
Book 3, chapter 8

After her none-too-pleasant conversation with Lady Petrie, Zee was both scared, angry, and anxious. Things went from good to bad so fast, that she still couldn't come to terms with it.

She hadn't expected to meet someone in the D grade today. Coming to the king's party was turning out to be a huge mistake. If she wasn't so caught up in her own little world she would have considered the fact.

It was the king's party, and there were representatives of the Kelvish dominion here in preparation for the tournament.

She should have known one of them might show up at the party. Zee felt like a complete idiot. What was she thinking telling everyone her real last name?

Normally it might be fine, but her grandpa, was quite infamous, given the fact he was humiliating the blood gorgers.

She sighed, mentally kicking herself. Well, there was no going back now. The damage was already done, and there was nothing she could change about her past mistakes. All she could do know was try and do better in the future.

Her thoughts turned to the troubling mission that lady Petrie was forcing her to go on. It sounded simple enough, but Zee was doubting it would be as easy as simply taking the planar seed.

Petrie had said it was the heart of the planar space, something that Zee had never heard of. She would need to do some research and see what she could figure out about it. She grimaced. Not being able to tell anyone about it was going to be rough.

She supposed she could bring in the princess, but she had no idea what sort of capabilities Lady Petrie had. The rotten woman had said she would know if Zee told anyone, and Zee didn't want to risk her life by testing that theory.

She was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she was taken off guard by an announcement. It was apparently time to present the gifts to the king.

From what Allison told her, this was part of the party where most of the influential houses tried to outdo each other. Vast amounts of Dara were spent by each house to give the king lavish gifts.

This was a way to show off their power and wealth. Cheaping out could lose a house face and even business deals. It honestly felt like a huge waste of Dara, but at least it wasn't her money.

Zee moved through the crowd towards her table, picking out the towering Malden moving in her direction.

"Are you ready to present our gift?" Malden asked, pausing in front of her.

Zee cocked her head uncertainly. "What do you mean?"

"I mean the ring. You made it, so it's a gift from both of us." Malden said, slowly, like she was daft.

"I didn't agree to this. I thought I was just making it as a favor?" Zee asked.

He waved a paw dismissively. "Don't worry. All you have to do is come with me when I present the ring to the king." Malden said in a calming tone.

"More politics?" Zee asked tiredly.

"Yup," Malden said, with a cheeky smile.

Everyone gathered on the rich carpeted dance floor, facing king Bethel on his throne. King Alex even vacated his own throne, letting Bethel be the sole monarch.

A crier, the same one that introduced everyone, moved forward, bowing deeply to the king.

"Welcome Lords, ladies, and esteemed company. An honored guest, Helder, of house Dolos has offered a gift to his majesty." The crier said, his voice smooth, yet carrier easy to all.

King Bethel remained seated, on his throne, the haft a massive battle axe leaning on the armrest of his throne. His expression was calm and domineering, every bit the regal king.

The king made a subtle gesture, upon which, the crier turned to face the crowd. The crier did a much shallower bow to the crowd. "You may approach lord Helder, and present your gift to the king." The crier said.

An old human wearing an odd hat approached and bent to one knee, presenting an elaborate painting. It had an intricately carved wooden frame, though the canvas looked like someone just threw some paint at the canvas and called it good enough.

It was honestly something she might expect a child to do with finger painting.

"It is a painting requisitioned from the great artist Verger." The crier said, impressed.

The crowd started whispering with both excitement and jealousy. Next to her Malden whispered.

"Damn, that's impressive. There is a two-year waiting list for a Verger painting."

"Why would anyone care so much about a painting? It looks like a drunk lizard painted it." Zee said.

Malden looked aghast shaking his head. "Just a painting? No class. I guess a lowly farmer like you can't appreciate proper art." Malden said.

Zee rolled her eyes. "Whatever you say." She mutter.

"His majesty greatly appreciates the gift." The crier said, his voice drowning out the muttering of the crowd.

Lord Helder walked back to the crowd, looking smug. Everyone clapped, and there were some cheers, though Zee could tell some of it was forced.

Those must be his rivals, people who were outraged that a human might outdo their gift.

Over the next hour, the crier called up representatives of each house. The Verger painting was one of the better ones, though It seemed like every gift got more outrageously expensive than the last.

It was like an all-out gift-giving war, as the houses would not be outdone by their rivals. At this point, Zee was getting a little nervous.

