
Book 3, chapter 7

The carriage rattled, jostling Zee around on her seat. Across from her, Allison and Yukna sat, holding hands as they watched out the window.

Like Zee, they were both dressed up. Or down in Allison's case. Zee tried not to laugh, at Yukna's choice of dress for the princess.

It didn't look bad per se, it just didn't cover much. The white and green trimmed dress had long slits up the sides, cut high enough to expose Allison's toned thighs.

What's more, it had a daring neckline, exposing her ample cleavage. The dress was cut in such a way as to expose a bare section around her abdomen and even exposed most of her back.

Zee thought it more resembled strips of fabric instead of a dress. She thought that because the dress showed off Allison's slim and muscular physique, exposing far more skin than it covered.

If the dress exposed any more skin, Allison might be arrested for public indecency.

"What's with your look?" Allison asked, looking extremely uncomfortable in the outfit.

Zee cleared her throat, looking away, trying not to laugh at the flush on Allison's cheeks and neck.

"Your dress looks nice," Zee said, grinning.

Allison glared at Yukna out of the corner of her eye. "I had no choice, this was what Narad made for me, and I didn't have enough time to make changes," Allison grumbled.

"What? It was a simple misunderstanding." Yukna said, innocently.

"So you say. If that's the case, how come your dress came the way you intended?" Allison asked, eying her far less revealing black dress Yukna was wearing.

"You think I would intentionally get you into that daring dress? As I said, it was an honest mistake." Yukna said, smoothing her formfitting black dress.

"This is lizard shit. I am showing way too much skin. Any more and people might think I am a brothel worker." Allison grumbled, folding her arms across her chest.

Yukna tucked her arm behind Allison's back and pulled her in close. "Don't worry love. They will be far more focused on the fact you ranked up. Your scandalous outfit will be an afterthought." Yukna said with a devious smile.

"You planned this didn't you," Allison said accusingly.

Yukna gave her a cheeky smile, scanning the princess up and down hungrily. "Well, I mean, I had to get you back somehow," Yukna said.

"Get me back for what?" Allison asked.

Yukna hmphed. "If you don't know what you did wrong then you deserve to wear that outfit," Yukna said.

Zee shook her head at the interplay, toning them out as she sensed a line of carriages ahead of them. They had already entered the palace grounds a few minutes ago, and it looked like the short carriage ride was coming to an end.

The carriage slowed and came to a halt a few seconds later. In moments, a snappily dressed allevark in the king's livery opened the carriage door.

Another placed a small stepping stool at the base of the carriage door, allowing them to exit without tripping. Allison exited first, followed closely by Yukna, and then Zee last.

Zee wasn't sure why, but Allison insisted she walked on her right, just behind her. They strode up a long carpeted drive, the two lovers walking arm in arm.

Tall hedges grew along the drive, sprouting dozens of beautiful flowers, making the hedges like a stunning wall of color.

The flowers filled the air with a lovely fragrance, smelling far better than any perfume she had ever tried. Zee really wanted to nab a few of those purple orchids to put in her hair, but she was betting that would be frowned upon.

Wide double doors opened ahead of them, bracketed by two lifelike statues of Allevark. One statue held a sword and shield, while the other held a staff.

Each intricately carved statue looked as though they were preparing to attack each other. Zee couldn't help but gawk at the needless expenditure of wealth.

Her mouth dropped open as they enter the massive wooden double doors, into a large room. From their vantage, they were looking down three flights of stairs into a massive ballroom.

A blue crystal chandelier, with silver etchings, hung from the ceiling, lighting the room in a stunning glow. As she watched the chandelier, it seemed to twist and sparkle, its many crystals gleaming softly.

Her eyes flitted down to the dancefloor below, noting tables bracketing the main dancefloor.

Dozens of well-dressed Allevark and humans alike milled about in groups, talking while a band played softly on a stage in the background. Murals, intricate stone statues, and delicate paintings hung on the walls.

Zee had to shake herself, as a well-dressed Allevark met them at the top of the stairs. With a formal bow, he took a small envelope from Yukna.

The ballroom went suddenly silent as the crier cleared his throat loudly. Zee felt suddenly nervous, as dozens of eyes glued on the three of them.

"Presenting! Her highness, princess Allison Dendric, and her fiancé, Ilukna tesh! Also accompanying them, as an honored guest, Zee Viotti." The crier shouted.

The ballroom was silent, as everyone took them in, their eyes lingering on the princess. Many were eying her daring dress, but most were studying her aura which was unmistakably E grade.

