
Wild Orc.

Lost in the forest, they looked at the cursed "map" made of skin.

It was in a particular position, which seemed to clearly indicate that they should go to the back of the tents, which was deep into the forest...

But in truth, they spent hours searching and it didn't take them long to find the place. It was not exactly behind the huts, but on a diagonal at the back.

"Damn orcs... "One muttered.

"I don't think we can handle much more..."

The orcs were more, and what to their bad luck they could see was a giant encampment, which only confirmed that there were many...Too many more.

Luckily, most of the orcs, who were known to be lazy, were already sleeping or fornicating...So, for a couple of smells of strangers and blood, they weren't going to stop.

Still, there were always exceptions.

Even the family was already panting...

But with a lot of persistence, and causing an uproar where the orcs shrieked and ran them off, some water could finally be stolen...

It was even later in the night already...

They easily lit a fire, with trees and magic courtesy of Lucia.

Roasting a couple of orc corpses, and using a primitive device they bought in the system to extract water from the trees, plus some water they reluctantly bought... It was very expensive.

Today, the effort to save had been to a considerable degree in vain, but the atmosphere was happy...

Survival was the main goal, and this time, everyone succeeded.

The family was no longer afraid of attracting more monsters since they had waited for all the orcs to go to sleep...

When they sleep, there are usually no more than one or two of these cursed ones that can be easily awakened...

Because of this, the group was able to rest a little...Just a little.

They would never wake up en masse for something as simple as some lights and smells.

Smelling the horrible odor of orc flesh, Akiba approached his son Viktor, with a face uncharacteristic of him...seriousness.

Viktor looked at him, surprised by his seriousness...

Akiba inhaled sharply, looking as if he was going to say something serious.


A sudden embrace broke out, and suddenly the seriousness turned into something more lascivious...

Viktor's chest was rubbed hard by his father, teasingly and with a smirk, he looked at him.

"Mhh!!!What a good smell!!!"(Akiba).

"It smells almost as good as roasted poop!" (Akiba).

"And cooked by none other than my sweetie love "Akiba said, as he mockingly tried to touch his son's chest, and he replied by trying to smack him hard...

Akiba cleverly went to "attack" the right side, which Viktor could not move, while Viktor's left side was busy cutting the meat...

Everyone broke out in laughter.


The joy and sleep was calmer than they could have imagined as soon as they entered the dungeon.

Perhaps because of the friendly and reassuring atmosphere that began to develop...unfortunately, it could not last.

By the time the orcs woke up, the family and the soldiers had slept enough...

Even if they took turns so that there was always someone standing guard, the family was still able to rest, since orcs always sleep...

Well, but this was too much "peace" for this place. Trouble was not long in coming.

Everyone's bodies were still undeniably tired, but the wild howls of these monsters soon brought them crashing back to reality.

There were so many of them...

Did they underestimate this cursed place?

No... Rather, they underestimated the orcs in this place.

What was wrong with them?!!!

Why weren't they like in theory? Fools and despite smelling the scent of death they send only a few to explore...

It was only supposed to be when several different groups of orcs didn't return that they would seriously start tracking them...

But in an unknown territory anything can happen...

Last night, they slept lazily while their scouts died, squealing like pigs, and surely leaving a smell that no humanoid should like...

All was ignored.

But it seems that revenge, or something similar, was something they couldn't ignore...

They looked like running zombies, attracted by blood.

At the front of the pursuing group, there was one of them who was an extremely deformed orc, with a huge hump on his back.

This one was skinnier than the soldiers, let alone the elites...

But he was undoubtedly the most powerful among this group of monsters.

He looked like a big goblin, but goblins, generally, as they evolve, lose their characteristics...

This one not only kept them, but everything was bigger and more deformed. And also faster and more powerful.

The inevitable fight obviously came.

'What is that bastard and what are its weaknesses?' thought Viktor, questioning the system.


Normally I wouldn't answer questions, but this time I will...He's a savage orc, and his weakness is his underdeveloped cranio-cervical junction ]


Attack with a strong blow to the top of the vertebrae, cutting the connection to the brain, if possible, make a vertical cut with a spear and after piercing cut to one side, to quickly separate this junction]

The system was surprisingly cooperative.


This information would normally be expensive, but since the user is in trouble for being exceptional, he will also be given a benefit for the same]

When the fight came, Viktor suddenly turned around, jumped at this wild deformed, and gave a clean cut to its neck.

"Now!" shouted Viktor, who had previously sent a message to his entire group, via a mental group chat.

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Lemncreators' thoughts