She was starting to wonder if she would be laughed out of the room for presenting the ring. Surely a spatial treasure wasn't as valuable as some of the gifts like that E-grade sword one of the nobles gave him.

She was getting a little queasy. Judging by the fact two dukes had already been called up to present their gifts, it would soon be her and Malden's turn.

"Duke Drakus, please approach and present your gift." The crier shouted.

Zee narrowed her eyes at the young man as he walked passed her, approaching the king.

That ass lied to her. The young Allevark, one very familiar approached the king, bowing at the foot of the throne. He presented a small jade box and open it revealing a thumb-sized white cherry.

Immediately upon opening the box, she could feel the energy leaking out, and smell a pungent aroma that made her mouth water. The fruit caused shocked murmurs to spread through the crowd.

Zee narrowed her eyes at the young duke. What was he playing at?

Malden let out a soft whistle of appreciation. "A peak F-grade natural treasure. Duke Drakus has outdone himself." Malden said.

Her eyes snapped back to that white cherry, excitement bubbling in her chest. Duke Drakus then shut the jade box and bowed once again to the king.

The young duke sauntered back towards the crown, a pleased smile on his face. He met her eyes for a moment, giving her a subtle wink.

"A truly generous gift from Duke Drakus. Next up. Crown prince Malden, and guest. Please approach and present your gift." The crier shouted.

"Come on, it's our turn. Follow my lead." Malden said.

All eyes turned to them both, making her nervousness spike. She swallowed hard and followed close behind, hoping she didn't look as nervous as she felt.

Malden reached the foot of the throne and dropped to one knee. Heart racing, she quickly followed taking a knee beside him and lowering her head in a bow.

Malden cleared his throat.

"Father, will you allow me to demonstrate my gift?"Malden asked, his voice deep and confident.

"You may proceed my son." King Bethel said, speaking for the first time in the proceedings.

Malden stood proudly and gestured towards Zee.

"You may be wondering as to why I have a guest with me. This is Zee Viotti. Without her expert aide, I would not be able to present this gift today." Malden said.

"Expert my ass. Why are you getting all the credit." Dern asked.

"I am trying to focus here," Zee said through gritted teeth.

Dern sent her a rude gesture in her mind, before retreating back to the splinter in her head.

She focused back on Malden's speech just in time as he pulled out an engraved wooden box. He opened the box, revealing the gold ring with a pitch-black gem inside.

Malden gestured to the side, and a massive ten-person table appeared from thin air. The table was fully set with plates, forks spoons, and even some bottles of wine.

The silence was deafening as Malden took a bottle from the table and poured it, filling a glass to the brim. He then took a long drink, downing half of the glass in one go. There was no mistaking it, the table and its contents were no illusion.

Malden grinned at the stunned looks in the room. "As you can see, the space inside the ring is massive. I bet you could fit an entire cartload of supplies inside." Malden said.

With another gesture, the table vanished back into the ring. Malden took off the ring and placed it back into the engraved wooden box.

"A truly marvelous gift. I dare say, the best of the evening." The crier said, his eyes wide.

With a sublet gesture from the crier, they turned and slowly walked away having left the box, and the ring behind.

Zee felt as though a hundred greedy eyes bore into her, each assessing her. They were like starving lizards eying a juicy corpse, waiting for the right opportunity to pounce.

The thought made her shiver. What had Malden gotten her into?

"Lastly, but certainly not least, his majesty King Alex of Carmanah, and Princess Allison." The crier shouted.

Zee watched on from the crowd, her spatial ripple skill picking up the hushed whispers in the crowd as most of the people ignored the ongoing proceedings.

It was a distinctly uncomfortable experience to have so many people suddenly scheming literally just behind her. Her eyes landed on King Alex, and the princess as they offered their gifts. Allison bowed to one knee, whilst King Alex gave a half bow as you would give to an equal.

In her borderline scandalous dress, Allison knelt, her expression unreadable. Zee toned the crier out, watching intently as the king and the princess presented their gifts.

There were some impressed muttering before the two walked back, the crowd clapping.

The two walked with their arms linked together, though she could tell that the princess wanted to be anywhere else. Anyone who knew Allison would be able to pick up on her tense posture and tell her smile was fake. She looked like she was holding a vile serpent.

Zee could relate. After the stunt Malden pulled, not to mention Petrie's threats and blackmail, she was wishing she were anywhere else. On the bright side, once the gift-giving was over, she could leave.