The three of them descended the stairs, slowly. All the while, the ballroom was filled with hushed whispers and wild speculation about Allison's growth in power.

Zee was relieved when they finally made it to their table. With her spatial ripple skill she listened in, noting that all of the attention was on Allison. Most simply dismissed her as an aide or hanger-on.

They had hardly sat at their table before a very familiar, large figure approached. Malden looked kind of odd without his bandolier and hammer, moving haltingly like he missed its weight on his back. More then that, he looked so uncomfortable all dressed up in finery.

"What's with the tassels in your fur, looks weird?" Zee asked, gesturing towards Malden's groomed black fur.

Malden's fluffy black ears twitched in embarrassment. "It's the newest fashion," Malden said.

"Really? Makes you look kind of girly." Zee said.

"Well, your purple dress looks kind of boyish," Malden countered.

Zee ran a hand through her silky red hair, tossing her hair over one shoulder. "Maybe I can borrow some tassels like yours to look more girly?" She asked.

Malden gave her a rude gesture. With her spatial ripple skill, she could pick out several people nearby, watching them talk like friends and whispering to each other.

Zee didn't really care what they thought and toned them out. Malden turned his slitted yellow eyes to Allison.

"What is the meaning of this? How did you rank up?" He asked softly, a complex serious of expressions crossing his catlike face.

Allison gestured to Zee, and in a voice just loud enough for a few onlookers to hear she said. "As you know, Zee is a close friend. She decided to share the secret of her family's cultivation technique with me. With it, I was able to rank up naturally to the E grade." Allison said.

Like wildfire, the conversations around them changed. And just like that, most of the people listening in turned their attention on her.

Zee was taken off guard, unsure why Allison said that where others could hear. Malden seemed to know what was going on as he put on what she knew was a forced smile.

"That is excellent to hear. I am happy for you. Oh, Zee, if you want to do some more training do come by my mansion again." Malden said.

Zee only nodded, deciding to just roll with it. "Thanks for the offer, I will," Zee said, feeling like she was in a play or something.

Malden looked like he wanted to ask more of Allison, but stopped as the crier cleared his throat.

"All stand, and show your respects! Presenting, his royal majesty king Bethel, and our esteemed ally, King Alex of Carmanah!" The crier shouted.

Zee followed the others, rising, and bowing deeply toward the two monarchs. Yukna had made sure she knew this custom beforehand, drilling her for almost an hour.

After holding the bow for a respectable six seconds like she had been taught, she look up to study the kings.

Zee's eyes widen as she recognized the appearance of one of them. That old man she met at Malden's place the other day was the king?

No wonder he looked so similar to Malden. The old geezer was his father. Her eyes drifted from king Bethel, to the other, king Alex.

The king of Carmanah was tall, and athletic, with short, startlingly white hair. He had grey eyes, a strong jaw, and a trimmed black beard, turning grey at the edges.

It was frankly startling to see such a strong resemblance to the princess. The white hair and even the grey eyes were just like Allison's.

King Alex had the look of a kindly older man, though she knew that was deceptive. From what Allison told her, king Alex was the kind of person who could drown babies and still sleep well at night.

After the two monarchs took a seat, the band started playing again, and a bard started singing.

Malden nodded to the three of them. "Excuse me, I have business to attend to," Malden said, turning on his heel and striding away, toward the king's table.

The bard's deep voice carried across the large hall, smooth and melodic. She hadn't known someone could sound so magical.

Zee was taken aback by the music, unable to take her eyes off the Allevark bard as he sang. He sang of a worrier and their love, climbing up a mountain, desperate to get the blessings of the heavens.

Their love was endless, their passion eternal, their conviction pure.

She was broken from her stunned staring at the bard by the soft clearing of a throat next to her.

She practically jumped in her seat, having lost track of her surroundings. Zee hadn't even noticed someone approaching, not even with her spatial ripple skill. Embarrassed, Zee looked up to see a young Allevark in a silver robe.

"Would you like to dance with me?" He asked, giving her a shallow bow. Zee glanced around her table, noting that somewhere along the way, Allison and Yukna had already disappeared out onto the dance floor.

"Sorry, I don't really know how to dance," Zee said, lamely.

He gave her a soft smile.

"That's alright. This is a one-step waltz. It's simple, you can just follow my lead." He said.

Zee glanced around, noting several other people watching on as though waiting to approach. She hesitantly rose to her feet and smiled.

"Sure, as long as you don't mind me stepping on your toes." Zee said.

He laughed, and took her arm, leading her out onto the dance floor. She eyed the young man hesitantly, unsure how to start.

