
Empty huts.

Viktor, who had forced a pitiful smile on his face, wanting to appear kind, in a situation where someone had annoyed him a little... He looked quite the opposite!

" This time, I won't be annoyed either, I won't be unreasonable in the future, and I won't criticize you for one or two annoyances with me."

"My decision was to kill them despite getting tired, because we don't know what could happen at night if we didn't kill the surrounding monsters. "His monstrous smile disappeared, which relieved the others.

"Maybe you noticed, maybe you didn't...But right now we're killing the weak ones in the dungeon."

"These monsters, they may look strong, but they came in groups of no more than 3, they must not even be real soldiers in an ogre camp."

"Besides, from experience I can tell you that a normal minor ogre is more robust and stocky than them."

"And if they are scouting diligently, something that orcs hardly ever do, it's for a reason."

"They must be scouts, we don't know what they are afraid of to scout so diligently...We also don't know if they would inform stronger groups of their kind, which could harm us."

"That is why it is necessary to kill them."

"And we do not know what awaits us, in a few hours, when in this strange world, the sun falls. "Gradually on his face appeared a more real and beautiful smile.

"For now, there is still a little light, and we must take advantage of it to get stronger."(Viktor)

"And a little before sunset hunt for food and water."(Viktor)

"The first hours in an unknown territory are key; because we do not know what will await us."(Viktor)

"That is why we must prepare ourselves for what may happen."(Viktor)

Although it seemed to a few that Viktor didn't make the right decision, it felt better that he at least gave them an explanation, so at least they thought he wasn't a useless psychopath with power.

"I apologize for being so disrespectful "The man said cautiously, knowing he got out of hand with a "superior" whom he didn't even know, let alone have a friendship with, having been a worker and businessman, he knew that was a mistake.

"But tiring the whole group...is that preparing? "He tried to use reason in speaking.

" You can still move, and you can rest when it's safe. Your body will suffer, but you still have enough that if I put some hot coals on your feet, you can run some more."(Viktor)

"And we don't know when the dungeon will throw something worse than mere coal."(Viktor)

"Besides, we come decently fed from the outside, which is more than many would expect."(Viktor)

"And the orcs...they have a good nose."(Viktor)

"If these really are simple scouts..."(Viktor)

"When it gets dark you'll want to be strong to move some more."

"And when the next morning dawns, even more..."

"Unless you don't want to live anymore."

The hunger and exhaustion was hard to deal with, but after seeing that the family was also struggling, and that even Viktor was sweating and fidgeting even more than the others, no one could complain much more.

Some cursing sounded through the group, but they were no longer directed at anyone in particular.

Viktor could see the earlier resentment subsiding, and even a growing admiration from some.

He didn't comment on the curses they were hurling or insults...If the government wanted discipline, let them train them better themselves.

He himself considered himself to be disrespectful and undisciplined, at least in that kind of discipline in which one must speak respectfully.

The sun was already falling, and the orcs were only increasing...But not a bit of water was to be seen.

The thirst was hard to bear.

The system, when [The Sorcerer's System] was unlocked, could sell potions of energy, health and so on, but for now, those were unrealistic.

Water and little food was the most they could buy.

And the food was little and of mediocre quality.

"Should we buy food and water in the system? ", asked a 25-year-old, still knowing these facts.

"No!"The idea was immediately rejected by Viktor, and even by Akiba.

They knew how important it was to keep the Scoins in emergencies...They might need it for another case like Viktor's arm.

"We can eat pork...Viktor said looking at the orcs..."

"And water...They must have a steady supply nearby."

Most were disgusted by the idea of orc meat, but there were only a few more brief discussions.

In the end, due to the opposition of some to eating a human-like being (even if only slightly and only in appearance), it was concluded that they could buy whatever they wanted with their Scoins, but that the family was not going to give them away.

And also... They had previously reached an agreement where the family took all the Scoins of the hunted monsters with a great part of their help.

Only if they hunted alone could they buy food.

"A water source, and hopefully food of some kind that is not human-like, should exist around the place... "Lucia commented.

"If I'm not mistaken, a scout camp should exist if they are indeed a large group of orcs."

"At least a couple of huts where these ones we killed sleep around the place."

They went a bit deeper into the forest, to look for anything they could use.

"Already the sun is going down, and the orcs sleep at night...The ones we killed recently should be near where they would have slept. "She clarified.

She had read quite a bit about orcs... These were the monsters that appeared the most in UK territory.

Despite seeming like a psychopath at times, she was a smart sister who knew how to think.

Searching in the direction where the orcs they killed were going, they found huts.

Empty huts...

Sheets, skins and pitiful clothes were all there was.

But on a skin, a silly and childish drawing, had a clear center, with a simple circle...

It seemed a useless map, that only indicated a drawing of triangles; that could be interpreted as huts, and a straight line, towards a circle...

Of course, they went there...

Or should be said, they tried to go there.
