
Chapter 80

2537 November 16th, late afternoon

Axel had just landed on Reach after returning from Earth. His destination was the Covenant Prison located at an ONI black site. Despite having been built 2 years ago, he had never visited the Prison in person as he was too busy with other matters. But now he had cleared his schedule to visit the prison and visit some of the captured Sangheili.

As the Pelican flew across the sky towards the prison, Axel was sitting in the back scrolling through a tablet that contained information on the recent projects which were either almost completed or had just been started. Thanks to the capture of numerous Covenant ships, the UNSC now had a lot of data on various Covenant technologies such as Slipspace translocation, more commonly called teleportation.

The Covenant had reverse engineered Forerunner technology and used the Slipspace translocation to speed up the deployment of their invasion forces. During the invasion of Actium by the Covenant, the had used this technology and built a Deployment spire on the surface of the planet allowing them to instantly teleport dropships, troops, and other equipment to the surface of the planet.

However, the UNSC had discovered these deployment spires and taken them out quickly before the Covenant could fully utilize them.

Slipspace translocation was already being researched on Trove and Installation Zero Four, but they hadn't been able to make any significant breakthroughs with the technology.

However, with the captured covenant technology, they could replicate it as it was already reverse engineered and not as advanced as the Forerunner technology. There was a long list of technologies, some of which Axel thought would be extremely beneficial to their development.

As the Pelican approached the prison, the landing pad became visible revealing numerous armed guards standing watch around the area.

Once the Pelican touched down, he stepped out onto ground as 4 10ft tall Spartans approached him. They were some of the core members of Blue Team that Axel had called to the prison to intimidate the Sangheili and show them that they aren't as fierce and strong as they think they are.

For the past 2 years they have been only seen normal ONI guards and not an actual Spartan. The last time most of them physically saw a Spartan was 2 years ago.

As the 4 Spartans approached, they saluted Axel. Axel returned the salute as a smile appeared on his face, "How's it going John?" asked Axel.

"Good Sir," Replied John. "I just wish there was more Covenant to kill since it's been rather quiet lately.

Axel chuckled, "Well if you want some action then I can arrange that for you" Axel was referring to the Surface of Trove which is overrun by the Flood. If the Spartans want some action, then he can send them to start clearing the surface of the planet. First, he would need to create something for their armor so that it wouldn't be breached by the Flood.

As they strolled towards the prison's entrance, he began briefing them on the situation. He detailed the number of Sangheili held within, their rankings in the Covenant hierarchy, and the intelligence they'd gathered so far.

Inside, the prison was much different than the greenery he had seen outside the prison. The walls were cold hardened steel with ceilings cast in shadows. Artificial lights glowed ominously along the corridors leading to the detention cells.

As they reached the first cell which was separated by an energy shield, Axel had looked at the Sangheili Elite standing on the other side. Its four-jawed mouth curled upwards in an apprehensive snarl as its eyes narrowed at their presence.

An ONI officer handed him another tablet with interrogation notes and a translation tool. Axel took it and approached the energy shield, as John and the other Spartan followed closely behind him.

"Demons" murmured the Elite as he looked at the Spartans behind Axel.

"You are Hru'a 'Ahnkalee," Axel stated loud enough for his voice to be heard by the Elite.

The Sangheili met his gaze, emitting an intense growl with its reply. "What do you want Human?"

"I want your cooperation," Axel responded. "I'm sure you've heard rumors about what we do with our... guests." He gestured loosely to the surrounding cells.

The Sangheili snorted, a deep, resonating sound that echoed in the cell. "We are not afraid of what you Humans do."

"That's good," Axel said with a small smile, looking through the files on his tablet. "Fear tends to cloud judgement. I'd rather we talk as equals." suggested Axel.

"Equals?" The Elite scoffed, crossing its arms over its broad chest. "You may be tall, but you are no equal to me, Human."

John shifted behind Axel, an instinctual reaction to the alien's disrespect. But Axel held up a hand to calm him down before turning back to the Sangheili.

"You are right, compared to me you are quite weak, and your arrogance blinds you," Axel finished smoothly, his eyes meeting the Elite's. "But that does not mean we cannot negotiate."

The Sangheili growled again but did not offer a response.

"You see," Axel continued, flicking through a few more documents on his tablet, "Your comrades have been very cooperative. They've given us extremely valuable information. Information that could bring about an end to this war." He was lying and simply trying to manipulate the Elite into.

"A War we shall win," the Elite spat back defiantly.

Axel simply shrugged. "Perhaps. But it would be foolish to think that victory is guaranteed. There are always alternatives."

"We can reduce your sentence, treat you better. All in exchange for some assistance."

"And what makes you think I would betray my people?" The Sangheili's voice was pure venom.

"A better question," Axel said candidly, "is what makes you think we need your betrayal?"

The Elite paused at that, its gaze wavering for the first time.

"What do you mean?" it asked.

"I mean," replied Axel with a telling grin, "that we do not need traitors to achieve our goals. We are not the same as you." He let those words hang in the air for a moment before continuing.

"You have seen our Spartans, 'Demons' as you called them, and yet your people continue to underestimate us. It's quite fascinating, really."

"We will never bow to you!" The Elite said defiantly.

"Not now, no" replied Axel. "But in due time you will" this got the Elite riled up which is exactly what Axel wanted.

He turned to his left where Commander was standing "Open the cell" ordered Axel.

The Commander didn't ask any questions and opened the Cell causing the energy shield to drop. The Elite immediately charged Axel while he stood there with his arms placed behind his back.

But before the Elite could reach him, he was hit in the gut and sent flying back against his cell wall. Kelly had used her speed and punched the Elite in his gut before he could reach Axel.

"Pathetic," Stated Axel. "You claim to be strong yet here you are, defeated"

The Elite sat against the wall as he couldn't move from the hit he received moments ago.

"You see," Axel began, his voice echoing off the walls, "Your kind have become so accustomed to fighting lesser beings. You underestimate us because you believe we are no different than the Grunts and Jackals you slaughter." he stated, shaking his head.

"But we are not those creatures. We are humans." He gestured towards himself and his Spartans, "We have strength, intelligence and determination that you cannot fathom."

He walked into the cell and knelt down next to the Sangheili, breaking the physical distance between them. Despite its current state of defeat, the creature met his gaze with stubborn defiance.

After a few seconds he stood up and walked towards the Commander, "How much information has he given us?" asked Axel.

"Sir, he has been hard to get information out of, so far we have nothing, and he continues to be defiant" replied the Commander.

"Alright then, that means that he is useless and a waste of space," said Axel. "Get rid of him, he doesn't want to provide us information therefore he is useless"

"Aye, Sir" replied the Commander not wasting any time to call a group of guards to secure the Elite and take him elsewhere to dispose of him.

Axel looked at the tablet and proceeded to the next target. His name was Ripa 'Moramee, a former Arbiter turned into a servant for the new Arbiter Khega 'Votamee. A few minutes later they had arrived at Ripa 'Moramee cell.

For the remainder of his stay Axel conversed with the prisoners and could see the difference in some of them. All of them were honor bound warriors but a few of them recognized the strength of the Humans. Ripa 'Moramee was beginning to lose faith in the Hierarchs as they had ignored his warning about the Holy Relics in possession of the Humans and cost them more Sangheili lives.

Through his interactions with humans, he began to gain an understanding of their species. He was amazed by their perseverance in the face of losing so many lives during the war. It made him question the true motives behind the Hierarchs' decision to declare a Holy war against humans.

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