"Here. Place one hand on my shoulder, and the other on my waist. Just follow my lead." he said.

Zee did so, and he started moving, matching the beat of the song. It took her a bit, but as he stated before it was a simple dance.

"So, what can I help you with?" Zee asked, watching her feet so as not to step on his toes.

The young Allevark laughed softly, nudging her to one side just in time to avoid another pair of dancers.

"Strait forward. I like that, its refreshing. To be frank, I asked you to dance because the head of my house wants me to make friends with you." He said, bluntly.

"Oh? How are we supposed to become friends if I don't even know your name?"Zee asked.

"That's the thing. I don't really care what the head of my house wants. I am simply putting on a show for appearances." He said.

Zee laughed, as he turned and twirled her in a spin. Her red hair swirled around her, some falling around her face as they danced.

"You are a funny guy. That's sounds like something I would do." Zee said.

"Really? You don't seem like the defiant type?" He asked.

She shrugged. "Not true. I have a bit of a history of defiance," Zee said sheepishly.

He smirked. "You mean like when you left ducal to join our side after the skirmish in Porten?" He asked.

Zee cocked her head up at him, looking into his intelligent yellow eyes.

"You are quite knowledgeable, for someone who doesn't care," Zee said.

His fluffy brown ears twitched in amusement.

"Of course. I spent the last ten minutes learning everything I could before approaching you." He said.

"Huh, that's troubling. And how much did you find out?" Zee asked curiously.

He grinned, baring his need-like teeth.

"You first showed up during the fight with Ducal, providing delicate information we needed to stop a major assault. After that, you risked your life to save a member of the Hather clan who later went missing. Then you were a part of the assault on the duke's estate.

I hear rumor's that you assassinated over two dozen officers, including major Cornig in that battle." He said, seeming impressed.

"Wow. That's a lot, though a bit of an overestimate. How did you learn so much?" Zee asked.

He shrugged.

"The princess has been using you in her propaganda campaign. All it took was a few inquiries, and I had all that information. You are fairly well known among the public." he said.

Zee bit her lip, stepping on his foot by accident.

"Oops, sorry. Damn, I didn't realize just how much information is out there." Zee said, flushing as she tried to match his rhythm again.

His lips quirked up into a half smile. "It's alright. Don't worry about being popular, that sort of thing can come in handy." He said.

"I don't know about that. It doesn't feel like it's helping. Most people in your kingdom still despise me for being a filthy human." Zee said.

He laughed, looking genuinely amused. It was kind of nice, dancing and chatting about things. Zee actually kind of liked the young allevark.

They moved across the dance floor, weaving amidst the crowd, moving to the beat of the music. Despite his skill at dancing, she couldn't help using her spatial ripple to make sure she didn't back into any other groups.

It was a reasonable fear, given they danced through the bustling crowd on the dance floor. The first song ended, without her embarrassing herself too much, which was an achievement. The unknown young Allevark lead her back to her table and gave her a half bow.

"Thank you for the dance. I must say, I enjoyed our conversation." He said.

A more upbeat song started playing, and the dance looked more fast-paced as well.

"Are you sure you don't want to go for another dance? We can talk some more." She asked. Her dance partner cracked a smile and shook his head.

"Maybe later. I worry my toes might get crushed if we continue" He said.

She laughed. "You are not wrong. Thanks for the dance. Come by again if you like. "She said.

"I will. Excuse me," he said, striding away, a half smile on his face.

Over the next hour, a dozen such people approached, looking to dance. Or that was the pretense. They were looking to interrogate her.

She was starting to dread it, as at the end of every dance, another such person approached. It was exhausting to verbally spar with so many people.

Most of them were far less direct than the first, dropping hints, and probes at what they really wanted. It was a pain in her ass.

She knew what they wanted, of course, she just didn't want to give it to them. After the twelfth dance, she was about ready to stab someone with a fork.

The next person who asked her to dance better have steel-toed boots because she was going to bruise their feet if they asked her the same questions as the others.

Zee grasped a glass of wine on the table, and downed the whole thing, grimacing. She immediately started pouring another, expecting the next interrogator any moment now.

"Is everything well?" Asked a deep voice from behind her.

Full glass in hand she turned, giving Malden a scowl. "No, all these bastar.. I mean, these nice people, keep insisting on asking the same damned questions." Zee growled.

"How about a dance with me then? No uncomfortable questions here." Malden said, with an amused smirk.

Zee sighed. "Alright, fine. But I swear, if you pester me I will step on your toes." Zee threatened.