...... Despite it being afternoon, and absolutely gorgeous weather outside, Zee was hiding from her problems. She was sipping on some tea, in the kitchen of Allison's mansion when there was a sharp nock at the door.

Allison and Yukna were out shopping, leaving her alone at the house. Knock! Knock! Maybe if she ignored the nocking long enough they would go away?

She grimaced as the person nocked for the fifth time. This one was quite persistent. Annoyance radiated from the obsidian splinter in her mind.

"Are you going to get that?" Dern asked.

She took another sip of tea, letting out an exhausted sigh.

"I hate this so much. When I gave Malden that ring, I didn't sign up for a week of harassment. Why can't these damned people get the hint? I just want to be left alone." Zee said.

"You are acting like a child," Dern scolded..

Zee scowled and set down her still-steaming cup of tea. "Fine, I will go answer the door, "Zee snapped. She crossed the room to the front door, swinging it open with perhaps too much, aggression.

The young human on the other side of the door jumped in startlement.

"Oh, hello there." He said, seeming slightly thrown off guard.

"How can I help you?"Zee asked, with barely concealed contempt.

"Uh.. he cleared his throat. I uh, am here on behalf of King Alex. He wishes to know if you are available for luncheon?" He asked.

"Tell King Alex that I cannot make it. I need to continue my training in preparation for the tournament." Zee said. Without waiting for a response she shut the door in the man's face.

That should hopefully give him the message that he could shove his requests up his- She let out a tired sigh. She needed to go hit something before she did something she regretted.

An hour later, she was practicing sword forms in the backyard. This was less to hone her skill, and more to vent pent-up frustration. Malden would rue the day he decided to curse her with this kind of popularity.

Her foul moon darkened further as her spatial ripple picked up on a lone figure rounding the mansion and entering the grassy backyard. Sadly the fence was easily jumped over, no obstacle for a peak F-grade cultivator.

With a look that couldn't be mistaken for anything less than hostile, Zee turned to face her new guest.

"What do you want Drakus?"Zee asked.

The young duke ignored her lack of formality and gave her an assessing look.

"I hear you turned away three messengers from King Alex?" Drakus asked, leaning back on his heels, his expression relaxed.

"Yes…. I turned away your messenger too. "Zee said, wiping sweat from her neck with a towel.

Drakus smiled softly at that.

"Why would you turn away so many opportunities to gain more influence and wealth?"Drakus asked.

Zee clenched the hilt of her sword tighter.

"I have absolutely no desire to get any more involved with politics than I already am. From now on, I am going to lay low, and train until we are teleported off-world to the tournament." Zee said.

"Surely you need some gear and other supplies? The tournament will last for at least half a year. You will be isolated in the planar space with no chance of resupply."Drakus said.

Zee grimaced, hating that he was right. As it stood, she was woefully underprepared for a several-month-long tournament. Still, she was hesitant to have any dealings with the scummy two-timing nobility of either the Allevark or the Carmanah kingdoms.

"Are you saying that you can supply me those things?" Zee asked hesitantly.

The young duke smiled." Yes. If you make me a spatial storage on par with the king's, I will get you everything you need. Armour, food, healing concoctions, and antidote pills." Drakus said.

Despite her initial feeling on the matter, the offer was very tempting.

"And all you want is the spatial storage?" she asked, dubiously.

Duke Drakus raised an eyebrow. "Do you even realize how valuable a spatial treasure is?"Drakus asked.

"I didn't until every damned noble from both Carmanah and the Allevark came to ask for one," Zee said, giving him a scowl.

Drakus gave her a knowing smile. "I figured as much. It is why I waited this long to contact you."Drakus said.

She narrowed her eyes at him. "What do you have that makes you so confident I won't turn you away? I'm sure others can offer me the same things you have." She said.

" So you say. Though I doubt they can offer what I can. I have recently discovered the whereabouts of two human stowaways aboard one of my ships. They go by the names, Bastion and Greg. They claim to know you personally, so I have taken them in under my protection." Drakus said, his smile just so confident like he had all the cards.

"Are you threatening to use my friends as blackmail?" Zee asked, taking a step forwards.

"So you do know them?"Drakus asked, excitedly.

"Yes." She said through gritted teeth. If this kitty threatened her friends, being a duke wouldn't help save him.

Drakus raised both paws in calming reassurance, noting the hostility in her eyes.

"Hold on. Before you get angry, I am not here to blackmail you. Quiet the opposite actually. Part of my offer includes temporary citizenship in the kingdom for your two friends."Drakus said.

