
No more!

This bunos chapter is dedicated to @MonsterUnderTheBed!! A very big thank you for the supergift!!! <3< p>


"When will Sebastian be returning? Or don't tell me that he did not tell you that as well?" Elle asked as Lorna began to head back to the door, taking the trays along with her. She had asked questions while she was eating but the maid could not or perhaps it was more that she would not give her any answers.

"I'm not told anything about that too, princess. I'm sorry once again." Lorna answered before the door shut closed again behind her. Elle had caught the slight flush on Lorna's cheeks just before she left the room. It could be embarrassment due to not knowing anything, or embarrassment due to guilt of concealing the truth from her.


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