Malden laughed. "Sheesh, those others must have really pissed you off," Malden said, leading her out to the dance floor.

Zee placed on hand on his waist and other in his paw.

"They have. The same damned question, over and over, asked in different ways." She glowered at a young human from Carmanah standing near her table as they passed it.

"Dare I ask what they are questioning you about?" Malden asked, guiding her around the dance floor with poise and grace.

"They want to know if I am in a relationship. They want to know if I am looking to join a new house. They also want to know, if I would be willing to meet and have lunch.

Did you know I have been propositioned at least five times tonight?" Zee asked.

Malden smirked. She glowered up at him. "What? Does my suffering amuse you?" Zee asked.

"Yes. I deal with that sort of thing every day. It comes with being the crown prince." Malden said.

"Ya, well, you like the attention. I can't believe Allie would do this to me. I am going to get her back for this." Zee said.

"You mean for protecting you?" Malden asked.

"What do you mean protecting me?" Zee asked slowly.

"What did you think she was doing? That conversation we had earlier, was all to let everyone know about you and your value. Me saying you should come over to train at my mansion. That told everyone you and I are friends, and they should tread carefully around you. Even this dance. Everyone is watching, noting us talking like friends." Malden said, with his best friendly smile.

Zee frowned, not liking this sort of thing in the slightest.

"What's with all the acting? Why can't you just come and say it?" Zee asked.

Malden shook his head. "This is politics. Everything depends on appearances and actions. Any mistakes can be used against you.. Given the power and influence of everyone in this room, the smallest mistake, or insult, can have dire ramifications." Malden said.

"Soo, I shouldn't step on people's toes when they are pissing me off?" Zee asked, sheepishly.

He laughed, genuinely amused. "You have some leeway, given everyone can tell you are a bad dancer. Though that doesn't mean you should continue. You have already bruised the pride of several young men of high standing." Malden said.

"Well, they can shove their pride up their." He gave her a warning glare.

"Fine, I will play nice," Zee grumbled.

"Ouch, damnit that hurt." Malden said as she 'accidentally' stepped on his foot.

"Oops, sorry," Zee said, not seeming sorry in the slightest.

Malden narrowed his eyes at her. "You are the worst dancer ever," Malden said.

"Ya, I get that a lot," Zee said with a wistful smile.

The dancing ended a while later, and dinner was brought out. It was a seven-course meal of exotic meats, cheeses, soups, pie, and even cake. There was no way she could eat even half of what they brought out, leaving her stuffed.

After the food, everyone formed small groups, and from the sounds of it, were discussing business.

From what Allison told her, an important gathering like this is where the major powers in the kingdom conducted most of their major dealings.

Everything was discussed from small trade deals of lumber to longstanding, large-scale agreements between major houses.

Contracts were formed, trade routes established and agreed upon, and alliances were made.

Even high-end arranged marriages were agreed on in these sorts of events, a way to let everyone of import know and prepare.

It was a mess, that didn't really make sense to a country bumpkin like her. Sure her family was powerful, but she was essentially raised on the farm. Zee walked around the crowded ballroom, her spatial ripple skill filling her mind with a chaotic mess.

It was an overwhelming mesh of conversations, people talking, moving, and their auras mixing together. She was getting better at toning all that out, though it was still a little much at times.

On the bright side, she could keep track of each person in the large dinning hall. If she focused she could follow individuals with her skill.

She could even eavesdrop on individuals if she focused hard enough. Someone cleared their throat behind her, making her jump. Heart racing Zee turned, having not sensed them approach at all.

Standing far to close behind her was a tall athletic Allevark in a rich burgundy robe. The woman had soft silver fur, her tail swishing playfully behind her.

"You must be Zee Viotti. I have heard so much about you." Said the woman.

Zee plastered on a fake smile. "Ahh, it's a pleasure I'm sure. Who might you be?" Zee asked, feeling cold malice leaking from the woman, as though she were in the presence of a monster.

The woman smiled, showing rows of needle-like teeth.

"I am Petrie, of clan Lauraunt. I must say, I did not expect to meet someone of the vaunted Viotti clan on a barren fringe planet like Iztara." The woman said. Her words were soft, almost comforting even, though they didn't relax Zee in the slightest.

In fact, her words could very well be a death sentence. Zee was suddenly on thin ice, and she knew immediately she would need to lie through her teeth. The only problem was, that she couldn't sense Petrie's aura at all.

That had some very troubling implications. This woman gave off a very similar vibe to her parents, making her think the woman might be in the D grade.

