jokes. "If we have a minute or five we could do more pleasant things." "Again Moira shakes her head. "Now be a good lad and stay still. "No" she whimpers and tries to push herself backward but everything she does is getting closer against Killian his back. He puts a gun in front of her face. "Dark one" he yells.

Startled Moira, her heartbeat skips when he shoots with a gun before her eyes. "No" shouts Rumpelstiltskin and holds Belle, who falls over the town line. "What have you done? What you did can't be undone?!" "Now you know how I feel, dark one" shouts Killian loudly. "I will make you feel something" Rumple growls and a fireball appears in his hand. "If you trow that you hurt your own flesh and blood" Killian laughs and steps out of the shadows. "Moira" asks Rumpelstiltskin. "No!" Moira trembles as Killian pushes her further. "Moira" yells" Rumpelstiltskin. Moira looked up at the bright lights of the car. Hastily, Killian pushes her to the ground and jumps away. Moira falls with a hard bump on the floor. Grunting, she tries to lift her aching head. The hard rain drenched her. Sirens sounded in the distance. A loud bang resounds. Two firm hands close around Moira. Before she can see who is dragging her away from the dangerous situation, she loses consciousness.

The sound of crackling fire echoes in her ears. The warmth of the fireplace and the thick blanket that carefully covers her feel so good. A warm wet cloth rests on her sore forehead. She slowly opens her eyes. "Jefferson" she asks incomprehensibly. "Shh" soothes Jefferson and dabs gently on the wound on her forehead. "Jefferson" repeats Moira with relief. Jefferson smiles. "Hey, it's okay" he soothes and wipes the tear from the corner of her eye. "Shh" he hushes. Jefferson smiles and puts away the first aid kit. "How the hell?" "You're not the only one to stretch your legs at night," Jefferson winks. Moira smiles. Jefferson saved her again.

oohh he did find her! But the most important is... he did find her also...

Kaia_Nova_Doylecreators' thoughts