"That sounds like quite the coincidence. Do you have any proof of your claims?"Zee asked.

Duke Drakus reached inside his emasculate robes and pulled out some papers, offering them.

Zee took the papers, reading them over. It was just as Duke Drakus claimed, a two-year citizenship in the Allevark kingdom, for both Bastion and Greg.

Zee let out a tired, defeated sigh. She really hated politics. Drakus smiled, "So, do we have a deal?"

"Fine. We have a deal. Here take this practice sword, I need a sparring partner."Zee said, putting her toe under the wooden blade of a practice sword laying on the grass.

She kicked the practice weapon up towards the duke, missing by a wide margin. Drakus moved with surprising speed and leaped, catching the wooden sword by the hilt.

He lit in a soft crouch, turning to face her with a predatory smile.

"There are rumors that you had a bout with sword saint Hellen a couple of days ago. I heard you beat her in a duel giving her a black eye."Drakus said in a conversational tone.

Zee grimaced at the painful reminder. "Did you also hear that she broke my ribs and defeated me the next nine matches in a row?"Zee asked.

Drakus laughed, shaking his head. "The fact that you managed to win even one match against that woman is impressive," Drakus said.

"I don't think so. I got lucky, and caught her off guard." Zee said.

Drakus rolled his shoulders and tested the training sword by swinging it through the air a few times.

"It's sometimes better to be lucky than good," Drakus said. Without any more hesitation, he rushed in to attack.

Just as she suspected, Duke Drakus was quite skilled with a sword. Though he had some glaring flaws in his style.

After a few exchanges where he didn't take the opportunity to kick or punch when he had an opening, she came to a realization.

This man lacked experience in combat. Fighting with your sword alone was a handicap. She learned that from repeatedly getting punched and kicked during her sparring with Allison.

Over the next hour, Duke Drakus learned that lesson in return. Not utilizing one's natural weapons was a grave mistake.

With a groan, the duke massaged his bruised jaw. "I feel like a bruised slab of meat,"Drakus said.

"Maybe you should dodge more. I mean seriously, It was like you were trying to get hit." Zee said giving him a playful smirk.

He grimaced, wincing as his bruised ribs screamed in protest.

"You are a violent person you know that right?" Drakus said.

"Hey. It's not my fault every damned noble in the kingdom keeps knocking at my door." Zee said unhappily.

"If you don't like it, then why don't you make them work for it?"Drakus said.

"Go on." Zee said, interested.

"Well, I mean, you ruffed me up quite a bit. Most of the nobility take dueling very seriously. If you state that they must duel you personally to have a chat, many will back down. For those that don't, you will get some practice. And if they piss you off, you will get to hit them if you don't like them."Drakus said.

Zee gave him an inquisitive look. "I think I see how you became a duke at such a young age. You are devious. "Zee said approvingly.

He gave her a mischievous half-smile. Just looking at that smile made her feel like she was being cheated on in their deal.

A brilliant idea came to her, one Bastion and Greg might not like. Or they might be excited, either way, she was going to ask regardless.

"I want one other thing before I make you the spatial storage,"Zee said.

"If it is in my power, you shall have it," Drakus said.

"I hear this year's tournament is going to be extremely dangerous. I want you to get Bastion and Greg a spot in the tournament with me."Zee said.

Drakus cocked his head, his ears twitching as he thought about it.

"It can be done, though it may take a few favors."Drakus mused. " And I suppose you will want them outfitted as well?"

"Yes, "Zee said.

"Consider it done,"Drakus said cracking a wide smile. That smile made her want to punch him again. How could a person be so unbelievably aggravating?

There was a loud knock on the front door of the mansion. Zee focused on her spatial ripple skill, her face scrunching up in disappointment. She was close enough that sense that the person was a human.

It must be a messenger from a noble of Carmanah then. Zee tossed her practice sword into her right hand giving Drakus a devious smile.

"Well, you have yourself a good day. I am going to greet the new guests in the way you suggested." Zee said.

Drakus chortled, his fluffy ears twitching in amusement. "I will send an aide to get you sometime tomorrow," Drakus said turning to leave.

"What about Bastion and Greg?" Zee asked.

"Don't worry, they will be accompanying the aide. Might as well get you all geared up at once. " Drakus said.

With that he strode up the lawn, limping as he disappeared around the house, leaping the fence with much less grace then when he entered.