The thought made her suddenly fearful. How was she going to lie her way out of this? If this woman was in the D grade, she would be able to sense Zee's emotions and even tell if she was lying.

"I think you might have the wrong clan in mind. I am from a family of farmers." Zee said, not lying, but not telling the full truth.

Herbalists and Alchemists could technically be called farmers. Zee's mouth was suddenly dry, and she was trying very hard not to show her growing fear.

Petrie's ears twitched in amusement.

"Your attempts at deception are futile. I know all about you from interrogating your friend Dante." Petrie said, switching to flawless Lorocan.

It was the first time she had heard her native tongue in over half a year, but it didn't bring her any comfort.

"It was you who kidnapped him?" Zee asked, switching to her native tongue, her fear suddenly replaced by anger.

Petrie laughed, amusedly. "Of course. That brat has some information I want." Petrie said.

"Let him go," Zee demanded, her anger pushing her fear to the back of her mind.

"And why would I do that?" Petrie asked, unfazed by her sudden ire.

"He is from the Hather clan. They will come after you if you don't." Zee said.

Petrie shook her head, amusement crossing her face. "No, you are wrong. The Hather clan will not risk a conflict for a weakling like Dante. I will return him once he gives me what I want. I will pay meager reparations, and the Hather clan will sweep this under the rug like it never happened." Petrie said.

Zee clenched her hands into fists. "What is it you want from him? Dante is weak, and a low-ranked alchemist. The information he has can't be that valuable." Zee said.

Petrie's tail swished at the air, playfully. "That's true. I was only digging through his mind because I am bored. Waiting for the tournament is so tiresome." Petrie said, her tone bored.

"Why are you telling me this?" Zee asked, uncertainly.

Petrie shrugged. "I see no need for deceit. There is nothing a weakling like you can do to interfere. Unless you bring in your clan head, Julian here course." Petrie said casually.

She froze at those words. Judging by Petrie's widening smile, Zee's expression must have given away far more than she wanted. Zee quickly schooled her expression, but she knew she had messed up.

"What do you know of Julian?" Zee asked, hoping the woman didn't notice the panic in her eyes.

"I will admit, I don't know much. He has been making large waves. I wonder. What could he be searching for?" Petrie asked, curiously.

Zee's heart skipped a beat, as she frantically searched for a lie that wouldn't doom her.

"Julian didn't tell me why he is pissing off the blood gorgers," Zee said, evasively.

"I see... It's rather interesting that you are here. This planet is far too low grade to be of any value to a member of the Viotti clan." Petrie asked, seeming genuinely interested.

Zee shrugged as though it were unimportant. "My clan has no interest in this planet. I am actually planning on leaving after the tournament is over." Zee said.

"So you are participating in the tournament?" Petrie asked, suddenly much more interested.

"Yes. It's a good opportunity to grow stronger." Zee said, keeping her expression neutral.

"That it is." Petrie's expression turned devilish. "You know, I could easily turn you over to the blood gorgers for a substantial reward," Petrie said.

Zee's mouth went dry at the blatant threat. But, it was just that. This woman wanted something from her.

"You want something don't you?" Zee asked, licking her suddenly dry lips.

Petrie laughed, the sound almost musical to her ears.

"It's nothing much. In return for not turning you in, I just need you to bring me the planar seed." Petrie said, still speaking Zee's native Lorocan.

"What even is that?" Zee asked.

"It is the heart of the planar space of course. I need you to steal it without anyone noticing, and bring it to me." Petrie said.

"If you want it so bad, why don't you just go in and get it?" Zee asked.

Petrie's smile turned hard. "My rivals are watching me closely. If I make a move on the planar space personally they will move in to stop me. You have no such handicap." Petrie said.

"The planar seed sounds valuable. If I steal it, won't I be making an enemy of your rivals?" Zee asked.

Making an enemy of a D-grade cultivator sounded like a quick way to die. Petrie laughed, low and menacing.

"If you don't, I will turn you over to the blood gorgers. I assure you, they will not be kind to you after all the damage Julian has done." Petrie said.

"How do I even steal the heart of a planar space? I didn't even know that was possible?" Zee asked, pushing down her anger.

"I have some arrays and tools to help you locate and take it. I will give them to you just before you enter the planar space." Petrie said.

Zee's expression soured, but she didn't really have a choice. She turned to go, hearing Petrie's parting words.

"Oh, and Zee. If you tell anyone about this, I will know, and I will kill them." Petrie said coldly, her words entering Zee's mind as she walked away.
